Ecommerce Part Three
1. What is ‘retouching’?
Retouching is where you retouch certain areas of a photograph to make it look more appealing to the eye; as it allows you to get rid of any spots of dirt, dust particles or anything else that may ruin the photograph.
2. What is the pen tool?
The pen tool is a tool that allows the user to draw straight lines and curves. Alongside that, the pen tool allows you to change what type of pen that you can use; as you can use a pen tool that allows you to draw lines and curves by free hand or by using the pen tool to snap the edges of the highlighted area of the image.
3. What is the clone stamp tool?
The cloning stamp tool is the tool that allows you to clone a selected area of the image that you no longer want by cloning an area nearby and then using the hardening bar to selected how much of the you want to be covered by the cloned section.
4. What is the spot healing brush tool?
The spot healing brush tool is a tool that allows you to ‘heal’ different spotted areas; such as spots on someone’s face, and it removes that area that you are not happy with and covers it up with the surrounding area.
5. What is the patch tool?
The patch tool is the tool a tool that can save lots of time by selecting large or small areas of the image, so you can remove those unwanted areas from the image that you are currently editing.
6. What is Liquify?
Liquify if the tool that allows you to push and pull pixels in any direction that you may please.
The Task
In this part of the lesson we were allowed to edit the photographs we had previously taken in the lesson before, and these are the steps that we went through to get the completed edited photograph:
1)  To open up Photoshop and then going to File-Open and selecting the chosen RAW file photograph; which should open up in Camera RAW.
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2) Then go to the white balance tool and click on it, once that is done you click on the whitest part of your photograph; which then allows you to move around the photograph while looking at the R, G, B numbers (which are located under the histogram on the right hand side) and they should range between 215-255. However, if you did not have the camera set up at the correct exposure for the photograph, then you will do that and then move the bar until you get somewhere within that range.
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3) Once that has been done you can then see if you need to bring up or take down the temperature and the shadows, highlights, blacks and whites. (But don’t go too mad as it may ruin it.)
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4) When all of that is done you then go to the straighten tool (the curser should change so don’t panic) and then you find a straight line (DON’T TRY AND DO IT BY HAND; as this is where I messed up and did it by hand so then the teacher came by and showed me how to do it) and then draw a straight line across that straight line and once you are happy with it you can press enter (which should crop and straighten your photograph). Alongside that avoid using the saturation and vibrancy tools.
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5) Then go to the detailed section; which is located on the right hand side, which is where you can find the sharpening tool (which should already be set at 40) and for this section all you need to do is to add 15 to that original 40, so that the total equals 55.
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6) For this step all you need to do is press open image, which then leads you to Photoshop where we do the non-destructive editing.
7)  As for this step all you need to do is to make a duplicate layer, so if your client isn’t happy with your first edit you have a copy to go back to and do it again.
8) Then once all that is done make sure that you zoom into about 200% so you can notice anything that ruins the photograph. Now, that you have found something that you are not happy with you can either use the spot heal tool, the patch tool (which can be found by clicking and holding on the spot heal tool until a bar comes across, which then allows you to access the patch tool) or the clone stamp tool (which is similar to the patch tool, but you can do a lot more with this tool). Once you have selected the area and the tool that you are not happy with and that you want to change, you can make sure that nobody but you knows that there was originally a stain or a mark there before.
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9) Then once you are fully happy with your photograph you can press save and have your final image.
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Experimental Photography-Secondary Research
Sheila Bernard:
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Sheila Bernard is the photographer of this photograph, she got this photograph by taking the photograph at an angle; so she wouldn’t be in the photograph and so she would be able to get the reflection of the building in the background. Shelia’s photographs are about a range of different things; such as doors and windows; like this one, aquatic settings and many others. I think that the message that Sheila was trying to communicate was not successful as I cannot really tell what the message is. To improve this, I think she would have to try and add meaning behind the photograph.
Caleb Charland:
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Caleb Charland is the photographer of this photographer, he got this shot by attaching some of string to the trees and the lamp and then turning the light on and then taking the photograph. Caleb’s work varies from a range of things such as: Back To Light to Paper Negatives. Yes, I think that the photographer did communicate his message successfully as it emphasis on a quote from Albus Dumbledore ‘Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light’. The photographer could have made this photograph slightly better by adding lights to the trees; so then the light would lead you up to the trees.
Primary Research
For the primary research we went to a photography studio in college and took photographs of different experimental techniques. For example:
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Ecommerce Part Two
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1. What were your camera settings and why?
For this photograph the camera settings were set at: F/20, 1/125, ISO-100 and 55MM, because in studio set ups you cannot go below F/11; as your photograph may be too overexposed, 1/125; as that is the speed the flash goes off at, as for the ISO you have full control and you cannot go below 50MM otherwise the photograph will be too wide and it would probably look like the photographer use a fish eye lens.
2. What studio set up did you use and why?
I used the straight perspective set up because the product needed to sit up and the straight perspective allowed that to happen, as the straight perspective set up allows the photographer to take photographs that are standing or sitting in front of the camera.
3. What were the reflectors used for?
The reflectors were used to reflect some of the light back up to the object; as some of the light from the soft box did not land directly on to the object, so the reflectors were there to reflect that light (that wasn’t going in the way we wanted it go into) in the direction that we wanted it to go to; which was toward the object.
4. Why did you use a soft box and soft umbrella?
We used a soft box and a soft umbrella because those two managed to get rid of most of the shadows in the photograph when the flash went off, since in ecommerce photography there isn’t a lot (or no) shadows in the photograph.
