New host here: Planning on running this this summer. If you’re interested in co-hosting this (especially if you have experience with exchanges) then please message me.
I will not be modding for this exchange next summer! Send a message if you want to replace me and keep this exchange going!
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I will not be modding for this exchange next summer! Send a message if you want to replace me and keep this exchange going!
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creator → receiver 
@rhindons → @straightouttanarnia
@aleksanderkohler → @venusianmaiden
@venusianmaiden → @luxaofherperides
@alwaysinnarnia → @aravvis
@telmarines → @hekaates
@ninni880 → @lokiilaufeyson
@lasaraleen → @jumpingthroughfandoms
@quecksilvereyes → @windflowerfairy
@windflowerfairy → @anhufflepuffhobbit
@passeurdaurore → @lucypcvensie
@custardheart → @little-narnian-notes
@hekaates → @passeurdaurore
@quecksilvereyes → @nylonsandlipstick
@jumpingthroughfandoms → @elizaethbennet
@elizaethbennet → @queensusan
@edmundsthejust → @aleksanderkohler
@nylonsandlipstick → @quecksilvereyes
@straightouttanarnia → @somniariis
@lucypcvensie → @edmundsthejust
@lokiilaufeyson → @mynarnianlove
@nylonsandlipstick → @lasaraleen
@mynarnianlove → @alwaysinnarnia
@straightouttanarnia → @custardheart
@queensusan → @rhindons
@aravvis → @avoyagetoarcturus
@avoyagetoarcturus → @telmarines
@luxaofherperides → @ninni880
please let us know if any of this information is incorrect, especially if you were a pinch hitter and your pinch hit creation isn’t acknowledged here!
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When are reveals?
Soon anon, we promise! Most likely before the end of the week.
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for @istillliveinnarnia
“No worries, Tumnus,” Lucy said. Her eyes shone bright with the excitement of a hunter ready to chase its prey. “It’s only a ride through the woods, one of many we’ve made before. We’ll be back before you know it.”
Mr. Tumnus clenches his scarf tightly at the memory of the ill-fated day. His chest constricts. He finds sudden difficulty in breathing. He begins to panic. He can’t breathe, he can’t breathe. He tries to take a large gulp of air only to end in a coughing fit. Noticing the faun’s struggle, Prince Corin pounds his back until his coughing subsides. Mr. Tumnus gives the boy a meek smile of gratitude. Corin returns it with a stare.
Corin has never been one to remain somber, even in the most serious of situations, but today – for an obvious reason – he doesn’t have it in him to crack one of his inappropriately-timed jokes or to swear to punish whomever he deems deserving of it. He can only stare on as his brother stutters incredulously.
Corin stands in a study in the private wing of the castle Cair Paravel. This is the High King Peter’s study. Corin has sat in it a very many times, mostly with his father King Lune at his side as he and the High King discuss some foreign affairs over a casual afternoon meal. Today Corin stands with his twin brother, two Calormene noblewomen, and a faun as the general of the Narnian army towers above them with grave news.
“They’ve disappeared?” Prince Cor can hardly get the words out of his mouth. He’s at a loss for words. He doesn’t know what to think, what to say, what to do. He plops himself onto a seat across the High King’s desk. Everyone stands to the other side of the desk, leaving empty the high-backed, velvet-cushioned seat that the High King normally inhabits. It feels wrong taking his seat now that he is nowhere to take it back.
Aravis Tarkheena speaks up and asks the question that is on all of their minds. “How do we know they’ve disappeared? How do we know they are not lost or that they’ve only gone further into another part of the woods? How do we know it is not something else?” Her voice is even but the underlying hint of desperation and frustration is noticed by Cor. He is rather impressed by how she seems to be taking the news considering her closeness to the two youngest monarchs. Her hands are folded in front of her as she takes in the centaur before her with a steady gaze.
Oreius eyes her, somewhat exasperated. “If I may be so brazen, Tarkheena, but it has been almost a week. My soldiers and I have scoured the forests; we have even enlisted the help of the Narnians in our search. There can be no more denying that the Kings and Queens of Narnia are no longer with us,” he says, rather helplessly.
