narutospork-blog · 5 years
and they wonder why I compare Sakura to Bella Swan....um everyone why don’t show her the TV trope link? HIghlight Kishi basically dissing Sakura’s character 
Since everyone is talking abiut this one account….
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Pro SasuSaku but Anti SasuSaku? Sounds about right.
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Shes a hoe? Because she got mad over a toy. Shes 10. Every other kids throws a fit over a toy.
“Sarada accomplished more than Himawari.” Sarada has a lot more screen time than Himawari, plus she’s older.
I cant tell if this is a troll or not but its funny The OP sounds like a child.
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narutospork-blog · 5 years
The Logic Behind The Uchiha Clan Massacre (or lack thereof)
“Itachi shinden is as officual as the Boruto manga”. I hope you know that the Boruto manga is neither written or produced by Kishimoto, so why even make that comparison? First of all: Itachi Shinden is a novel, not anything is illustrated. The same way Sasuke Shinden was created. They’re not books written by Kishimoto, they’re written by someone else and Kishimoto just approved of them.
In all honesty, I’d rather quote the actual manga than a book not even produced by the author. Besides, that book was written to “justify” Itachi’s character. Another note on how bad writing Naruto has. But since the manga says that the entirety of the elders decided that a genocide was a great way to deal with the issue. Not only are YOU justifying their decision. “Itachi was a child troubled by PTSD and didn’t want to see another war” and “he loved his family” is literally speculations on your part. If you love your family you don’t kill them, simple. Itachi DID love the village more than the Uchiha. He literally fell flat for the elders. Besides, the elders sought out Itachi for him to spy on the Uchiha, not in reverse. Itachi AGREED to leak information about the clan as soon as he started in the ANBU. Itachi AGREED to become a double spy so the village could overlook the inside business of the clan. This was long before the massacre was even a plan. The reason they chose Itachi and not everyone else was due to his loyalty to the village. They tried with Shisui but he refused, thus Danzo killing him by stealing his eyes. So why would the Uchiha even accuse Itachi of the crime if they didn’t doubt him from the beginning? Most likely because he was famous for siding with the village rather than his clan.
All you’re doing is trying to justify Itachi’s sociopathic character. There’s nothing to justify. You’re just taking the blame from him and Konoha by putting it all in Danzo’s lap. Hiruzen literally APPROVED OF THE PLAN. That’s the literal thing about why we call the system corrupt. And the manga says that Danzo made the suggestion of killing them all when they found out about the coup. It’s literally in the actual manga. Itachi then AGREED to kill them all. Because he was Konoha’s dog. A civil war? No, Konoha was worried about a civil war because they would never let the Uchiha try to break free from their oppressive regime.
You’re justifying shitty characters and a shitty government who thought genocide was better than actually give their people basic human rights.
Okay it’s my turn to tackle this nightmare since you wanna be like this.
“ “Itachi shinden is as officual as the Boruto manga”. I hope you know that the Boruto manga is neither written or produced by Kishimoto, so why even make that comparison? “
Itachi Shinden is official canon. Also, the Boruto manga while not being personally drawn by Kishimoto, is supervised by him. He is helping to tell the story, he just isn’t tasked with drawing it week by week since he’s done it for 15 years and he deserves a break. He’s still in charge of major decisions, Ikemoto can’t just do whatever he wants with it. You can dislike the novels all you want, it doesn’t make them any less canon. 
First of all: Itachi Shinden is a novel, not anything is illustrated.
And? It being a written media doesn’t change the fact these are officially licensed novels that add more backstory to gaps in Naruto, such as post-war content and Itachi’s pre-Part 1 content. 
The same way Sasuke Shinden was created. They’re not books written by Kishimoto, they’re written by someone else and Kishimoto just approved of them.
