nastyawinx · 15 days
Spending time together
Late in the evening, Eivor infiltrated Alfred's castle to find something valuable. She searched the shelves and table, hoping to find something interesting. Suddenly, a wrapped scroll flashed before the eyes of the Wolf-kissed. Eivor took the scroll and unrolled it. But the scroll says something that Eivor was very interested in: King Alfred is not indifferent to Eivor and feels some kind of sympathy. The Wolf-kissed decided to find Alfred and find out.
Alfred was in the church looking at the relics. While he was looking, Eivor quietly approached him.
- I see you’ve decided to see the treasure one last time, - Eivor grinned.
- And you entered silently. I didn’t notice you, - Alfred said neutrally, without losing his composure.
- How long have you been here? - she asked, moving closer to the king.
- I’ve been here for two hours, - Alfred answered, turning his head away from the pagan woman.
- Don’t you want to come with me and unwind? - Eivor suggested, taking Alfred's chin.
- Well, I’ll go with you, - Alfred agreed. - But you have to take me back to Winchester.
- As you say, my king, - Eivor bowed jokingly.
Eivor and Alfred left Winchester in secret. They reached the river, found a boat and sailed away. Meanwhile, Dag noticed the couple. He wondered why Eivor was flirting with Alfred. He ran across the field until he fell into a hole.
- A-A-A! - Dag shouted. Eivor and Alfred heard screams.
- Someone was screaming, - Alfred heard.
- No, it was your imagination, - Eivor said, rowing. Alfred looked at the expanse of the forest and then at the water. He touched the water with his hand. Eivor smiled and turned the boat towards the shore. Wolf-kissed jumped down first and offered her hand to Alfred. Alfred gave his hand to the pagan and jumped off the boat. The two walked along the path until they stopped near a tree.
- It’s pretty nice here, - Alfred admired.
- You just don’t go out, - Eivor grinned. Alfred lay down near the tree and fell asleep. Wolf-kissed looked at the sleepy Alfred and smiled maliciously. She liked to watch the sleepy king. Meanwhile, Dag was hiding in the bushes and watching Eivor and Alfred.
- What, Eivor, have you decided to court Alfred? - Dag chuckled. As Dag watched and laughed, a heron pecked him on the ass.
- A-A-A! Hurt! - Dag shouted. Alfred woke up screaming.
- What kind of scream? - Alfred woke up and stretched.
- Someone decided to disturb your sleep, - Wolf-kissed guessed. — There is a village there, maybe we can go there? — Alfred agreed and, together with Eivor, headed to the village.
In the village, Eivor and Alfred walked among the houses. Wolf-kissed put her hand on Alfred's waist. Alfred just smiled and shook his head. Soon, both turned towards the pier. By then, Dag, disguised as a tree, was spying on the couple and saw Alfred and Eivor chatting pleasantly.
- You chat nicely next to him, Eivor, - Dag laughed. Suddenly, a dog approaches Dag.
- No, no, not here...- Dag got scared. But the dog only wet his boots.
- My boots! - Dag panicked. Neither Eivor nor Alfred heard Dag's screams.
- It’s time for us to move on, - Eivor said. Alfred nodded. Both left the village and moved on. Alfred enjoyed spending time with Eivor. He felt good next to her. Soon both reached the top of the hill.
- I’ve never seen England from such a wide expanse, - Alfred admired.
-It reminds me of Norway, - Eivor admired.
- Thank you for the day, Eivor. He's like a dream and I don’t want to wake up, - Alfred thanked.
- And don’t, - Eivor begged. - Let the dream continue.
- Yes, - Alfred drawled. Alfred put his hand on Eivor's shoulder and kissed her lightly. Eivor was surprised by the Saxon's unexpected action.
- Sorry, I didn’t mean to, - Alfred apologized, turning his head away from the Wolf-kissed. - You are a pagan, and I am a Christian.
- You don’t seem to be drunk, - Eivor argued.
- Maybe so... In general, Eivor, I like you. You are the only one of the Danes to whom I am not indifferent, - Alfred admitted.
- There was no need to apologize. I like you too, despite the fact that you are a Saxon, - Eivor admitted. Eivor wrapped her arms around Alfred's waist, and Alfred wrapped her arms around Eivor's shoulders. Both kissed passionately, stroking each other.
- I will never forget this day, - Alfred whispered against his lips. Wolf-kissed kissed the king again. Meanwhile, Dag was hiding in the bushes and saw Eivor and Alfred kissing.
- What, Eivor, do you like kissing a Saxon? Ravensthorpe will be interested to hear, - Dag laughed. Eivor stopped kissing Alfred.
- Wait, - Eivor stopped kissing the king and took out an ax. - I take out an ax - one, I aim - two, I throw an ax - three, - Eivor shouted. Dag, hearing Eivor's threats, ran away.
- The coward ran away, - Eivor grinned. Alfred chuckled and wrapped his arms around Eivor's neck and kissed her.
