natesredman · 6 years
she wiggled her shoulders. “spicy, nathaniel. did you do anything else later? are you taking this state-fuunded girl out on a date?”
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Nate snorted. “Yeah, Nathan not Nathaniel, and no, nothing else, actually. I went home and went to sleep, and there is going to be a date, if you must know.”
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natesredman · 6 years
“I would love to know what life would have been like if I was an only child sometimes,” he chuckled. Sometimes his life was overloaded by the crazy schedules his sisters and brother had, in addition to his inability to support everyone when they needed it the most because of the drastic distance the past few years. However, Grayson couldn’t imagine how much more dysfunctional his life would have been without his siblings. They each contributed and added valued to the dynamics that made the Chase family was it is today. “Oh sweet. Still a thing or was it just a spontaneous hook up?” 
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“It’s not as fun as you might think it is, you get lonely. So be grateful you have all those siblings,” he chuckled. He couldn’t see himself having grown up with siblings. He was a naturally independent person, and he figured he probably would have been that way even if he had grown up with them. “No, it’s still a thing. We kissed at midnight and all that, but we’re doing a proper date and everything now, too. Definitely not a spontaneous hook up.”
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natesredman · 6 years
“there we go,” a very bright, very pleased smile was on jade’s lips now and she was actually feeling vindicated. she’d managed to elicit a very sentimental sentence out of the man, and she knew it was a good victory. “you’re–you have a dog? and you didn’t tell me yet. you know this is something i don’t think i can easily forgive you for.” she told him before giving him another smile. “what’s his name? or her name? and wow together–that’s serious progression, like–normally people do this after they’ve moved in together.”
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“Hey, I’m telling you now– when I came in here to get my coffee and see you, my mind was a little more occupied with other things, like your love life, it seems,” he smiled. “His name is Norman, and this,” he pulled his phone out and opened up a picture. “is a picture that Arizona sent me, because I’m bad at cameras. “It wasn’t an intentional thing, doing it together. It started out as a new years resolution thing. We came up with resolutions for each other, hers was me getting a dog, then we made it a date, and now there’s a dog.”
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natesredman · 6 years
“that sounds almost fake.” he said to the man who was one of his closest friends. “i’m going to have to see proof of this embarrassing dancing, clearly.” with a grin, he shook his head at nate’s words and rolled his eyes. “the only reaction that would happen–would be me running the hell away.”
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“Yeah, in your dreams, maybe. You’re never seeing this dancing with your own eyes in this current timeline, mate. Never gonna happen,” he chuckled. If he could help it, nobody would ever see him embarrass himself on a dance floor. “I’d love to see that, though, Noah. Mind if I hide in a bush off to the side with a camera? For the memories.”
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natesredman · 6 years
“actually, i’m comparing you to an elementary schooler.” she said with a small teasing wink. “oh absolutely.” she grinned, pulling her phone out of her pocket and snapping a picture of the dog. “now he just needs a name…” she said, smiling at the photo. “i really should… i think a shirt that says ‘your dog loves me more’ would be more fitting though.” 
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“I suppose there are worse things to be compared to,” he admitted. Nate laughed when she pulled out her phone and took a picture fo the dog. “You’ve gotta send me that photo later, you know? And a name? We’ll have to come up with that one together. Something original. And that shirt... that’d just be mean.”
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natesredman · 6 years
“potentially..” she repeated before rolling her eyes. “what is it with men not being able to express themselves clearly? just be honest and say you like her and she’s someone who, after a long ass time, you actually want to spend time with.” she smiled at the man before grinning happily and nodding. “that is something that makes me very happy to hear. now tell me, has there been any progression since then?”
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Nate couldn’t help but laugh at her candor– but she was right, he had to admit. “Fine, then,” he muttered. “I like her a lot and she’s someone I really want to spend time with.” He raised an eyebrow at her to see if she was satisfied. “Any progression since then? Well, we went on that date– I can’t even believe I haven’t told you this yet. I have a dog now, or we have a dog. Primarily mine, but she’s got an attachment, too.”
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natesredman · 6 years
“god no. the word doesn’t need to be heard here.” she looked at nate. “new topic of conversation: who was that blonde you left the new years party with?”
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Nate would have quietly disagreed– after what he’d heard about the New Years party, the stuff he’d luckily missed out on, he was pretty sure that the word did need to be heard here, to some people in particular, though. He chuckled as she brought up Arizona though. “Oh, you saw that did you? We didn’t go home together, actually. Just kissed at midnight. Name’s Arizona.”