It’s hilarious you can say Kishimoto personally approved the novels and then call them not canon just because he didn’t sit and slave under a desk lamp to personally pump out illustrated chapters for each individual story, which would take a lot longer and put so much stress on him. You have no respect at all for how arduous the schedule of a mangaka really is, and just expect him to slave for you so you can say “yep this is canon content.” You need to drop the assumption that canon = things I approve of, it’s really ridiculous when discussing any sort of meta. I don’t like the ending at all but that doesn’t make it any less canon. Canon is a constant, not something you can pick and choose from.
In all honesty, I’d rather quote the actual manga than a book not even produced by the author.
That makes your argument completely null and void since you’re explicitly ignoring official canon content which provides context to an event you want to write a specific narrative for. You’re literally operating without crucial information since it disproves the narrative you want to push. People like this should never be trusted with any kind of serious analysis. 
Besides, that book was written to “justify” Itachi’s character.
That’s just your opinion. The book was written to show just how tragic the Uchiha massacre was, and how instead of the Uchiha actually being a legitimate problem, the real villain was Danzo, who was not above grooming children to be his weapons and who wanted the Uchiha dead at any cost so he could harvest their eyes. If the book was written to justify Itachi’s “decision” (since you seem to think he came up with it all on his own) they would’ve portrayed all of the Uchiha as power hungry, pride-ridden, aggressive people who were trying to crush the rest of the village under them, instead of a minority who wanted equal rights and an equal say in governing matters just like any other citizen of Konoha. The only Uchiha who fit this description are Yashiro, Tekka, and Inabi, and they don’t represent all of the Uchiha. 
Another note on how bad writing Naruto has.
Again, anyone who tries to use the “bad writing!!11!!” excuse should never be trusted to do any serious analysis. We’re all just dumbasses on the internet, not licensed writers with published works. You aren’t the authority on what constitutes as legitimate bad writing. You, like anyone else who uses this excuse, seem to think things you don’t agree with = bad writing. This isn’t how analysis works in any form. If you can’t handle that things in stories won’t line up to exactly how you want them to be, you should just drop Naruto entirely. 
But since the manga says that the entirety of the elders decided that a genocide was a great way to deal with the issue.
Newsflash: shitty people do shitty things. The manga telling us the elders decided to kill the Uchiha does NOT equal bad writing. It’s a reflection of the beliefs and morals the elders have, as they aren’t good people. If you can’t handle bad people making bad decisions (or people in fiction making irrational/illogical/emotional decisions), wtf are you reading fiction for?? Stop expecting everyone to act cool calm and collected all the damn time and make the right decision. Stories would have nowhere to go if everyone made the correct decision all the time. That’s what gives stories things for people to latch onto, is conflict. The elders making that decision is a reflection on them, it serves to tell us what kind of people they were, and where their priorities lied. \
Not only are YOU justifying their decision.
Literally no one is saying the elders made the right decision.  
“Itachi was a child troubled by PTSD and didn’t want to see another war” and “he loved his family” is literally speculations on your part.
Except no, it’s literally canon. If you read the novels like any sane person doing analysis, you’d see that it’s explicitly stated that all of Itachi’s motivation comes from the deep fear instilled upon him when he saw the battlefield. It stuck with him so deeply that he didn’t want to see that kind of bloodshed again, and he literally witnessed one of his first teammates being gutted infront of him. He has seen war and he has seen people die infront of him and felt loss. 
If you love your family you don’t kill them, simple.
With every sentence you prove you shouldn’t be trusted with analysis. You can’t reduce the events of the anime/this novel down to simple shit like this. Without any context, yeah, I agree, people who love their families don’t have any urge to cause them harm.
But you’re trying to make this black/white and ignoring all the context of Itachi’s grooming, his misunderstandings with his Father, his inner fight between both his parents agreeing with the coup versus Itachi not wanting to go through with it, the order he was given to kill everyone but Sasuke, and how his parents relented and didn’t want to fight Itachi. Itachi shook with hesitation and literally cried when he killed them. He loved his parents and reaching the unavoidable time to kill them deeply hurt. 