- I’m waiting for the continuation, - Alfred whispered, taking Eivor’s face. Eivor and Alfred lay down on the ground. The Wolf-kissed hugged Alfred by the waist and kissed him passionately. Alfred, with his arm around Eivor's neck, returned the kiss with passion. Wolf-kissed kissed the king on the neck and shoulder. Both kissed and caressed each other.
In the morning, Eivor and Alfred slept together. Alfred woke up first.
- Thank you for the night, Eivor, - Alfred thanked. - I’ll get to Winchester myself, - he got up and went to Winchester. King Alfred will not forget the evening he spent with Eivor.
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nastyawinx · 1 year
Tell me what is friendship
Napoleon sat in his office and worked on papers. Silence surrounded Bonaparte and protected him from extraneous sounds. She is the only friend for the commander in chief: Napoleon had no friends since childhood. Only books and silence were best friends. But one person changed the way we think about friendship…
When Napoleon was filling out the documents, Arno entered him without warning through the window. Napoleon, without turning his head, said heavily:
-I didn't notice you come in.
-Are you still doing paperwork?- Arno asked sarcastically.- "Brains won't explode?"- touched Napoleon's temples.
-All my life I worked with papers and read literature,- Napoleon turned his head.
-You don’t understand anything in jokes,- the assassin grinned and sat down on the table, “you need to relax.
-I don’t know such a word,- Napoleon waved him off.
-How do you not know? You yourself said that you read literature, - Arno was surprised.
-I beg you: no need to roll up intrigues,- Bonaparte pleaded, without looking up from his papers.
— And I did not roll up the intrigue. I was just surprised,- the assassin explained. - Have you ever spent time with your friends?
-I have no friends. I don’t know what friendship is,- Napoleon replied dryly.
-I will help you figure out this word,- the assassin suggested.
-Good. And tell me, please, what is friendship? Napoleon asked, pushing the papers aside. -What does this word mean to you?- He put his hand on his chin.
-Friendship is when they respect, keep secrets, trust and share with the news,- said Arno.
-When they respect and keep secrets,- Napoleon repeated to himself.
-They also spend time together,- Arno added.
— That's how. I haven't had any friends all my life,- Bonaparte said quietly.
-Why?- the assassin asked, putting his hands on his knees.
-I was bullied at school: I am a patriot of Corsica and expressed hatred to the French,- Napoleon said with annoyance. - I was a stranger to them.
-Come on,- Arno rolled his eyes, -Marie Antoinette was from Austria and had friends. She was happy.
-I compared the laugher and the commander-in-chief,- the commander-in-chief hit himself in the face.
-Come on,- Arno pushed lightly.
-Regarding pastime: I want to know where you usually spend your time?- Napoleon asked.
-I spend time in a tavern,- suggested Arno and climbed down from the table.
-Well, let’s go to this tavern together,- Napoleon agreed.
-I assure you you will like it,- said Arno. Arno and Napoleon went to a tavern. The two walked along the evening streets of Paris. Napoleon asked questions about the bar, to which Arnaud answered eagerly. Bonaparte began to slowly understand in friendship. Maybe this evening will help him find a friend. Soon Arno and Napoleon came to the bar.
-We have arrived,- Arno said.
-Bad place,- Napoleon said, embarrassed.
-You will like it,- assured the assassin, taking Bonaparte’s hand.
-All right, all right,- Napoleon said under his breath. Both entered the tavern. Napoleon looked at the tavern. Drunk people were lying everywhere, a man with two women was sitting on the table. Bonaparte winced slightly at the unpleasant picture.
-Sit down, monsieur,- Arno pushed back his chair.
-Thank you. - Napoleon sat down. Arno sat down on a chair. The Marquis de Sade approached the two.
-Ah, dear Arno,- the marquis greeted joyfully, -and who is this?- looked at Napoleon.
-This is Napoleon Bonaparte,- the assassin replied.
-Very glad to meet you,- he shook Napoleon's hand with both hands.
-I'm glad to meet you too, - Napoleon mumbled, - "Unpleasant type."
-And your friend is so shy,- hinted the marquis.
-He's not a fan of these establishments,- Arno shrugged.
-Truth? Well, I'll help him relax, - the marquis smiled immorally. -Monsieur Bonaparte,- Napoleon said.
-What do you want?- Napoleon asked quietly, without looking up.
-Where are you from? I see that you are not a local,- the Marquis impudently pestered.
-From Corsica,- Napoleon said under his breath.
— Oh, Corsica. This is a wonderful place, - admired De Sade. - How are the girls?- Napoleon only remained silent. He didn't like talking about it. The Marquis de Sade for Napoleon is a vile person with low morals.
-There is a drink in this establishment,- Bonaparte abruptly switched to another topic.
-Of course there is,- Arno confirmed, -I quickly,- and went for a drink. Bonaparte lowered his head down and put his hands on his temples.
-Come on, monsieur, I wanted to ask,- de Sade apologized. Napoleon was silent and did not speak to him. — Do you like to read?- asked the Marquis.
