Hello! So I was writing a scene where my character gets cut by a poisoned kunai. I did some research on what happens after they're taken to the hospital, but didn't find much. Any idea about after treatment and how long it would take someone to get better? Thanks!
It depends on the poison used and how it was supposed to affect the body. Not all poison works the same of affects the body in the same way. Try to research what the poison does and then research a cure.
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Hi. I sent you an Oc through the email you gave a few days ago. I was wondering how long it would take.
Honestly. I have no clue. We have a good bit in the ask box as it is and I've yet to have the energy to read them all and write reviews. - Hell, I was never one of the ones who really checked the e-mail, i keep forgetting we had created one.So. Here's my suggestion to you. When you see one of us turning out reviews submit another ask directing us to the e-mail, resubmitting it. This can be any where from days, weeks to even months.:cSorry.
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I know someone asked for a good OC fanfic, so I recommend Visibility Zero by MSM on Fanfiction. The link is here- fanfiction( .) net(/)s(/)10101566(/)1(/)Visibility-Zero
- Sorry for this being a late post.I've been predisposed. Working 52 hours, trying to make sure my house doesn't look like a complete wreck, as well as keeping my depression and anxiety in check. The hubby has been working 70 hours weeks. I have a 6 person family living in my living room.
e.ePotato might take another leave of absents instead of this semi-stuff I keep doing.
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I'll get to them as I can. My vacation wasn't what I had planned, I was laid up in bed for the majority of it or playing warden to my god-babies. And the few weeks I've been back I've been working from 40-50 hours not including the hour drive each way to work.
So please be patient with me. Us. 
<3 A very tried Potato
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Any advice on making an oc with Roshi?
You mean as a couple?There is so many different routs a couple can take. You gotta keep his personality in idea when pairing him. I personally don't make a FC around a couple. I do the FC than feel out their partners.But check out his wiki if you don't have other resources. It says he's stubborn. It implies he is wise and skilled. I'd say hunt down a Roshi blog and compare head canons.
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Any advice on making original dojutsus?
Keep in mind it's strengths and do give it according weakness. Really, just do your research. I can't think of much dear-spud. If you have a question don't hesitate.
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My OC has lived in Fire Country with her clan for all her life. When she goes to Konoha, I'm suspecting they wouldn't immediately integrate her into the system and put her on probation first. I have no idea what kind of probation that would be, though.
Seeing as the ninja of Konoha are the defensive force for the nation, I doubt her loyalties would be questioned or even her clan's as long as they lived within the fire nation without too much trouble.Even if I am mistaken I think it would all depend on her age for her acceptance. I don't believe they accept academy students after a certain age as well as they don't jump to Genin if they miss that limit.Think of Konoha like a State or providence to the nation. Or even a city to a state/providence A smaller economy and government system to help aid the larger one. 
I hope that didn't sound as confusing. e3e
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So, I used to have this OC who was affiliated with the Akatsuki and had the same jutsu as Kakuzu. To make her less suish, I made it where she wasn't part of the Akatsuki, or a missing nin. However, I still want her to have the Earth Grudge Fear jutsu. Is there any way I could give her like a safer version that doesn't guarantee immortality or something?
Well. Naturally, I doubt she would be nearly as advanced as Kakuzu. Which i'm sure his immortality was the fruits of his labor, extensive research. So immortality isn't easily achieved anyways.However. It states it is a very secret kinjutsu from Takigakure. So she probably needs to come from that village and be one of the few to be entrusted to learn it and keep it safe.
I'd treed cautiously but go for it. There isn't much on it.
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[ animal part anon ] I was referencing foot binding because one of the reasons it was done, was to 'put women in their place.' With their feet like that, it was hard to move and put them in pain, and kept them in line and put them in their place. And I was thinking that the 'curse' was maybe a jutsu of some kind, and it's performed on all baby girls?
Ahh. My lazy and tired but didn't read that far down. I also answered that that/this about 2am. I'm sorry for my lack of research there, please forgive, me?
If it's a jutsu wouldn't someone have to constantly keep it 'going'? - There are actual cases of overly hairiness. Could be a genetic trait only the females inherit  due to specific ancestry breeding techniques. The sharp teeth could easily be done after they lose all their baby teeth. Like a 'coming of age' thing. - Unless it is 'released' at a certain age?