He literally fell flat for the elders. Besides, the elders sought out Itachi for him to spy on the Uchiha, not in reverse.
Wrong. He fell for Danzo’s manipulation, after years of trying to keep his distance from it. Also why the fuck is this a criticism? Are you really trying to blame a literal child who was groomed since he was seven years old? That is some serious victim blaming. “how dare this child be a child and fall for manipulation! Gosh, I hate it when characters aren’t completely immune to other people trying to abuse them!”
Itachi AGREED to leak information about the clan as soon as he started in the ANBU. Itachi AGREED to become a double spy so the village could overlook the inside business of the clan.
Lol no he didn’t. If you actually read the novels, you’d see Itachi was the shittiest double-spy to exist. He ended up not being able to leak information on either side, so much that it frustrated the fuck out of Danzo and he had his spies kill an Uchiha and two of his men took turns impersonating him in meetings so that Danzo could get the intel he wanted. Itachi was primarily urged to be a spy for his clan, and then Danzo propositioned him for information, which Itachi staunchly refused to give. 
This was long before the massacre was even a plan.
Newsflash asshole, the massacre was Danzo’s plan since the Kyubi attacked Konoha. 
The reason they chose Itachi and not everyone else was due to his loyalty to the village.
That’s grossly oversimplifying it. You will find out (READ THE NOVELS), that Danzo chose Itachi purely because it would be easier to label the genocide as an “unfortunate massacre” if one of the clan members performed the execution as opposed to the ANBU being chosen for it. Danzo literally used Itachi’s fear of mass bloodshed against him so that the village would still look good after the fact, also utilizing Sasuke’s life against a boy whom he knew would end up prioritizing him. Itachi didn’t have anyone else left to depend on and had no defense left for Danzo’s manipulation. Last time I heard, threatening to out the village secrets if they touched Sasuke isn’t staunch loyalty. It’s conditional loyalty. Itachi knows the village system is fucked up. Is it logical to choose the masses over your own ethnic clan? No! But he was a child. 
They tried with Shisui but he refused, thus Danzo killing him by stealing his eyes.
False. Shisui was never considered to carry out the massacre. Shisui wanted to prevent it just as much as Itachi, and formulated a plan to calm the Uchiha down without taking their lives. Danzo, who had wanted to kill them from the very beginning, realized this plan would work, thus he had to kill Shisui and steal his eyes so he could control other people in the future with them. 
Danzo literally put a stop to a real solution because it would have gotten in the way of his actual plan to steal their eyes.
So why would the Uchiha even accuse Itachi of the crime if they didn’t doubt him from the beginning? Most likely because he was famous for siding with the village rather than his clan.
Why, you wonder. Okay.
1) They didn’t doubt Itachi from the beginning. They only seriously began doubting him because he never ended up sharing any information from his time in ANBU, which greatly frustrated them.
2) Shisui and Itachi were close. Fugaku referred to Shisui as an elder brother figure to him. Thus, knowing they were close, and believing that Shisui was loyal to the clan, the only conclusion they can come up with is that Itachi, someone both close to him and having the ability to copy his handwriting, could have staged his suicide.
3) Yashiro, Tekka, and Inabi already personally dislike Itachi, having screamed at him since he was (you guessed it) 7 years old. It’s vindication to accuse him, it’s confirmation bias. They’re both right and wrong– they don’t know the details  of why and how Shisui died and what’s really going on.
All you’re doing is trying to justify Itachi’s sociopathic character.
Itachi was never sociopathic. Also literally all you’re doing is trying to pin the blame on the massacre on Itachi. You’re literally making the elders, Danzo, and Hiruzen blameless because you want to blame a child who was groomed since he was seven years old.
There’s nothing to justify. You’re just taking the blame from him and Konoha by putting it all in Danzo’s lap. Hiruzen literally APPROVED OF THE PLAN.
sdfjklfsdjklfsdjkllkjfsdlklk why are you this stupid.
