nathanitatspectrum · 6 years
Direct Mail Campaign
photo of box
photo of 3d printer 
screenshot of looking for cheep boxes 
screnshot of black duck website 
feedback on the results 
looking for things to 3d print online 
why the dinosaur 
social media posts on it 
the reason why we did it. trojun horse and phonce calls 
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nathanitatspectrum · 6 years
Social Media Training Session
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Social media is starting to prioritise family and friends over company posts and is also allowing the user to limit the amount of time that they go on social media, so it is important to choose the time of your videos right. Twitter and Linked in videos shouldn’t be long, LinkedIn videos can be a little longer. People also usually watch the first two seconds of a video before choosing whether to watch the rest so make sure to make the intro interesting. Try and make 50% of the copy that we put out video, this doesn’t have to be proper videos. It could be a simple gif, boomerang or
Staple videos (Videos you can use again and again)
These videos can be used time and time again throughout the year. Can be used in campaigns that are specific to them. For example, doing a business intelligence explainer video that can be used throughout the year and in campaigns to do with that subject.
Instructional videos
These can be much longer than social media videos and can be on our YouTube and then have the link posted onto social media regularly. For example, we could have Jon Kirk giving a presentation on screen or having a hardware specialist stand next to our devices that are in the living showroom and say all about their capabilities. We can then have one long video of a tour of the living showroom and then cut this video into separate segments for each device we stop at.
Sales video
This will be where we get the sales team to do a video each when they do a generic “non sales” pitch in which they explain the ways in which the products and services they sell can help their business, like a skype call but without someone on the other side.
Q and A
Get a series of questions from actual messages that we have gotten from customers and make a script of answers. You can then get one of the specialists in support if support question or PS to do a live Q and A on twitter. This is good because followers get instant notifications whenever there is a live video and it is put at the top as a priority when they log into twitter.
Do a Video on all the paper that a business uses and a tally of the money that they use, and then us coming in at the end and the money halves, like the rebok video.
Don’t try and place in key words into the blogs you create as google will se what you’re trying to do and won’t read it. Instead, try and add a little key word/sales section at the bottom of the blogs that you make. However, you can have the occasional blog that has purposeful key words placed into it just to post SEO.
Have a look at Academy of adwords.
Maybe look at revisiting the little sentence underneath the title of our page on google
Posting about other business will improve SEO, look at reposting past case studies and try and get the business to retweet, share or even post it themselves.
Keep sharing The One Points stuff and engage with them as much as possible as this will make us show up on their customers social media. And do the same for Canon for the same reasons.
Posting about the reviews we get and tagging the business is a good form of SEO, especially if we can find businesses that will retweet and share the posts.
It would be a good idea for me to have a look at Hootsweet and Tweetdak just for future reference, to put onto my CV and for new skills.
Doing a poll can help as it will have engagement with the customers and others on social media and we can make them relate to things we do, for example, “what is the most annoying thing about your current printer” and then we can have how we can help in the post.
Use google alerts for if your running low on content.
Send the top clients that you currently have a little present with a note or hashtag telling them to post about us and the gift that they got, onto the social media.
Run a competition where you give out toner or discount codes by sending out mail for the customers to show off their printers on SM with a hashtag.
Send out giant googly eyes to schools to put onto their printers and show off their printers with a made-up hashtag.
Use a twitter boost to boost any completions that I do.
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nathanitatspectrum · 6 years
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nathanitatspectrum · 6 years
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nathanitatspectrum · 6 years
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nathanitatspectrum · 6 years
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nathanitatspectrum · 6 years
Copywrite Models
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This is an example of when I used the WIIFM Model in my work. The WIIFM model stands for what’s in it for me. The WIIFM Model is the model that, makes you create copywrite that makes you make the customers think what’s in it for them.
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This is a good example of the WIIFM Model because it shows a graphic which is asking the question that is often a reply to why our customers would want finance atomisation solutions. It also tells them what’s in it for them in the caption of the graphic as it states a quick and snappy sentence about why they need this product, with an added call to action at the end.
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This is an example of where I used the AIDA Model. The AIDA model stands for Attention Interest Desire Action. The AIDA Model is where you use copywrite to get the attention of someone, gain their interest, show them something they desire and finally use a call to action for the to be able to get what they want.
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This is a good example of the AIDA Model because the copywrite firstly attracts the attention of people with the blue graphic with Job Vacancy being the prominent word. It then gains their interest by showing them the benefits that the role has for them. The caption then makes them desire the role as it shows that it could be them that gets the role. It then has a call to action by having a link that they can then click to be able to apply for the role.
