nardo-bias · 2 years
You know I'd call Itache a son of a bi*ch had he not been related to Sasuke cuz I don't want to insult his mom smh. So he remains a douchebag instead.
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nardo-bias · 2 years
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nardo-bias · 3 years
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nardo-bias · 3 years
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i cannot believe sasuke smiles after killing itachi and they didnt animate it and just had him disassociate before passing out how have i never seen this fucking image in 7 years of liking naruto
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nardo-bias · 3 years
Delusionals above my comment^
Naruto fans will watch this scene and be like wow they must be in love this is so romantic
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nardo-bias · 3 years
Soooo like anyways..... contrary to popular fanon beliefs, Mei terumi is THE strongest yes battle wise amongst the gokage.
not only that but among them she is the only who actually became kage based on merit. Meaning she has zero ties/connections to her 4 previous predecessors. Wasnt related by blood, family, teacher/student, political/inner circle, social group, none of it.
AAAAAND! on top of it, she is the most/smartest political kage/leader and the bravest. Lets break this part down:
1) she grew up in 100year systemic oppressive society with a fuckton of corruption and abuse ---caste society, genocide, discrimination(based on individuals with certain blood types aka kkg wielder)racism
2)having children 9 year olds kill each other to prove that they can even shinobi and by kiri standards it was bare minimum.
3)had to fight/overthrow a government that had&was being influenced by Madara fucking Uchiha, trashbito, and akatsuki.
4)she actually chnaged kirigakure society system of governance for the better, and made improvements. On top of which she makes sure to NOT glorify the past, such as Ao who keeps harping that the bloody mist days were better(like the fuck dude), and reminds him that it was a terrible time horrible era for the mist.
. unlike, you know, a certain hero protagonist that not only agreed that the uchiha massacre was correct, it was also a good thing; itachi, danzo, hiruzen, the elders were right and justified, covered it up, told his "best friend" that he needs to "calm down" and return to the village were he belongs, and then precedes to beat the shit out of him till sasuke had no more fight in him, and doesnt changed the system despite the fact he is the main character of the series and had more dedicated screen time and development with his swing then growing a brain.
Mei is also respectful not only to kiri nin, but also to her enemies. Examples include Gaara during the kage summit and Madara. She also doesn't berate, or speak/think low of others, instead reminding them of their worth(wish you did this for yourself beautiful but its usually easier to uplift others instead of yourself is'nit), is patient, understanding, not arrogant or an ass ... and so much more. The complete opposite of how one is raised grew and lived in such a hellish place. And she shown to try and lighten things up. Heaven knows she's done living in a depressed state.
Overall the least problematic kage and doesnt deserve to be lumped with the other kages.
She did her best with what she had, and thats all anyone can ask for. Because Mei could have easily left kiri and said the hell with it, but she planted her feet and stayed to help her homeland. A literal sweetheart 💕
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nardo-bias · 3 years
You know I didn't realize before but after reading more manga, the artstyle in nardo manga and anime just looks so fucking simple and boring in comparation. Like honestly I don't even know why I bothered watching in the first place. Main excuse is that it was my first ever anime unfortunately.
If I started with a better anime or manga then today I wouldn't even bother giving this bitch a try.
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nardo-bias · 3 years
I'm Naruto. I'll do anything to be acknowledged. I'll let corrupt things be, censor the truth, give false promises, and I'll even suck off the chlorophyll of The Leaf that threw poison ivy at me. All will acknowledge me and my backstory. Road to Warkrimege here I come. BELIEVE IT!
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nardo-bias · 3 years
There’s something quite incredible that happens with Hinata stans and their constant defense of her character, over and over, they use the same two arguments to defend her, so I shall break them down:
1- “She was disowned and/or was too young to do anything”: While both of these statements are true, particularly on the first part when this issue is introduced, and I’m sure many anti-fans complain about her inaction, the fact that the only thing pro-fans take for “action” is to stand against Hiashi is very telling of their bias.
Hinata taking a stand against the slavery of her clan is just as easy as showing uneasiness with the situation (something she did not, never, at any point), or by understanding Neji’s resentment. Instead, she acknowledges Neji’s anger only to quickly brush it off: paraphrasing, it will be something like “Oh, you’re annoyed because you’re a slave, you should get over it because I had it rough too” -the fact that she canonically knows the problem it presents to enslave people, yet believes it to be something to “get over with”, it’s the thing we’re often pointing out.
It’s not only with Neji, the same happens with her interaction with Ko during Pain’s arc; he expressively tells her he will be "never forgiven" (implying that he will get a punishment) should she get injured, still, she jumps in to “save” Naruto (yet she does nothing in order to do that), not caring about Ko’s destiny at the hands of the Main Branch.
Let’s add something here, Ko would have been punished non-other than Hiashi and Hanabi Hyuga, meaning that her sister, who is five years younger -eleven/twelve years old at this Arc’s time- is already aware of her position and the branch family members' (lower) place, and takes immediate action over that difference: So either her [young] age has nothing to do with her (in)action on the matter, or Hinata isn't as smart as Hanabi as to understand how her clan works.
