narayanseva-blog · 4 years
The laws and rights of mentally challenged individuals in India
Humans have asserted themselves to be the most intelligent species to have ever walked on planet Earth. The human brain is such that until today medical science has not been able to explain it in entirety. For instance, we still don’t know how memories are actually stored. It is because of this brain that humans have made significant discoveries and lived the best life for themselves, but sometimes there occurs a disorder in it which we colloquially refer to as madness or insanity.
What Is Mental Illness? Who Is Mentally Ill?
The Indian Mental Health Act, 1987 defines mentally ill person as ‘a person who needs treatment for mental disorder.”
As we see by the definitions ‘mental illness’, the most drastic consequence seems to be that it disables a person to function as a normal human being. These people need treatment which should consist of care and love, but most often they are ill-treated b............read more
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narayanseva-blog · 4 years
Food is a major issue in India. People who come to state hospitals and other public health services for help are generally from the poor section of the society. They cannot afford to buy food on a regular basis. So, Narayan Seva Sansthan provides food to the people who come to our hospitals for service. They provide free food to the patients and their families. So,  Narayan Seva Sansthan takes care of all their basic needs. They see to it that those people are well fed and do not go to sleep in an empty stomach.
Maximum Care in the NSS Hospitals
Hospitals are the place which gives new life to people. Patients come with problems and leave after getting proper treatment and getting cured. But during this time, we often see that the patients and their close ones go through a great deal of trouble. Often in the not so developed parts of the society, we can see how a hospital gets overcrowded as people from all over the area rush to it, either to save their loved ones or cure some of their ailment. It is that when the face several issues other than medical ones. They face the issue of food and shelter. Often, we see that the family members of the patient spending the night on the pavements of the road or under whatever little shelter they get. They face scarcity of food. There is only a fixed amount of time a person can withstand hunger before they lose their sanity. So, often hospitals provide free food servicesfor both the patients and their caretakers.
Free food for all the people
The hospitals like that of Narayan Seva Sansthan provide free patient mealsand free food for their attendants. NSS runs 12 hospitals in total. There are 4 in the Udaipur city and another 8 at Loyara, which is their international headquarter. All of these hospitals are fully equipped with the latest devices to provide the best diagnosis and treatment to their patients. They also have the provision of 1100 beds which is to give maximum comfort and accommodate as many people they want. Besides having these fantastic infrastructures, NSS has also stood firm on its humanitarian activities. It provides free meals to the health workers, the patients and also their caregivers. They do not discriminate as their motto.............read more
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narayanseva-blog · 4 years
Helping the Families of Daily Wage Earners under Narayan Garib Parivar Ration Yojna
It is considered that service to the poor and needy human beings is of equal importance to the service to God. In this world we are living, there is endless suffering. someone is suffering from something or the other all the time. But suffering from hunger is probably of the greatest pain, and even greater pain is to watch someone close to you suffering. We get very annoyed and irritated when we see someone who we are affectionate to, is experiencing hunger and pain. This year we have seen a lot of incidents which have forced people to think about their choices till now. How much are their actions responsible for the pain they are suffering and what needs to be done in the future?
NSS helping during Corona Pandemic
One similar such crisis appeared when the whole of India like many other countries was forced to go into lockdown to control the infection rate of the Corona Virus pandemic. thousands and thousands of people lost their jobs. The whole country was in a mess and the people who suffered the most were the daily wage earners. As there were no people on the street, there was no job available for them to do and thus their sole source of income got cut off. These people are so poor that rarely do they any savings which can support them for a long period of time. So, during times of crisis, these people face the maximum threat. Neither they have the employment to support their family nor the medical facilities if something unforeseen happens to them. This is where Narayan Seva Sansthan came to these people like saviours.
Essential items during this mass spread of disease
When these people were suffering for food and were going to sleep in their hungry stomachs, Narayan Seva Sansthan came forward with the helping hand. They provided them with food and groceries so that they can feed their family and helped them to survive. They started to do this from the initial stages of the lockdown as they knew that the people are the most severely affected and would perish if no one came forward with help. Since the lockdown began NSS has provided the needy people with 94610 food packets, 51700 masks and 4805 families with ration supplies. They did all this good work just to make sure that no one stays hungry when going to sleep.
