nathanielcbanks · 5 years
New Roof Installation Process
Is your ceiling leaking? Are you noticing water damage on your ceiling? Has the plaster on the ceiling started to warp and fall off? If that’s the case, then it might be time for a new roof. Investing in a new roof is probably one of the most important things a homeowner will do to ensure the longevity of their home. This whole process may seem daunting.  But don’t worry. With our help, it will be the easiest thing you’ll do in your home improvement journey.
How do I get a new roof installed?
This is a great question. It might seem like a simple task, but by yourself, it could be very hard and costly. If you’re thinking of installing the roof yourself, try a few simple steps to see if you’re prepared for it.  Practice going up the ladder multiple times in a row. Then go stand up on the roof and see if you can do it comfortably. If those two things work out, try lifting a few 60 lb weights over your shoulder. Imagine doing all this the ENTIRE day, or over the course of several days. Instead of trying to do all of this alone, possibly causing more work for yourself, look into having it done professionally.
Start the process
First thing you will want to do is contact a verified inspector to come look at your roof. They’ll be able to give you a fair assessment, which will help you get started on a new roof. The next thing you will want to do is contact several contractors and get bids on the job. Once you find a contractor you feel comfortable working with, have them draw up a contract and go over it together.
A few things to look for in the contract is start and end date, itemized description of costs and total amount for the bid. Make sure to ask all your questions before signing the contract. During this process, ask about any permits that might be needed before you get started. The company installing your roof will be able to answer this question. In most cases, they will get the permits for you.
After that, the only thing left to do is wait for the roofing company to install your new roof. On the day of installation, the foreman will contact you and let you know that they will begin working on your house. He or she will be your advocate and your source of information. Make sure that your children and your pets maintain a safe distance from the workers while they install your roof. This is not only for your family’s safety but that of the workers as well.
How long does this process take?
This question won’t have the same answer for everyone. This depends on several things that all factor into the finished product. If your roof doesn’t have any serious damage done by water, moisture, pests or old age, you should be able to expect a one-day installation job. It will also depend on the size of the roof and possibly weather conditions. Your installer should be able to give you an estimation on how long the installation will take.
How much does it cost?
This is also different for everyone. Some people might have more damage to the roof foundation than can be seen before tearing the old shingles off. In this case, this will affect the total amount that you were first quoted. Most companies will plan for this, and might be able to give you a hypothetical price, in the event they’ll require more materials. It also depends on the size of your roof, and the roof of your garage if it’s unattached.  A standard-sized house should cost between $10,000 and $16,000. With financing options available, this would be a great way to maintain or even boost your credit.
If it looks like YOUR house needs a new roof, contact us today to get a consultation visit scheduled! We have licensed professionals ready to help with all your roofing needs.
The post New Roof Installation Process appeared first on Beneficial Roofing | VOTED BEST Roofing Company, Call Us Today & See Why!.
source https://beneficialroofing.com/new-roof-installation-process/ from VOTED BEST Roofing Company https://beneficialroofing.blogspot.com/2019/04/new-roof-installation-process.html
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nathanielcbanks · 5 years
Roof Color Matters
As a homeowner, it’s safe to assume you know the color of your roof. But do you know the color of your next-door neighbors’ roof? Or how about three doors down? The color of your roof has more relevance than just aesthetic appeal.  The color of your roof shingles can affect the overall efficiency of your utilities throughout the year. This article will help shed some light on the benefits of having either light or dark colored shingles.
How do Light Shingles Affect Your Home?
One of the most important things to realize about roof shingles, is they are your roofs’ first line of defense against harsh UV rays. The light-colored shingles help to reflect heat rays more than they absorb. That might not sound like such a big deal, but you can save a lot of money in the long run, especially during summertime. This will result in your air conditioner using less energy, which means less money spent on utility bills. If you live in an area that is prone to lots of sunshine and heat, it might be worth it to consider getting a lighter colored roof, if you don’t have one already.
How do Dark Shingles Affect your Home?
Since light shingles reflect heat, its only logical that dark shingles absorb it. This fact might not make dark colored roofs ideal for sunny states. However, it would make them ideal for places that don’t get as much sun, or that have long winters. Just like light shingles help lower utility bills in the summer, dark shingles can do the exact same thing in winter.  During the fall and winter months, they can help lower your monthly heating bills, by absorbing the heat from direct sunlight. Since they can absorb heat, that means that they can help melt the snow off your roof faster, right? Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite work like that. For the dark shingles to absorb the heat, they must have direct exposure to the sun. This can be a problem in the winter months, as the days seem shorter due to lack of sunshine.
Should You Get Light or Dark Shingles?
The easiest way to decide which color of shingle to have installed is to consult with a reputable roofing agency. A technician can come out and go over the options, pros and cons for your area and so forth. It is also largely based on your personal preference and any restrictions you might have from your HOA. Another thing to consider is how a dark roof might benefit your family in the spring and fall months. Depending on where you live, there might not be much snow during these times. This will mean more exposure to the sunlight, which will help to heat your home in a natural way.
Ultimately, it is up to you when choosing between light and dark shingles. If you have questions about what color shingles you should put on your house, contact us today! We would be more than happy to help you on your home improvement journey.
 The post Roof Color Matters appeared first on Beneficial Roofing | VOTED BEST Roofing Company, Call Us Today & See Why!.
source https://beneficialroofing.com/roof-color-matters/ from VOTED BEST Roofing Company https://beneficialroofing.blogspot.com/2019/04/roof-color-matters.html
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nathanielcbanks · 5 years
Things Your Roof is Trying to Tell You
While it might not seem like it, your roof is an important part of your family. It takes on the elements like snow, rain, and hail, so you don’t have to. But unlike the rest of your family, it has a hard time telling you when something is wrong. However, there are common signs that will indicate when something isn’t right. As a homeowner, it’s important to know what to look for, and when to call in a professional. Now the tricky part– knowing what you need to look for…
Water Spots on the Ceiling
Quite possibly the most common sign that something is wrong with your roof is unsightly discoloration on your ceiling. When your ceiling starts to stain or leak, this could be a sign that there is an excess buildup of moisture in your attic. Unfortunately, there could be a number of reasons why this is happening. To avoid further damage to the structural integrity of your attic and roof, it’s best to have a professional come and asses the damage and find the issue.