We’re saying Danzo, the elders, and Hiruzen are all responsible. Itachi was a child who was being groomed for the act since he was seven years old and who was taught he was smarter than he was and thus unfairly bore the responsibility no child should ever have thrust on them. This was BIGGER than Itachi and he didn’t realize it until it was too late, since adults were controlling everything the entire time, and Itachi was left to bear the guilt as if it was all his fault. Stop justifying the grooming of a child by a corrupt system. 
That’s the literal thing about why we call the system corrupt. And the manga says that Danzo made the suggestion of killing them all when they found out about the coup. It’s literally in the actual manga.
No one is saying the system isn’t corrupt. We’re in agreeance on this. Also read the novels you walnut, where you will find out that Danzo had wanted to kill the Uchiha since the beginning. It literally makes no sense to consider Danzo did it “as a precautionary measure” if he still went on to masturbate over their eyeballs. 
Itachi then AGREED to kill them all. Because he was Konoha’s dog.
Itachi only agreed to kill them purely because the only person he had left to guide him (Shisui) was dead which left him extremely emotinally and mentally vulnerable. Danzo then went onto use Itachi’s fear of bloodshed AND Itachi’s fear of harm coming to his brother to guilt him into thinking that massacreing the Uchiha was the only way to prevent a mass-war. 
Stop ignoring the context of mentall illness and child grooming. 
. A civil war? No, Konoha was worried about a civil war because they would never let the Uchiha try to break free from their oppressive regime.
Also, stop treating Danzo as a reliable narrator. This is also another reason you analysis sucks, you keep treating things that come out of character’s mouths as the absolute truth, which is why things “don’t make sense” to you. The quicker you realize bad people have awful justifications for their actions which aren’t morally/logically correct, the more a new world can open up for you. 
You’re justifying shitty characters and a shitty government who thought genocide was better than actually give their people basic human rights.
Literally no one arguing against you is doing this. We’re explaining that the adults in the system are primarily to blame, in both the genocide of an ethnic minority and the grooming of a child who was set up as a pawn. 
And your tags?
: honey, you’re literally a konoha dog, and an itachi stan, there are no excuses for killing your family, intentions good or bad, the action is still unacceptable, anti konoha, anti itachi, nardo. Source
Duh, murder is still bad. No one’s saying Itachi made the right decision. He “made” the only decision he could– the only one left of him because of the nature of his grooming and his deepest fears. It was still the wrong one to make, and the sooner you accept characters can make bad decisions due to external factors such as pressure, grooming, threats being made on them or people they care for, and so on, the sooner you can stop making shitty analysis. 
Being anti itachi in 2018 is not very gucci of you. Read the novels before you attempt analysis again. 
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narutospork-blog · 5 years
I was going through your blog and I saw a post where you said Itachi was your favorite naruto character, like me. I come across different posts on tumblr that claim Itachi to be a bad person and a psychotic abusive murderer and I wanted to know what you thought of this since he is also your favorite character.
Well, Itachi isn’t my top favourite character, because I have a lot of favourite characters, but he certainly is my favourite antagonist. Yes, that’s right: antagonist.
Note: Before I answer, let me just clarify that this is my opinion, and my opinion only. You can choose to agree or disagree with this because I am not claiming any of the following facts to be accurate. Perception varies from person to person and mine will probably be different from yours. Just don’t be a dick about it.
Keep reading
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narutospork-blog · 5 years
Why do people think it's cool to be anti-Itachi? Is it cos he's so popular?
[[ It’s partly because he’s a very popular character and partly also because they feel he got “unfairly” exonerated from the Uchiha clan Massacre. They act as if he’s solely responsible for it, and that he legitimately killed them out of pure spite and malice, not the product of manipulation by peers since a young age who wanted to kill the whole clan, regardless if Itachi cooperated or not.
You’ll often find phrases such as “over-rated”, “better off as a villain”, and so on. 
