narutoboozamaki · 4 years
How come me loving you wasnt enough
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narutoboozamaki · 4 years
I'm finally understanding my worth. I left someone who always made me feel insecure and alone. I tried so hard to make things work but they couldn't.
Last night, I laid down with someone who genuinely cares about me and how I feel. Who takes the time to listen to me when I need them. Who's actions speak for themselves. Thank you, Will. For always making me feel secure.
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narutoboozamaki · 4 years
So I'm talking to my ex for the first time in over a year. Ummm idk my heart kinda hurts.
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narutoboozamaki · 5 years
Bruh, cop boy drives me craaaaaazy. He knows everything I like. No one has ever made me cum as much as he has. I literally can't stop thinking about him 🤦
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narutoboozamaki · 5 years
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“For him, your life was more important than the village.”
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narutoboozamaki · 5 years
My heart is in the pit of my stomach
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narutoboozamaki · 5 years
It's all starting to make sense. I outgrew you. I was trying to move on with life but you were stuck. Now I understand why you're with someone so young. Y'all are on the same maturity level.
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narutoboozamaki · 5 years
Unbelievably excited for tomorrow night. It's only been 2 days since ive seen him last and holy shit I MISSED HIM GROSS
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narutoboozamaki · 5 years
Playing all the songs that make me think of you. These feelings will not go away
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narutoboozamaki · 5 years
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narutoboozamaki · 5 years
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narutoboozamaki · 5 years
I am overly aware that I'm suffering by myself because I'm too scared to open up to people about my feelings. I'm always worried that people will think I'm lying and annoying.
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narutoboozamaki · 5 years
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narutoboozamaki · 5 years
Sad bc I wanna snuggle up with Will in the morning :/
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narutoboozamaki · 5 years
Hi on a lighter note I've been super anxious lately & my pals have been taking turns sleeping with me so I don't have to be alone. I don't know how I got so lucky
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narutoboozamaki · 5 years
I've been in love one time in my life. I was never actually with him and never got to kiss him or hold him. But geez, he was the best thing I've ever had. Every day I woke up feeling appreciated. Then he took my heart and ripped it out of my chest. Now he's getting married to someone who he said he had no connection with. I completely got left behind. I don't blame him, though. Everything was bad timing. But I have dreams about him almost every night.
I've met someone new. Him and I get along great and I'm always laughing. He's so smart and has a lot going for him. He's always down for an adventure and doesn't mind me kissing all over him all the time. The only dilemma is that I'm still in love with someone I can never have again. It would be so unfair for the both of us to get into a relationship.
They say time heals everything but it's been months. I'm trying to move on then you come to me in my dreams. On top of that I'm now afraid to be vulnerable with anyone else.
I wish him well. I hope one day our paths will cross again when I'm healed. I hope we can laugh about the past. But more than anything else in this entire world I wish him happiness. I hope you get the chance to start the family you've always wanted and deserve.
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