-Of course. All my childhood I read books, - Bonaparte replied without looking at his face.
— Have you read my books?
-No, I haven't read it. I like to read only moral books.
-But in vain,- drawled the marquis, -if you want, I will show you the room and the weapon of torture.
-I don’t want to,- Napoleon refused and turned his head away so as not to see the marquis. Soon Arno comes to the two with mugs of ale.
-Here I brought mugs of ale,- Arno put it on the table.
-You couldn't leave us alone,- Napoleon asked the Marquis.
-Of course, monsieur,- the marquis smiled obscenely and left.
-A nasty fellow,- Napoleon grimaced.
-I think so too,- Arno whispered in his ear.
-Let's have ale and leave this place,- Napoleon said quickly. Arno and Napoleon drank ale.
-Tell me, Arno, are you friends with this marquis?- Napoleon asked.
-No, I'm not friends with him. He's such a nasty fellow,- Arno was embarrassed. You can't be friends with such a person. We need a person to have moral values.
-I agree with you,- Napoleon agreed. -You know, after spending time with you, I already understand what friendship is,- he admitted to the assassin, -it’s time for us.
-Agreed,- Arno agreed. Arno and Bonaparte quietly and quickly left the tavern and went for a walk through the streets of Paris. Both turned into the park and sat on a bench. In the park, Arno talked about his childhood and his carefree days. Napoleon just nodded and listened. He liked to listen to Arno, Napoleon wanted him to keep talking. Assassin asked Napoleon to tell about his childhood. The commander-in-chief refused, but Dorian insisted, and Napoleon told him everything.
-It’s already late, it’s time to return,- Napoleon stood up from the bench.
-I can do it,- Arno stood up from the bench. Arno and Napoleon went to Bonaparte's residence. They soon arrived.
-Thank you for the evening, Arno,- Napoleon said.
-What's wrong?- Arno shrugged.
-And one more thing,- Napoleon put his hand on his friend’s shoulder and kissed him on the lips, -choose the right friends,- he went to the -Of course, monsieur,- Arno agreed and left.
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nastyawinx · 1 year
Early in the evening, Arthur decided to walk through the fairy forest to take a break from royal affairs. The forest beckoned the young king with its beauty. Artie slowly walked along the forest path, enjoying the fresh forest air and the sounds of the forest. Suddenly, Artie noticed a human figure standing by a tree, and obviously thinking about something. Artie decided that he was not local and got lost. Well, it's easy to get lost in a place like this. But as soon as the young man came closer, the figure turned sharply to face him. Artie was dumbfounded, in front of him was one of the most unpleasant people for Artie. Lancelot, a former student at the Worcestershire Academy and Artie's tormentor. In two years, he suffered: he got into trouble several times, twice he was in prison because of his bad temper, and even his knight friends abandoned him, including Guinevere.
The former knight saw the former "loser" (although two years have passed and now it is impossible to call Artie a loser). Artie started a conversation
- You? Arthur asked coldly and with the fear he tried not to show.
“Artie, I understand that you are not happy to meet me, but let's talk,” Lancelot was lost.
"I don't want to talk to you," Artie said sharply. “After you mocked me, I don't want to see you. I don't know why you came here, but I won't let you make fun of me again and use me as a target.
“Artie, I didn’t come here for this. I’m already on the same as before, Lance assured.
"I don't believe you," the blond told the truth. - Leave! Until I kicked you out of my kingdom as your buddies.
“Artie, no, no, don’t. I have nowhere to go,” Lancelot was frightened. Artie was already turning to leave, but Lancelot abruptly took his hand. - I made a lot of mistakes. Give me a chance, Artie. I loved you.
- No! unhooked his hand and slapped Artie. - This is not love. You just got used to me, having changed the mainland or another location, - Lancelot stroked his cheek, feeling a slight pain.
“Please listen to me, Artie,” Lancelot pleaded.
- Leave. I don’t want to listen to you,” Arthur chased away. Lancelot took Arthur's hand and pressed it to his chest. The blond, finding himself in the arms of a former classmate, began to break free, but Lancelot did not let him go.
“Let me go, Lance,” Artie ordered, almost shouting. - I'll scream now.
- I ask: hear me. I'm sorry that I hurt you, - Lancelot admitted his mistakes and began to stroke the blond's hair with his hand. “After leaving Worcestershire, I thought it would be easy.
"Because you were authoritative," the blond muttered.
- I got into trouble, I was kicked out more than once from the city. I even went to prison twice. My friends abandoned me and Guinevere, - said Lancelot. Artie tried to get out again, but Lance only got stronger in his arms.
“When I was in prison for the second time, I remembered you. I knew right away that I needed to find you and ask for forgiveness,” Lancelot said.
- Well, I met! Satisfied?! Now let me go!