Now, I’m not saying people have to like him or be neutral. But at least make sense in your reasons. You can’t act as if he was completely to blame for the massacre because that’s just not canon in any way, shape, or form. ]]
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narutospork-blog · 5 years
[[ kinqpein. tumblr. com /post/ 175954697308/ personally-i-think-itachi-was-an-abusive-piece-of ]] I dunno if this will let the link go through, but it's this one, the notes in there are pretty bad, too. thank you for the response! :3c
Anonymous: Personally, I think Itachi was an abusive piece of shit. I feel like his entire treatment of Sasuke is was makes him utterly irredeemable.
Thinking and truth are different things, anon… 
For the most part I do agree with you, anonymous. I don’t agree about Itachi being irredeemable though. At the same time though I agree that the narrative DOES set him up to be irredeemable.
The narrative does not set Itachi up to be irredeemable. You’d literally have to be ignoring large arcs of chapters to think he’s irredeemable. Especially the Edo Tensei arc where he gets a change to speak to Sasuke and explain himself and offer his unconditional love. You don’t give a character the chance to mend a broken relationship if he’s not meant to be seen with some sort of apathy/empathy.
Itachi Uchiha could have been redeemed if he had simply explained everything to Sasuke sooner / in due time. That’s what makes his character so ass backwards and contradictory [towards the end] because his actions were inexcusable as to why he couldn’t just confront Sasuke.
Pray tell how that happens, because it’s a lot simpler than Itachi just going “you know what, imma tell him.” I hate this ass backwards idea that Itachi was in full mental control of himself at all times and that no other external factors existed to prevent him doing this. It’s literally explained in the manga, he didn’t realize his mistakes until after he died. 
Itachi would have gone to his everlasting grave and would’ve never told Sasuke the truth if not for Kabuto reviving Itachi
…And? It was his plan to go to his grave and not tell Sasuke anything. Was it a shitty plan? Yes. But it was his plan to begin with. 
 [which was almost impossible because I remember Kabuto expressing he didn’t have everyone’s DNA to do Edo Tensei]. 
Itachi died in a very public area, his blood, hair, and skin cells were ALL OVER the arena since he was coughing up blood and had a very violent fight. It was not at all difficult for Kabuto to swoop in and collect Itachi’s DNA. It being impossible to collect some specific people’s DNA does not mean Itachi was difficult to revive. 
Itachi kept using the excuse that Sasuke was too young to understand why he did what he did, but was somehow mature enough to endure the suffering and trauma at the tender age of five. 
You can’t use that against Itachi because he himself realized that was the wrong attitude to take. Why do people like this always call Itachi out for actions he himself have admitted are wrong? You act like he’s trying to excuse himself or deflect blame and he did absolutely none of that. Also the massacre happened when Sasuke was 7, not 5. How am I supposed to take analysis seriously from someone who can’t even remember basic facts?
It didn’t make sense and Kishimoto knew this. 
It does make sense. It’s not the right thing to do but it makes sense. PLENTY of people in the world function under this detrimental mindset of wanting to protect their children or siblings from things they think they’re not ready for. 
If Itachi wasn’t portrayed as a loving older brother then I agree that he couldn’t have been redeemed. However because he was shown as a loving big brother, that’s why I believe he could have been.
He– was literally portrayed as a loving older brother post the truth? Do you people not know critical reading anymore. Being abusive/aggressive was a farce, actions that are not natural to him. You can love someone and still do things for them that are wrong, ontop of that. 
His apology to Sasuke was never genuine to me. Sasuke had to corner him in order to get answers and that’s what made it so unfair for me on a narrative standpoint.
It was 100% genuine from him and he needed that push from Sasuke. I’m sorry you just can’t read?
 Itachi used his last moments to tell Sasuke that he would rather be a coward than a hero. He died a coward though, not a hero. He undid the jutsu but the damage was already done; he relayed information to Sasuke that Sasuke once again had to live and suffer with while Itachi had the excuse to die again and be freed of burden.