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natesredman · 6 years
imessage - opal
opal: nah, hangovers are a thing of opal's past lol
nate: Oh yeah? That's a good thing, then. Hangovers are a 2018 Opal thing rather than a 2019 thing? Nice resolution.
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natesredman · 6 years
imessage - opal.
opal: yeah, fell right asleep.
opal: slept pretty good too kudos to alcohol
nate: Yeah, the drink'll do that to you. Killer hangover in the morning or not?
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natesredman · 6 years
“i was excommunicated three years ago.” tabi shrugged it off. “it’s whatever. there’s not really a lot of mormons around here. sorry–” she cleared her throat theatrically. “–the church of latter day saints.”
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“Three years– that’s a good long while,” he mused. “So, what you’re saying is that there aren’t a lot of door knocking Church of Latter Day Saint singers around Wintergreen, then?”
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natesredman · 6 years
imessage - opal
opal: nah
opal: even though i didn't get my new year's kiss
nate: What did you do after then? Sleep? Watch a movie?
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natesredman · 6 years
“mormons don’t call it that, but sure. that’s what they teach alright. but i’m done with that shit, only my sister is still in it.”
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“Forgive me. I’m not particularly well educated in the lives and practices of mormons,” he admitted. “Yeah, you definitely give off a bit of a vibe that you’re done with all of that for sure. How long ago did you... quit?”
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natesredman · 6 years
imessage - opal.
opal: oh
opal: good for you
nate: Yeah, good for me. Do your regret not staying yourself?
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natesredman · 6 years
“well i don’t know that, some of my students bark back at dogs.” she said with a laugh. “they’re going to be so excited when i show them pictures of this cutie.” she said, leaning down to pet the dog. “very crucial, every dog needs a dog mom and i’m clearly his.”
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“Are you comparing me to a middle schooler, Arizona?” He raised an eyebrow, feigning offense. “You’re gonna have a phone full of dog photos now, aren’t you? All the photos you usually take are gonna have to be deleted or moved to a hard drive or something just so you can fit all the pictures of him,” he chuckled a little at the thought. “Every dog needs a mom... you should get that on a t-shirt.”
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natesredman · 6 years
“some of the credit is better than none, so i’ll take it.” she grinned at him even if her own heart breaking was still bothering her. she looked at him when he spoke about her, arizona and furrowed her brow, wondering if indeed she’d met the woman because the name did sound rather familiar. “well i’m super thrilled for you nate. i just feel like–you have a lot of love hidden inside you and some lucky lady, arizona clearly, deserves to see it.”
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Nate chuckled at how happy she seemed to get some of the credit– which he supposed she deserved. He could still see that Jade had things going on in her own mind, things that he definitely couldn’t fix and things that his words couldn’t impact, but he supposed taking her mind off of it with his own love life was the next best option. “Yeah, potentially. We’ll have to see how it goes, and hope it goes well,” he mused. “You’ll be happy to know, as well, that there was a lot of smiling that night, and quite a lot of it since.”
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natesredman · 6 years
“well that is clearly obvious,” he grinned at his friend as the two of them began walking down the street once more. “rejecting dances isn’t what i’d call fun, but the drinking part i’d definitely agree with.” when he heard the other words from nate though, he couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “yes pretty much?” he laughed before shaking his head. “it’s just like–some girls just jump into love from like the second date, and i just don’t think it’s that easy.” he doesn’t want to tell the other man that it had taken him awhile to even begin thinking of those feelings when it came to arizona.
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“Rejecting dances is fun when you’re a shit dancer who’ll just embarrass both yourself and your dance partner if you do it,” he justified. The only day that Nate would willingly dance would be on his wedding day, if he got there. He grinned at Noah’s laughter – success. “I get that, though. You’ve gotta give it a little time, right? To make sure it fits. And to make sure you don’t get a reaction or something.”
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natesredman · 6 years
arizona looked at him. “if you start talking to the dogs in barks and other noises i will have you committed to an insane asylum.” she was having far too much fun teasing him. “you say that like it means i’m never going to see him, i’ve already told you i’m stealing him for walks and stuff.” she smiled. “but let’s take him to his new life then.”
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Nate laughed, rather loudly, and shook his head. “I didn’t mean that, I just meant that barks are their way of speaking, not that I’m gonna suddenly bark too,” he chuckled. “No, you’re right. I’m pretty sure you’re gonna be crucial to his development, actually. As much as I hate to say that.” He grinned at her, obviously joking – he was happy to admit that.
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