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This is an example of the KISS Model and how I was able to use it in my work. The KISS Model stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. The kiss method means that the copywrite that you make must be kept simple so that your audience guest it and it is easy to read so more people will look at it as there is less effort than that of a large piece of copywrite.
This is a good example of the KISS model because it just shows a short, 5 second clip of a box that were sending out to some of our customers. It has the minimal amount of text in the caption and the video is a simple loop of the box opening and closing, however it still makes the customers ask if they’re going to get the box and gains attention to see what’s in the box. 
Iceberg Model
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This is an example of the Iceberg method within my copywrite. The iceberg method is where copywrite is explained like and iceberg, only 10% is seen and 90% is invisible. This means that only 10% of a copywrites message can be seen, the rest is interpreted.
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nathanitatspectrum · 6 years
Copywrite example
Copywriting is the act of writing text for the purpose of advertising or other forms of marketing. The product, called copy, is written content that aims to increase brand awareness and ultimately persuade a person or group to take a particular action.
Before I being to create Copywrite for my business, I first had to learn the software to be able to create the graphics for the Copywrite. To do this I had a two hour sit down session with my manager and mentor Kelsey. In this session I learned how to use Adobe Illustrator and how it is used to create copyright. I was also asked to watch a series of training videos to be able to help me in learning the different functions and capabilities that adobe Illustrator has to offer.  We also had a talk about the content to write with the images that I was going to create, including the text that was to go on the image itself.
One example of Copywrite that I had created is the part of our team post. To do this I firstly found a picture in the businesses files to be able to use on the graphic. I then used this image with an eye catching graphic and business font to keep up with the brand image and to keep the copywrite engaging. Also, to keep with the brand image made sure to put the businesses logo into the graphic. Below is evidence of me creating the copywrite.
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When writing the text for my copywrite I must make sure that the language I use is correct for the audience I am targeting to. The language I use often correlates with the place that I will be showing my copywrite. For example, if I was to post this copywrite onto Linkedin, I would use much more formal langue as this is a much more business to business site. However, I may choose to use much more informal language when posting my copywrite on places like Twitter as this is a much more informal platform.
When writing my copywrite I often have the intent to have a call to action. This is where the copywrite engages with its audience to make them do something because of the copywrite which I see as giving the copywrite meaning in most cases. In this particular copywrite the call to action is to get more people to visit our website to see what support we have to offer.
Below is the completed Copywrite.
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nathanitatspectrum · 6 years
Event Campaign
Step one – creating a list of contacts
To create a list of contacts we first looked at the list of existing contacts that we had in our spreadsheets. We then looked at which companies had an interest with security and added them to the list of people that would receive our email. We also looked at the potential people in our existing contacts who might have an interest in security and if they have products from us that relate to the security of their office already.
We then looked on our internal software system called pulse. Pulse is used for the sales team to be able to create a database of contacts that they have and meetings with or have even sold to before. We use this list to see what contacts they had seen, and which ones were interested in office security and the things we can offer them that relate to this.
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We also asked the sales team to get a list of ten people that they would like to come to the event. This included people that they want to see but haven’t been able to book a day to have a meeting with them. From this list we decided to create personal emails so that they were more likely to come to the event or even just read the email.
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Finally, we got contacts from our sister company, The One Point, who were able to give us a list of people that they thought may be interested in information security or even just interested in seeing what our business and The One Point had to offer.
Step two – creating email
Firstly, we created the text for the email campaign. In this we made sure to stress that we had Canon and Sage coming into the event. This is because they’re global brads so that people could see this and see that it must be a big event as these well-known brands were in attendance. We also made sure to include the date that the event would be taking place so that people were able to keep this in their mind or even book it off early on. We also made sure to add a link to the email that allowed the people receiving it to be able to go to the site where they could book their ticket.
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We also created a series of security emails to go alongside the campaign. This is because GDPR was only a couple of months away from the deadline day and has a lot to do with office and information security. We chose to send these emails out because it would allow for the people receiving the emails to be reminded of both the event and a current example of why they would need to attend the event.
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We also created a banner to go at the bottom of every email we and the rest of the staff in the business sent. This was so that no matter who we were emailing, we would be sending out an email both about our own message and the event at the same time without any hassle. We also made sure to keep this banner looking like the rest of the graphics and leaflets we sent so that it kept with the image of the event and kept reminding people of the event in general.
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Finally, we sent a personal email our to a select few of the contacts. These contacts were decided by the sales team as these were contacts that the sales team thought were a high importance for the vent and what could become potential customers for the future.