5. Why was your tripod in that certain position?
The tripod was in the certain position that it was because it allowed to lens to be on the same level of the object, which allows the consumer to see how big the product actually is.
6. Was your ecommerce shoot successful?
Yes, there was some success as the photographs that I took came out in good quality and had the right exposure. However, there were also some failures as some of the photographs were a little over and under exposed.
7. What do you like about them?
I like how the light hits the object.
8. What don’t you like about them?
I don’t like how the object was in the same position.
9. What would you do differently next time?
I would change the placement of the object for each shot and also how I angled the object towards the camera.
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Critical And Contextual Awareness
Your second project is based off the theme of identity. Your first task is to initiate some research to inform your critical and contextual awareness.
Identity? Identity is where have different types of identity for different things, such as: social identity, ethnoliguistic (language) identity, ethnic identity, cultural identity, LGTBQ+ identity, gender identity and human identity.
How do artists and photographers often explore the characteristics that determine our personal and social identity? Artists and photographers explore identity into their work by including the different aspects that make up those different types of identity and then it is up to the viewer to decide what identity the artist or the viewer is trying to put across; such as social or personal identity. With that, once the viewer has picked out the certain characteristics of the two different identities they then can make the judgment on whether its social or personal.
What is personal identity? Personal identity is something that develops over time as a person grows and learns more about the world. Alongside that, as the person grows that person also keeps the identity they have grown into; as they may have been given that identity when they were born (like their name; which in some cases may change if that person no longer thinks that name fits who that person is anymore, or their eye colour) and things that they grow into (like the TV shows they watch, the music they listen to or the people they talk to) all of these; and many other things, all add up to make someone’s personal identity.
How do identify yourself culturally?  I identify myself as a non religious, socially awkward, white British female.
What situations would you need to prove your legal identity? The situations that you would need to prove yourself is when you are buying alcohol and you don’t look over the age of 18; so the cashier knows that you are legally allowed to buy the alcohol., when you are catching a flight and you have to go through security; so the guards know who you are and not somebody trying to sneak in without a ticket, when you are at the hospital; so the doctors and nurses can see your medical history and update it or when you are at a hotel that you have booked; so that the receptionist can put you through to the correct room.
Research Task
Claude Cahun:
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1. Identify and describe relevant Formal Elements (Line, shape, form, texture, colour, light etc.) 
This photographer; Clade Cahun, used diagonal lines on the hat of the subject that lead the eyes all over the subject’s head; so the viewer is left wondering if the subject has much hair under the hat or is it just part of the costume. Also, in this photograph there is the rule of three with three small balls on the coming off the subject’s hat, leading the viewer down to the rest of the photograph. Alongside that, there is also the use of contrast as the photograph is in black and white; which helps the subject to stand out more.
1. What is the image communicating?
The photograph is communicating the fact that there are people out there who hated the all of the thongs that the subject was doing and the subject is expressing through their face that they have had enough of the sort of things that the haters are doing to the subject and others like them, but the subject and others like the subject are going to try to carry on resisting all of the things that the opposes are doing to them.
2. What ideas/issues are being explored or expressed?
The ideas/issues that are being explored and expressed are the facts that the subject is not happy with what is happening in the world because they may be being told that they want an equal society; but then they are being oppressed because they are different from everybody else, since they like doing other things and want society to move forward and except new things so other people like the subject can know that they are excepted in society. However, because of the time and who was in power at the time, the things that the subject wants to change isn’t going to happen anytime soon because they wanted to keep things in the ‘traditional’ way of life.
1. What made the work important?
The subject’s face makes this photograph work importantly, because you can see all the annoyance in the subject’s face about everything that is going on with what type of society the subject is in.
2. What makes it different?
The outfit and the makeup make’s this photograph different because in modern day society you don’t see that type of style anymore because the times have changed; along with people’s dress sense.
3. What was going on in the world at the time? World events/society/politics (Keep it relevant)
During 1934; which is when the photograph was taken, there was a lot of hate towards people in Cabaret Clubs; as this was before the Second World War (1939-1945), and in Germany 1934 Hitler was in power and wanted a more ‘traditional’ right winged way of life because he and others who were similar to him in a way believed that this Cabaret Club way of life was unnatural. So, he closed down and un-legalized this way of life after he got into power in 1933 in hopes to discourage people altogether from moving forward and have the times changed. Once Hitler had closed down the Clubs in Germany other right winged governments may have thought that it was a good a idea to follow him down that route. However, those who worked in the Cabaret Clubs in France; where this photograph was taken (Paris more specifically), were obviously not happy about this and annoyed that this was happening; even after the First World War, which the French were not so best pleased with, as they had lost a lot of homes to the war and the fact that they were already annoyed with Germany for ‘starting’ the war.
4. What was going on in the art world?
In 1934 Germany there was a lot of Nazi Propaganda going around to help Hitler gain even more support and power. Whereas, in France at this time there were traditional paintings going being painted and abstract paintings were being painted by Pablo Picasso.
5. What was happening culturally?  Music, film, TV etc.
In 1934 The Great Depression (1929-1939) was still at large so there were many people unemployed. Alongside that, in Germany people were being to turn to the more radical groups; such as the Nazi’s, because they were desperate in what they needed (even if it meant going back on what Stresemann had done for Germany just before he died in 1929). So, this allowed Hitler to grow even more powerful than he was before; also this allowed to him make himself the Führer, so which meant to the other people around Europe to try and stop him from getting more powerful and doing something that will have dramatic effect to everyone. People did this by trying to present some of the things that Hitler was against; like the photograph above, to the rest of the world to try and prove to Hitler that this is the time to change and come together and Cahun uses this photograph to try help fight Nazism along with other people who were using culture to prove to the fact that what Hitler has planned is wrong.
