Dear New Yorkers,
I've recently come into contact again with my Annie.
And my daughter, Lucy.
Since rehab I've been doing a lot of thinking. I've been thinking about my life, my choices, and what I'm going to do. Dusty's been great, but he isn't enough of a companion to heal what I've broken.
And don't think I don't love any of you either. Lisa, you helped me with so much more than I can say. Rosie, stay strong. Gavin, just keep doing your thing, man. As for Maggie, I'm so聽tremendously聽sorry.聽
With Violet's departure I've been thinking a lot about my own. And I think I need to go home. Back to North Dakota, to my Annie.聽
She's willing to let me come home, after all these years.
Besides, I didn't want to burden you all with this information, but since rehab I haven't had a home. Without a job I fell behind on bills and soon, I was evicted. I've been sleeping in Central Park (Mike, thank you for those few dollars the other night. You might not have known 聽it was me, but everything is appreciated on the concrete streets). Or, when it's too hot, the good people over at Mona's allow me to use their bed. But that comes with so many risks and so many temptations that it just isn't safe anymore.聽
I love you all. I'll miss you all. Goodbye,
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Yeah, clicked. I'm sure Molly's glad you decided on her.
Anyway, Artie, I need sleep. Dusty likes to pee around 6 in the morning, which means I need to make sure I'm up. I'll talk to you later.
Can't Sleep.
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I stumbled upon a shelter one day looking for work. I saw Dusty instantly and I just sort of had a feeling he'd be a good boy.
Can't Sleep.
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yeah, it's Dusty. That little guy gets pretty much whatever he wants too. It's just so hard to turn down that goofy grin of his. Haha, I never thought I'd be one of "those" dog owners.聽
As long as I don't buy him a diamond studded collar, I'm okay, right?
Can't Sleep.
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these pups... what are we going to do with them?
Can't Sleep.
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Poor girl.
He's good. He eats pretty much everything so... haha. No, he's a good boy.
Can't Sleep.
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Oh good. And Rosie? Is she sick now?聽
And I'm decent, can't really complain.
Can't Sleep.
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Hey Arthur! How's it going? You feeling any better?
Can't Sleep.
Someone talk to me.
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Can't Sleep.
Someone talk to me.
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Text | Maggie
M: I know... I know I've been flirting with you but... there still is a part of me that wants to tell you off... But I dont want to hurt you... Its confusing...
N: You're just confused. I hurt you and you should be hurt.
N: Just let me go. Really, Mags. Or better yet, push me off a cliff.
N: I'm not your "what-if" guy. I'm the guy that put a hole in your wall.
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Text | Maggie
M: We could have really had something though... if circumstances were different.
N: I'm sorry they're not.
N: I really am, Maggie.
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Text | Maggie
M: But the real thing is soooo much better. ;)
N: Oh no. Imagination is key.
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Text | Maggie
M: But I do want you. :P
N: Haha, no you don't. I promise.
N: Maybe someone should buy you a rabbit...
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Text | Maggie
M: Yes.
N: Sweetheart, it's late. You need sleep. Not me.
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Done. But only if I get an invite to Dave & Busters.
Dangggg, nice look. Buy me a pair.
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Text | Maggie
M: Are you busy?
N: Right now?
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