- I'm sorry! - Taking his chin, said Lancelot. Lancelot kissed Artie gently on the lips. Arthur, stopped resisting, and stared at Lance in bewilderment. Artie immediately remembered the confession to Lance, which of course he rejected and began to mock him doubly after that. I immediately remembered the love for this under-knight. Artie didn't notice how the kiss deepened. Lance's tongue was already hosting the occupied territory, running his tongue over his gums and playing with Arthur's tongue. Only when there was not enough air at all did they move away.
- Have you forgiven me? Lance hoped.
“I need to think,” Artie said. - I must go. Arthur left the forest, leaving Lancelot alone. Lancelot hoped Artie would give him a chance.
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nastyawinx · 1 year
A sixteen-year-old girl from London came to New York with her father. This girl's name was Maria Thorpe. She was dressed in a black T-shirt with a red Templar cross, tight dark blue leggings, over them a skirt of the same color and dark gray sneakers. Marina's hair is loose, only a pigtail rim. The reason Mary moved to New York was because of her father's promotion at work.
-Here, Maria, we are in New York,” my father was delighted, unloading the car.
- Dad, we'd better stay in London, - Maria was indignant.
“Maria, I told you twice that there would be a new good life in New York. Maybe you will find friends, - explained the father.
“There was a good life and friends in London,” the girl nostalgically.
“Come on, Maria! Everything will be fine,” the head of the family said bluntly.
"You're the same as always," Maria muttered. Maria and her father arrived at the new house late in the evening. The two entered the three-story house, which was built using modern technology. Maria dragged her suitcases and brought them into her room, collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.
Early in the morning, Maria got out of bed and was going to the cool and modern school that her father had enrolled in before New York. Thorpe dressed and went down to the first floor. After breakfast, the girl took the briefcase and went to school. Maria stopped near the stop and waited for the bus. Five minutes later the school bus pulled up and Thorpe jumped into it. Twenty people looked at the girl. Maria did not try to pay attention to the surprised faces of the students and went to the back of the bus. There were two guys in front of her. They looked at the girl and began to whisper. Maria saw how the two guys were discussing vigorously.
When the bus arrived at the school, Maria waited for a few students to leave the bus. After waiting for four students, Thorpe left the bus and headed towards the school. The school was a modern three-story building with two buildings, with a large stadium. Maria entered the school - she was met by an English teacher.
- Are you Maria Thorpe? the teacher asked.
“Yes, it’s me,” Maria answered modestly.
- Excellent. Let me take you to the classroom, - the teacher turned around and went in an unknown direction for Maria. Thorpe followed her. They went to the English room and went in. Maria saw those guys who were sitting on the bus and whispering.
— Class, attention! This is Maria Thorpe. She came from London and will study in our class,” the teacher said. “Maria, take your seat.” Maria sat down next to the guy with the scarred lips and brown hair. The English lesson has begun.
“Maria, tell us about yourself,” the teacher asked. Maria got up. I came from London to New York because my father got a promotion at work. I went to a prestigious school in England. Guys, I have a British accent, but over time I will get used to your accent, - said Maria.
“Very well,” said the teacher.
After two lessons, Maria stood by the locker and folded notebooks and textbooks. Soon, two people she had seen before approached her.
- Are you from London? one guy asked as he slammed the door.
— Yes, what about you? Maria asked rudely.
"Hey baby, don't be rude.
- I'm not your baby!
“Altair, don’t you see that our lady doesn’t want to talk,” the brunette chuckled.
"I'm not a lady," Maria said sharply.
“Come on, Malik, we don’t need to talk to the English thing,” Altair grinned and went along with Malik in the other direction. Maria breathed. What a jerk! Fly to the girls! Maria put down her textbooks and notebooks and went to the mathematics room.
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nastyawinx · 2 years
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Eivor Varinsdottir modern valhalla
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nastyawinx · 2 years
Spartan boarding school
-Yeah, what a mess!- Alexios yelled at the entire group. Two boys were frolicking around the room, three girls were talking loudly, but the cry of the yelling teacher calmed them down. -Are you used to being yelled at?- Alexios yelled. -What did I say, eighth grade? -Get together for self-training,- the pupils dutifully answered. -So why didn't you get together? - It's all her! - No he! - I will not understand: who is to blame. Now line up and go down to the first floor,- Alexios ordered. The eighth grade lined up, Alexios explained the rules of conduct for self-study. The students, together with the teacher, went down to the first floor. Across from Alexios's group, Kassandra was calming down the seventh graders. -Seventh grade, calm down,- Cassandra said sternly. The group calmed down. - Lined up! The students lined up. - So, we are going down to the first floor for self-training. If one of you breaks the silence - a week without TV, - Kassandra punished. Cassandra led the students to the first floor.
- What did you have for tomorrow? Alexios asked. The students were silent. - Why didn't you write down your homework? I'll call the class teacher now! Alexios threatened.
-We were given mathematics, Greek language and literature,- the pupil answered meekly.
