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Leaving your mark Exhibition Facebook Page ~ Created by Ollie
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Chloe's presentation
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Final feedback board with comments
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Feedback from viewers ~ Comments include "Favourite I've seen yet! The theme really came through and the use of food to interrupt the next stage in the timeline is very smart" another wrote "fun, interactive and tells a story well".
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Exhibition Night Guests
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Catalogue changed ~ Unfortunately my catalogue was completely changed at the last minute which I haven’t been very happy about because I spent a long time thinking about it and creating it.
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Exhibition night ~ Timeline representing age and life.
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Setting up the Exhibition ~ IPS Room
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Exhibition Posters up and around the School of Art!!
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Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery ~ Promotional items and displays throughout the gallery. Interactive cards allow viewers to answers to questions about the work.
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A look around Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery ~ Beautiful displays some with much lighter lit rooms. The round room when entering is still dimly lit. Some of the paintings are hung very high and can only be seen from standing far away. Many of the rooms have artwork placed in the centre. This fills up the space nicely and allows people to sit down on benches throughout the gallery placed in the middle of the rooms to appreciate artworks.
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Crystal Glitch Exhibition ~ Group Two Really good use of the space and work that had a running theme. I really liked the posters for this exhibition and the atmosphere in the space being so relaxed.
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Exhibition Catalogue creation
In the last group meeting we allocated positions. I have created the catalogue of artists works for viewers to look at when visiting the exhibition. This is not yet complete and needs to be shown to the rest of the group. I have chosen a black colour theme to contrast the mainly white imagery and make the work look it's most professional. I feel the white against black represents this feeling of timelessness.
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Exhibition space
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Level 5 and 6 e-mail responses to our group about their work.
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Personal initial notes and ideas
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Researching previous presentations of student shows I have looked at previous work created by students to get a better idea of how the module will evolve and plan out. I think it is interesting how varied and different they are and how open this project can really be. I think it is important we now cement our title, concept and theme and start allocating positions in the group and start working individually as well as having group meetings and discussions.
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