Water Damage on Exterior Walls
A common problem to overlook is water marks on your wall. You could easily mistake this for issues with your siding or even the plaster. Normally this means the step flashing is loose where it meets the wall. If it’s not loose, it could be because it has either rusted or incurred damage. If the damage to your wall appears worse after a good rain storm, it’s pretty safe to say that this is the culprit.
Gutters Have an Excess of Granules from Shingles
This is a great sign that your roof is at the end of its life and is going to need to be replaced soon. It’s very important to get ahead of this problem because the granules protect the shingles from the harsh UV rays. When the granules are all removed, your shingles will begin to decay and become very brittle. This can lead to cracked shingles, which is a big problem for homeowners and should be addressed quickly.
Cupping Shingles
If your shingles have begun to cup, this could be a sign that your attic is having ventilation issues, or that your shingles are old and worn. This is a good sign the roof will need to be re-shingled.  This is a good time to have a professional come out and asses your roof for other problems. Cupped shingles can be very problematic for your roof’s health. If these shingles aren’t fixed, they can blow off in a strong wind, leaving your roof exposed to the elements.
Black Stains on the Roof
This is a tell-tale sign that you have an algae problem. Some websites will say that this isn’t a problem, but that’s where they’re wrong! Algae, when left to fester and grow, can dislodge the granules in your asphalt shingles, leaving them exposed. Algae can also attract moss to your roof, which has the same effect on your shingles. Placing zinc strips around the ridge of your roof will release a fungicide that, when it rains, that will kill the algae. Another option is to mop your roof with a bleach mixture that will instantly kill the algae. However, if algae or moss has been a continuous problem, it’s best to have a professional come take a look at your roof.
These are just a few examples of what your roof might be trying to tell you. A simple way to get the most life out of your roof is to have annual or biannual roof inspections. This ensures nothing is trying to break it down. Call us today to set up a visit so we can make sure your roof isn’t trying to tell you something!
The post Things Your Roof is Trying to Tell You appeared first on Beneficial Roofing | VOTED BEST Roofing Company, Call Us Today & See Why!.
source https://beneficialroofing.com/things-your-roof-is-trying-to-tell-you/ from VOTED BEST Roofing Company https://beneficialroofing.blogspot.com/2019/04/things-your-roof-is-trying-to-tell-you.html
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nathanielcbanks · 5 years
Solar Tiles: Here’s the Scoop
Have you ever looked at your neighbors’ roof and wondered why it’s so shiny? Have you driven through a neighborhood with futuristic-looking roofs and wondered what in the world their roof is made of? While it’s possible that what you saw were solar panels, it could also have been a solar tiled roof. In this article, we will discuss what solar tiles are, what they are made of, how they work and are installed, and a short list of pros and cons. Buckle up and let’s go!
What are Solar Roof Tiles?
Much like their cousins, the solar panels, solar tiles are thin, photovoltaic sheets that can either replace or lay on top of your shingles. Just like the solar panels, solar tiles harness the energy they create from sunlight to power your home. A very interesting fact for this type of shingle is that it can be installed in any climate. This type of roof shingle is really a testament to how far technology has advanced and opens doors for even more possibilities for the future of roofing.
How do they work?
Great question! The sunlight hits a solar shingle that has been coated with a special surface that knocks off an electron from particles of light. Then, the free electron goes through an electrical circuit where other electrons are being stored. This compilation of electrons is then used to generate a current. That is how all our solar electricity works, no mater what form the photovoltaic device is in.
What are they made of?
They are about 12 inches wide and 86 inches long and weigh about 13 pounds per square foot. The thin-film solar cells are made from copper indium gallium selenide. This is a semiconductor that allows the cells to be thin and flexible. They are usually less than an inch thick, so they won’t look big and bulky like a solar panel.
How are They Installed?
Since these high-efficiency energy savers are so high-tech, it is best to have a professional roofer install them for you. Having a professional do it also helps assure the best return out of your investment. The way they are installed requires a lot of labor and TLC. Your roofer will put in shingle after shingle while wiring each one inside your home. This is a tedious job that should be done ONLY by professionals. There are a lot of permits and paperwork that go into owning solar powered anything. This is something professionals can handle for you, as well as saving you time and energy on doing the project yourself.
 Pros and Cons of Having Solar Tiles
The benefits of installing solar tiles to your home are awesome! But as with a lot of things in life, nothing is perfect, which means there are some downsides to installing solar tiles. Below is a list of just a few pros and cons to having solar tiles:
Pro: Save Money! Like the solar panels, solar tiles will help cut your electricity bill in half, and you may even be able to make money from your electric company for excess power that your roof supplies back into the grid.
Pro: Solar tiles bring a certain je ne sais quoi to your overall home aesthetic. They have a more modern to futuristic look to them that a lot of prospective homeowners will find appealing. This is something to keep in mind if you envision yourself moving in the future. These tiles are designed to match existing roofing, so they will blend in making a nice finish on your roof.
Con: It’s true that solar tiles are quite energy efficient, but they cannot completely compare to the solar panels. Panels can be tilted for best sun exposure whereas tiles cannot. This may result in purchasing more tiles down the line to reach the same energy output as your neighbors with panels.
Con: While they will save you tons of money in the long run, the initial cost of installation can be quite a hefty chunk of money. This can cost anywhere from 10k to 20k. However, most states have grant programs to help with initial costs.
Ultimately it is your decision whether solar tiles are right for you. We would be more than happy to help you with your home improvement journey, so call us today!
The post Solar Tiles: Here’s the Scoop appeared first on Beneficial Roofing | VOTED BEST Roofing Company, Call Us Today & See Why!.
source https://beneficialroofing.com/solar-tiles-heres-the-scoop/ from VOTED BEST Roofing Company https://beneficialroofing.blogspot.com/2019/04/solar-tiles-heres-scoop.html
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nathanielcbanks · 5 years
How to Choose a Good Roofer
A roof is a big investment. Ranging anywhere from $450 to $700 per square foot, a new roof is no small expense. When searching for a roofing company, you need to make sure they are reputable. What types of things indicate a reputable roofer? We’re glad you asked!
Things to Look for in a Good Roofer
Licensed. Although not all states require roofing companies to have a license, a license is important to ensure all employees are properly trained. Be sure to ask for proof of licensing before any work is done.
Insured. Always ask for proof of insurance and make sure the insurance covers not only their employees or contractors, but also any potential damage to your home or surroundings as a result of the roofing work.
Bonded. Being bonded ensures that a company takes its responsibility to its customers seriously. As with licensing, bonding is not a requirement in any of the states, but it does help to indicate the integrity of the company.
