narvcissa · 4 years
where - some project fundraiser. who - @moodyparis​
Things like this were like muscle memory to Narcissa. The champagne flutes, the polite smiles, the nice dress, the earrings matching her necklace. She had been raised for this, and she was damn good at it too. Still, events like this got rather repetitive, and while Narcissa came to most of the fundraisers she was invited too, she found herself standing on the side bitterly sipping her drink more and more these days. At least the project was interesting, she thought. Something about using magic for greener energy: she hadn’t paid the most attention, but it was something, surely. She moved through the crowds, ending up at the bar where she found herself standing next to a much younger woman. Networking was key for most of them, she knew. Narcissa hardly needed to do so any more, these days: she was well known, her name demanding respect among most people. Still, she was tired of conversations with the same old people and said, “Quite a pitch, hm?”, referencing the presentation that had been held earlier. In all truth, a lot of the modern words had gone over her head. That was on them, though. 
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narvcissa · 4 years
where - narcissa’s home. who - @unmercifuls​ / rahim.
He was no longer her student, not really. Those years of teaching a young Rahim how to play the piano – of teaching him not kindness, per se, but at the very least how it felt to be cared for – had passed, but he was still welcome. For tea, for a demonstration, for moments sat in silence listening to a record play quietly. She worried for him, like she had for Draco, years ago. Even more so, now: Lucius, she knew, would not have forced their son into the Death Eaters ( and if he would have tried, she would have stopped him ), but she was quite certain that her nephew was willing to do such things. Sometimes she dreaded being left in the shadows. Alas. It was better this way. Narcissa was done playing at wars. “More tea?”,  she asked, breaking the silence as she noticed that Rahim’s cup had been drained. He was sat at the piano, she on the sofa. “I have plenty.”
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narvcissa · 4 years
where - malfoy manor. who - @dvmnedsaints​
Narcissa did not miss Malfoy Manor. Since moving out decades ago, she had made her own home in a smaller mansion, where the ghost of Lucius did not exist. Rebuilt. She was rebuilt. Still, she did love to visit the place, if only because it allowed her to see her son, grandson and daughter-in-law. And the gardens, of course. That was where they walked now, she and Draco, the perfect image of daughter and son. “I always find it quite sad, that everything starts to die this time of the year,” she said, observing the fading green around them. The irony of her words was not lost on her, and Narcissa pressed her lips together. A thin line. “How’s Scorpius dealing, with it all? It’s not easy to be young in a war.” They both knew it, wars having cast a shadow over both their teenage years. Narcissa found it hard to believe she had thought such things necessary, once. 
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narvcissa · 4 years
where - the burrow. who - @mcllysr​
Narcissa still felt quite out of place in the Burrow, even after all these years. She’d stopped wrinkling her nose upon entering, sure, but she still felt like an alien sitting there. She, every hair in place, her outfit unwrinkled, all cool tones, the sheer definition perfection, in a house that was warm and cluttery, the sheer definition of chaos. She supposed it had its charms, if you liked mess, and Narcissa did not. But she was not there to judge the interior design choices of Molly Weasley. She was here to be a friend, as much as she could be. “Molly. Please.” Her tone was sharp as she looked at Molly, who was pacing. “Sit down.” She felt for the other, of course she did: they were both mothers, and Narcissa had feared for Draco’s life more than once. While Narcissa had not much cared about Harry Potter, she did not like seeing Molly in pain because of his loss. “Your tea will get cold.”
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narvcissa · 4 years
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narvcissa · 4 years
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❝ she held her pose like an ancient masterpiece: grandiose, fascinating, beautiful and slowly falling apart ❞
{ cis woman, she/her } huh, who’s HELEN MIRREN? no, you’re mistaken, that’s actually NARCISSA MALFOY. she is a 74 year old PUREBLOOD witch who is A MATRIARCH/PIANO TEACHER. she is known for being HAUGHTY, ALOOF, RIGID, SELF SERVING, and POSSESSIVE, but also ELEGANT, CUNNING, PROTECTIVE, COMPOSED, and SELF-RELIANT, so that must be why she always reminds me of the song SOLITAIRE BY MARINA and PEARL NECKLACES, THE SOUND OF HEELS ON MARBLE, LIVING IN A HOUSE THAT’S MUCH TOO LARGE TO HOLD JUST ONE SOUL, GETTING USED TO THE TASTE OF LONELINESS, GOLD CHAMPAGNE, FUR COATS, MELTING ONLY AROUND A CERTAIN FEW, PIANO MUSIC. i hear she is aligned with NO ONE, so be sure to keep an eye on her.
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narvcissa · 4 years
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narvcissa · 4 years
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I love it here. I love the baking. I love the flower arranging. I like the routine. Well… I do get a bit restless sometimes. I take the odd contract on the side. I just can’t stop.
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narvcissa · 4 years
La Vie En Rose playing from another room Edith Piaf
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