nantokanaru-sa-blog · 10 years
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                   no one can predict the future, so it's pointless to fear the unknown.
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nantokanaru-sa-blog · 10 years
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       He sighs gratefully. For a moment, her expression had really worried him. If she had really wanted the juice that badly, he would have gone out to get her some (as though he had a choice), but the heat would have been unbearable. Of course, it probably isn't much hotter outside than it is indoors. They don't have central air conditioning, and the fan on the ground can only do so much. Even so, it's a small blessing. When he brings her the requested beverage, he comes with a second glass for himself.  “There you go--nice and cold, fresh from the fridge!” Grinning, he takes a large gulp of the lemonade. Refreshing.
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She sits at the table waiting patiently, only to puff up her cheeks as she makes a noise of disappointment. Yoh-sama didn’t have any strawberry-kiwi juice for Opacho to drink? Useless! She glowers at the other briefly, mentally willing him to go find her some of her requested drink, but at the mention of strawberry lemonade her pout disappears as quickly as it came and she nods. Gladly accepting it as a suitable substitute.
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nantokanaru-sa-blog · 10 years
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       “Hang on just a moment.” Yoh takes her cup and heads over to the fridge, scanning the available drinks. Unfortunately, there's nothing as exotic as "strawberry-kiwi". He puzzles over the problem a moment, unsure if he's ever seen that flavor in anything other than juice pouches. Defeated, he goes back to tell her the bad news. “Sorry, we don't have that one. If you like strawberry lemonade, there's plenty of it!” She doesn't seem too demanding. He hopes she doesn't expect him to go out and buy the juice.
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She could have simply just tapped the table, but Opacho didn’t feel like making things simple at the moment. Glancing down at her now empty cup, which had previously been filled with Pineapple juice, the child decided she wanted something new. Sliding the cup towards her master’s twin, Opacho replies. “Strawberry-Kiwi.”
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nantokanaru-sa-blog · 10 years
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       “Y-yes, Anna.”
       He understood that it took a lot out of someone to watch after a child--especially one as high-energy as Hana--but there was a limit to how much rice one person could eat. He wanted to point out how much toilet trouble she'd have if she ate another bowl, but something told him she wouldn't like that. So, he filled it with more rice and handed it back to her, watching and waiting for a response.
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"Yoh. Okawari."
Looking after Hana all day was really tiring - Anna was always famished at mealtimes.
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nantokanaru-sa-blog · 10 years
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       He stares back at the child, only slightly surprised at the sudden sound of her cup clacking loudly against the table. He doesn't really want to get up, but there's no one else around. So be it. “What kind of juice?” With so many people coming and going, they've gotten into the habit of stocking more than one flavor.
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The toddler stares at the younger Asakura for barely a moment, then she slams her empty cup down on the table. “Juice!”
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nantokanaru-sa-blog · 10 years
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       He nodded once in thanks. Museum of Modern Art. It seemed to be simple enough. An entire museum would be hard to miss. As she spoke on, his eyes widened slightly in surprise. There had not been many who tried to speak with him in his home tongue. Though she sounded unsure of herself, he appreciated the attempt. “Yeah-- nihonjin desu. I am Japanese.” Curiously, his eyes flickered over to her earbuds. “What are you listening to?” 
      He didn't know very many American artists well, at least not well enough to recognize them instantly by name, but he'd heard enough top 40 on the radio to hum along to a few and bungle the lyrics of a few others. Still, there was no harm in trying to make conversation; the concert was hours away--he had plenty of time to head over.
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        His accent was lilted. The way Leo’s leant when he’d spent a long time in counsel with Splinter speaking nothing but Japanese,  ”——- Oh! Yeah, you’re on the right road. Just keep heading North” She pointed in that direction, popping both of her earbuds out and draping them around her neck “If you hit the Museum of Modern Art, you’ve gone too far” She was probably going to embarrass herself, but —"Anata…wa…um, nihon? Japan? You’re from Japan?”
Nailed it.
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nantokanaru-sa-blog · 10 years
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       “'Scuse me, Miss!” With a good-natured smile, he approached the woman, sheepishly  running  a  hand  through his hair.  Though his English was still accented, it was understandable enough. He'd been  to  America  before, but  his  trip had  been closer  to the  west coast and  he hadn't  had nearly  as much  time to  devote to leisure. This  was  a  whole  new adventure. “Can you  tell me  how to  get to Radio City Music Hall from here?”
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nantokanaru-sa-blog · 11 years
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When people tell me “They’re too young. Surely, nothing happened when she slept beside him in that one chapter”, I show them this chapter. Yohken asked Yoh if he had children, and Yoh answered “NO…wait, how can I say that…” And then Amidamaru whispered something that made Yohken say ‘Lucky’ XD
Also multiple times during this arc, we see Anna being treated with more care, implying she was pregnant.
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nantokanaru-sa-blog · 11 years
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Happy wedding anniversary for Yoh and Anna  (/; u ;)/ 
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nantokanaru-sa-blog · 11 years
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nantokanaru-sa-blog · 11 years
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nantokanaru-sa-blog · 11 years
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nantokanaru-sa-blog · 11 years
No one knows what will happen in the future. There is no sense in worrying in something you do not and cannot control, so why bother?
Yoh Asakura
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nantokanaru-sa-blog · 11 years
One Love/People Get Ready - Bob Marley & The Wailers
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nantokanaru-sa-blog · 11 years
"Mm, that’s a tough question." Yoh paused and smiled, giving himself a moment to collect his thoughts. "I’d have to say it’s probably these." He chuckled and gestured to the headphones that held the bulk of his hair out of his face. "I’ve had them a long time."
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