A gasp interrupts him. Lasaraleen Tarkheena’s hand flies to cover her mouth. Her face is a mask of horror, her watery eyes threatening to spill over at any moment. “Do you think they’ve been assassinated?” she breathes out. The Calormene noblewoman had launched into a fit of hysterics the moment the news had been broken to them. She had been a good friend of the Gentle Queen and could not bare the idea of her disappearance. It had taken the others several tries to settle her down until her gut-wrenching sobs had turned into quiet sniffles.
Aravis’s hand instantly shoots out to comfort her friend. “No, of course not,” she says, rubbing soothing circles into her friend’s back. “What our dear centaur meant to say was that the Kings and Queens are no longer in Narnia.”
All eyes turn to Mr. Tumnus.
Out of the six in the room, the faun seems to be the most knowledgeable with the Pevensie monarchs’ pre-Narnian history. By their logic, it is only reasonable that he will be the one to explain away their doubts and fears. Expect: Mr. Tumnus has no understanding whatsoever of how the Pevensies’ traveling between worlds works or where they could be at this precise moment. He had originally believed that Lucy’s ramblings of the city of War Drobe in the land of Spare Oom meant that she had come from a kingdom hidden away from the rest of the Narnians, a kingdom so small that only the four siblings resided in it. It had been more than slightly unfathomable when years later she went on to properly explain to her where she truly came from. She called it England (what a horrid name for a land, he remembers thinking) and there she had a father and a mother, both of whom loved her and her siblings very dearly, only they had been forced apart by a terrible war that her “Ing-land” was fighting alongside what she called the Allies, as they tried to defeat the “Axis” forces. He had written off her ramblings as that of a sleep-addled brain as she had shared her story after a particularly long and tiresome trek through the north.
Now he wishes he had paid closer attention to the Valiant Queen’s words. Not only was there a possibility of him having missed some key details that could aid them in their current search for the Kings and Queens, but he missed many key details in the Queen’s life. He wishes he can go back in time and have paid closer attention to her. He suddenly wants to be able to remember everything she’d said, word-for-word, perhaps even have written it all down. If he had known then that he would lose one of his greatest friends, he would have done anything to make sure that he could keep the memory of her alive.
Realizing that the others in the study are expectantly waiting for him to respond, Mr. Tumnus clears his throat. He is cut off by a sudden gust of wind blowing out the candles in the room. They are engulfed in darkness as the moon-less night offers them no reprieve from the obscurity the snuffed candles have brought. All is still in the study. No one dares to so much as breathe.
Then a softer gust of wind blows through. One meager candle flickers brightly, bringing with it the sense of all-encompassing warmth and comfort. There is only one name in their minds: Aslan.
The Great Lion emerges from the shadows. His gold mane brings an added light source to the room.
All six immediately bow at the sight of the Lion. They all try their best not to stare in awe as the Great Beast stands before them. However many times any of them may have been honored with His presence, they will always be amazed by His magnitude.
No one speaks. They hold their breaths as they wait for Aslan to answer their questions.
The Lion only smiles.
And they suddenly understand.
With a flick of His mane, the rest of the candles flicker back to life, reemerging the study into light. Aslan slowly saunters out of the study and into the hall where the six know He will disappear from.
Lasaraleen is clutching Aravis hand as fresh tears slide down her cheeks. Corin reassuringly claps his brother on the back; it is the first that evening that a sliver of his normal self is shown. Oreius shares a small smile with Mr. Tumnus. The thickness in the air has been replaced with one more bittersweet. While they can all heave a sigh of relief at the knowledge that the Kings and Queens are alive and well, there is a deep aching in their hearts at the realization that they may never see their close friends and confidants in their lifetimes. The King and Queens have returned home – their first home. They are in that strange England that few can comprehend of. There they will continue to live their lives until they can return. Because there is no doubt that the Pevensies will return to Narnia, but now the question that lies ahead is when?
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narnia summer exchange » for the lovely @venusianmaiden 
 although you signed up to receive a piece of writing, i hope this ain’t a disappointment for you, hope you enjoy it, it was purely based on you. 
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R i l i a n  → “ We have all been dreaming, these last few minutes . How could we have forgotten it ? Of course we’ve all seen the sun .”
for @passeurdaurore
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“It isn’t Narnia, you know,“ sobbed Lucy. "It’s you. We shan’t meet you there. And how can we live, never meeting you?"
My feelings are becoming clearer
I’m getting closer, closer, closer to you
you shall meet me
, dear one,” said Aslan.