1.  Analogue or digital?
This photograph was taken on an analogue camera.
2. Colour or B/W?
This photograph was taken in black and white.
Diane Arbus:
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1.  Identify and describe relevant Formal Elements (Line, shape, form, texture, colour, light etc.)
The Formal Elements used in this photograph are: simplicity; as the two girls are in the centre of attention and there is nothing drawing the viewer away from looking at the two girls. Another Formal Element that is used in this photograph is contrast; as the black material of the dresses stands out more as the white background helps the viewer to look at the main subjects of the photograph.
1. What is the image communicating?
This photograph is communicating the idea that even though these twins are identical there’s something different about the two of them; for example one of them could be happy with the idea that someone taking a photograph of them (as they are smiling) and want to look happy, whereas, the other sister could  probably not be happy with someone taking a photograph of them as they may be camera shy or confused about the idea of a camera; if the twins came a from a poor family and their parents (mother) had handmade dress for them as they didn’t have a lot of money, so they probably didn’t know what a camera was. Also, it communicates they are an (unknown) important people that will help shape the world for future generations.
2. What ideas/issues are being explored or expressed?
In this photograph the photographer; Diane Arbus, took their photograph because they were outsiders; as the photographer liked to take photographs of people who were casted as outsiders. As the photographer liked to take photographs of people who were deemed as outcasts, she may have chosen these twins to prove to the people; who were not seen as outcasts, that even though these twins may be young and be deemed as outcasts in your eyes, they are still human beings no matter what.
1. What made the work important?
I think that the thing that made this piece of work important is the fact that nobody is that sure on how the photographer; Diane Arbus, became aware of the event that the Twins were attending; a Christmas party for twins and triplets, and the fact that now it is also known as the tenth most expensive photograph.
2. What makes it different?
This photograph is different because nobody really takes photographs of people like the twins and in that position and the fact that this photograph became the inspiration for the twins from The Shining.
3. What was going on in the world at the time? World events/society/politics (Keep it relevant)
During the time this photograph was taken; 1967, there were a number of things going on around the world
4. What was going on in the art world?
During the time that this photograph was taken; 1967, there was a lot of Pop Art going about in the world as it was popular at that time. Alongside that, there was also a lot of minimalistic art going on at this time; as it was popular with the range of artists that were creating this type of art along with the Pop Art.
5. What was happening culturally?  Music, film, TV etc.
At this time in history, there were many things going on, such as: The Hippie Groups, The Beatles, The Vietnam War,  The Rolling Stones released their first magazine and many other groups trying to change the world.
Analogue or digital?                                                                                This was taken on an analogue camera.
Colour or B/W?
       The colour of this photograph is black and white.
Jono Rotman:
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1. Identify and describe relevant Formal Elements (Line, shape, form, texture, colour, light etc.)        
This photographer; Jono Rotman, uses colour in this photograph to draw the viewer into the subjects jacket, so they can look at the subjects different items that he wears on his jacket. Also, in this photograph, Rotman uses portrait framing as it is a portrait of the subject.
1. What is the image communicating?
This photograph is communicating the fact that there are mob members do exist and they don’t always have to come in pristine suits and clean faces, but in leather jackets and dirty faces. Also, this photograph communicates the fact that some mob members are not as better off as other members in other groups.
2. What ideas/issues are being explored or expressed?
The ideas/issues that are being explored/expressed are the fact that mob groups are still around and will be around for awhile and that some mob groups don’t really go around doing the ideas that mob groups are perceived to do. Alongside that, there’s also the fact that not all mob members look like what people seem to think mob groups are supposed to look like.
1. What made the work important?
I think what made this photograph work is the fact that the photographer, Jono Rotman, was a member of the Mongrel Mob. Rotman’s history with this group allows people to note that people can come from all sorts of backgrounds and can still become successful in the career that the person has decided to go down and that is what made this work important.
2. What makes it different?
What makes this piece of work different is that people don’t normally take photographs of the people who are in a gang or a mob because it is either the photographer doesn’t want to start anything between the mob or the gang or to get involved with them or the fact that the mob or the gang may not want any publicity so they can stay out of the limelight if they are in trouble with the police.
3. What was going on in the world at the time? World events/society/politics (Keep it relevant)
In 2015; when this piece of work was originally published, there were many things going on the world such as: The World Striking A Deal On Climate Change, ISIS Terrorists Strikes On Three Continents, The Refugee Crisis Roils Europe and amongst other things that were going on around the world.
4. What was going on in the art world?
In the art world there were also things going on such as: The Art Basel in Miami Beach Stabbing, Helly Nahmad’s Accursed Modigliani, Taubman Family Feud and many other things that shaped the current modern day art world.
5. What was happening culturally?  Music, film, TV etc.
Culturally in the world; in 2015, there also stuff coming out in the world such as: The Broadway Revelation: Hamilton, The Murder Mysteries: ‘The Jinx’ and ‘Making A Murder’ and The Return Of The Jedi: ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’.
1. Analogue or digital?
This photograph was taken on a digital camera.
2. Colour or B/W?
This photograph was taken in colour.