-So, let's start with mathematics, because this subject is difficult for you,- Alexios said sternly. Pupils did their homework under the guidance of Alexios. Alexios walked between the desks and checked the students. He punished the lazy: he hit the head with a pointer. Then he looked at them with a predatory, malicious look, hitting the pointer on the arm. It can be said that everyone was afraid of Alexios. For offense can use a stick.
Meanwhile, things were looking up for Cassandra. The pupils obeyed and completed the task. Kassandra severely punished lazy students, but did not use physical force, like Alexios. Suddenly she heard her brother's screams.
-We are not distracted, we are working,- Cassandra ordered. -What's wrong with you, brother?
Alexios enters a few minutes later.
- How about getting up? - Alexios asked. Seventh grade is up.
- What are you yelling at? Cassandra asked.
- Yes, the eighth grade has become impudent. They can’t even repeat an elementary rule in Greek,- Alexios was indignant.
-You take a different approach,- Cassandra advised.
-Thanks for the advice,- Alexios muttered and left.
After self-preparation, the teachers with the class returned to their groups. Until the end of the working day, Alexios continued to drive the pupils. At the end of the working day, he gave the eighth graders to the junior teacher and went home with Cassandra.
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nastyawinx · 2 years
Happiness in Oslo
If our school year starts on the first of September, then in Norway the school year starts in mid-August. You say: "Yes, well, what about studying in the summer - it's better to wait until September." This is how the Norwegian education system works. Our story takes place in Oslo. Eivor lives in this capital with his family. This year, she has entered the tenth grade, and she has to pass the exams in order to move to the senior classes. During this time, Eivor got several tattoos. She started getting interested in tattoos in the eighth grade. At first, there were ordinary images of runes, but starting from the middle of the 9th grade, Eivor began to have tattoos in the form of animals and skulls. Classmates did not particularly pay attention to Varinsdotter's tattoo, but the teacher Kyotvi Kyotvi was dissatisfied with the student's hobby and each time complained to the class teacher and parents. In the morning, Eivor woke up and looked at the calendar. Today, August 22, means meeting with classmates and Kyotvi again. Varinsdotter sighed heavily and went into the kitchen for coffee. The girl in the kitchen made coffee and started drinking. Rosta came into the kitchen.
-Eivor, after school, stop by KIWI and buy groceries. I will cook dinner today,- Rosta gave the order.
-Okay, Mom,- Eivor said neutrally. - I have to go to work. Good luck,- Rosta ran. Eivor drank coffee and went to school. Eivor's school was close to home, so Warinsdotter set out on foot. Before Eivor had time to go to school, Sigurd, a friend from childhood, drove up to her on a moped.
-Eivor, let me give you a ride,- Sigurd suggested.
-Sigurd, my school is not far away,- Eivor refused.
-But still, let me give you a ride,- Sigurd insisted. Eivor got on a moped. Sigurd got his license at the age of 16. He loved motorcycles since childhood, and so his father enrolled him in a driving school.
-Eivor, new tattoos,” said Sigurd.
-Did it over the summer,- said Eivor.
-Eivor, are you happy that the school year has begun?
-I would have spent the summer.
-I don’t want to see Kyotvi and listen to his nit-picking. Are you happy that the school year has begun? - Eivor turned to another conversation.
-Not that word. I'm going into 12th grade. I will have to take exams again,- Sigurd replied. - By the way, Randvi and I are going to a cafe after school, and you will come with us.
-No, I need to go to KIWI to buy groceries,- Eivor refused.
-Sigurd, here is my school,- she stopped him. Eivor got off the moped, thanked Sigurd and went to school.
At the school line, the director said that they would take exams this academic year, which Eivor was not particularly surprised at. At the classroom hour, the teacher said that the exams would be changed.
-You heard the exams will be different,- Soma despaired. Soma was an excellent student - she was worried about her success. She dreamed of going to high school like their foster brothers. Soma is Ragnar's adopted daughter. She was an orphan in Finland. Ragnar adopted her and took her to her brothers in Norway.
Soma, don’t worry so much,- Birna reassured, hitting her friend on the back. -Birna,- Soma protested.
-Hey, come with me to the park. My bus is at your disposal,- Vili suggested.- Eivor, are you with us? - Eivor turned to him.
-No, go without me,- Eivor refused. - I need to go to KIWI for groceries - my mother is preparing dinner.
Ah, the sun won’t go with us,- Birna grinned, at which Eivor was offended. After the conversation, the tenth graders, except for Eivor, got on Willy's bus and drove to the park. Varinsdotter went to the KIWI store for groceries.
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nastyawinx · 2 years
Eivor moving to Oslo
In a city called Oslo, Eivor lived with her foster family. The family moved to the Norwegian capital two days ago because the oil company gave Styrbjorn a promotion and sent him to Oslo. Eivor did not like this idea of ​​moving to Oslo. She refused to move, but Sturbjorn persuaded Varin's daughter that Oslo was a great city, a new and prestigious life. After long words and persuasion, Sturbjorn managed to persuade Eivor to move to Oslo.