I feel like you’ll appear, so I wait aimlessly
I am there, too
,” said Aslan. “But there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that
by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there
I need to go find you
If I cry now, I might not be able to see you
for @custardheart
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- Clive Staples Lewis, A Grief Observed
Susan Pevensie was, apart from her aunt and uncle, the only member of her family who lived to see the world past 1949, and when she returned to her childhood home some 30 years later, tired of running, she sank to her knees and said a prayer not from this world.
for @windflowerfairy
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for @somniariis
Edmund’s hands emerged victorious from the damp earth, his dirty fingers holding what now was his most precious belonging.
- Pete, I got ‘em!
A thriumpant smile spread across his face as he watched how the sun reflected on the rings, bearing from them a gold and emerald gleam. His next words were hoped rather than pronounced.
- We will be kings and queens again
Lucy was the only one to accept his proposal. He hadn’t expected less from his younger sister, the bold, valiant queen, the lioness. As soon as she set her eyes on the rings, he could see through her eyes that she already knew what would be their course of action.
The moments they spent in the Wood between the worlds seemed like a lucid dream. Once they came back to their senses, they were standing in the middle of a dead forest. Lucy felt the cold sensation of her feet against her wet shoes, and looked down to see her boots ankle deep in snow. It wasn’t the first time Lucy and Edmund Pevensie found themselves in such a situation, yet something in the air told them that their mere prescense wouldn’t put an end to that eternal winter.
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To Zebra ( @alwaysinnarnia ), my beloved friend, I hope you enjoy this little gift💕 
“Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen. May your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down from heaven.”
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The Pevensie Brothers
for @rhindons
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Modern!Narnia | Magazines
for @rhindons
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LITTLE MERMAID INSPIRED NARNIA AU for @jumpingthroughfandoms
In two kingdoms, one above and one below the sea, there are threats of usurpers to the Crowns. Caspian, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy will face the threats and become part of each other’s world
(Watch for the story, soon to be published!)
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On Polly and Digory for @straightouttanarnia
It’s a mystery why nothing was said about Digory and Polly’s relationship in their later age
Let’s say that Digory and Polly became something beyond a friendship
They’ve became soulmates
The two knew it was only themselves who could confide to each other
About their adventures in their youths
Anyone else would believe they were mad
Speaking of mystical fairy tales only children would speak of
Polly would always accompany Digory in his studying travels
She became quite a curator of artifacts along with Digory
Polly was in charge of the logistics and sometimes appraisals
She was also quite the artist
Her paintings and sketches were so realistic
She would do pieces of earthly animals and people to sell
But throughout the mansion she had work of creatures people thought to be mythical
Of fauns, centaurs, dryads, naiads, and a Lion
These painting were priceless to Digory
To be able to visualize a memory they shared was one of the countless reasons Digory loved Polly
In later years it was the Pevensie children who were so mesmerized by her work
When they returned stumbling out of the wardrobe Digory was elated to hear about their adventure
The Pevensies were eager yet confused about Digory’s excitement
Yet they came to the realization once they came across the paintings in the mansion once more
To have that much accurate detail meant the painter experienced the fauns, centaurs, dryads, naiads, and Aslan
Polly and Digory were indeed Friends of Narnia
Yet Digory wanted to wait from Polly to return from her travels to the southern docks of England
She helped in the efforts of rescuing artwork from France even before Monuments Men was formed
Polly was to return before the Pevensies arrived, but wartime made travels difficult
Once she finally returned there was much to talk about
Digory waited for her at the station so excited to tell her the news
He was nearly incoherent with his words when they were reunited
When all six sat at a dinner table Polly listened intently to the Pevensies with a smile on her lips
It was the wee hours of the morning once they finished speaking of their adventures in Narnia
However, it was the closure of knowing Jadis was defeated
Especially for Digory who strike the bell in Charn
It was always a mistake he regretted
Something Edmund related to
Something Digory and Edmund had common ground in
The Pevensies’ refuge to the countryside became something much more than mundane
Even after Narnia
The four learned to paint from Polly
The four earned wisdom and how to wield it from Digory
Of course, the Pevensies returned as different people
It instilled hope in Digory and Polly as well
Yet when the Pevensies thought about what love looked like
They saw Narnia, their parents, and Digory and Polly
Whom they now call family
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for @anhufflepuffhobbit
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For all we have traveled,  &  all we have lived; for being the children turned heroes, forgotten  &  deceived. 
for @aleksanderkohler
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