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Editing Task
These photographs were taken with a Pentax Camera of different lighting techniques; such as split and loop, the apertures for these photographs were set at: F/5.6 and F/11, the shutter speeds were set at 1/125, the ISO were set at ISO-200 and the focal lengths were set at 160MM and 125MM. In the second photograph the subject moved, so I waited for the subject to stop moving; after I had taken the shot, to take another that was better.
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Studio Research
The studio area is a space of where the photographer is in total control and the only time when the photograph turns out bad is down to human error; so it’s either the photographers fault or the models (if you are working with models) or both. Alongside that studio photography is also about patients; as it is key, and problem solving.
High-Key Photography: High-Key Photography is where the photograph is all bright and white.
Low-Key Photography: Low-Key Photography is where the photograph is all dark and doesn’t have that much light within the photograph.
Lighting Techniques
Rembrandt: This lighting technique is that it can be achieved with only one light and a reflector.
Split: This lighting technique uses a single light source that is placed 90° to the side of the subject; so it highlights only the side of the face.
Butterfly/Paramount: This lighting technique is traditionally a feminine lighting that produces a symmetrical butterfly like shadow beneath the subject’s nose.
Loop: This lighting technique is a portrait lighting technique where the subject is lit 45° in front and above which creates a nose shadow that ‘loops’ down at an angle on their cheek.
Broad: This lighting technique is where the side that is getting the most light is turning towards the camera and the other side is only getting an outline. However, this lighting technique is less commonly used for portraits as it makes the subject look chubby.
In The Photography Studio
In the studio you need the shutter speed to be 1/250 of a second, you also need the ISO to be set at 100 and then the apertures can be whatever you want; as long as you can see the object or subject clearly in enough light. Though if you are taking a portrait then the recommended focal length is anything higher than 50MM; but not anything too high. The flash that is connected to the camera is called a master flash and there are two different types of lighting that we used in the project and they were the soft box and the snoot. The soft box is a big piece of lighting that highlights the subject or the object as a whole and softens it whereas, the snoot is a smaller and only highlights on side of the subject or the object.
Soft Box:
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Rules For The Studio
·         Don’t leave it in a mess (tidy up after yourselves)
·         Don’t unplug things unless it is turned off
·         No food
·         No drinks
·         Be careful
·         Don’t leave things lying around
·         Don’t leave wires in the way
·         Turn things off when you’ve done with them
·         Be responsible
·         Don’t mess around
·         Ask if you don’t know what to do
Practical Task
In the particle task we took photographs of all of the lighting techniques that are stated above.
This is the set up that we used for Rembrandt:
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This is what Rembrandt lighting is supposed to look like:
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And this is how the photographs turned out:
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The apertures were set at: F/11, the shutter speeds were set at: 1/125, the ISO were set at: ISO-200 and the focal lengths were set at: 50MM.
This is the set up we used:
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This is how it was supposed to look:
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And this is how the photographs turned out:
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These photographs apertures were set at: F/5.6 and F/11, the shutter speeds were set at: 1/125, the ISO were set at: ISO-200 and the focal length were set at: 115MM and 200MM.
This is the set up that we used:
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This is what it was supposed to look like:
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And this is what the photographs came out like:
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These photographs were taken with the apertures set at: 5.6 and 4.5, the shutter speeds were set at: 1/125, the ISO was set at ISO-200 and the focal lengths were set at 200MM, 80MM and 150MM.
This was the set up that we used:
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This is what it was supposed to come out like:
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And this is what the photographs came out like:
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These photographs have the apertures set at: F/11, the shutter speeds were set at: 1/125, the ISO were set at: 200 and the focal lengths were set at: 125
This is the set up that we used:
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This is what it was supposed to come out like:
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And this is what the photographs looked when they came out:
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These photographs have the apertures set at: F/5.6, the shutter speeds set at: 1/125, the ISO set at: ISO-200 and the focal lengths set at: 200MM.
1. How did you find the task?
I found this task quite fun but thought provoking as well, because we had to use the diagrams to try and get all of the lighting and reflections in the right place so we could then get the correct shot that we needed to get.
2. Was it difficult to create the set ups?
Yes it was sort of difficult to create the set ups because you had to have all of the equipment; including the subject, in the correct place to get the photograph to come out just right.
3. Which method did you enjoy the most? Why do you think that was?
The method that I enjoyed the most was the broad because it allows the photographer to take shot of the subject in a position that is not exactly head on and at a slight angle which adds a different sort of tone to the photograph than it does when the photographer is taking a photograph of someone head on.
4. What are important rules for the studio?
The important rules for the studio can be found near to the top of the page.
5. Which method got you the best results?
I think that I got the best results from the split lighting because it is the main one where you can tell that a certain type of lighting; the snoot, has been used.
6. Was this primary research or secondary research? What did you learn from your research?
This was both primary and secondary research; as we had to research all the different methods that a photographer will use during studio sessions (depending on what they are photographing), and then we had to find out for ourselves what we needed to do and have what in what places to make sure that we got the best shot. From my research I found out that it takes quite a lot of moving lights around to set up each individual shot for each lighting technique.
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1. What is ‘Ecommerce’?
Ecommerce stands for Electronic Commercial.  
2. Where would you find ‘Ecommerce’ images?
You would find Ecommerce photographs on online shops, such as; Amazon, EBay, New Look and Primark.