He gave Sasuke important information in the method of literally all of his memories and left Sasuke to make a choice on his own because  he knows Sasuke is a smart, capable shinobi who can come to his own conclusion. He saved countless lives by ending the Edo Tensei and in Sasuke’s novel he is hailed as a war hero. 
To me, Itachi could’ve been redeemed in those last moments if instead of telling Sasuke about the truth and why he hid it from him, he could’ve relayed to Sasuke that he never regretted being a big brother.
“Hm yes instead of telling Sasuke important information and why he chose to hurt him and how it was a mistake, let’s appeal to emotion.” 
Does I will love you forever not count anymore?? What is with this person. He clearly didn’t regret being Sasuke’s big brother, he regretted treating him wrong and putting him down the path of more pain because he didn’t tell him things.
(And if you want thoughts of him as he’s ascending into Ninja Heaven, just play the Full Burst version of the fight, come on.
 He never regretted that he had the chance to protect Sasuke despite sacrificing his family for the village. In the end, Itachi died just a coward that was FORCED to tell Sasuke the truth. He was cornered and out of time. He did so because HE wanted to be free of burden, but he once again puts that load on Sasuke to bear.
Are you on something? It’s not about being free of guilt uwu, it’s about finally telling Sasuke something he should’ve told him a long time ago. It’s about FINALLY treating Sasuke like a person who commands equal respect. 
That’s what makes him irredeemable and unforgivable. He didn’t relinquish that information to soothe Sasuke, he explained everything so that his soul could rest in peace while Sasuke could harness it.
I liked Itachi Uchiha as a character but he’s disgustingly selfish as a person.
He’s selfish up until his death. Dying and being revived and fighting Kabuto with Sasuke made him realize how selfish he had been, so he finally did the right thing and was selfless to Sasuke. 
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narutospork-blog · 5 years
Sakura are like Twilight fans, clinging to anything however small to make her look good. Let the character sink like the sinking ship she is and just maybe one day it will be in the past. btw those quotes are the reason why Sakura is labeled as a Faux action girl just cause people are talking about how strong she is and does nothing to show for it.  god, do I hate this character. If she was in a YA adult novel I wouldn’t mind so much I can laugh at the bad character cry a bit that this is what YA think female girls are like but she is a Shojo Manga by a guy who admits he doesn’t know how to write female hates his lead female. This shouldn’t be the okay or okay at least in YA novels, the selfish shallow character stayed there but then we have Sakura and her fans just giving every writer the green light. Personality and likable traits? Who needs actual troubles when love is on the mind that is the only real drama we need. REALLY, FOLKS, THE ONLY CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT SAKURA SHOULD HAVE HIS WHO SHE IS GOING TO BONK IN THE END. Also, character development doesn’t mean she cut off her hair in that one scene must strong female character. It is growing and changing once she faced one difficult path and changes herself for the better she faces the other. Not “I am not as strong as my teammates,”  gets strong but they get stronger and then whine about the same thing. Also, please future writers if any of you write a female character please writer as a person, not a love machine only there to strock the male's ego and have babies or  A STUPID UNIMPORTANT LOVE TRIANGLE. Seriously I am bit disappointed that we are celebrating the girls winning the guys they wanted when we should have been rooting for Kishi to write the girls with better development and other goals instead of getting as strong as the guys or who I am going to marry. AND PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SAKURA FANS STOP COMPARING SAKURA TO BLOSSOMING FLOWER YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO A FLOWER IT WILTS......You know what keep on comparing her to a damn flower it fits with her damn character, it has short spasms of ‘character development’ before dying off   
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That Anon wasn’t kidding. Bunch of pointless Sarada and “Team 7” posts too.
There’s some Hinata ones in the tag too,but it makes more sense for her to be there since she’s actually married to an Uzumaki is technically one in name.
