narutosgirl · 6 years
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♥ Beauty Queens of The Hyūga Clan ♥
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narutosgirl · 6 years
so i’m half way through episode 4 of Meteor Garden, and it’s just so abusive. I know what Boys Over Flowers is. It’s a manga, turned anime, turned Taiwanese drama, turned J-drama, turned famous K-drama, etc, etc…
My only experience with Boys Over Flowers before Meteor Garden is the K-drama, which I’ve watched a long time ago but never really finished. Anyway, I do not remember the main guy (Domyouji/Jun-pyo/Si) being incredibly abusive in the K-drama? Like, I know he was a dick, but he wasn’t physically assaulting people to my memory. Si is lashing out at women every episode so far, and apparently in the manga he broke somebody’s neck? What?
And the worst part is that the horrendous episode 4 scene was originally an attempted rape scene in the manga and anime. Um what? Thank God everyone else realized it was so fucked up because each adaptation removed the attempted rape.
I also remember why I stopped watching the K-drama. She should’ve ended up with the musical guy who actually cares about her feelings. 
also this bullshit has 48 episodes, which is longer than any other version of BOF. i’m not watching 48 episodes worth of emotional and physical abuse, bye.
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narutosgirl · 7 years
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Space kind of makes me feel small.
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narutosgirl · 7 years
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narutosgirl · 7 years
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narutosgirl · 7 years
Courtship: Venus Signs
This will be categorized by the elements
Earth Signs want commitment and a lasting partnership.
Capricorn Venus: You can come off extremely aloof, but you know damn well what you want in a partner. Time is not a problem for you, because you can go the rest of your life alone waiting for the person that is up to fulfill your needs and meets your standards. While other Venus signs may battle with depression if they are single, you focus your energies on building your career or finances. However, if you have a water Mars sign, this can create a bit of an imbalance because while you are perfectly fine being alone, you might hear a voice in the back of your head that wants to be loved and partnered with. (Compatible Venus signs are: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Wild Card would Scorpio & Aquarius)
Taurus Venus: The ideal partner is in your mind, you might feel as if no one around you is worthy. The heart of the Taurus Venus works a lot like the show, The Bachelor. You will have many suitors but none of them might meet the mark. Perhaps you have many and they are all eligible, this would be the time for you to test them to see who is willing to go the farthest in the name of love. Luxury and comfort are important to you, so those who want to win over a Taurus Venus should keep that in mind. Much like Capricorn, you can wait forever until you find the one. (Compatible Venus signs are: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Wild Card would Libra & Pisces)
Virgo Venus: Virgo, you do not chase anyone, you let them all come to you. Those that are partnered with you might not understand you. You are the doting lover but will not reciprocate any warmth. Virgo Venus prefers to be practical in their relationships, including demonstrations of love. Do not expect them to shower you with compliments, text messages that are filled with lovely words or orchestrated performances. They will provide you with what you need. If your Virgo Venus partner sees that you need help financially to pay for a class, she will go out of her way to pay it for you. This Venus sign is practical and not emotional. Virgo Venus tests their partners covertly to see how devoted they are. If they feel betrayed, they will silently dream of greener pastures until they feel that it is the right time to move on. (Compatible Venus signs are: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Wild Card would Scorpio & Cancer)
Fire Signs want the thrill and excitement. An intoxicating romance.
Sagittarius Venus: Love is a game and people are here for entertainment. You will point to your partner with your invisible bow and arrow and then hope that they are captivated with you. It is hard for a Sagittarius to understand what love means, especially when they can fall in love with multiple people (or so they think). When the Sagittarius falls hard, they truly understand the meaning of love, the problem is that even if they are in a comfortable scenario, the ache to find something better will always fill the back of their minds. If a partner is able to provide them with the right amount of freedom, they will not feel restricted and will flourish in the relationship. Boredom, like Gemini can creep in and make them want to vanish, which is why they are drawn to the most creative and the most unattainable. The more impossible the prospects of the relationship are, the harder the Sagittarius falls. It all boils down to balance. (Compatible Venus signs are: Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. Wild Card would be Aquarius & Libra)
Aries Venus: Aries loves the chase because they love going after what they want. It is easy for fire to fall, but keeping that flame alive is the true battle. This sign is no different from Sagittarius in that they need to be stimulated physically and mentally in order to stay in love. Aries, you are the spark and you will easily go after you want, the issue will be that once you’ve won the person, the game is over and you might get…bored. You enjoy being in love, you enjoy being paired up but your lack of commitment can make you seem selfish. Do not be surprised if an Aries Venus promises you the moon and the stars on Monday and disappears on Tuesday; chances are they have promised the same thing to someone else. (Compatible Venus signs are: Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. Wild Card would be Aquarius & Scorpio)
Leo Venus: Leo loves the glamour and the grandiose declarations. They will choose their partners and show them off to the world with genuine pride. Their partners are an extension of them. Unlike Aries and Sagittarius, Leo is a fixed sign, so they will be a bit more…loyal. After all, Leo is ruled by the Sun and their ego is tied to their partner, so they want someone committed and loyal to them, someone who will stick by them and make them flourish. The lion needs a lioness that will rule with them. Leo Venus, you like to give your lover the attention they need. You go out of your way to send loving messages and make them feel special. You also want your partner to reciprocate every once in a while, as well. The Leo Venus partner can get overwhelming when they become self-absorbed (more so than the norm) and it is up to their partner to bring them back to reality and learn to be a bit more humble. (Compatible Venus signs are: Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. Wild Card would be Capricorn & Libra)
Water Signs want the beautiful fairy tale romance.Searching for a Prince or Princess.