3. What are the characteristics of Ecommerce photography?
The conventions are: the object on its own or with a model, a plain (white and grey) background; which helps the product stand out more, contextualised backgrounds; which evokes what the image looks like in the real world by getting the consumer to realise it out of the ‘box’ and into real life situations, it helps us build a theme; if it’s a constant theme then the consumer (buyer) not be distracted by all of the different colours that the backgrounds have, the photographer also uses a wide depth of field in their photographs to collect all of the detail; as detail is important to the consumer online to be presented with all of the details so they are more inclined to buy the product they are viewing, alongside that, everything needs to be in visible (anything above F/11); as it helps get in all of the detail for the consumer needs to see, also there needs to be a convention of bringing in a uniformed aesthetic, high-key (bright) lighting needs to be used when taking the photograph, equal lighting; so the object has an equal amount of lighting on both sides of the product. Finally, the final characteristics of ecommerce photograph is that it presents different angles of the product that the company is trying to sell to the consumer (if it is a item of clothing then there may be a photograph of a model wearing the item so the consumer can see what the piece of clothing looks like on someone; also there may be a 360° angle version of the product) so there are multiple shots and angles to draw the consumer in to buy the product.
4. What equipment is often used to capture Ecommerce photography?
The equipment that is often used to capture the Ecommerce photograph is: a 24-75MM Zoom lens, a tripod, a full frame DLSR camera, studio flash and backdrops.
5. What are common studio set ups for Ecommerce photography?
The most common studio set ups for Ecommerce photography are: Flat Lay; which is where you use a realistic zoom lens (50-55MM), a tripod at a 90° angle with the product laying flat on a table, while the camera hangs above it on the tripod to get the shot, and a Straight Perspective; which is where you have the product in front of a curved background (that is either plain or contextualised) and with the camera eyelevel with the table that the product is sitting on; this is achieved by setting up the tripod to make the camera eyelevel with the table. Alongside that, you can also connect both of these setups up to a laptop, so that your laptop can control everything by a press of a button and with both of these setups NEVER SHOOT BELOW F/11.
6. What common editing techniques are used in the retouching process of Ecommerce photography?
In the retouching (editing) process of Ecommerce Photography the commonly used editing techniques are: using the eye drop tool; which is quite advanced for what we are studying at the moment, to select the colour of the product (or model) and then paint (at various % opacity) over the stain or piece that you are not happy with, you could also use the cloning stamp; which is when you select the cloning stamp and then select the area that you want to clone and then replace the area that needed to be replaced, also there is the dodging and burning tool (which is found within Photoshop)which you can use to help with uneven lighting or exposure, there is also liquefy which makes things become bigger or smaller; as it pushes or pulls the affected areas to make it look visible (worps selected areas), and finally spot healing which gets rid of things; like spots and stains, this technique uses content aware; which works by selecting the area that has something you want to get rid of and once that selected area has been selected it becomes aware of the content around the selected area and then uses that information to make the spot disappear.
Evaluating Photographs
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1. Is this a successful Ecommerce image?
No this photograph is not a successful Ecommerce photograph.
2. Why is it?
It is a good image as on the website the consumer can see what the dress looks like from the front and the back (as the photographer has taken it from multiple angles) and the consumer can also zoom in on to the dress; just by dragging their curser over the bigger photograph that is being presented on, also this photograph is on a plain background.
3. Why isn’t it?
It isn’t a good photograph because the model isn’t showing that much emotion; so the consumer will probably just keep on scrolling past this product because the models facial expression and pose isn’t really drawing them in to get them actually buy the product.
4. What could the photographer have done differently to make it better?
To make it better the photographer could have changed the models position and got her to look more happier to be there in the photograph and to have photographs of either side of the model; so the consumer can look at the product from the side, so they can make a definite decision on whether or not they are going to buy that product.
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1. Is this a successful Ecommerce image?
Yes this is good example of an Ecommerce Photograph.
2. Why is it?
It is a good example of a successful Ecommerce Photograph because the product has photographs from different angles and even a model wearing the photographs and all of the photographs were taken with a plain background. Alongside that, the photographs online can also be zoomed in on; so the consumer can see the trainers details, by just a click of your mouse.
3. Why isn’t it?
It isn’t a good example of a successful Ecommerce photograph as you cannot really see the two trainers together, as they have been separated quite far apart.
4. What could the photographer have done differently to make it better?
The photographer could have brought the shoes together more so that the consumer and see what they look like together.
Links Used: https://www.premierglam.com/clothing?product_id=653 https://www.asos.com/new-balance/new-balance-burgundy-suede-373-trainers/prd/9747736?clr=red&SearchQuery=new%20balance&gridcolumn=3&gridrow=2&gridsize=4&pge=1&pgesize=72&totalstyles=206
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Studio Still Life-Single Object
These photographs were taken on a Pentax camera with the aperture set at: F/14, the shutter speed was set at: 1/4 and 1/6, the ISO  for theses photographs were set at: ISO-400 and ISO-100 and all of them had a focal length of: 32MM. With this task we were told to take a photograph of an object; that was in the still life area of photography (like a pair of shoes; as shown above), and to make sure that the item was personal to us. Then we were told to make sure that we used black and white in our work to make sure that we had the lighting set just right for that certain photograph. If the photograph didn't look right then we would have to either change the lighting settings on the lights or change our apertures. For the lighting we used a light that shone upon the background; to highlight the background, and a a light on the shoes; to highlight the shoes. 
