nataliesue25-blog · 10 years
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I didn’t see this on my dash at all yesterday or the day before, which made me sad, so I’m posting about it now.
That handsome young man right there? That’s Kwasi Enin, a high school student who was accepted to all eight Ivy League schools. Not one or two, but ALL OF THEM.
The 17-year-old violist and aspiring physician applied to all eight [Ivy League schools], from Brown to Yale.
The responses began rolling in over the past few months, and by late last week when he opened an e-mail from Harvard, he found he’d been accepted to every one. School district officials provided scanned copies of acceptance letters from all eight Monday. Yale confirmed that it was holding a spot for Enin. (x)
Kwasi is 11th in a class of 647 at William Floyd in New York, meaning he’s in the top 2% of his class. He scored 2,250 out of 2,400 points on the SAT. And by the time this kid graduates, he’ll have taken 11 AP courses. He’s also a musician who sings in his school’s a capella group and volunteers in his local hospital’s radiation department.
I just wanted to highlight this kid and his amazing achievements. He’s the kind of future our world needs.
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nataliesue25-blog · 10 years
Latino/a Rising is the first collection of U.S. Latino/a science fiction, fantasy, and other speculative genres.
There is like two days left on this Kickstarter for an anthology of all Latinx authors. And they’re less than $2,000 away from their goal. 
And it’s not just featuring literature, but art by Latinx folks as well. 
From the kickstarter: "This professionally produced anthology will not only be stimulating and entertaining, it will also give a portrait of the great multiplicity of the U.S. Latino/a experience. Latino/a Rising will be as diverse as U.S. Latinos/as are, and authors and artists from many different regions of the U.S. and from many different national origins will be included.”
Don’t you want to be a part in making this happen? It sounds amazing… and look at that list of authors…
"Here are just some of the wonderful authors and artists who will be included in the anthology: Kathleen Alcalá, Giannina Braschi, Pablo Brescia, Ana Castillo, Daína Chaviano, Junot Díaz, Carlos Hernandez, Ernest Hogan, Adál Maldonado, Carmen Maria Machado, Alejandro Morales, Daniel José Older, Edmundo Paz-Soldán, Alex Rivera, Sabrina Vourvoulias."
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nataliesue25-blog · 10 years
Why the #Solidarityisforwhitewomen campaign misses out on the complexities of my experience. By Ana Cecilia Alvarez.
An interesting perspective on being a POC and why that is a hella confusing phrase for some. 
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nataliesue25-blog · 10 years
Something that was dumb that I did (I’ve never been in this situation before, I was not prepared) was to not provide more proof. These are serious accusations. If I expect anyone to believe me then, yes, there should be proof.
Sam and I exchanged texts before meeting. They were flirty. I...
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nataliesue25-blog · 10 years
Hey John, what is your reaction to the news that the Riverside district has chosen to ban TFIOS from middle school libraries on the grounds that it deals with mortality and sex? I remember your reactions to similar situations concerning your books have been pretty animated and wondered what you thought?
I guess I am both happy and sad.
I am happy because apparently young people in Riverside, California will never witness or experience mortality since they won’t be reading my book, which is great for them.
But I am also sad because I was really hoping I would be able to introduce the idea that human beings die to the children of Riverside, California and thereby crush their dreams of immortality.
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nataliesue25-blog · 10 years
This is one of those moments when I thank Tumblr for bringing to my attention a serious problem in our community. In light of the Sam Pepper outrage many are asking people to check themselves. There are many outrageous problems going on in the youtube community right now. Why do we notice and react to certain situations and not others? How is it that certain issues become huge community wide movements while others stay in the shadows? Why is it that some problematic situations go on longer than others before being called out? What can we do to improve our reaction time within the larger community? I have many more thoughts and questions, so I hope we can all continue this conversation about problematic creators and the issues they perpetuate through their 'comedy'. These issues have gone ignored long enough. 
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nataliesue25-blog · 10 years
the most fucked up thing is that
emma watson
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one of the most
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men inclusive
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feminist speeches
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i’ve heard in the longest time, and the result? the result from these men who claim that they would be all for feminism if it weren’t for all “the man...
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nataliesue25-blog · 10 years
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A few Bisexuals in History you may not have known were Bisexual:
William Shakespeare
Eleanor Roosevelt
Josephine Baker
David Bowie
Frank Ocean
Azealia Banks
Billie Joel Armstrong
Margret Cho 
“I call myself bisexual because I acknowledge in myself the potential to be attracted, romantically and/or sexually, to people of more than one sex, not necessarily at the same time, not necessarily in the same way, and not necessarily to the same degree.”  -Robyn Orch
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nataliesue25-blog · 10 years
So I didn’t make any official statement about Sam Pepper until today because I had a feeling that he was up to what I refer to as “shenanigans.” I figured that if I posted something and then he threw a curve ball, it would make whatever I said feel empty because it would have been condemning him...
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nataliesue25-blog · 10 years
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Police shoot teenage special-needs girl within 20 seconds of arriving to ‘help’
On June 3rd, 2014, the Serrano family was having difficulty with a young female family member who suffers from a mental illness and depression. Yanira Serrano-Garcia, 18, had apparently gone off of her medication and became agitated and hard to control.
“[Yanira] wanted to be normal. She wanted to stop taking her medication, and I get it. Sometimes when my feet hurt I just want to be normal. I don’t want to take pills. I get her…all we want is justice,” said a friend of Yanira’s during a community march. 
“Sadly, they mistook her for something she didn’t do, and a cop decided to get his gun out when he could have gotten out his taser, his pepper spray,” she said.
“She has special needs and we just want answers,” said Yanira’s brother, Tiny Serrano. “Who are we supposed to call now when we need help when who is supposed to help us is killing our kids?”
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nataliesue25-blog · 10 years
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Disney gifs here
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nataliesue25-blog · 10 years
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Life Tips.
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nataliesue25-blog · 10 years
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Some snazzy looking textless Disney Renaissance posters I’ve come across so far.
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nataliesue25-blog · 10 years
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Disney gifs here
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nataliesue25-blog · 10 years
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Neutral Knits: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
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nataliesue25-blog · 10 years
Tag game: characters who share the same personality type as you
If you don’t know your personality type, take the test here. Rules: Find out what characters share the same personality type as you here and list the characters that you find relevant below. Then tag five friends and let them...
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nataliesue25-blog · 10 years
New video!! Finally...
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