Furthermore, to claim “they were raised differently” has no hold other than in fandom mentality, for they differed at the beginning simply on training:
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Hiashi trained Hanabi while Hinata trained with Kurenai, but that only seemed to happen after her graduation as gënin, for all we know, and for what is pointed out in Hanabi's entrance in the First Databook, Hinata was raised as the Hyuga heir until her first graduation when she proved to be not in the standards expected for someone her age. Even back then, Hanabi wasn't "officially" Hiashi's successor.
2- “She was afraid of Hiashi, since he was/is her abuser”. While it’s true that Hiashi downgraded her and psychologically mistreated her when constantly demoting her value and, in exchange, raising Hanabi’s, there are few things to say about this:
a- It’s established in the Databook that she had a pleasant childhood, and while having carefree infancy doesn't exactly contradicts the idea of Hiashi being verbally abusive to her, it does clash with the idea of her being absolutely (that is, completely) scared of him rather than sad for the degradation.
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b- The relationship between Hinata and Hiashi dramatically changed during the second part of the manga (after the Chünin Exams, she’s seen smiling and bringing tea to both Hiashi and Neji), to the point where even when “disowned” she got no Cage Bird Seal (meaning, she still was part of the main family and therefore still possessed the privileges that came with it) and how Hiashi, even when away, went out of his way to ensure her safety (such as forcing Ko to protect her). To claim that she was “still afraid” of her father when there’s not only a single indication of her uneasiness but there’re quite obvious displays of their good-terms relationship, it’s grasping at straws to defend something that doesn't exist.
c- It’s correct to point out what she had to go through, surely having such enormous pressure on her shoulders at such young age and not being able to deliver is harsh on everyone, but pointing out her position as a victim is often done either to dismiss her implication and endorsement on her clan’s slavery system and/or to downplay Neji’s own experiences with the abuse of the Main Family. Not only did he have to endure the same type (well, actually worse, since his life in itself was considered less important than anyone from the Main Family) of degradation from Hiashi, but also the threat of physical torture shall he disobey, something that Hinata canonically never was hinted to suffer from.
It could be reasonable to spare Hinata from any responsibility on the matter during the first part (I, personally, since she displayed enough knowledge about the matter and what it entailed, don’t think so), but during Shippuden -when she’s not young anymore by shinobi standards and her relationship with Hiashi is shown to be better, the arguments in her favor collapse completely.
In the real world exists a phrase often used in the feminist movement that applies perfectly here: Those who see abuse/harassment and do nothing about it might as well be endorsing it.
To simply claim “oh, well, the real villain is Hiashi because he’s performing the bad deeds” without taking into account those who are in power and decide not to intervene (every single Hokage, including now Kakashi and Naruto, who changed nothing), and those who know what the system entails yet also display no discomfort/do nothing (Hinata might not have “real power” but she still is part of the Main Family and keeps quiet when she could easily reach to her sister and speak about her discomfort with the matter), it’s simply looking at the superficial reflections of the issue -instead of taking care of the roots.
And truthfully, the fact that somehow Hiashi is the villain for enslaving his people (as I’ve said, they put the entire weight of the Hyuga clan’s problems solely over his shoulders despite the existence of a political system that supports him), yet his words during the war are taken by her stans as inexorably proof of the change that apparently Hinata (alongside Neji) brought it’s quite… striking, to say the least. More considering that he was a character already proven to lie/hide important truths from clan members before.
In addition, the Branch Family still possess the Cage Bird Seal, while the main branch doesn’t: which means that, first, there’s still a distinction between both families that goes beyond political positions inside Konoha and goes into a physical difference: ones are marked while others aren’t -and second, whether Hiashi still performs torture or not doesn’t deny the quite real possibility of him re-incurring in such behavior, the threat of physical violence still stands for the branch family. Taking care of the seal is also a task quite easy to do, should they truly want to take care of it, I’ll put here some ways to resolve it at the top of my mind:
1. There’s no canon proof nor mention that the Cage Bird Seal can’t be removed. Neji states that the seal disappears when those with the mark die, yet, he might not know if it can truly be erased or not, since with that knowledge many branch members might seek freedom.
2. Even if we take Neji’s words as truthful, and we believe the Seal can’t be removed, there’s absolutely no evidence to state that the seal can’t be counteracted by another seal (a technique similar to the one Orochimaru used against Minato’s seal against Naruto).
3. The main family could easily get the seal so the Byakugan gets sealed when any member dies and the threat of someone torturing another member through it gets “nullified”.
Nothing of this is shown in the manga nor brought up by these individuals.
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Why is Naruto claiming this, if the Hyuga changed already? It's true that he was away for a long time, but are the changes Hiashi spoke about so little or subtle that Naruto wasn't able to see them during the duration of Shippuden? Which character are we calling a liar then, Hiashi, or Naruto?