Now three live in an apartment in the city center. The apartment was large and had three rooms. The windows overlooked the street with shops and cafes. The walls were beige with Scandinavian patterns, and the floor was covered with beige linoleum. The ceiling was white and hung from a large diamond chandelier. The living room was large, with two armchairs and a sofa. There was a big black TV on the wall and a bookshelf in the corner.
— How do you like our new apartment? asked Eivor, Sturbjorn, as he entered the room. Eivor sat at her desk doing her homework for the next day in her room, which was small with blue-gray walls.
— A little pretentious, but it will do, — Eivor answered neutrally without being distracted from the lessons, — it’s better we stayed in Bergen, — she muttered under her breath.
— I told you many times that everything will be fine in Oslo,— Sturbjorn argued, — why is Varina’s daughter so grouchy?
— It started again, — Eivor shook her head indignantly. Sturbjorn went into the hall to read another book about business and finance, which he read every evening. Eivor continued to do her homework. The lessons were so simple that Varina's daughter did them in ten minutes and started browsing Facebook. Someone knocked on the door and Sturbjorn opened the door. Near the door stood Sigurd, who had just come from training.
— Sigurd, my son, you have come, — Sturbjorn rejoiced, — how is the training?
— The training was hard, but it's good. Soon I will become a great basketball player, — Sigurd said happily.
— Sigurd, supper will be ready soon, — said Sturbjorn, going into the kitchen. Sigurd went to Eivor's room to check on his adopted sister.
— Eivor, I'm at home, — Sigurd declared as he entered Eivor's room.
— Sigurd, you’re back, — Eivor rejoiced, getting up from her chair, — how’s training, brother?
— I threw the ball into the basket ten times, — boasted Sigurd.
— Well, you're a braggart, —Eivor patted his shoulder sarcastically. Sigurd went to the window and began to look out into the street.
— In this cafe I met the girl Randvi, — Sigurd showed the cafe to his sister, who went to the window, — my friends introduced me to her. I promised to introduce you to them. You will like them.
— You made friends on the first day, but not yet, — Eivor said, looking at the same cafe that Sigurd had just talked about.
— This is only the second day, tomorrow will be better, — Sigurd consoled, and then patted Eivor on the head.
— Eivor, Sigurd, supper is ready, — Sturbjorn called from the kitchen. Eivor and Sigurd went into the kitchen to have supper. In the kitchen, Sigurd talked about training, new friends at school, and a girl. Eivor talked about how she told a Norwegian lesson about how she moved to Oslo with her family. After dinner, the three went about their business: Sturbjorn was reading a book, Sigurd was playing on the computer, and Eivor was reading Facebook posts.
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nastyawinx · 2 years
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Guys, I'm in love with Eivor again. I like Assassin's Creed Valhalla
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nastyawinx · 2 years
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Eivor Assassin's Creed Valhalla
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nastyawinx · 2 years
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Eivor Evie Frye
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nastyawinx · 2 years
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nastyawinx · 2 years
Teach me how to throw knives
Dagur's spring day began with throwing knives at a tree. The berserker often practiced throwing knives. This is a dangerous occupation - a hobby of the Frenzied. On the island of berserkers, Dagur hid his hobbies from his father, because Oswald did not like "sadistic" things. But the Frenzied liked it. The berserker believed that throwing knives would help him kill the enemy unnoticed.
Dagur's training was watched by Hiccup. Stoick's son watched the berserker with interest in his eyes. Haddock's interest was aroused, the young Viking wanted to approach Dagur and find out what his friend was doing. So the Viking did.
- Dagur... - said Hiccup modestly, taking three steps away from the berserker. Dagur, hearing Hiccup's voice, put away the knives and turned to Haddock. The boy lowered his head down.
- Hiccup, did you want something? - Dagur asked, putting his hand on Hiccup's shoulder. He raised his head and looked into the Frenzied eyes.
- Dagur, this may sound awkward, but I'll ask. What have you been doing so intensely? - swallowing a lump in his throat, Hiccup muttered and lowered his eyes so as not to see the anger of the berserker.
- Throwing knives, - Dagur replied, examining the knife.
- Aren't you afraid that Oswald will find out about your hobby again?- Hiccup asked.
- My dad won't find out,- the Frenzied Man answered proudly and continued practicing.
- Dagur, will you teach me how to t-hrow knives? - Hiccup suggested. Dagur felt a chill run down his spine from such a question. Stoick's son offers a berserker to teach him knife throwing. The frenzied one didn't know what to answer. If he agrees, then Stoick and Oswald will scold him for such a misdemeanor, and you can say goodbye to the world, and if he refuses, then Hiccup will turn away from him. He wondered why Hiccup wanted to learn this dangerous occupation.