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Step three – drip feeding (the journey)
We set out a journey for the contacts that we had created to go on. This meant that they firstly got an email about the announcement of the event. They then got a series of emails about business week and what business week was about. They would also be getting emails about current events to do with our event such as GDPR. We choose to add this to the journey as GDPR is all about security and it would show them a current reason as to why they would need to attend the event.
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We then sent out this journey over a couple of months. We chose this time scale because we thought that to be able to get the maximum amount of people, we need ed to start as early as possible and get as many people reading about security and our event as possible. The end of the email campaign didn’t end until after the actual event. This was so that the people that attended the event were able to get an email to say thank you for coming and so that they would be reminded of the event and the business itself after the event, just in case they had made any promises to the sales team about meeting with them.
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Step four – social media
Social media posts were used throughout this campaign to be able to try and get people to come to the event who weren’t existing customers or even in our contacts. This was to add a variation of people at the event to be able to try and create new potential customers. It was also used as a form of reminding the people who had applied for the event that the event was still going ahead. This is because past events had many people not turn up as they had forgotten the event was even going ahead, so using social media to keep reminding people was a top priority.
When posting on social media I made sure to keep up with the image that we had created for the event. This meant that I often used the same shade of yellow or even the same graphic altogether for the graphics and copywrite that I had created. This was so that even if people were to simply scroll by the copywrite on social media it would still remind them about the event.
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The social media copywrite always had a call to action included. This call to action was a link to the tickets page so that people were easily able to order their tickets for the event to maximise the amount of people in attendance. The social media posts were also posted to both Twitter and LinkedIn to be able to reach the widest audience possible, including having the posts shared by the entire sales team on LinkedIn. We also made sure to use the correct hashtags and tags to reach the widest audience and to hopefully get a retweet to be able to reach more people that were interested in the business week and our event.
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Step five – leaflets
To try and get more people to our event we created, printed and distributed a series of leaflets. The leaflets were created with the same looks and vibe of the social media posts and graphics on the emails that we sent out to keep up with the image of the event so that when people saw the leaflets they would know what they’re about before even reading them. The leaflet design also had all the logos of the businesses that were taking part in the event so that by just glancing at the leaflet, people could see who is there. There was also details for how to book your ticket for the event meaning that the leaflet also had a call to action on it.
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The leaflet was distributed around our own office as many external people use our meeting rooms, meaning that these leaflets would be seen by people not from the company even though the leaflets were only in our office. We also distributed the leaflets out in different office blocks. For example, we often visit C4DI, so we thought that leaving some leaflets there would be a good idea as many business pass through them offices. We also gave the leaflets to the sales team in our office to hand out to customers that they visit or potential new customers that they meet when they go to meeting or when the go out networking.
Step six – the event
One the day of event we began with crating a booklet of each seat in the room. In the booklet we had a free pen and booklet and flyer for the event. We also had a series of case studies for the business to look at and see what we can offer their business. They also had a booklet of the business which had all the details about the business. It also had our sister company, The One Point’s, booklet that described their business and what they do. We chose to include this because we thought they could seen what the business is about and is we could help them, and they could also take them back to their office in which other employees would be able to see what our business does.
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We also decided to have food at our event. This was so that it would allow for the attendees to stay at the event for longer in an environment where the sales team were able to engage with them and talk to them about the products that we offer whilst not being sales driven.
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For the event we firstly had people come, checking, and have a cup of tea or a soft drink. This allowed them to get to know each other and the sales team to introduce themselves. We then introduced the event with the managers for our business and The One Point introducing the event and their businesses. After that, the speaker from Sages talked about security and what sage can offer. They were then followed by Canon who did the same. We finally finished with some lunch in which the sales people engaged with the attendees.
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Step seven – Results
In conclusion. We had a great turn out for the event. Our initial target was to get 50 people to attend. However, we knew that we would never get this many people to come to the event from past experiences. Our statistics showed us that 39 people had gotten a ticket for the event, however not everyone would show up as people forget or can simply not make it on the day. In the end we had over 20 people attend the event of which was a good turnout. We also got over 800 website views just from the campaign alone.
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The sales team also had a successful day. They were able to make several appointments with potential customers which are still in the pipe line or close to becoming a sale. They were also able to strengthen their relationship with their current customers. They could do this by engaging with them and having a simple convocation with them. This helps because it makes the customers friendly with the business and more likely to stay with us. Our sister company’s sales team were also successful at this event as they were able to get a few orders for mobile phones on that day alone.