Good online reviews. In the age of technology, it is now easier than ever to check the satisfaction rate of customers. However, keep in mind that some people are never satisfied. Check multiple reviews. Read them thoroughly, don’t just check star ratings.
BBB. Check their Better Business Bureau (BBB) rating. The BBB website is a fantastic resource to find information on local companies, even if they don’t have a website. If the business has a low rating on the BBB, don’t use them.
Signs that you might have found a Bad Roofer
The roofer tells you to get your own permit. This is a huge red flag. A roofer who tells you to get your own permit, is probably not insured or licensed. Once you, the homeowner, get the permit yourself you are completely liable for the job. You are left holding the bag if anything goes wrong, .
The person or company can’t provide proof of insurance or license. As discussed above, a roofing company that cannot give proof of insurance and licensing may be trying to skirt around regulations and should not be trusted. The roofers don’t inspect the attic. It is critical to inspect the underside of the roof (if at all possible) to get a complete and accurate estimate. After all, the roof sits on the attic. They don’t give a “presentation”. The average homeowner only needs to replace a roof once or twice during their entire lifetime, so they don’t know the finer details of the roofing process. A roofing company who does not give you a presentation may not actually know what they’re doing and you could end up with much greater roofing problems. They want cash only. This is another huge red flag. If the roofers only want cash, may be trying to avoid having a paper trail.  Always keep a paper trail for your own records, such as receipts, quotes, contracts, and bids.
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When looking for a roofer, you have to consider their reputation. If they don’t have a good reputation, you can bet that they will not provide quality work. In addition to that, you’ll be out a few thousand dollars, and stuck with a bad roof. A good roofer will be reputable, licensed, insured, and bonded. Save yourself from wasting time searching for a roofer. Give us a call for all of your roofing needs.
The post How to Choose a Good Roofer appeared first on Beneficial Roofing | VOTED BEST Roofing Company, Call Us Today & See Why!.
source https://beneficialroofing.com/choosing-a-good-roofer/ from VOTED BEST Roofing Company https://beneficialroofing.blogspot.com/2019/03/how-to-choose-good-roofer.html
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nathanielcbanks · 5 years
How Different Climates Affect Your Shingles
One of the unsung heroes for a homeowner is a roof, but more importantly, the shingles on the roof. Without shingles on your roof, you just have a bunch of nice wood planks left exposed to all the elements.
But how do you know what type, style and material of shingle you should have?
Any reputable roofing company will tell you that the climate in which you live will be a big deciding factor when looking for the perfect shingles for your home. In this article, we will go over what shingles work best in various climates. This will make choosing your new roof a whole lot easier!
What Shingles Work Best In Hot Climates?
The main thing you need out of your roof in hot climates is the ability to reflect heat. This will help keep your home cool by controlling the harshness of the sun rays from seeping inside.
Terracotta and clay are great material choices for hot weather. They are heat-resistant and extremely durable. Not only are they strong and dependable, but they can be very aesthetically pleasing, adding a nice zest to the outside appearance of your home.
Another great material for your shingles is slate tiles. This is a natural material that is often requested by homeowners who value the vintage look. The lighter colored slate tiles help to reflect the heat, while darker colored tiles absorb it, Make sure that you have a balanced amount of each. Keep in mind that the prices for slate tiles might be more than other options.
Metal sheets, contrary to popular belief, are great options for roofing material in hotter climates. They are extremely durable. If you choose a lighter color of metal, the shingles will efficiently resist heat without letting the sun rays in. They are also a great option for the budget-savvy homeowner; they will quickly pay for themselves in their performance.
What Shingles Work Best In Cold Climates?
Now that we’ve covered options for hot climates, it’s time to see what materials hold up best in cold climates.
Asphalt is a common roofing material seen in colder climate areas, because it maintains its structural integrity so well against the colder elements. If your roof does incur damage, it is very easy for a professional to replace the damaged shingles. If you decide to go with an asphalt material, make sure you talk to us about impact-resistant shingles, so you can really get more bang for your buck.
Composite shingles are a lightweight alternative to a slate and cedar shake that is becoming quite popular. So long as you have a great foundation on your house, this type of material will offer more than enough reinforcement to your roof. It will keep you and your family safe and warm in the colder climates.
We didn’t forget about wood shingles. This type of shingle is often used in cold climates, because it can provide twice the amount of insulation that an asphalt roof does. Wood shingle material will last about 25 years, so you won’t have to worry about replacing it for quite some time.
Wood shake roofs are also a great material to use in cold climates. Because wood shakes are even thicker than wood, they will be able to resist stronger winds, rain and hailstones better than another roof material. Wood shake roofs last up to about 35 to 40 years if maintained properly.
Shingle Maintenance
As with any roof shingles, you need to take care of them with annual or biannual inspections and regular maintenance. Clear your gutters and regularly make sure no pests have made themselves at home. By doing these things, you will get the most life out of your roof system, no matter what type of climate you live in.
What are you waiting for?
Call Beneficial Roofing today to find out how we can help you choose the right material for your roof.
The post How Different Climates Affect Your Shingles appeared first on Beneficial Roofing | VOTED BEST Roofing Company, Call Us Today & See Why!.
source https://beneficialroofing.com/how-climate-affects-shingles/ from VOTED BEST Roofing Company https://beneficialroofing.blogspot.com/2019/02/how-different-climates-affect-your.html
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nathanielcbanks · 5 years
Roof Shingles Care and Maintenance
Your roof is a major part of your home’s value. One of the most important things you as a homeowner can do is make sure that your roof is properly maintained.
Perform annual or biannual inspections to assess how well the integrity of the roof is holding up. You also want to check for missing or damaged shingles and look for anything that might cause problems down the road. Potential problems would be low-hanging branches or clogged gutters.
However, it is important to remember that not every roof is the same as far as maintenance goes. Different roofing materials require different types of attention to maintain.
In this article we will discuss the most common types of shingle materials used and how to make sure you get your money’s worth out of them by taking care of them.
Asphalt Shingles
The most common material used for roof shingles, depending on location, is asphalt. Economical and typically low-maintenance, they are unfortunately susceptible to a lot of weather conditions. Without a protective coating, enough exposure to the sun can speed up the cracking and decaying process. Hail is another environmental nuisance causing granules to be knocked off and leaving marks and dents in the roof.  Wind can rip shingles from the roof, leaving the roof open to damage from the elements. Asphalt shingles require a protective UV coating and a flexible base to protect them from sun and wind damage.