LN14: And I’m honestly tied of SS injecting themselves into EVERYTHING
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narutospork-blog · 5 years
Not a Sakura fan
Okay, I get people not liking Hinata she is far from the most interesting character in Naruto or really ever. But what I find ironic is Sakura fans hating on Hinata. Is your character that fucking pathetic you guys are worried about a big tittied no personality character being more popular than the flat chested and character Sakura. Why hate a character a side character who in the show less than Sakura. I don’t even care for Hinata and I think the anti-fans are jumping through hopes when they just talk about her titties. PEOPLE, IT JUST BOOBS FOR GOD SAKE,  ALL  WOMAN HAVE THEM and some men. And I can not be mad at Hinata for being fanservice despite how little of a personality she has what little she does to the story because I don’t feel like I am being lied to about her being a strong female character. Cause she isn’t but understands the trope she is fanservice and not care. Sakura, on the other hand, is a huge lie and her fans know it and try to cover it up with fanon Sakura.  SMALL TITS OR BIG TITS DO NOT EQUAL INTERESTING CHARACTER. But I think I understand that Sakura and her fans are focused on tits and romance. THANK YOU SAKURA FANS YOU ARE THE REASON WHY BAD ROMANCE STORIES ARE POPULAR. One day hopefully you grow up from the childish romance such as Twilight and get your heads out of your ass and figure out why 50 Shades is an actual bad romance instead of jumping the bandwagon. I really shouldn’t be saying this to a shojo and both Sakura and Hinata are the same page (but at least Naruto is around for Hinata) it is not twu luv if you married the hottest guy around high school sweetheart or not. GOD WE NEED TO STOP OKAYING TEENAGE ROMANCE AS TWU LUV. It isn’t it just hormones at work and part of growing and learning about love and relationship. I forgot what I was ranting about
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narutospork-blog · 5 years
itachi was so goth that he could disintegrate into crows
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narutospork-blog · 5 years
"theres only one sasuke" dude has so many moodswings its hard to keep track. does he want to stab? does he want to be hokage? we'll just never know for sure
Does he want to kill itachi or avenge him? Stab sakura or marry her?? Destroy konoha or become hokage??? The only consistent thing he’s ever wanted is naruto lmao
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narutospork-blog · 5 years
Part 1 Sasuke had so much potential! Honestly, I cry. I weep for the wasted goodness. Him leaving was... I feel like it could of been done better? Everything in Shippuden could of.
Yeah he was a funny kinda boyish brat it was appealing and then in Shippuden idk. Up to like I said Itachi’s death his actions make sense, but then going directly against Itachi’s wishes (and that could still be seen as valid tbh bc he found out what Konoha didto his clan) but he just jumps into “I’m gonna kill every innocent in Konoha” +he pretty much right away teams up with a guy who Itachi told him Helped kill his clan like ??? Okay your ….hm and then his plan just changed over and over and it honestly feels like he’s running around with no plan and he just like disregards everyone else like he quite literally /physically/ goes through Karin and it’s literally just like okay your traumatized bitch So is everyone else in this world your not …valid and don’t even get me started on how weird and sad him and Naruto’s relationship is like honestly Naruto isn’t innocent in that either like Naruto your gonna break his legs and drag him home??? Just let the little psycho go he tried to kill you and Sakura and Kakashi and you shouldn’t have to go to the lengths Naruto goes to change him realistically someone like Nagato who had a solid (granted crazy) plan who had lived his experiences and was much older and wasn’t just angry and taking out his pain on whatever was pointed at him should’ve been muCH harder to convince then Sasuke it makes him sooo annoying…Basically around that 150 mark Sasuke becomes an exhausting joke. And it stops being funny around 250…and then we keep going….and eVEN being like ok he was 15/16/17 he was just going through it as these wackos do he was a teen then he uhhhh grows up to be ….the same redemption arc who Sasuke doesn’t value anyone enough to actually stay around them even for a second his pain is too big :*((( just ugHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh just go away
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narutospork-blog · 5 years
Oh wow
Saw someone comparing liking Itachi to defending Nazis in the Nuremberg trials and wow…..uhhh as someone who’s Armenian/Native umm let me just say queens kings and everything I between
don’t compare a fictional genocide to a real one:)
And for good measure because some of you legit don’t go outside don’t compare real historical slavery to fictional slavery
“But thiS is so SimilAR TO-“ neat. Do not do that. Don’t ever do that.