The event was also seen as a success because of the feedback we got from the attendees. We created some questionnaires for them to give us feedback about the event before they left and the feedback we gathered after looking over them all was great and allowed us to see how we could improve our events in the future.
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nathanitatspectrum · 6 years
Learning and Development Review
Visit duration (in hours):
1.5 hrs
Work  place visit
Cumulative off the job training hours to date:
230  hours
Overall % progress: Katie has completed all of her academy  sessions as per the agreed schedule
Apprentice uploaded to  eTrack? Y / N Yes
Principles  of Coding
Marketing Principles
Digital  Marketing Business
Vendor  Qualification (s)
Other (please specify):
Other (please specify):
Google  Analytics
Next session is booked in for DM1 and DMK 2
Skills  and Behaviours
Not  Yet Completed
Working  Towards
o    Applies a good level of written  communication skills for a range of audiences and digital platform and with  regard to the sensitivity of communication.
o    Analyses and contributes  information on the digital environment to inform short and long term digital  communication strategies and campaigns.
o    Recommends and applies  effective, secure and appropriate solutions using a wide variety of digital  technologies and tools over a range of platforms and user interfaces to  achieve marketing objectives.
o    Reviews, monitors and analyses  online activity and provides recommendations and insights to others.
Customer Service
o    Responds efficiently to  enquiries using online and social media platforms.  
Problem Solving
o    Applies structured techniques to  problem solving, and analyses problems and resolves issues across a variety  of digital platforms.
o    Understands and creates basic  analytical dashboards using appropriate digital tools.
How  have I demonstrated this?
How  do I evidence this?
Written  Communications: Nathan is publishing a personal blog to Tumblr. He has been  documenting all of his day to day work and activit.es within his role.
Research-  online research for work related tasks
Technologies  being utilized as part of the role include- adobe suite. Powerpoint being  utilised to produce materials for the Sales team. Photoshop/illustrator and  premier pro being used to create blog and social media content.
Nathan  is anlysing the performance of his social media posts.
o    RP has reviewed this blog.  Www.tumblr.com/blog/nathanitatspectrum
Evidence  seen within the blog- research undertaken around the area of copywriting best  practice.
Nathan  has documented his research around the subject of copywriting. I have seen  this on his blog. “why choose us”- promotional video.
Evidence  for this shown on his blog
Examples  of are shown in Nathan’s blog.
GA,  Twitter and Linked analytics being used. Examples shown in his blog.
End Point  Assessment (EPA)
Formative  progress against aim: N/A
06  June 18
Nathan  has attended a number of classes at the Hull Academy. He is participating in  all of the class based assignment and tasks. Nathan is developing his  presentations and problem solving skills.
Nathan has produced an excellent blog- which contains a record  of all his learnings.
Nathan has also demonstrated that he is already using a number  of digital tools to deploy campaigns across a number of channels.
Nathan has also started his off the job training by completing a  number of moodle assessments.
Expected threshold date: TBC
 Assessment Methods
Summative  Portfolio
Synoptic  Project
Employer  Reference
Functional  Skills Maths
Formative  progress against aim:
Nathan has been using his maths skills to evaluate the  peformmance of his digital campaigns.
Nathan to be encouraged to start building a sales waterfall  for his campaigns moving forward. Nathan to set conversion goals in analytics  for his campaigns.
Nathan also to work out the ROI for each channel moving  forward. Cost per response, cost per qaulified lead, cost per appointment,  cost per acquisition.
Initial  Assessment
Functional  Skills English
Current  progress on eportfolio:
Nathan is creating content for company blogs and social media  posts and for sending out emails.
You have been tasked with taking ownership of writing and  producing your own posts. Encourage you to develop your copywriting skills by  researching adopting the different copywriting models and structures.
I would encourage you to develop a weekly reading list- around  the core digital marketing channels.
Initial  Assessment
Personal,  Behaviour and Welfare
o   Do you feel safe and secure at work? Yes
o   Have there been any Equality and Diversity issues? No
o   Have there been any Health and Safety issues? No
o   What have you learnt about British Values? Nathan has learned  about mutual respect, the rule of law.
o   What new aspects of Prevent and Safeguarding have you learnt?
Formative progress: N/A
Nathan has a basic understanding at this stage of the key  aspects of British values.
Nathan has completed his Prevent and safeguarding.
What  knowledge, skills and behaviours do I need to develop?