 Wood Shingles
While this material requires more upkeep than other shingles, it is highly sought after due to the wonderful aesthetic they bring with them.This type of shingle needs to be made with a strong type of wood, like redwood or cedar. A few things you need to consider before opting for this type of roof:
 the quality of lumber
average humidity in your area
how close you are to saltwater
qualified wood shingle roof installer
All these factors can either make or break your wood-shingled roof. Wood shingles need to be pressure-treated and maintained with sealants or coatings that protect against constant exposure to sun and rain. Without that protection, sun rays can cause your wood shingles to cup or curl. This can lead to fractures. If properly looked after, these shingles can last 10-15 years longer than your typical asphalt shingles.
Tile Shingles
This sturdy, long-lasting contender can take on the damage that the sun, rain and wind can dish out. While concrete and stone tiles are typically more durable, porcelain and clay tiles can become fragile and break in a hailstorm or high winds. Clay tiles don’t keep well in colder climates that see a lot of snow and ice. They do hold up well in higher temperatures with a lot of sunshine, however. This makes them more popular in the arid climates like the southwest U.S. In order to have a healthy tile roof, you need to make sure the tiles are properly installed.  Hire a professional  familiar with weight restrictions and architectural structures that can hold these heavy shingles. The tiles themselves can last upwards of 50 years, however the basal layer needs to be replaced about every 10 years to prevent cracking and leaking in the roof.
Slate Shingles
This material can withstand high winds, keep the rain and moisture out of your attic and even repel hail. These traits make them one of the most durable types of roof shingles out there. Because these shingles are heavy, they will require a very skilled roofing installer to make sure they are done correctly. They will need extra architectural reinforcement due to their weight. You will need to have these checked regularly and fix any problems immediately, in order to maintain the durability and long life of your slate roof.
Metal Shingles
As can be expected, metal roofs are one of the most durable roof systems you can have. Their ability to keep out moisture and rain, along with their ability to reflect heat rays from the sun makes them a popular choice. Hail and wind are the enemies of the metal roof.  Hail can dent your metal roof, while wind can cause even more damage to metal roofing than a typical asphalt roof,  if the metal roofing is not installed properly.
Choosing the right shingles and knowing how to maintain them can be tricky. Don’t worry! We have experts standing by who can help with all of your roofing questions. If you have questions about types of materials for your shingles, contact us today! We would be more than happy to help you on your roofing journey.
The post Roof Shingles Care and Maintenance appeared first on Beneficial Roofing | VOTED BEST Roofing Company, Call Us Today & See Why!.
source https://beneficialroofing.com/roof-shingles/ from VOTED BEST Roofing Company https://beneficialroofing.blogspot.com/2019/02/roof-shingles-care-and-maintenance.html
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nathanielcbanks · 5 years
Flashing for Your Roof
Whenever you get your roof fixed or have a new one installed you need to make sure that not only are the shingles installed properly, but also the flashing. Shingles are the first line of defense against the harsh UV rays.  In the same way, your flashing is the first line of defense against moisture and water damage.  In this article we will talk about what roof flashing is, why it’s important and what damages can occur if your flashing is neglected or not properly installed.
What is Flashing?
Roof flashing is a roll of thin metal. It’s made to withstand all weather conditions, including high wind and excessive rain. Flashing can be made from several types of metal including copper, aluminum, galvanized steel and lead. During the roofing process, it is rolled out into place and sealed. Flashing ensures that no water can get into your roof and damage it. The way flashing works is relatively simple: it collects pooling water and channels it away from where it was pooling. All types of flashing work in basically the same way.
What Does it Do?
Roof flashing is very important because it helps to close joints in walls or roofing applications. This makes sure no water is able to seep into materials used in the construction of your roof. The most typical places you’ll find flashing is around valleys, vents and skylights. Installing flashing is a key process in roofing. If done correctly, it can help lengthen the lifespan of your roof and the lumber supporting your roof. Once installed, quality flashing will continue to protect your roof for a long time.
  Flashing: Valleys and Chimneys
A valley in your roof is the area where one slope of the roof joins another. This creates a low area on the surface of the roof–a valley.  Valley flashing is installed under the shingles of the roof at the edges.  The flashing leads down to a gutter close by. Water will drain from the shingles into the valley. From here, it flows down the flashing metal, to the gutter and out the spout. Valley flashing streamlines the way your roof protects against water.
Chimneys are very common areas where water can get into your home. Flashing around chimneys has to be completely water-tight. Your roofer will place smaller, L-shaped metal pieces between shingle courses all along the chimney. Atop the chimney, a cricket–sometimes referred to as a saddle roof–is built. This helps create a slope to keep water from pooling behind the chimney.  Flashing covers the cricket, running along the shingle run above. This cover is mortared into the chimney itself, creating a water tight lock. Counter flashing is mortared along the sides into the brick or stone and run down the step of flashing. Lastly, flashing is mortared in the front of the chimney, at the lowest point of the roof. This flashing is placed flush on top of the next shingle course, so water will run down away from the chimney.
 What Happens When Flashing Doesn’t Work?
Since flashing is what keeps your roof safe from water damage, its safe to say that without it your roof would suffer from water damage. Roof rot, mold, mildew and even broken beams can be a result of poor flashing. Also, damaged or improperly installed flashing on your roofs eaves will cause water damage on your exterior walls as water seeps into the inner workings of your wall. Without properly installed flashing, you as a homeowner could be looking at getting a whole new roof, having to re-plaster and paint your inside walls and ceiling due to water damage.
Don’t let water damage from poor flashing ruin your new year! Contact us today so we can help you make sure your roof flashing is water-tight and ready!
The post Flashing for Your Roof appeared first on Beneficial Roofing | VOTED BEST Roofing Company, Call Us Today & See Why!.
source https://beneficialroofing.com/flashing-for-your-roof/ from VOTED BEST Roofing Company https://beneficialroofing.blogspot.com/2019/02/flashing-for-your-roof.html
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nathanielcbanks · 5 years
Types of Roofing Shingles
There is a lot more to roofing shingles than most people think.
Choosing the right type of shingle and material is crucial to any homeowner. Not only do your shingles protect your home from water, snow and ice, but they also add to curb appeal — an important factor in determining your home’s value.
Roof shingles also affect household temperatures and energy efficiency. A  cool roof will generally be lighter in color to reflect heat from the roof surface. This, in turn, helps maintain cooler temperatures inside the home.