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Mini Proposal
I am doing a take on a version of Memento Mori; which translates to ‘Remember You Must Die’, the reason why I am doing this is because some people do not except the idea that they must die one day in the near future. So, I want to try and make those people who do not expect death to accept it as death is one of the thing that can draw people together, as we live different lives but ultimately we will all perish into the grounds; and seas, of the earth. Overall, I want to say that people need to try and accept the fact that we are all heading down the path of our ultimate doom, and during that time before we do descend or ascended into a different place; such as Heaven, Hell or Purgatory, or just stay bone in the damp, dark ground, so people need to get things done; that they want to get done, before they do die. The objects that I plan to use; that represents the Memento Mori, are a tomb stone, a question mark; to represent the fact that nobody really knows where they are going once they have died since there is nobody you can really ask, and a map of the world to represent all of the people in the world.
A Drawing Of My Proposal:
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Notes From The Lesson
The Newspaper: The headlines of the newspaper are bold, catchy and interesting (to help draw the reader into the things they may be interested in; as they select what they read). The newspaper is mainly for reading about news stories, sport, the weather, varied reports, articles, events and reviews. Also, the newspaper can be used as a source of both information and entertainment; crosswords, Sudoku and TV guide. The newspaper is described as ‘throw away media’ as people can just recycle the newspaper once they have finished with it. Alongside that, the photographs in the newspapers can be informative; only if it is related to the actual article, as it shows the item that the article is talking about, also the photograph gives off a different message in different items.
Online Article: An online article can refer to the past and its events for information. With an online article you can find them in various places online; such as: news feeds; Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter and other social media’s, online articles Google Search, news websites; The Daily Mail, and you can also Google the journalists name. The photographs also perform differently on social media than they do in a newspaper. Alongside that, online articles are also known as ‘scroll away media’ as people tend to only read it for a couple of seconds before carrying on scrolling or they just completely scroll past the article.
The #: People who want to get more attention on social media tend to use the # that is most popular with the other people on the social Medias that they are on.
Framed Photograph: The framed photograph has more intention than the others because a framed photograph is something that you want to preserve better. As the photograph is framed the highlighted meaning behind is highlighted more so the viewer can see the artist impression much more clearly. Framed photographs are often found in galleries, museums and homes as it could have been taken by someone famous person or it could be of a family member with a famous person, a memory or a family photo; which can be embarrassing. Also the viewer is able to read more into the photograph.
Tea Photograph
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Colours: The colours in this photograph are beige, red, white and blue. The red, white and blue could represent the flags of the UK, America, France, Russia, New Zealand and Australia. The tea; on the other hand, is associated with the British; as we are stereotypically tea drinkers. The Royal Family is also associated with Britain; as some of the British people look up to the British Royal Family, alongside that, the UK is one of the only countries that have a Royal Family still in power. With that, tea and the wealthy British people are also stereotypically involved as back in the past only the wealthy drank tea as it was quite expensive to buy tea, as the Brits had to import tea leaves from places like: India, China, Africa and Thailand as they have warmer climates than the British do.
Fine China: The china of the cup is in a traditional East Asian style and to hold the cup, you would have to stick your pinkie out so it is also stereotypically a cup used for the wealthy as most of their cups require you to stick out your pinkie finger.
The Checkered Blanket (The Table Cloth): This type of checkered blanket can be used for picnics, parties, dining rooms and cafes. If it is found in a picnic area then it is made out of cotton and as for the rest it will be made out of either paper or plastic as it is easier to wipe up or throw way if it gets too dirty.
The Photographer: The photographer of this photograph is Martin Parr who is famous for taking over-saturated, flash, film, over exaggerated close up photographs of British Culture. Parr mainly took photographs around the 70’s and 80’s where he used a 35MM colour film with flash. Alongside that, in the 80’s Margret Thatcher (The Iron Lady)came into power; as she was elected Prime Minister, and as she came into power the classes of Britain where divided because of her and her parties ideas (Thatcherism). Her ideas where that the you had work extremely hard to get where you are now and that had an effect on the working class; as the rich managed to work less and still have a lot of money, whereas, the working class had to either work as hard as they possibly could or struggle to find jobs; as she had closed down the mines, and they still didn’t have a lot of money because of the wage gap between the two classes. Martin Parr took photographs of the lower classes in detail to try and get the working class to realize that the Prime Minister was wrong and they were the ones with the most influence to get Margret Thatcher to change her policies.
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1.  Introduce the image, who’s it by, when was it taken and what body of work was it from?
This photograph is by Ed Burtynsky and it was taken in 2009 of a mass of tires in a circle from the body of work: ‘Oil”.
2. What is the genre of photography?
I think that the genre of this piece of photography is abandonment as someone has just left the tires to be left and added to once people have finished with those tires, so they just leave the tires to be left there to collect dust.
3. What is the photograph of?
This photograph is of a lot of old tires surrounding a concrete hole in the middle.
4. What does the article say about the body of work? (Use quotes – remember to use “quotation marks”)
What the article of the body of work says is ‘Burtynsky captures the effects of oil on our lives, depicting landscapes altered by its extraction from the earth and by the cities and suburban sprawl generated around its use. He also addresses the coming "end of oil," as we confront its rising cost and dwindling availability.’
5. After reading this – what do you think this image about?
After reading the article I have come to the conclusion that I think that this photograph is about tires are being used too much so then collection of tires are being mounded up and being updated with tires too much that the photographer; Burtynsky, takes these sort of photographs to tell everyone that this is the impact that we are having on the world.