- Hiccup, I'll teach you how to throw knives, but not a word to Stoick and my dad,- Dagur agreed. He took out a knife and gave it to Hiccup. Stoick's son was examining the berserker's edged weapon. Frenzied explained to the boy that throwing knives is used to secretly kill the enemy. Dagur took out a second knife and showed how to aim correctly. Haddock watched his mentor carefully and memorized. Dagur threw the knife into the tree with precision and precision. It was Hiccup's turn. Haddock took aim and threw the knife, but the cold Berserk weapon hit the lower part of the barrel.
- It didn't work out,- said Hiccup.
- It's all right,- Dagur reassured him. - you tensed up and that's why the knife flew not straight, but down, - he explained, - let me show you again, - took out a knife and threw it into a tree. Hiccup watched his mentor's actions carefully.
- Now it's your turn,- Dagur gave the knife to Hiccup. The Viking took a knife and aimed at the tree. He easily and quickly threw Dagur's cold weapon straight at the target.
- It worked! - Hiccup was delighted.
- Well, now you can throw knives, but it will take you time to master them,- Dagur praised.
- Thank you, Dagur, for teaching me how to throw knives,- said Hiccup.
- But I can teach you something else, - the berserker offered.
- Like using a sword? - Hiccup thought.
- No, - Dagur answered, smiling - Hiccup, close your eyes.
Hiccup, at Dagur's request, closed his eyes, and Dagur hesitantly, but accurately and tenderly kissed Hiccup on the cheek and forehead. Haddock felt the berserker's lips. They are so tender and soft that I wanted to ask Dagur to kiss him again. The Berserker gently stroked Hiccup's hair with his hand.
- Hiccup, you can open your eyes, - the guy allowed.
- Dagur, this is... - Hiccup was choosing his words.
- How do you like it? - Dagur asked.
- I liked it, maybe you can teach me this technique? - Hiccup hoped.
- Next time,- he said in response and kissed Hiccup on the head - if my dad finds out what we've been doing, we'll be in trouble.
- I'll keep it a secret,- Hiccup vowed.
This is a day Hiccup will never forget. His friend berserk taught him how to throw knives, which may be useful to Haddock to secretly kill enemies, gently stroked and kissed.
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nastyawinx · 2 years
Tea with lemon
Loki was rarely ill. He doesn't like to get sick. But if he gets sick, he endured illnesses hard.
And so it happened. Loki got sick. The temperature is under thirty-eight degrees, severe cough, runny nose, chills and malaise. Lafayson could barely stand on his feet. Now he was lying wrapped in a blanket and trying to fall asleep, but snot and cough did not interfere with sleep. On Thursday night, Loki coughed so much that he had to use cough drops. But they didn't help much either.
The prince slowly fell asleep, but someone knocked on the door. Loki barely opened his eyes to examine the newcomer.
- Thor? "What is it?" he asked hoarsely. Thor walked over to his brother and sat down on the chair that was next to Loki's bed.
- Loki, what's wrong with you? Thor asked.
"I just need to rest," Lafayson replied hoarsely.
— You have a fever, - Thor touched his brother's forehead, - Loki, so you're sick.
"I don't care anymore," Loki said weakly.
— Wait, I'll be right there, - Thor left, and returned with hot tea.
— Here, it will make you feel better, - Thor gave a cup of tea. Loki sat up and took a cup of tea.
"Thank you," he whispered. Lafayson took a sip of tea.
- Tea with lemon? Loki guessed.
"Only he can make you feel better," Thor said. The prince smiled and drank his tea.
— I'll close the window, otherwise it's cold here, - Odinson went to the window and closed it.
"Thor, you can lie down with me—" Loki asked in embarrassment, his cheeks were already flushed. Apparently it's because of the heat. Thor just smiled and lay down next to him, hugging him. Loki fell asleep in his brother's arms.
In the morning, Lafayson does not notice Thor. It seemed to him that it was a dream. But looking at the empty cup of tea, Loki realized that it was not a dream.
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nastyawinx · 2 years
Stoick and Oswald were walking through the forest. Both discussed plans for the further development of the world. And in the midst of discussions, voices were heard. They hid behind a tree and began to watch.
During this time, Dagur taught Hiccup how to throw knives. And it was their voices that sounded in the forest. Stoick and Oswald went into a state of shock, especially Lovely. His son is teaching Hiccup how to throw knives! Unthinkable!
- Oooh, someone will soon be left without a son,- Stoick said with a stone face.
- Don't worry, your son won't get off easy either,- Oswald added.
- We need to talk to them.
By evening, Dagur and Hiccup returned to the big house. Angry fathers were waiting for them.
- So you came to Berk to do sadistic things?- Oswald asked furiously.
- Don’t start,- Dagur was angry.
- What about you? Why did you take this knife? Stoick asked furiously.
- Father, Dagur is just…- Hiccup justified himself.
- We'll talk later,-Stoick cut him off sharply.
In the evening, at the house, Stoick really reprimanded Hiccup for his misconduct.
- What have I done? Hiccup asked.
Why did you take a knife? Stoick asked instead of answering.
- Father, Dagur was just teaching me how to throw knives.
- Yes? What if you got hurt?
-Daddy, I'll have to kill dragons!