The type of shingles you choose also affects the lifespan of not only your roof, but your home as well. In this article, we will discuss the most common styles of shingles, and what they are typically made from.  Remember, types of shingles are not the same thing as shingle material.
3-Tab Roof Shingles
This is the most common shingle style in North America. It is usually made of asphalt, and they create the rectangular shingle style you see. One of the reasons this type of shingle is so popular is it is a simple design, and it is also cheap and virtually hassle free to install. They come in a wide range of colors which is great for homeowners on a budget.
Architectural Roof Shingles
This style of shingle is a jack-of-all-trades in the roofing industry. These shingles are also typically made of asphalt and come in a great variety of colors and shapes. The Architectural Roof Shingle would be the perfect choice for virtually any type of roof. This style of shingle is more aesthetically pleasing than a basic 3-tab roof shingle.
Tile Roof Shingles
These roof tiles are mainly found in the Southwest due to them being more energy-efficient compared to asphalt shingles. This terracotta clay tile is typically used on historical homes and buildings with old world, California mission architecture stylings. They are most easily recognized by their “wave-shaped” Spanish tile, they are readily available in different styles and colors. Higher quality tiles can last anywhere from 50 years or even longer than 100 years.
Wood Roof Shingles
Wood shingles are also a very common type of shingle. These sustainable shingles have been used for centuries because they offer better insulation than asphalt. When its used on eclectic construction styles, it can drastically change the ambiance of your home. There is a difference between wood shingles and wood shakes. While wood shakes are split on either one or both sides, to make a textured grain effect, wood shingles are sawn on both sides to make a smoothed tapered shape.
Shake Roof Shingles
Like the wood roof shingles, these shingles have also been used for a very long time. Wood shakes are different from wood shingles because they are more rustic and textured in appearance. In recent years, there have been new types of composite materials that are used to make more durable and longer lasting shakes that maintain their color and have better resistance to wind and fire.
Slate Roof Shingles
These tiles are quite popular because they make a stone roof that is natural and provide colorful distinctions in the surface of the stones. They are eco-friendly, fireproof and very durable. Some of our oldest structures still have the original slate roofing. Large slate deposits discovered in the colonial Northeast prompted the development and refinement of these beautiful and distinctive roofing materials
Metal Roofing
This type of roof is made up of flat or corrugated metal panels. It is usually referred to as the standing seam roof  and is the most common style of metal roofing systems. These types of roof systems are typically made from coated steel or aluminum, but can also be made using copper, steel, zinc alloys and stainless steel.
   Hopefully this article gave you heads up that a roof is more than just a roof. Your roof provides shelter, adds aesthetic appeal and helps regulate temperature in your home. One major factor in putting on a roof is the choice of shingles to be used. Whether it’s time to put a new roof on your existing home or you’re having a home built, we have experts standing by to help you make the best choice of roofing shingle for your home. Give us a call today!
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source https://beneficialroofing.com/types-of-roofing-shingles/ from VOTED BEST Roofing Company https://beneficialroofing.blogspot.com/2019/01/types-of-roofing-shingles.html
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nathanielcbanks · 5 years
Tips on how to find the best commercial roofing company
If you are planning to repair, replace, install or do any other roofing service but you don’t have expertise on how to do it, then you might consider hiring a commercial roofing company. Before finding the right roofing service provider, it’s always good to learn some vital information about different types of roofing services offered by professional roofing companies.
Installation of Solar panel
The sun is a sufficient source of energy if you want to harness solar energy; you can call commercial roofing companies to offer solar power installation service. Solar panel installation is one of the valuable roofing services, and this is the reason why most companies install solar panels on the house with a roof that will last for long. According to some roofing professionals, the typical payback for the solar installation project is about 20 years.
Daylighting services
This is a roofing system which uses sun rays to maximize building’s lighting needs. Using a daylighting system can reduce the demand for electrical lighting in your house for about 80%. Companies, commercial buildings integrate the daylighting system to their roofing systems because it doesn’t only improve productivity in the workplace but also it offers an opportunity for money and save energy. Commercial companies have materials and expertise to install daylighting services to your house.
Waterproofing services
Apart from roof installation, you can also get waterproofing services from commercial roofing services. It’s applying a kind of coating to garages, concrete walkways or decks. The system offers an alternative way for surface restoration and flooring for both existing and new concrete surfaces. When waterproofing is applied to a damaged concrete surface, makes it look like new while minimizing the cost.
Fluid applied roofing services.
Fluid applied roofing is a system which commonly used to low flat and slope commercial roof – A roof that can either be new or old. The main aim of installing them is to prevent water from entering the structure while it provides effective energy-saving advantages because of the reflective surface. Roller, brush or sprayers are used to apply the fluid which creates a monolithic membrane with no seams.
Single-ply roofing services
This is a system which uses one layer of flexible membrane as the primary roof covering, mostly made up of thermoplastic or thermoset. Single-ply roofing materials are generally applied over the insulating materials and secured with an adhesive, ballast or mechanical fasteners. This type has many benefits, which include a reduction in both cooling costs and the building’s energy.
How to find the best commercial roofing company
To Install commercial roofing needs an excellent financial investment, and the investment value depends on the quality of the commercial roofing company. If your building requires a new roof, consider the following tips before making the final decision.
Business Location
A company with a temporary business location, or permanent location but outside of your place, is financially risky, most companies do the best work where their customer is located. Companies located far from your area especially that have a temporary location, have been known to do poor jobs, and then leave town or place.
Area of Specialty
Some companies specialize in certain roofing services while others are not. Unless a company specializes in providing the type of services you need, it should not replace, install or repair your roof. On top of that, the company should show previous examples of the services it provided to other people. Don’t hire a company which cannot prove it specializes in the type of service you want.
Insurance, licensing and Bonding
Always prefer a company that is bonded, insured and licensed. Licensing should show that: the company is licensed to offer commercial roofing in your area of location.
Customer References
You cannot speak to customer references before you decide the company to hire, but ensure you speak to at least seven of them, and ask straightforward and important questions about services provided:
A manufacturer’s warranty ensures materials for roofing, but the contractor’s warranty provides their quality. In case your roof has a problem that results from poor installation, the latter specifies that the company must install again or repair it at zero cost to you. A reputable company should always provide this warranty, don’t hire a roofing contractor who doesn’t provide a warranty.
Contact Us today!