6. Why did the photographer make this body of work?
The photographer; Ed Burtynsky, made this body of work to address the ‘”end of oil”’ and ‘the consequences of our use of oil’ so people would be able to see the damage of what they were doing to the world, so they would be able to attempt to do something about it and pressure the government into allowing the right decisions to go through to help save the environment from anymore harm.
7. What connotations are you seeing in this photograph?
The connotations that I am seeing from this photograph is: the world has managed to pollute the planet Earth that much that people of Earth have finally realized what they have done, so they have taken apart all of the cars and just left them waiting for the government to decide on what they are going to do about them and then while that was happening a group of people stole all of the tires in this photograph and the others that we cannot see and placed them into the places that they are in the photograph and left the space in the centre for the leader to perform all sorts of things for their beliefs while everyone stands on the tires cheering with what their leader says. Alongside that, I am also getting the connotations of: aliens have finally invaded Earth and have taken all of the cars, bikes, trucks and anything else that needed the use of tires, to use as new hovercrafts and have just disposed the tires in that circular motion until they figure something out to use them for. Also, I am getting the connotations of: that Earth has finally reached the stage of either a dystopian or utopian place and no longer needs the use of tires.
8. Do you think the photographer successfully communicates a message with their image?
Yes, I do think that the photographer has successfully communicated a message with this image. However, there won’t be a mediate on what Burtynsky is trying to say as the governments are too busy discussing things that they think is more important because they haven’t gotten the photographers message yet.
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1. Introduce the image, who’s it by, when was it taken and what body of work was it from?
This photograph was taken by Richard Billingham in 2000 of a man in his house with a cat jumping above him from the body of work called ‘Ray’s A Laugh’.
2. What is the genre of photography?
I think genre of this piece of photography is comedy, because it’s not every day that you see cat jumping over a man who is moving out of the way.
3. What is the photograph of?
The photograph is of a man sat in a room; that is filled with all sorts of things, moving out of the way of the cat that is jumping over the man’s shoulder.
4. What does the article say about the body of work? (Use quotes – remember to use “quotation marks”)
The article says that this body of work is ‘It is a chronicle of everything that hurts… a cartoonish-nightmare jaunt through the land of alcohol-living, wet-smelly breath that stinks and simmers, chapped-lips that burn and crack, of space to live that shrinks and crowds further inward, of carpet that rots, of scratched linoleum that looks as if it wants to escape, of paint that wants to peel away and go somewhere else, of childhood dreams that learn to stay in the closet and behave, that learn to stay in the clouds, far away, of love and devotion that exists but is trampled on by vice and forcefully dominated by earthly human-short-circuits.’ 
5. After reading this – what do you think this image about?
After reading this I think this image was used to help the photographer; Richard Billingham, to have a funny coping mechanism to help him forget all of the hard things that he and his family had gone through and will go through because of their place in the world and not being able to do anything about it.
6. Why did the photographer make this body of work?
Billingham; the photographer, made this body of work to remind the viewers that they need to dream more and not to be fully sucked into the world of reality, dreaming isn’t really something that the realistic world needs; as they are too busy focusing on the facts of what is true and what isn’t. Whereas, dreams can allow you to do anything.
7. What connotations are you seeing in this photograph?
The connotations that I am seeing is that an alien has probed a cat to do unexplained things; that humans do not know the answer to, and this is the first time that the cat has done something like this so the man is shocked and is trying his best to get out of the away; in the small space that he has to move about in, of the probed cat before it floats more and eventually ends back up on the alien space ship to be de-probed, as the aliens have finished their experiments with the cat. Alongside that, I am also getting connotations that ghost has possessed the cat and is making the cat do supernatural things and the man is shocked that the cat can do something like this, because the cat normally just sleeps.
8. Do you think the photographer successfully communicates a message with their image?
Yes, I do think that Billingham has successfully communicated a message with his photograph because it allows other people to know that they are not the only ones who dream or live in the same living conditions as someone else. Alongside that, it also allows the people who are richer than them to try and pressure the government into helping people out more.
Links Used:  http://www.edwardburtynsky.com/site_contents/Books/Oil.html and http://www.americansuburbx.com/2010/07/richard-billingham-rays-laugh.html
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1. What is the photograph of?
This photograph is of a sheep; that is looking at the camera, on a hill in a field; that is surrounded by wire fencing.
2. What genre of photography is it?
The genre of this photograph is nature and portrait, as it has sky, grass and sheep in it and it also has the sheep looking directly at the camera.
3. What message is your photograph communicating?
My photograph is communicating that sheep are very judgmental animals; as they like to judge people as they walk by.
4. What could you have done differently to make this image more successful?
To make my photograph more successful I would zoom in more on the sheep, so you can get more detail on the sheep’s features.
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1. What is the photograph of?
The photograph is of a slide on an empty playground.
2. What genre of photography is it?
The genre of this photograph is loneliness because there are no children running about having fun, so the playground just sits there waiting in the cold for a child or children to come and play.
3. What message is your photograph communicating?
The message that my photograph is communicating is that things get left and forgotten about, so the places become lonely and abandoned because there is no one there who remembers this place to use the facilities.
4. What could you have done differently to make this image more successful?
To make my photograph more successful I would put the camera on the slide and take the photograph of what someone could see as they were preparing to go down the slide.
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Research Task-Studio Still Life Techniques
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Commercial still life photography is where a photographer takes a photograph of something that is going to be used as a commercially used photograph to get more people to buy that brands products.
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Product still photography is where the photographer takes photographs of the product that a company is trying to sell, so that they can put the photograph in places to draw the public in to buy their product .
