natalie-conklin · 2 years
Week 8
After viewing the video lecture on implementation, challenged that I think my client may face when implementing my recommendations might be keeping the purpose on topic. Another would be maintaining the communication with the audience and consistently being active in the community. Lasty, maintain up-to-date social media presence on each and every platform they have an account with. They need to do the best they can at not letting their strategy get neglected and maintaining a confidence in their work and ability.
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natalie-conklin · 2 years
Week #7 
How effective content is developed and shared includes three important strategies. Three of the biggest strategy’s for creating and sharing effective content includes understanding the target audience, offering a variety of content on each platform consistently and using related visuals. 
What becoming a social organization has to do with the principles of effective content development and sharing in many different ways. One way is by partnering with social media influencers. Another is by having effective content development consistently. Lastly, having relevant content that is current and up to date. 
A company that comes to mind that is very effective with their social media content is American Eagle Outfitters. https://www.ae.com/us/en  
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natalie-conklin · 2 years
Week #6 
Firstly, after reading chapter 4 and 5 of the Social Organization I found that the Six F’s was very interesting as it is important to understand each of the Six. I feel the Six F’s are good foundations for thinking through a process and are strategic tips good for collaboration. Folly, fearful, flippant, formulating, forging, and fusing.
After completing the Hootsuite Chapter I learned more about growing an online community. I am working with on the clint project. I plan to have a hashtag that can be used for individuals to use in their communities to encourage and share their personal story’s and how their struggles have been improved upon. This builds a community of individuals who have to connect with one another and celebrate accomplishments. This builds awareness for the non-profit as well as builds up the number of loyal participants. 
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natalie-conklin · 2 years
Week #5
Big Data is popular and yet still evolving. With big data however many benefits there are a lot of risks and negatives that go along with it. Big data is being used by both businesses can consumers. There are some things that both businesses and consumers should be aware of.
As far what I think businesses should be aware of when using big data includes the following six. Firstly, is data privacy. Secondly, Data Security. The third is to be cautious that it is quality data. Fourth, the company’s reputation could be at risk. Fifth, insider threats are never something to be ruled out. Lastly, respecting patients’ autonomy which I wish more companies made a priority.
In terms of what I think customers should be aware of in the context of big data is First, make sure that the consumer’s data is private. Secondly, making sure that the consumer knows how to secure their data as well as what security measures will be taken. Third, their data is being collected to build a profile. Lastly, ads are not random they are most likely targeted to them specially.
Big data has lots of things to be cautious about, but that is not to say that there are no positive results that stem from big data. Some of the best ways to balance the opportunities and threats presented by the development of big data are to establish rules, protocols, and routines. Such as writing or reading contracts, agreements to limited access, encryption, and police.
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natalie-conklin · 2 years
Week #4 Blog #2
My views on the three main reasons includes Firstly, algorithms are that they are very interesting, and I feel as though they are very effective. Unfortunately, they are almost too effective that its almost unethical. Secondly my views on advertising are that advertising is very similar to both algorithms and exposure. It is similar to exposure, because it is they both get the word out and they draw the consumers in. I feel that advertising is effective if done the right way. Lastly my views on exposure include that without the exposure there is no reason. Expose I believe is very selective in terms of what the audiences does or doesn’t desire. 
What businesses and individuals should be aware of are that these three reasons are a large reason for “junk news”. Algorithms, adverting, and exposure can be both good and bad. In terms of the bad they can be used to manipulate the mind. How they respond to these conditions could be to be more careful and to remain aware.  When I think each of the three of these I think of “The Social Dilemma” document on Netflix. The documentary did a brilliant job at explaining and using examples.  
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natalie-conklin · 2 years
Week #4 Blog #1
In my view the most important qualities for a social media consultant are to have technical, open, and honest communication, knowledgeable of current trends and the business and potential, what’s up incoming, and knowledge of competitors, and adaptability.
If I were acting as a social media consultant to myself; plans and strategies that I would advise myself to improve my professional social media presences would be to be effective using my knowledge. Follow through from start to finish. Educate myself and others. What I have done so far would be to be knowledgeable about current and up incoming trends.  What I could do in the future is to be the type of consultant that will educate! This will not only make my services more valuable, but it will also help me build creditability.
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natalie-conklin · 2 years
Week #3
Big data and algorithms are such powerful tools because of what they can do and the information they gather about consumers. Then companies have access to customers' wants and needs. Companies use this information to persuade consumers to buy what companies are selling. The danger of their use is that companies abuse this information to make a profit regardless of the effect on the consumers. I feel and have for a while now that social media is honestly a waste of time and people have become reliant on it and it consumes our daily lives. Just probably a week ago I parked at the grocery store and almost every person walking in the parking lot was walking with their eyes practically glued to the screen. It was amazing moments like that I remember how sad society is today in terms of technology and social media. The documentary “The Social Dilemma” is a documentary that I had been meaning to watch for a while now. It is so eye-opening! There are lots of things that I was aware of as I have investigated resources that offered similar information before. They do shed light on some topics that I hadn’t heard of before. As well as offering a unique perceptive. I enjoyed the discussion topics. I loved hearing from the individuals that participated in the documentary given their experience, first-hand knowledge, and insight. I found it all very interesting. As a result of this documentary and a few of the other activities we have done in this course, I have turned most / almost all my notifications off on my phone. I truly enjoy it a lot better!