Ration to help the people survive
The Sansthan not only provided the poor and underprivileged people with food but also with employment. We all have seen how the suddenness of this deadly coronavirus pandemic engulfed us and the people who were most at risk were the police, the sanitation workers, the people of the essential sector and most importantly, the people in the health sector, i.e., the doctors, nurses. Attendants and other medical workers. These people needed the masks and PPE kits to protect themselves from this highly communicable disease, but the existing................read more
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narayanseva-blog · 4 years
Top 10 NGOs in India working for Disabled People
NGOs, as they are called in popular language, are organizations engaged in carrying out a wide variety of programs for the benefit of vulnerable people and society as a whole. NGOs operate independently, as the name implies, without any government financial support while they can work in close cooperation with government agencies to implement their projects.According to the 2011 census, about 2.21 percent of India's population is disabled, which means that in our country there are a little more than 2 crore people living with any sort of physical or mental impairment that makes it difficult for them to work in what we want to call "normal" society. With such a vast population with special needs, it's important to understand why they are still a desperately needed upliftment minority group. The social and physical barriers built-in society are preventing people with different abilities from rising above their station and living up to their full potential.The social stigma surrounding incurable mental disorders leaves people strangled from an apathetic culture, without any hope. The fact that they need medical treatment that would need more funding leaves most families in poverty. Especially in a country such as India, where the majority of the population are from a rural background struggling to meet ends. Most NGOs and organizations are working hard to shift that mindset and make the planet a more open environment for everyone. A few organizations in India mentioned below are seeking to make the planet a better place for people with physical disabilities and opportunities to contribute to their endeavors. 1.   Narayan Seva Sansthan Narayan Seva Sansthan' is a non-profit charity founded in 1985 with a fistful of flour and with a view to serve the patients belonging to the physically and economically disadvantaged sections of the society through the free corrective surgeries of patients suffering from polio and other congenital disabilities. This Top Charitable Organization has successfully completed more than 418750 free-of-cost polio surgical surgeries of multiple patients, irrespective of race, sex, religion, etc. Narayan Seva Sansthan is working to become the Top Charity Organization for the welfare of 'differently capable,' poor, and needy people. At Narayan Seva Sansthan, they provide free breakfast facilities, two-time meals residential housing, medical care including laboratory tests, and corrective surgery for patients who come to the organization's hospital for care from different parts of India and abroad. 2.   Ritham Special School for the Mentally Challenged Children The lack of access to appropriate special education and individual care has led to more than 60,000 young adults of various abilities dropping out of school. Specially Ritham School curates syllabi based on their students ' individual assessments and provides a 1:8 teacher-student ratio ensuring that all students receive proper individual attention. 3.   Vikash In India, the most physically disabled people are from a rural background. Failure to obtain the care and social services needed makes it impossible for them to be independent. Vikash works with children who are mentally disabled who have epilepsy. They provide people with door-to-door counseling, training, and counseling. 4.   Diya Foundation Everybody feels the need to be in an open environment, surrounded by people who value him. The Diya Foundation aims to establish a support network and offers vocational training for adults with intellectual disabilities so that they can be independent, financially, and in society. 5.   National Society for Equal Opportunities for the Handicapped National Society For Equal Opportunities For the Handicapped, India (NASEOH, INDIA) has worked continuously to create meaningful recovery opportunities for people with disabilities to promote their inclusion into society. NASEOH networked with the Indian government, national and international bodies to raise awareness of the differences in education, vocational training, employment, and advocacy issues related to disabled people. 6.   Adarsh Charitable Trust Education and medical assistance go hand-in-hand when it comes to special needs. Most people with various disabilities need some form of medical treatment to coexist in a social environment, whether physical or mental. Adarsh trust is the natural combination of the two. They provide both counseling and therapy for students who deal with different kinds of needs. 7.   The Association of People with Disability (APD) APD, India is a nonprofit organization that is changing the lives of disabled persons. In rural and urban Karnataka, they run comprehensive programs to allow, equip, and empower children and adults with a variety of disabilities including locomotive, spinal cord injury, speech and hearing, cerebral palsy, and to some degree mental disorders. 8.    Mata Bhagwanti Chadha Niketan (MBCN) This is a school that offers children with a mental disability, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, hearing impairment, and other disabilities with all of the recovery services needed. The institution currently provides rehabilitation services totally free of cost to 550 approximately beneficiaries. 9.    Ragini Foundation The Ragini Foundation is a non-profit organization established in 2000, which operates mainly in the Specially Abled and Skill Creation area. Provides schooling and vocational programs for adults with physical and intellectual challenges to help them live an active, self-reliant life. 10.   ARVITrust ARVITrust is a non-profit organization, established in 1995, which operates mainly in the Specially Abled environment. Provides counseling and other recovery facilities through its various educational programs, classes, and centers for people with intellectual disorders and hearing impairments. It aims to assist children in their development and help them overcome their physical and mental limitations so as to become independent and self-reliant community members. NGOs' research goes a long way in building a country. With the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Act mandating 2 percent of large corporate spending on social issues, NGOs have the ability through their work to reach millions of lives further. NGOs have streamlined their activities over the years and increased their sizes. NGOs have also proved themselves to be agents of change. They will continue to play a significant role in helping large sections of Indian society emerge from the quagmire of poverty and distress in time to come.