Pisces Venus: Venus is exalted in Pisces, so it is not surprising that you are the best match for everyone. Shy Pisces Venus will rarely chase after someone that they are attracted to, but they will make cute gestures to be closer to those they have their sights on. Not all elements will value or understand your great worth because they see you as weak due to your affectionate nature. You are devoted to your partner, sometimes to the point where you lose yourself in the relationship. Pisces Venus must learn that they should occasionally be more selfish in relationships because they will go above and beyond to satisfy and please without expecting anything in return. This is how Pisces gets taken advantage of, your natural loving nature gets used to the point where it makes you doubt yourself. Hold your greatest gift, which is love, and wait for the person worthy of you. (Compatible Venus signs are: Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Wild Card would be Taurus)
Cancer Venus: The mother in the relationship. Cancer will not pursue you, she is already magnetic and alluring, so everyone will gravitate towards her. She will love and care for you, she will be there for you but she will fight if she is being used. Unlike Pisces, who throws themselves into the relationship, the Cancer analyses and evaluates. If someone is taking advantage of you, you are going to push back. Security is important to her, like Taurus and harmony in her home will take precedence over any tumultuous partnerships. The Cancer Venus will give you the boot if she deems you unworthy, she will cry and be in pain but once she has recovered, she will be cold as ice and out of your life. (Compatible Venus signs are: Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Wild Card would be Taurus & Virgo)
Scorpio Venus: When the Scorpio wants someone, they go for it. Scorpio loves a challenge. This Venus sign embodies the sensual, alluring and mystic qualities we all wish we had. There is something about him that pulls everyone to his direction. He gives off the aura of chaos and harmony and he will bring the boisterous times for those that are ill prepared. Scorpio Venus is the detective and he will test you to see if you are worthy, but these tests can become psychologically painful since no one can read the Scorpio or know what is brewing in their mind. Scorpio, you do not trust anyone and it does not matter how perfect your partner may be, you will never feel content. However, once you open up and give yourself to their love, the wave of emotions might dissipate. (Compatible Venus signs are: Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Wild Card would be Aries, Capricorn & Virgo)
Air Signs seek the innovators. A romance on the intellectual level.
Aquarius Venus: You are fickle when you are courting people. She will court the person she wants and she will captivate them with her eccentricities. This is the sign that enjoys technology and aesthetics. The Aquarius Venus wants to take lots of pictures with their lover. They enjoy showing them off on social media sites and they are the types to amass countless photos of their previous relationships. She lives in the past, the present and wants to eagerly see what the future has in store for her. A partner that is able to give her freedom of expression, loyalty and stability will be someone she admires. Aquarius will run free, her logical façade will shatter, and she will feel depressed if her partner does not make her feel valued and cherished. Although Aquarius will never express these thoughts, as a fixed sign they crave stability and loyalty. (Compatible Venus signs are: Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. Wild Card would be Aries & Sagittarius)
Gemini Venus: Much like Sagittarius, the Gemini is hard to catch. He does not want to be controlled, he needs his freedom and independence. Geminis will make the first move and they will be shameless about it. Communication drives them, so expect endless hours texting or talking on the phone. As long as you can mentally stimulate the Gemini, they are yours to command. What pushes them away are ignorant people. If you are not the intellectual type, they might lose interest fast and their eyes will wander. The Gemini Venus needs to have a partner that bounces information to them constantly. The more you know, the better. They have a short attention span, so someone spontaneous and intelligent will always keep them glued. It is also easy for Gemini Venus to use people for sex, even if they do not have an intellectual connection. However, they will use the person temporarily until someone else can captivate their minds. (Compatible Venus signs are: Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. Wild Card would be Aries & Leo)
Libra Venus: Libra sits comfortably in Venus, because this is her ruling planet. She loves beauty, luxury, comfort and diplomacy. Libra does not court anyone, they all go to her. Those with this placement will have beautiful qualities that will serve as a magnet, drawing in potential candidates like honey. She does not do well when her harmony is destroyed; after all, her sign is represented by the scales. She needs to feel safe and nurtured because if there is a wave of chaos brewing, she will likely pull a disappearing act. The Libra Venus can easily get depressed when she feels that she is not being cared for or valued. She will grow bitter and angry if she is in a toxic relationship, channeling her sister sign, Aries. A Libra that has been pushed to the limit will be harboring a rage that is unmatched and a fury that frightens. She is gentle and kind, committed and loving. Libra knows her worth and although she will never outright demand respect, she will manipulate you into thinking that you do. (Compatible Venus signs are: Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. Wild Card would be Leo & Sagittarius)
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narutosgirl · 7 years
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narutosgirl · 7 years
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narutosgirl · 7 years
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narutosgirl · 7 years
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narutosgirl · 7 years
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narutosgirl · 7 years
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#same klaus
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narutosgirl · 7 years
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NAME \nām\ – noun (a) a word or phrase that refers to a specific person, place, or thing; (b) an identification
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narutosgirl · 7 years
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Howl’s moving Castle | Howl Feeding Calcifer
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narutosgirl · 7 years
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trying to get out of bed like
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narutosgirl · 7 years
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Leia Organa in A New Hope
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narutosgirl · 7 years
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