If you need commercial roofing service, at Beneficial Roofing you will get the best roofing service. Beneficial Roofing has a good reputation for providing roofing services over the years. It has the experience and expertise to offer high-quality services to the customers. Call now for more information or for free quotes.
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source https://beneficialroofing.com/tips-on-how-to-find-the-best-commercial-roofing-company/ from VOTED BEST Roofing Company https://beneficialroofing.blogspot.com/2019/01/tips-on-how-to-find-best-commercial.html
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nathanielcbanks · 6 years
Top 5 Creepiest Things Found in the Attic and the Basement
You find attics and basements in horror movies and nightmares for a reason. There’s something about these two places that creates a dark, dank, and dangerous aura that lends itself to making one’s imagination go wild. While your basement or attic can be inviting with the correct preparation, you should always get a warning about the strangest things that lurk around every corner.
ATTIC FINDS: 1 (possible?) mummy
A ten-year-old boy in Germany found a mummy in his grandmother’s attic that could potentially involve a real-life body. Though there is some indication that his discovery is real, due to the sarcophagus, death mask, and canopic jar, a machine created the cloth-wrappings around the corpse. As a result, experts moved the body to a hospital in Hamburg, Germany for further testing.
 ATTIC FINDS: 1 ex-boyfriend
Okay, so a South Carolinian mother of five heard strange noises in the ceiling. She asked her nephew to check the attic and what he found was the mother’s former boyfriend asleep next to a vent. The guy rigged her home, stayed there for two weeks, and spied on the family during that time. In fact, the even more disturbing fact is they broke up 12 years ago.
BASEMENT FINDS: 2 fetuses in a jar
The name of where these fetuses were found lends itself to this story. In Hannibal, MO, the people found two fetuses preserved in formaldehyde down in a basement rumored to be an illegal abortion clinic in the 1940’s era.
BASEMENT FINDS: 1 weird roommate
College is a mixture of fun, but weird times. The weirdest is when in September 2013, Ohio State University students found a basement locker that led to a secret room with textbooks and photographs on the wall. While “Jeremy” did leave peacefully after the students spoke to him, the students don’t exactly know if more people have the potential to come into their home. There’s no headcount of how many keys may exist to their house.
ATTIC FINDS: Hitler’s record collection
Hitler’s record collection is historically significant, yet a little disturbing to find, due to the background of the former owner. Alexandra Besymenskaja’s father happened to be a Russian captain during World War. He found them after their forces captured the Reich Chancellery in Berlin and left them in the attic.
After someone told Alexandra Besymenskaja to fetch a badminton racket down from the attic, she discovered these artifacts. The composers included names like Peter Tchaikovsky, Alexander Borodin, and Sergei Rachmaninoff. Under Hitler’s ethics, these individuals would not survive his tactics.
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source https://beneficialroofing.com/top-5-creepiest-things/ from VOTED BEST Roofing Company https://beneficialroofing.blogspot.com/2018/11/top-5-creepiest-things-found-in-attic.html
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nathanielcbanks · 6 years
Learn Some of the Roofing lingo
Here are some terms to help you learn the roofing lingo…
Whether you’re building a new home and want a professional to install the roof or you already own a home and you’re needing a new roof installation due to damage or age, Beneficial Roofing has you covered. We install all kinds of roofs for residential and commercial buildings.
Ever wonder what’s going on when the “roofing guys” are on your roof? Read on for a brief version of what’s happening up there.
A discussion of roofing comes with its own vocabulary. Below are some of the most common terms and their definitions. (Definitions from: here, here, and here)
Deck: The surface installed over the supporting framing members to which the roofing is applied.
Eaves: The horizontal, lowest edge of a sloped roof that extends beyond the exterior wall.
Rakes– The vertical edges of gable-style roof planes.
Flashing- Pieces of metal or roll roofing used to prevent seepage of water into a building around any intersection or projection in a roof such as vent pipes, chimneys, adjoining walls, dormers, and valleys.
Step flashing: Flashing application method used where a vertical surface meets a sloping roof plane. Individual pieces extend on the roof plane and up the vertical surface and are overlapped and stepped up the roof as shingles are applied.
Drip Edge: A non-corrosive metal lip that keeps shingles up off the deck at roof edges and extends shingles out over eaves and rakes
Underlayment: A layer of asphalt-saturated felt (sometimes referred to as tar paper) which is laid down on a bare deck before shingles are installed to provide additional protection for the deck.
Valley: The internal angle formed by the intersection of two sloping roof planes to provide water runoff.
Ice dam: Condition formed at the lower roof edge by the thawing and refreezing of melted snow on the overhang. Can force water up and under shingles, causing leaks.
Ice-and-water shield: Thin, self-adhering rubberized asphalt membrane applied before underlayment, but over the drip edge at the eaves to help mitigate potential leaks from ice dams
Ridge: The uppermost, horizontal external angle formed by the intersection of two sloping roof planes.
Sheathing: Exterior-grade boards used as a roof deck material.
 Upon the rooftop…
So, now that we know a little bit of the roofer’s lingo, let’s see just what they do up on your roof.
The old shingles and flashings will be removed.
The decking will be swept as clean as possible. Loose sheathing will be reattached, and sheathing will be inspected for damage prior to new shingles being placed.
Barrier placement
Drip edge installed at the eaves
Ice-and-water membrane applied over the drip edge at the eaves
Metal flashing and ice-and-water membrane applied in the valleys as well as any protrusions (plumbing stacks and attic vents, for example) from the roof
Ice-and-water membrane applied to the rakes
Felt underlayment is applied to the whole roof, each strip overlapping the previous layer by several inches
The drip edge applied to the rakes, OVER the ice-and-water membrane and underlayment
Shingle placement and finishing
Starter shingles placed along the eaves extending past the fascia, drip edge, ice-and-water barrier, and underlayment
Shingles applied in overlapping rows from eaves to ridge
Metal step flashing applied with shingles at joints where the roof meets a wall or chimney.
Roofers finish roof using specially-made pieces for capping the ridge.
Roofers make a final pass across the entire roof, ensuring every nail is sealed with a professional strength sealant.
Congratulations! Your New Roof Rocks!
Thankfully, you won’t need a new roof very often. But, when age or weather damage keeps your roof from doing its job and threatens further damage to your home and belongings, we’re here to help. Beneficial Roofing offers a free consultation and award-winning professional roofing and customer service. With special pricing and financing available, we help you work with your homeowner’s insurance to make sure you get what you need at the price you can afford. Give us a call today! We’ve got you covered.