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narutospork-blog · 5 years
What do u think about Itachi going to unnecessary lengths to traumatize his mil brother? Even though he kinda 'had to do it' so Sasuke could despise him i think he went overboard in that sense
It is too much but here’s why he did it if you look at the way he’s brought up and his state of mind it actually makes a lot of sense why he does it that way…
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narutospork-blog · 5 years
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narutospork-blog · 5 years
Been rewatching a lot of naruto lately and all I have to say is that hiruzen was a pussy ass BITCH who absolutely could have shut danzo down but DIDN’T because he’s a COWARD and itachi and shisui deserved NONE OF THAT god I’ve never wanted to physically fight an old man more (also I hope kushina fucking decked him when he died for basically abandoning her son)
Oh yaaaa I wanted to scream when Itachi goes to Hiruzen and is like “my life is literally in tatters my soul is in shreds all I ask you’ll take care of Sasuke make sure he’s safe and well” and like…they leave him in the compound. Iconic
Snitching to Danzo about Shisui’s ability which ultimately gets Shisui killed and solidified the masscre was going to happen…
Also YA when he promises to take care of their baby and then we see him tagging of like four year old Naruto to “spend his money properly, bc it’s all he’s getting this month” which implies the baby oversPENT once (as children often do) and went hungry and mmmm
Letting orphans like Iruka, Kakashi, Naruto and Sasuke canonically live alone without any adult care of welfare checks….
Letting Orochimaru get away with experiments and kidnapping and harming little Anko and literally taking Tiny lil Yamato bc he’s his…student
Letting Danzo be….Danzo bc he’s his friend…which literally causes the masscre….as well as turning a blind eye to him building an army to undermine…his own abuse of children….him helping Hanzo destabilize peace talks in the rain allowing Yahiko to die and allowing Obito to convince them ultimately allowing the pain attack of Konoha to happen…among other things
And So…so much more I don’t wanna think about rn…..
Likeeee MmmmMMMMMmmmm h I r u Z E n
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narutospork-blog · 5 years
Sasuke got that reveal his brother cared for him and Inuyasha looked at Sesshomaru and Sesshomaru gave him the finger guns and was like, don’t wait on it kid kskdndnd
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narutospork-blog · 5 years
As I explained before Sakura is far from a Disney Princess. Disney Princess is usually a product of the time and grows and change. She fits in the category of awful tween romance, sharing personality traits with Bella (Twilight), Ana (50 Shades) and any Cassandra Clare books. Yes, they are popular but usually are damaging for writers as the characters are self-centered pigs and just...I ranted about it here
https://narutospork.tumblr.com/post/177220713109/i-hate-when-people-stop-hating-sakura-shes-not I should answer that question about Sakura being a Bella Swan clone soon enough.
I can't even look up a Disney princess with Sakura being paired with Sasuke and/or Naruto in a crossover popping up in the results.
How tf is she a princess much less a Disney one???????????
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narutospork-blog · 5 years
Why won’t Multi-Sakura shipper create an oc instead of shipping Sakura with everyone? Is it because they are lazy? If they really cared for a character they wouldn’t change them as much as they do and call it it fanon Sakura? While I have read a few really great fanfics with Sakura it wasn’t Sakura I was reading it was someones oc with pink hair and green eyes. What is more upsetting is reading a sued up version of Sakura getting more reviews than someone who created a fantastic oc? 
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