- Son, you understand that these innocent pranks can make you a murderer.
- I understand. But listen to me! I do not want to appear weak, and throwing knives will help me avoid trouble.
-Son, you know that I lost my wife and I don’t want to lose you. Hiccup, understand, I care about you, - Stoick switched to a caring tone.
- I know. Sorry. Let's forget this incident,- Hiccup asked.
- Alright, Hiccup. But don't do that again! - Stoick said.
Meanwhile, Oswald scolded Dagur.
-I didn't expect you to do this. Teach the boy how to use knives. How is it possible?!- Oswald was outraged.
- And what is it? He will need this skill! - Dagur snapped.
- How dare you contradict me?!- Oswald got angry,- so that I don’t see these knives anymore! Do you understand?!
- Understood,- Dagur muttered.
Later that evening, Dagur was looking for Hiccup. The boy was in the house and did not go anywhere on the orders of his father. Oswald and Stoick were also in the big house, but that didn't stop Frenzied from finding Hiccup.
-Hiccup,- Dagur called. Hearing the voice of his berserk friend, the boy opened the window.
- Dagur, it's you!
- What did Stoick do to you?- Dagur asked bluntly, rushing to find out about Hiccup's misadventures.
-He told me not to dare learn knife throwing from you,- Hiccup replied.
- And my father forbade me to use knives,- Dagur answered.
- Dagur, can we see each other?- Hiccup asked hopefully.
- Yes, Hiccup,- Dagur replied,- come down.
- No, I can't,- the boy refused, and Dagur entered the house to appear before Hiccup in person.
- Dagur, you…- Hiccup said in confusion. Dagur hugged Hiccup.
- Hiccup, we'll be together despite our fathers' disagreements,- Dagur said and kissed Hiccup lightly on the forehead and cheek.
Hiccup realized that he couldn't part with his friend.
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nastyawinx · 2 years
I. Rum Trouble and Unknown Blueprint
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Friday night began with Haytham's usual yell.
- Dad, again you are for the old! - yelled at the whole house Haytham, removing the bottles of rum. Kenway Jr. each time cleaned up the trash that his father left behind. Edward drank rum every night, every Friday. Usually he drank two or three bottles, but this time there were ten bottles of rum lying around the house. TEN BOTTLES OF RUM !!! It too. Haytham didn't put the bottles away like he did the last time. He began to look for his drinking father. Edward, meanwhile, was on the second floor in his room and dozing. He did not hear the angry screams of his son, but simply slept and watched his pirate dreams. But Haytham, who had just entered the room, prevented him from sleeping peacefully.
- Father! Haytham shouted. Edward did not hear his son. Kenway Jr. got angry, walked closer to his father and yelled in his ear:
From the cry of his son, Edward woke up and fell to the floor. Haytham raised his father. Kenway Sr. gripped the edge of the table for balance.
- What's that noise? Edward asked, rubbing his forehead.
- Father, what a mess he made? Haytham chided.
- Son, I had a holiday, - said Edward.
- Are there ten bottles lying around? - Kenway Jr. was indignant.
- Friends came to me.
- Again these drunks ?!
- No, no son, just acquaintances.
- I know your friends!
- So, son, let's not quarrel, okay?
- Okay, okay, just clean up after yourself.
Edward removed all the bottles that he had scattered throughout the house. Haytham was examining the table and found a flyer. This leaflet contains a drawing of a mysterious machine. The question arose in Kenway Jr.'s head, where did his father get the car drawing? Haytem was prevented from exploring the map by his father.
- Haytham, why did you take the sheet? - asked the father, taking the sheet from his son.
“I’m curious to know what it is,” he took the sheet from Father Haytham.
“You don’t remember that,” Edward took the sheet away.
- You're hiding something? - asked, raising an inquiring eyebrow and putting his hands on his belt, Haytham.
- I'm not hiding anything, son, - Edward hesitated.
“Father, you're insane,” Haytham protested, putting his hands on his head. Edward left the room and began to examine the sheet.
“He doesn't have to know,” Edward whispered.
At night, Edward studied the plan for the Observatory, which he had stolen from the Caribbean Templars. Haytham stood by the door and overheard his father's monologue. He wondered why his father muttered incomprehensible words every night. Kenway Jr. opened the door and began to watch his father through the crack. Edward studied the very paper Haytham had found in the evening.
- I’ll find the Observatory before you Caribbean Templars,- Edward whispered.
- An observatory? Haytham was surprised.
“Tomorrow I will go to Kingston for information to the Assassins,” Edward decided. Edward saw the door ajar. Haytham quickly closed the door and ran to his room.
In his room, Haytham thought about the blueprint and the Observatory. Why did she go to her father? Maybe he wants to sell or make new discoveries? And what about the Caribbean Templars? Haytham, as the Grand Master of the Colonial Order of the Knights Templar, must figure out and unravel the mysteries of his father.
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nastyawinx · 3 years
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Ninjago. Master Chen and Skylor
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