    The post Learn Some of the Roofing lingo appeared first on Beneficial Roofing | VOTED BEST Roofing Company, Call Us Today & See Why!.
source https://beneficialroofing.com/learn-some-of-the-roofing-lingo/ from VOTED BEST Roofing Company https://beneficialroofing.blogspot.com/2018/10/learn-some-of-roofing-lingo.html
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nathanielcbanks · 6 years
Animals: 5 Steps to Keep Them from Living in Your Roof
Efficient Procedure for Controlling Critters from living in your roof
Everyone including animals deserves a good place to stay during the winter season. Even small animals such as rodents, bats, birds, and squirrels search for shelter during unfavorable weather conditions. Your upper roof could be the shelter they want to use.
However, these small creatures could end up bringing the unbelievable quantity of damage on the insulators, trim, wirings and ductwork. To make the matter worse, they can as well spread dangerous infections to your family. The following steps are efficient ways to eliminate and to prevent these critters away from your premises.
Step 1. Trim the Trees to Keep Animals Away
To prevent these small animals into the house, trim the trees closest to your house. The tree branches that head to your roof will make a pathway for these small living creature.
Step 2. Keep food unreachable
Food sources such as garbage bind and pet’s dishes can attract animals nearby. Therefore, you should try and keep them all inaccessible by covering or blocking the food.
Step 3. Set a trap
To prevent the rodents or whichever small animals that are causing damages and also spreading diseases, set up traps particularly at the place where they often were seen.
Step 4. Renovate the gaps in your roof
Find those small holes and do several patchworks because even the tiniest openings can invite those little creatures to develop nest inside.
Step 5. Schedule roofing inspections regularly
For certainty, to make sure for good condition of the vent pipes, chimneys, eaves, and soffits have Beneficial Roofing’s contractors come for checkups. They will seal spaces to keep those small animals away and to avoid pest infestation as well. Don’t allow your premises to become ground zero for nests during the winter. Go through these simple procedures to make you home no-go zone for these creatures, or you can call the experts from the Beneficial Roofing Company for complete surety.
Beneficial Roofing analysis is conducted by certified and experienced roof specialists. These services include roof surveying and roofing checkups on their condition. Additionally, the structure of your roof and weather resistance can be examined in detail. Through all those processes, they prepare a customized report about the current roof condition and its durability.
In short, they want to provide you with the complete information that you might need for caring for your roofing, hoping that you never have the similar problem again. Also, a roof survey offered for free. Beneficial Roofing has highly trained specialists that will survey your roof.
The post Animals: 5 Steps to Keep Them from Living in Your Roof appeared first on Beneficial Roofing | VOTED BEST Roofing Company, Call Us Today & See Why!.
source https://beneficialroofing.com/animals-in-roof/ from VOTED BEST Roofing Company https://beneficialroofing.blogspot.com/2018/10/animals-5-steps-to-keep-them-from.html
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nathanielcbanks · 6 years
Roof Leak: A Costly Mistake
There’s one area of a home that even the savviest of homeowners can easily overlook or ignore! The roof! With kitchens to remodel, bedrooms to paint and landscaping to maintain, we put roof repairs on the back burner. We commit to other improvement projects perceived to be more appealing and less expensive. Often, homeowners aren’t even aware that there’s a problem with their roof; and even when they do know, it’s not uncommon for these issues to be dismissed as minor problems that can wait. However, there are many dangers to a roof leak, both financially and structurally.
Roof Leaks: Small Problem Turns Into Costly Roof Repairs
If you’ve ever uttered the words “it’s just a small leak”, you may be in for a rude awakening in the near future. Certain roofing problems may seem insignificant; for example, a few damaged shingles here and there or a seemingly inconsequential roof leak. Unfortunately, if you choose to disregard these matters, they can easily evolve into more elaborate, costly damages. You may even need a complete roofing replacement. The best way to avoid this budget-breaking situation is to keep up a schedule of routine preventative maintenance — or at the very least, promptly attend to those modest repairs before they spiral out of control!
Damaged Roofing Significantly Decreases Your Home’s Value
Looking to put your home on the market? Roofing problems may be the least of your concerns, but you can bet they are high on the priority list of potential buyers! A damaged roof is one of the easiest ways to send buyers running in the opposite direction. It’s like having a huge sign posted in front of your home stating, “Don’t stop here — keep on driving!” And if you do find an interested buyer, odds are you’re going to have to pay for a replacement before they will make a deal. You might as well save some money and take care of minor roof repairs as soon as they surface. It’s to prevent them from becoming worse and jeopardizing your ability to sell when the time comes.
A Persistent Roof Leak Leads to Further Structural Damage
If you ever hear a co-worker or family member talk about removing mold you know it’s not a fun experience! And if you ignore a roof leak, you are putting your home at risk of facing the same fate. In addition to mold, leaks can cause serious structural deterioration including damage to your rafters, wall framing, and fascia boards. Simply put, if enough water collects over time, the wood begins to diminish, posing a serious safety risk to those occupying the home.
To prevent roof leaks it is important to know some causes. Poor roof construction happens often due to the bad economy and contractors cutting corners. Sometimes contractors have to build in bad weather to meet deadlines and moisture gets trapped in a roofing system, which can contribute to early roof failure. Normal aging happens due to the beating roofs get from the weather. Settling happens with every building. This will cause enough stress eventually to cause a leak. Mechanical damage is also a strong contributor.
The post Roof Leak: A Costly Mistake appeared first on Beneficial Roofing | VOTED BEST Roofing Company, Call Us Today & See Why!.
source https://beneficialroofing.com/dangers-roof-leak/ from VOTED BEST Roofing Company https://beneficialroofing.blogspot.com/2018/09/roof-leak-costly-mistake.html
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nathanielcbanks · 6 years
Metal Roofing: 6 Reasons Why You Should Choose It
6 Reasons for Choosing a Metal Roof
Metal roofing has become a popular choice over the past decade. Why are metal roofs so popular? Why should you consider choosing metal if you are building a new home or replacing an old roof? Let’s take a look at the benefits you can gain from having a metal roof.
1. Metal Roofing Lasts Longer Than Fifty Years
One of the main benefits of choosing a metal roof is its longevity. While most other roofing materials wear out within 15 to 20 years depending on where you live, metal roofs last 50 years or longer, even in the worst weather conditions. This means that once you install a metal roof, you may never have to replace your roof again in your lifetime. They require little to no repair and maintenance, making them ideal for anyone who values durability.