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narayanseva-blog · 5 years
Royal Divyang Vivah 2019: A Cordial Invitation
“To witness two lovers is a spectacle for the Gods”
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  Everyone aspires to live a fulfilling life and to live it with someone special. No matter their physical, social or economic condition, this is a general need for a happy life for most.
 A major population of the physically-challenged and economically-disadvantaged section of our society has found this to be quite a hassle.  
 At Narayan Seva Sansthan we are dedicated to the cause of supporting our differently-abled friends in improving their social, economic and physical conditions. ‘Divyang Vivah’ is one such initiative, where we conduct a mass wedding of all such couples without any charges.
This is an all-religion wedding where the couples are tied into the union as per the religious ceremony they prefer.
We arrange solemnizers, saints, and people of faith from numerous religions to carry out wedding ceremonies for every couple's religion.
This unique one-of-a-kind wedding ceremony is organized twice a year.
We have been conducting this wedding ceremony for more than 18 years now, and have undertaken 32 editions till date.
On 7th and 8th September 2019, we are organizing its 33rd edition. A total of 52 couples are going to be wedded.
This huge event is more than a dream-come-true for these couples. And it couldn’t have been possible without the funds received from our donors. Our well-wishing donors have always stood by our side in helping us get our challenged friends to become socially, physically and economically stable.
This time is no different and we do not doubt that there will be any fewer funds that would come forth to make this Divyang mass wedding become the best the Nation has ever witnessed.
We request your benign presence on this auspicious event and shower your blessings and well-wishes to the new to-be-wedded couples.
To offer a hand of help through your donations, please click here.
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narayanseva-blog · 5 years
Cow, a symbol of holiness in Indian Culture, also represents prosperity and fertility. Keeping this in mind a Cow Shelter is maintained in the premises of Narayan Seva Sansthan is a top NGO in India healing center at Badi, Udaipur (Rajasthan) to protect and nurture the holy animal. Donate a cow or donate an amount for the expenses incurred to manage the shelter as per your convenience.
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narayanseva-blog · 5 years
A donation box by Narayan Seva Sansthan namely NGO for disabled - Amrit Kalash, has been installed at different big and small shops and offices to make it convenient to donate for everyday visitors to the concerned places without being much of a hassle. Help us with the donations by installing one such Donation Box from the organization at your designated place and start collecting donations on behalf of the organization.
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narayanseva-blog · 5 years
Narayan Seva Sansthan is one of the best NGO in India running a school named Narayan Children Academy for underprivileged and disabled children where a child is taught by digital media study techniques by professional teachers. All the facilities including accommodation, clothing’s, food, books, playground, etc are provided by the Sansthan to children and we focus mainly on their bright future. If you are willing to sponsor one or more child education then you can select the Donate now option below to turn their future to dazzling side. Contribute a small about to make a big change.
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narayanseva-blog · 5 years
“Katha Yajman Shayogis” can organize Kathas in their respective Town/Cities and extend their support to the cause of the organization. “Katha”, which is discoursed by renowned Saints and Delegates, are sacred stories about Indian Mythologies aiming to impart knowledge about cultural and spirituality amongst the community. Through such “Kathas”, donations are collected which in turn are utilized to help the deprived community in a very possible way.
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narayanseva-blog · 5 years
Donate money online to help Narayan Seva Sansthan is best NGO in India organizing free service camps for disabled needy people.
Another initiative of Narayan Seva Sansthan is the Service Camps which the Sansthan has been organizing in different parts of the country and abroad. These camps have crossed thousands in number and have successfully provided to aid to all the patients and beneficiaries around the globe. Diagnosis, Checkup, and distributions of aids appliances in free are some o the inclusions of the camp. Helping Camps in addition to these provide material support such as Clothes, Food, Shelter, Opportunities and other financial, non- financial aids to the needy and the underprivileged.
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narayanseva-blog · 6 years
आज का अमृत कलश। #quoteoftheday #FridayFeeling
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narayanseva-blog · 6 years
आज का अमृत कलश। #quoteoftheday #ThursdayThoughts
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narayanseva-blog · 6 years
आज का अमृत कलश। #quoteoftheday #WednesdayWisdom
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narayanseva-blog · 6 years
आज का अमृत कलश। #quoteoftheday #TuesdayThoughts #TuesdayMorning
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narayanseva-blog · 6 years
आज का अमृत कलश। #quoteoftheday #MondayMotivation
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narayanseva-blog · 6 years
आज का अमृत कलश। #quoteoftheday #SundayThoughts #SundayMotivation
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narayanseva-blog · 6 years
आज का अमृत कलश। #quoteoftheday #SaturdayMotivation #SaturdayMorning
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