Fine Art
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Fine art photography is where the photographer takes a photograph of something fine, such as a flower.
Lighting Techniques
Throughout all of these different photographs the photographers used a range of different lighting techniques.
Formal Elements
Throughout these photographs the photographers used different formal elements to pull off an extremely good photograph. Here is a couple of formal elements that the photographers used: threes, lines and dark to light.
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One Point Perspective
These photographs were taken on a Canon camera with the apertures set at F/22. Alongside that, the shutter speeds were set at 1/15 and 0.8 and with an ISO set at ISO-6400 and a focal lens of 18mm. I do and don’t like these photographs, I like these photographs because they are all give off a different narrative and feel to them. However, I don’t like them because they look slightly grainy and not a good quality photograph.
How can you capture an image which feels cinematic?
You can catch a cinematic feel in an image by making it look like it is a screenshot from the film, by using the technical items in the photograph as the film.
How can you make use of artificial lighting to dramatic effect?
You can use artificial lighting for dramatic effect by making the light fall dramatically over the subject; that you are taking a photograph of, this will help the viewer feel the drama in the photograph via the lighting.
How can you use models to add to this sense of drama?
You can use the models to add to the sense of drama by getting them to act the feeling that the character is meant to be feeling, so the viewer can sympathise with the character.
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Street Photography
1. How did you find the task and the different ways of shooting?
I found this task and the different ways of shooting quite fun, as it allowed me to experience different ways of taking photographs and for me to get a feel for the different ways of taking photographs. Alongside that, it allowed a different point of view for the photographs to be seen.
2. Did you find yourself having to think differently about the shot? How?
Yes I did have to think differently about taking the shot because I had think of making sure I tried to keep the camera looking up to make sure that I got the shot I wanted; when taking the photographs from the hip, whereas taking the photographs by looking through the view finder I don’t have to really think about keeping the camera from looking up, because the view; that I get, is normally what I want.
3. Which method did you enjoy the most? Why do you think that was?
I most enjoyed taking the photographs from the hip because it allowed me to see how good my photographs; that I took, from a different angle than when I take the photographs from eye-level, as you never know how the photographs would come out when you are taking from hip level.
4. Which method got you the best results?
I think that taking photographs taken from the hip got me the best results because I didn’t feel that awkward taking photographs of other people, as I did with taking the photographs of peoples face with a 200MM lens. I didn’t feel as awkward as it didn’t look as obvious that I was taking a photograph of my random subject.
5. Was this primary research or secondary research? What did you learn from your research?
This task was a primary research task as we were testing out different angles of taking photographs for ourselves instead of reading about the different angles that we could take photographs. However, this was also partly a secondary research task as we were told about the different angles that we could take the photographs that we took before we actually went out to take the photographs.
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Nottingham Contemporary Visit
These photographs were taken on a Pentax camera and were taken at Nottingham Contemporary; which was presenting the work of Trix and Robert Haussmann (top) and Pia Camil (bottom). The aperture for these two photos were: F/4.5 and F/5.6, the shutter speed was: 1/20 sec and the ISO for the two photographs are: ISO-400 and ISO-800.
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Website And Leaflet, Nottingham Contemporary Visit
We were tasked to go down to Nottingham Contemporary and take at least 15 photographs of the exhibitions that were being presented there. The two exhibitions were two very different from each other, as one had quite a lot of lighting; which was by Trix and Robert Haussmann, and the other didn’t have much lighting at all; which was by Pia Camil. We were then tasked with narrowing down our picture to four. With the first two we were tasked of writing why we would think that these two pictures would be good to use on posters to promote the exhibitions and then the other two would we would have to write we thought that those two pictures would be good to use on the website and leaflets. At the moment, I am going to write about two photographs; as presented above, I think would be good enough to go on the website and leaflets to present the two exhibitions. As for these two photographs, I think that they are good enough to go on the website and the leaflets for Nottingham Contemporary because the contrast each other. Since these two photographs contrast each; as one gives off quite a lot of light and the other doesn’t, people will be drawn in more to see the two contrasting subjects and exhibitions for themselves, as they may be interested in contrast.
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Exhibition Posters, Nottingham Contemporary Visit
We were tasked to go down to Nottingham Contemporary and take at least 15 photographs of the exhibitions that were being presented there. The two exhibitions were two very different from each other, as one had quite a lot of lighting; which was by Trix and Robert Haussmann, and the other didn’t have much lighting at all; which was by Pia Camil. We were then tasked with narrowing down our picture to four. With the first two we were tasked of writing why we would think that these two pictures would be good to use on posters to promote the exhibitions and then the other two would we would have to write we thought that those two pictures would be good to use on the website and leaflets. At the moment, I am going to write about two photographs; as presented above, I think would be good enough to go on the posters to present the two exhibitions. I think that these two photographs could be used for the posters because they demonstrate some of the strange and wonderful work of the two different artists, which will confuse and amaze the viewer and that will help bring in the viewer so they can double check that what they have seen is real. Alongside that, it will also allow the viewer to take a look around the rest of the exhibition, so they can find the piece that they have already seen on the poster.
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Finding Narrative
Mariel Clayton
1. What were Mariel Clayton’s images about?
Mariel Clayton’s photographs were about: suicide, murder, alcohol and abusive relationships.
2. Do they work better as a series? or as individual pieces?
Her photographs work better individually as there are different photographs of hers that give out a different narrative. However, the photographs that produce a similar narrative could go as a series of photographs to evoke how differently other people may take their situation.
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