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natalie-conklin · 2 years
Week #2B Social Media Assignment
What I hope to accomplish is to create a span of social-media-free time and see what happens. The experiment that I created is to go three days of no social media for 8 hours the hours that I plan to not go on social media is between the hours of 8:00-4:00 pm. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. This will be altering my social media usage significantly as this time frame is the time from that I usually go on social media. I think the hardest social media platform to not go on will be snapchat as that has become one of the main phone communications I have with my friends. 
My experience with the Social Media Experiment is overall a positive one. I did find it difficult to not use snapchat as predicted. I did turn off all of my notifications so that I couldn’t preview anything. As well as to help me fight the urge to click on a notification that draws my attention. I did find that day one I was quick to check my phone after the eight hours. However, the last two days I still held off checking my phone after the eight hours as I didn’t feel as though I had to. I also was able to get a lot more done around my house, which is very exciting! 
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natalie-conklin · 2 years
Week #2A 
I think that social media’s influence in my daily life very prevalent. I find that I am often concerned with app notification specifically notifications from snapchat and Facebook. I also find that I can get drawn into this apps as well as Instagram all on the homepages and the discover pages.  
I think that having the internet constantly available affects my life by offering daily distractions from my own life, but also these distractions are not always welcomed. I can feel disappointed after being on social media and for all different reasons. This goes to show that social media can affect my emotions. 
Sometimes that I haven’t had access to the internet for an extended period of time would be back in high school I only had one gig of data a month, so I use to never go on social media until I was at my house or my friend’s house. Another time would be when I go camping up north. I enjoyed the time there would be a moment every here and there where I wish I had access, but they were fleeing moments. 
Some things that I would like to be more intentional about my use of technology would be definitely not being on my phone at least on hour before bed. I would like to limit my media usage and I feel as though going through my social media accounts and removing people I don’t talk to anymore will be beneficial. 
Overall, the video and the article gave me a new perspective. I have grown up in a time when technology has gone through rapid advancement. I was born in 2000 just a year later the iPod came out and look where we are today. There is much that has changed. I remember a time when social media was not as consuming. I remember Facebook being a thing and when my older sister was in high school, she and everyone she went to school with had to myspace. Social media has become part of our everyday lives. I feel as though we need to keep in mind that there is someone and some company behind that screen and we should be aware and cautious of what information we give them access to about ourselves.
I have added the links to the video and the article as I feel they are real eye openers and a great reminder to any social media user.
Max Stossels talk (https://vimeo.com/370135963) 
Emma Rathbone's article, "Before the Internet: (http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/06/26/before-the-internet).  
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natalie-conklin · 2 years
Week #1 Introduction 
Hello, everyone, my name is Natalie Conklin. I am going into my senior year at Central Michigan University. I am from Oxford Michigan. I have worked in retail for a little over four years. Which through my experience in the industry I developed an appreciation for the business side of retail. Originally, I was planning to get my degree in professional sales and a minor in management. I instead decided to get my degree in General Business Administration with a concentration in communication and a minor in management. I decided to do this because I found that I was interested in more than just sales, but also the other components of a business. Just this summer I have a Store Management internship with Kohls. 
My career goals are that I would love to be a retail business consultant. I would love to go into a company and look for ways to make the company run more efficiently. I would like to run my own consultant firm. However, I would also be happy to work for a consulting firm. I would like to have a good balance between office work and fieldwork. I also am open to moving out of state for a job I think that would be great to live in another place. 
What I hope to accomplish with this blog is I hope to first learn how these different sights work I use Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram. I don’t use Twitter, TikTok, or ironically Tumblr. So, I am very excited to learn about these sites within. I also hope to have a better understanding of how media is influenced or how it influences businesses. 
American Eagle: https://www.ae.com/us/en?utm_source=google&utm_medium=sem-brand&utm_content=ae&utm_campaign=nogender_general_general&utm_term=american%20eagle&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIv9yM28i3-AIVNAytBh2UzQsfEAAYASAAEgLMTPD_BwE
American Eagle does a wonderful job at utilizing the mass collaboration that social media has to offer. In the reading assignment principles, I think American Eagle excels at each of the components of mass collaboration. Which include community, social media, and purpose. I feel community relates to American Eagle because they use their social media to bring together and celebrate diverse groups of people and their community such as LGBTQ, ethnic groups, and people of all different shapes and sizes. As far as social media American Eagle uses Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and their own website. This leads me to their purpose which is not only to bring together communities but to also draw people into these communities. American Eagle encourages customers to participate in all kinds of in-person and online events or opportunities. Transparency is very prevalent as being able to see each other’s contributions, which encourages more participation.
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