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Clint doesn’t wear underwear anymore. 
For some ODD reason.
He goes commando.
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Scarlett Johansson - 2011 Milan Fashion Week 
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Let's be real, here, it's because Natasha was too impatient for him to keep with the underwear. 
Clint doesn’t wear underwear anymore. 
For some ODD reason.
He goes commando.
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Scarlett Johansson - 2011 Milan Fashion Week 
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Kidnap Meme
My character has been kidnapped because they are friends with yours. When found, they're still alive, but with a three word message carved into their skin for yours. What does the message say and what does your muse do about it?
Three days, three days it had taken for her to find him and she was furious with herself. The trail was obvious, way too sloppy to have been someone from her old life. This made her happy; it wouldn’t be difficult to find them and torture them slowly for what they had done to her hawk. 
She was led to an apartment in a slummy part of New York, the topmost floor. It could have been nice, with some modicum of effort. A large bay window was bare, and the late evening sun spilled in casting the room in a hellish, red glow. That’s where she found him, bound on a chair in the middle of the trashed apartment, shirtless. 
Without hesitation she was kneeling in front of him, working on getting the rope off him. “Clint —” Her eyes were drawn to his chest. The wounds were several days old, still angry and vicious. ‘Я вижу тебя' in jagged, sloppy letters. Ice ran through her veins and she felt a thrill of panic. Her hands dropped the rope and she cupped Clint's cheeks, tears burning in them, cursing herself for her own stupidity. “Moy yestreb, I'm so sorry. I lo—” 
The bullet’s impact was heralded by the shattering of glass; it drove into her temple, the force of impact making her body fall limply aside like a rag doll. A convulsion before she fell still, the blood pooling around her head like a devilish halo. 
She had been compromised; she had become attached, too attached to the archer and They exploited that. It was a mistake she could not make again. 
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My character has been kidnapped because they are friends with yours. When found, they're still alive, but with a three word message carved into their skin for yours. What does the message say and what does your muse do about it?
submitted by ~ anonymous
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◎ Do you love me, moy balerina? ~Medved
"Love is for children, moy medved."
"But with you I feel as if I am a child again. I feel the terrifying hope and fear that I had lost when you left me. I loved you then, I loved you when you were a ghost, and I love you now." 
0 notes
You see my character at the cemetery, placing flowers on an unmarked grave. What do you do?
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◎ What do you plan on doing to keep Clint away from Loki?
"With me around, I hardly think Clint has a need for Loki anymore."
"But if that isn’t the case, I will do whatever it takes. If I can’t convince Clint to give up this foolish affair — which I’m quite sure I can without resorting to actually hurting him — then I will turn my attention to Loki.”
Her tongue wet her lips and she rolled her shoulders in a shrug. 
"He’s incredibly hard to harm, from what I recall. If I can provoke him into losing his temper, to get him to hurt me in some way I think that would be enough to convince Clint that he hasn’t changed. It has the added benefit of pushing for him to leave Earth for good.” 
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Put ◎ in my ask. My muse will answer any question you ask them. Even if it's secret.
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My muse has been murdered violently and your muse is the first to find the body. Send me their reaction
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“It’s so beautiful.”
This was for Clint, she kept telling herself. He was close with her, with Darcy, so she had to at least provide a token effort in getting along with the brunette. A quiet dinner at Natasha’s apartment, wine, and perhaps a movie. That’s how people got to know each other, right? That’s what normal people did to make friends? 
At Darcy’s words, Natasha turned to see what she was talking about and couldn’t help the smile that flitted to her lips, soft and genuine — the first real smile she had all night. 
There was a small shelf in her apartment dedicated to the knick-knacks Clint brought home for her; the piece being commented on was a Faberge spider broach.
"It is." Natasha agreed, moving over to stand next to Darcy. She picked it up, handling it gently, and turned it over so Darcy could appreciate the intricate work put into it. "Clint gave it to me; he had a mission abroad, in Russia. Said he picked it up for a handful of rubles from a Romanian." She chuckled and set it back on the shelf. "He had no idea what kind of a treasure he found." 
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Send me "Goodbye" for the last voice message my muse leaves for yours before they die.
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