By  When
1.      SE0 training course to be  completed and screen print sent to RP
2.      Copywriting moodle has  been completed. RP to upload to etrack
3.      Copywriting work placed  task - 16 Create and Execute an Email marketing campaign -24
a.      Create a brief
b.      Create a mailing list/  email copy
c.      Test it/ check that the links/tracking  is set up
d.      Analyse the results
e.      Document your learnings-  campaign/ role in the campaign.
4.      CMS Website Creation  Moodle Assessment- 27- RP to update on etrack
5.      CMS- Workplace task-  Using a content campaign brief - create and execute a content management  campaign using a CMS, to include a blog, website content, and content for  other media channels. Use publication tools to create the campaign content  -28 NW
6.      Employer Appraisal 1 -29-  NW to send month one 1-2-1 document
7.      Paid search catch to be  completed- be able to create a paid search campaign up to the point of  submission.
8.      SEO & Paid Search  Workplace task -21 SEO - Using and Seo brief - Optimise your company website  for SEO purposes, use three digital tools to improve UX/UI/ speed and  demonstrate the cost of implementing -32- NW to create and execute in the  real world
9.       SEO  & Paid Search Moz Whiteboard SEO cert course-34
10.   SEO & Paid  Search  Moodle Assessment -35
11.    Start  the planning process for your campaign activity- conversation with line  manager- two weeks time a coaching call on portfolio development
    Learner Comments and Feedback    
How do you feel you are  progressing since your last review? In what areas do you feel you need or  require further support? What do you feel is going particularly well?
See separate scanned  sheet
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nathanitatspectrum · 6 years
Using Adobe Spark to create content
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nathanitatspectrum · 6 years
Creating Content for the News letter
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nathanitatspectrum · 6 years
Using online research for copyright ideas
Finding Ideas on other business pages 
I do external research to be able to generate new ideas of content for my businesses social media page. The main type of research I use is looking at other businesses social media pages to see what formats and templates they use. 
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Making the idea my own
After I have found an idea that I like, I begin to create it. When creating the graphic I make sure to add my own ideas to the graphic so that I am not completely copying the other businesses graphic. I also make sure to make the graphic more in line with our businesses templates and image so that views can recognise it and it stays in line with our brand image. 
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Below is the finished graphic 
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The finished item
The finished item in then posted on all of our social media sites as our own, new graphic with a sentence and a call to action that will relate to the graphic itself.
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nathanitatspectrum · 6 years
Creating a GIF for Social Media
I decided to create a GIF to use on my social media accounts. I chose to do this because i thought that having a range of types of posts would mean that people who followed us would not get bored and tired of the content that they see. 
It is also a good idea to have other content than simple graphics because it means that there is more likely to be extra engagement than usual which could gain more followers or interest for the business. 
Creating a GIF is much quicker than creating a video and gains more attention that a simple graphic, making GIF’s a grate use of copyright. I will use more GIF’s in the future when creating content when I have time to create them and when the content I am crating is getting bland.  
Creating the GIF
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Converting the video into a GIF
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The Final GIF (in video format for Tumblr)
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nathanitatspectrum · 6 years
Staying Organised
Outlook Calendar 
I use the outlook calendar to send me reminders of tasks that i have created myself so that i complete them on time and get every task done. It also allows other users to give me tasks and organise times in which they want to see me so that i can plan this time on my calendar. it also allows me to see what other members of my work have planned and when i can book time in to see them. It also allows me to be able to plan the posts that I want to post for the week ahead with links to the graphics I want to put into the graphics. 
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I use Trello so that my Boss and mentor can see a list of all of the tasks that I have planned so that they can help me organise my day around the tasks that I have built up. I also use it a\s a reminder of the odd little jobs that people have given me so that I don’t forget to do them in the future. 
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nathanitatspectrum · 6 years
Analysing Social Media Accounts
Using Social Media Analytics to see what posts perform well.  
Google Analytics 
I use google Analytics to be able to  see which posts have brought the most people to our website. This gives me an idea of which social media platforms perform the best for my business and also give me an idea of the kind of posts that are successful in bring people to our website. 
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Twitter analytics 
I don’t use twitter analytics that much as twitter is used for presence posts. However I sometimes use it to see which posts are most popular on twitter so that I can use that data to influence how I make my posts look in the future. 
Using Social Media Analytics to find potential sales leads. 
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Linkedin Analytics
I use Linkedin Analytics to see what kind of people click on what posts. I also use them to be able to see how popular my posts have been for the week and which posts are the most popular. I then use this information to be able to form new posts that will attract more attention. 
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nathanitatspectrum · 6 years
Posting Blog On Website
Creating the blog post.
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Final outcome of the blog post. 
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