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I know animal parts on an OC are mary sue-ish, but I have an OC who has very hairy forearms, legs and sharpened teeth due to a curse on all the females in her clan. The men use it to keep the women at bay and keep them from running away (it would make others frightened of them)- kind of like foot binding in china. Is that okay?
I don't quite get the reference to the foot binding beside linking to a practice of young girls.
I'm completely intrigued on idea and the animal-linkage? I mean. Kisame and a few others.But what exactly are the reasons to the inflicted? Natural? 'Mutation' to their teeth and the excessive hair.  I'd like to read more.But from what i've read seems original and legit.- Potato
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What do you guys (and anyone else following this blog) think about the idea of an oc being Tayuya's older sister?
Depends on her story. I'm curious, though. I can't remember any real back story on her.n3nAnyone else have opinions?
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So I've made an OC from the Hyuga clan and my friend said that I should make her a twin to Neji since they look alike, but I don't want her to become too Mary Sue-ish. Should I make her Neji's twin or no?
I would strongly suggest to stay away from that route, since canon has clearly stated he is more or less the only child.However. They do  marry within the clan and it's not uncommon for even second cousins to look alike. If you catch my drift? So, being a distant relative who looks similar to him isn't far fetched.  Or maybe even a first cousin from his mothers side? 
I wish you luck in your creation.n3n
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What would you think of a giant fish summon?
Well, I think it would depend on the fish. Kisame does summon sharks. I just can't help but imagine a pokemon.e3e'
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How do you think an armadillo would be in battle, if it's either a animal companion or summons? The same for a North American badger?what kind of attacks do you think would suit them?
Armadillo would be cool. They aren't vicious but that shell!! My first, well second; thought of them is their defense. First is really the poor things on the side of the road.Bager just as cool but a little more on the aggressive side than the armsdillo to my knowledge.I think they both would be original roads to take and interesting at that!As for suggestive attacks I can't seem to think of much other than the Armadillo doing a rolly-polly move kinda like Chouji's. With the badger i'd suggest to think along the lines of 'burrowing'.
Hope that helps.
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Character Help
MBTI Personality Test
MBTI Personality Descriptions
123 Character Flaws
Character Trait Cheat Sheet
List of Personality Traits
Character Virtues And Vices
Underused Personalities
7 Rules For Picking Names
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Know any good oc fanfics out there? I can't seem to find any worth reading...
Well. I can point you in the direction of some good writers. It really all just depends on what you're looking for. I don't know any worth while 'chapter' fics. But go onto DA and check out MaroonPeacock, HatakeHime and KusaFai. They have some good oneshots and such. - I'm sure there is more but I can't seem think of any more off the top of my head.n3n;;
Anyone out there have any suggestions for this lovely spud?!: D
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Well I know blue jays are assholes lol but any way my oc is an extension of myself I know it's Mary Sue but is it such a bad thing? She isn't graceful would humming birds be a bad summon or whatever for her? Do ninja an their summons have to have similar personalities or what ever? Is it the same with deciding what element to give your oc? Sorry for going overboard with the questions lol
Now now. MS isn't a term I like in the least. BESIDES. Not all self interests lack creativity. I actually have one as a project I started a year or so ago to prove SI's aren't 'bad' FCs. I might pick it back up now though she is just a civilian in the ninja world.I personally think in order to understand the creation of a character you first must be able to write yourself. The problem many people have is they want to make themselves better, thus they create too many 'sparkles'. Thus why many people classify SIs as MS'. - I'll refrain myself from a rant and lecture. So don't be ashamed to create yourself! Just don't try and recreate yourself.No. Not all ninja have similar qualities or personalities as their summons since a contract is made. However. I believe trying to summon a creature without a contract will take the ninja to the animal whom they are 'most' like. - My information may not be 100% correct since I don't posses the actual data book. - So essentially it all really depends on how she obtains the contract with the hummingbirds.With the elements. I like to fit my FCs to their elements but I myself haven't done a extensive research on this with canons and other fcs. However. I do believe most the canons fit fairly well with the generalization of their horoscopes and elements given to them.
And you didn't overload me! I'm flattered someone asks me questions and even slightly considers taking my advice!q3q
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