And I’ll add this here, for good measure: Hinata might as well be endorsing it (she is, in fact, canonically endorsing it), and it will be fine from the narrative’s point of view because the manga ended with these issues not only not resolved, but accepted as the “lesser of all evils”; the problem here are her stans trying to save her from the implications of condoning such actions -when there’s no substance for their claims.
She either agrees with the Hyuga practices or she doesn’t, in this specific case, there’s no middle, no gray areas, because even ignoring the matter (despite knowing its existence), makes her an accomplice. You can still like her and very much enjoy her, that doesn’t mean she’s free from problematic characterizations, as every single character introduced by Kishimoto.
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nardo-bias · 3 years
You think a character that simply accepts injustice or ruination or just doesn’t complain when they should is better than a character that doesn’t do that?
How Pathetic and lame.
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nardo-bias · 3 years
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Sasuke never saw it coming
Meme template can be found here.
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nardo-bias · 3 years
Something I just realized unlike Naruto, Sasuke over the course of timeskip actually matured ( he had to of course his with amoral and sadistic monster like Orochimaru who saw him as his next vessel). Mind Sasuke was still teenager and of course would have more growing up to do, but he still showed signs of actual maturity ( willing to work with others and act like a team, let go of desire to be seen as "special", not giving damn anymore about rivalry.)
Because Sasuke had no choice but to become mature at a very young age after the massacre. He felt responsible for his clan's fate and wanted to honour them by seeking the man who murdered them even if it was his only goal in life...as a child. This was also amplified by the villagers who mocked and ridiculed him for not living up to the Uchiha's reputation, including his own teacher. He doesn't mock others without a reason nor does he act nosy because it's common for people to act in a way they wish other did to them. It's probably why I prefer him in Team Taka who don't depend on him to save them. They can pull their own weight.
On the other hand, our neighbourhood hero was only neglected as a child on Hiruzen's orders and the villagers' fears of him unleashing the kyuubi (to them, their fear is not unfounded). He still gets visits from Hiruzen himself. He is still an asset to Konoha. All the fics that write a sob story where he is completely neglected and thrown out of the village are stupid af and don't make sense. Konoha would be a fool to dispose Naruto, the host of the strongest tailed beast when separated from the ten tails. Neglected children either grow up closed off and mature or act in ways to garner the attention they didn't get from their guardians. Naruto chose to be the latter and still did as a teen saving the world, hence making his personality unbearable to some people. He got the attention he needed and still trauma dumps on others.
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nardo-bias · 3 years
Nagato is rolling in his grave whenever new burrito content comes out.
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wtf naruto nagato didn’t bring all ur stupid friends back to life for you to become ninja president and not even do the bare minimum??
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nardo-bias · 3 years
Fun stupid thing just happened. I was watching a superman vs ww video (forgot what it was about in detail) and some lost narutard felt the need to make a comment unrelated to the topic, saying something like This is what nardo would do to bla bla bla if they touched Sasuke.
I just every once in a while will find a cringe narutard making the most stupid comparisons in videos about completely different character from other shows that they have no idea about.
But if we're being honest narutards have no idea even about their own characters they talkin' about since it's a fact narutards don't know they watched a fascist propaganda of a show (b'cuz it's portrayed in a good light to do genocide and other shady shit for dumb villages aka government as "justice").
It's a reason why I couldn't get into jujitsu kaisen, that fandom pretty much boils with lots of narutards, you see at least one of them in a kaisen video, making stupid comments and comparing because they look "similar". "This is like uchiha clan" "That's kakashit if he did etc" "That's exactly like bla bla nardo".
It's stupid because they have zero idea about the characters they talking about and believe what kishit feed them with a spoon. Bias. And they get on my nerves especially with everything uchiha related.
It became an instinct that when I see a different fandom that reeks with narutards I stay away in case the fandom would be hella toxic (which it is) or the show is just as biased and stupid as nardo. I refused to watch MHA as well because of them. In this cases I wait till the manga/anime gets completed so they will eventually fuck off and move to something else. Then maybe I'll give them a try.
Anyways I'm tired. And nardo sucks.
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nardo-bias · 3 years
Sooo you're telling me Hiruzen was too "soft" to kill one of his former ninja pupils who became a horrible criminal, a monster, a traitor who committed crimes against humanity and killed off the people Hiruzen was supposed to protect (innocent citizens and children), but wasn't soft enough to stop a state-supported genocide, which included children who knew nothing about the coup, newborn babies, and normal citizens...ok.
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nardo-bias · 3 years
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nr 1 enemy of the state 
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nardo-bias · 3 years
Sup y'all, I come back from the death to say I'm not wasting my time with nardo related stuff anymore but I won't delete this blog for whoever anti Nardo/Itachi/Konoha wants wants some content. Or if i stumble on sum interesting anti content to reblog if I feel like it. I'm gonna let it go, fall into the trash and accept the fact nardo's not worth of any anything at this point, not even my hatred. And yes I give up everything, the faves too, the damage is done and all I'm doing is fighting with a dead horse.
Hope this pile of shit will be forgotten in the future and never spoke of it again.
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