2. Highly Resistant to Weather
Metal is highly resistant to all types of weather conditions. Unlike asphalt and some other materials, the metal will never allow for water penetration, regardless of aging. Water simply runs off. In addition, those living in snowy areas like finds that snow easily slides off their roofs, keeping it from building up. You can add that to the fact that metal roofs resist heat, and withstands high winds without damage. This makes a metal roof ideal for home or business owners in intense climates.
3. Energy Efficient
Most metal roofs are now treated with a special, sun-reflecting paint. It makes these roofs incredibly energy efficient even in hot climates. And because most roofing companies guarantee that their roof paint lasts 25 years, you won’t need to repaint your roof in order to keep it energy efficient.
4. Environmentally Friendly
While most people don’t think of a metal roof as being environmentally friendly, you should think about the 11 million tons of shingles that end up in landfills every year. You can easily see how having a long-lasting metal roof is extremely healthy for the environment. It reduces waste every single year.
5. Increases the Value of Your Home
Another reason for choosing a metal for your roof is it increases the value of your home if you sell it. Because of the longevity and ease of maintenance, prospective home buyers know they won’t have to worry about replacing the roof right after purchasing the home. They, likely, won’t ever have to worry about replacing it. They know they’ll save money, during the time that they own the home, which makes purchasing your home a good deal.
6. Cost
One of the main concerns people have is the cost. While metal costs more initially than standard roofing materials, you need to look at the big picture. Most other roofs need repairs every few years. These repairs are time-consuming and expensive. However, metal roofing will seldom need repairs, so that initial cost may be the only money you will ever put into your roof.
In addition, if you plan on living in your home for 30 or 40 years, you can expect that you will have to replace that roof at least twice during your ownership. Plus, the cost of repairing it between replacements, which will end up costing more in the long run. It costs more than having a metal roof installed in the first place. So, it really is a matter of paying now or paying more later.
The post Metal Roofing: 6 Reasons Why You Should Choose It appeared first on Beneficial Roofing | VOTED BEST Roofing Company, Call Us Today & See Why!.
source https://beneficialroofing.com/metal-roofing/ from VOTED BEST Roofing Company https://beneficialroofing.blogspot.com/2018/08/metal-roofing-6-reasons-why-you-should.html
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nathanielcbanks · 6 years
3 Ways To Make Your Home More Handicap Accessible
The 2000 Census told us that nearly 50 million Americans have some type of disability. Of this number, 6.8 million have a condition that makes bathing, dressing, and getting around their homes especially difficult. These staggering numbers are the reason so many are looking to hire contractors to make their homes easier to live in. Even if your home is not currently lived in by someone challenged by a disability, you might want to consider the following upgrades to best suit future residents if you are looking to one day sell your home.
An Accessible Ramp
Federal guidelines assist us in making the proper adjustments for a handicap accessible home. The doorway entry for a handicap accessible ramp should be no more than one-half inch in height and it should be rounded for ease of a wheelchair to get over. You might also consider the way your yard is landscaped to be more handicap accessible. Providing paths with adequate space for a wheel chair and edging the paths will make sure to keep their wheelchairs on path and your plant life off the path.
Adequate Hall Spacing
A optimally livable space for a handicapped person is having doors and hallways meet the recommendations for disability friendly homes. A 32-inch wide opening for all hallways and doors is the recommendation. Again, entries should be no taller than one-half inch and thresholds should be round for a wheelchair to get over, but also for walkers to not trip over. The recommended width for hallways is 36 inches.
Bathrooms and Kitchens
Showers are the most disability friendly ways to bathe. Including a seat will be best for anyone who lives with a handicap. Setting the hot water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit is recommended to avoid scalding hot water from hurting anyone. Thoughtfully selecting fixtures is also a must. Think level-operated, touch or push types, and electronically or remote controlled options.
There are a number of reasons to make your home more handicap accessible; for resale purposes, to consider your own age and how you’d live in your home if you were never going to move, or even for house guests who have a different physical level of ability than you. How does your home rate on the scale of accessibility today?
 The post 3 Ways To Make Your Home More Handicap Accessible appeared first on Beneficial Roofing | VOTED BEST Roofing Company, Call Us Today & See Why!.
source http://beneficialroofing.com/blog/2018/05/01/3-ways-make-home-handicap-accessible/ from VOTED BEST Roofing Company https://beneficialroofing.blogspot.com/2018/05/3-ways-to-make-your-home-more-handicap.html
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nathanielcbanks · 6 years
Attic Ventilation Basics
If you’re a homeowner with an unfinished attic, you might not have considered that its proper ventilation is essential for your home’s optimal energy efficiency and to prevent some common conflicts.
Consequences By Season
Depending on your climate, seasonal temperature changes can cause serious damage your your home without proper ventilation. During hot summers, the temperature outside reaches 70-100 degrees or higher depending on where you live, and more importantly, your attic can reach as high as 120-150 degrees. If the attic is not properly ventilated, that trapped heat can penetrate your ceilings and keep the whole house warm in the wrong season, summer. This problem will cost you because you will run your air conditioner more to cool the house. The cost won’t end there because this additional use will shorten the life of your air conditioner unit or system.
In the winter, air they you’ve paid to heat can escape to the attic and not have sufficient ventilation and the consequence of this is the cold air outside meeting the warmth of your attic and causing condensation. This moisture is the ideal environment for mold growth and will ruin your attic’s insulation and corrode wiring and building material. If the heat inside the home causes ice or snow to melt on top of the roof and then refreeze, it can lead to the building of a dam that causes water backup and more damage to your roof.
What To Do
There are two types of ventilation that allow enough circulation and release of excess heat or moisture and they are soffit vents and ridge, box, or power vents. Soffit vents are installed low on the underside of the roof overhang. Ride, box, or power vents are placed high in the attic, near the roof’s peak and allows excess air to escape where it will cause the least amount of damage. Current recommendations are to have one square foot of ventilation per 150 square feet of attic ceiling, or per 300 square feet if there is a ceiling vapor retarded installed.
Call your local, trusted HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) or roofing expert to evaluate the home’s current condition in this regard, and make recommendations with their estimate.
source http://beneficialroofing.com/blog/2018/04/01/attic-ventilation-basics/ from VOTED BEST Roofing Company https://beneficialroofing.blogspot.com/2018/04/attic-ventilation-basics.html
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