nathankalopsia-blog · 6 years
@llgeneralhuxll ​ continued from ask
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Neithan frowned as response to the General’s claim. ❝ Your orders almost got me killed, General Hux ❞ he stated and glared at the other. The Captain’s chest still hurt when he breathed. He had not been prepared for such damage, and he certainly did not think the mission was this dangerous. The Captain was deceived – and he did not like that.
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nathankalopsia-blog · 6 years
Biography & Verses
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»»————- verses ————-««
In main verse Nathan is a third-year student, currently studying law. He shares an apartment with his roommate, Charlie Brown. People call Nathan a bright student; he is part of the soccer team and passes his exams effortlessly. He has many friends, and enjoy their company. Yet, he has at times been found alone in the living room at 3 am, staring emptily at the laptop screen.
He maintains a good relationship to his family; his parents and younger sister. Nathan often visits them during holidays. When he was younger, the family spent many vacations at their summer cottage.
Besides campus life, Nathan often joins parties and frequents bars as well as coffee shops. He has some favourites where he can be found with a cup of drink and his laptop.
In this verse Nathan is an art student who is studying traditional arts. He is also taking classes within literature, studying classics and literature history. In this verse Nathan is more artistic (obviously) and creative. He is also more geeky (in a way) and reads a whole lot more. Beauty in literature and arts is his  passion.
In which Nathan is the god of sunlight, beauty and arts. Like all gods, he crave followers (and blood). The God grows weaker with diminishing followers, and will vanish if people stop believing in him. With more offerings and prayers comes more power.
In this verse Nathaniel is the fourth prince. Your highness is more cocky and mischievous, can sometimes be downright rude to his servants and others. Being the youngest prince rids him of all responsibility, yet gives him the advantages of being a royal. Therefore, he misuses his power (at times) and is often bored of the formal life within the palace.
Where Nathan is a criminal who is known for stealing precious items museums and banks. He knows how to open safes (the time he uses depends on difficulty though). Sometimes, he does it more for fun than for the purpose - profit. Nathan does not resolve to using arms and violence in order to rob banks, he prefers more cultivated methods such as sneaking in under disguise during night.
Here Nathan is an assassin who takes jobs that involve murdering and making them seem like accidents (or not). He is a sniper, but can also resolve to hand-to-hand combat when needed. Some jobs inquire him to get close to the target and befriend them, which he does under disguise.
In this verse Nathan became an orphan when he was fourteen years old. His parents were in an car accident on their way to a party, while Nathan and his baby sister were left at the nanny’s.
Nathan is currently fifteen and not quite used to the orphanage yet, compared to the children that have been left behind at a much younger age. He experiences PTSD when triggered and is trying to adopt to his surroundings.
His personality in this verse is more angsty; he can’t forget his parents, the accident has changed his life too sudden. At times he dreams and wishes he didn’t. This Nathan is more sensitive, and more likely to cry than get angry.
In this verse Nathan is twenty-three and works at a popular coffee shop. He smiles at the costumers, greets the frequent ones and handles his work with eagerness. Nathan is softer here, his personality warmer and more gentleman.
»»————- fandoms   ————-««
Star Wars: Nathan West is a First Order pilot.
Harry Potter: Nathan is in Slytherin and is a Chaser on the Quidditch team
Brideshead Revisited
The Man From U.N.C.L.E: Where Nathan is part of the secret intelligence
Sherlock Holmes
The Hunger Games
The Maze Runner
The Riot Club
Dead Poets Society
Kill Your Darlings: Nathan is one of the poets in the beat generation
Interview with the Vampire
The Talented Mr. Ripley
The Pianist
The Great Gatsby
The Picture of Dorian Gray: Nathan is part of the aristocracy who enjoys the social leisures
Paradise Lost
The Sorrows of Young Werther
Vicious: Nathan has the ability to control the blood of other people once he swallows a sample of it
The Secret History: Nathan is in Julian’s exclusive Greek classes
The Raven Cycle: Nathan is part of the Gansey™
The Infernal Devices: Nathan is a shadowhunter who still hasn’t found his soulmate.
American Gods
Carry On: Nathan is attending the school
The Name of the Wind
I’ll Give You the Sun
The Song of Achilles
Aristotle and Dante and the Secrets of the Universe
The Captive Prince
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nathankalopsia-blog · 6 years
“A-Alright..” he took a step back, nodding slightly the servant set the sword back where it was originally. He knew.. that he could at least attempt to learn how to fight, for what ever reason like he felt he needed too. Perhaps finding a way to talk to Topaz or Tyler, maybe finding a way to get lessons from someone..
That smile.. it wasn’t something he minded, often he misunderstood what some of the maids said about it. Being either charming and cunning to cruel and fearsome. Both looked the same in his mind, once the weapon was set down he broke his train of thought. He, didn’t know if he could ask what he wanted next, so he went quiet. Starting to fidget again,
Nathaniel dropped his smile. Back was the stuttering timid servant, so unlike when he handled the sword. He reckoned that Jay had a past - he was not the youngest son of a farmer, working as servant since he couldn’t inherit the farm. They did not need to practice clashing. There had to be a reason for him to learn the skills, but the prince refrained from asking. He could ask later - if he wanted to know.
He noticed that the servant was shifting, though he stayed silent. It was obvious with just the two of them standing at the arena. With his mood lightened by the clashing - Nathaniel felt like himself again. It was clear that Jay had something he wanted to inquire.
❝ Yes? ❞ 
The Fourth Prince
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nathankalopsia-blog · 6 years
“I—don’t… attack, was never taught too.” He admitted, he couldn’t help but—feel like he did something wrong. His sisters taught him to defend himself, the cruelty… of their step father molded some of them to be cruel like him, evil and uncaring. So his sisters taught him to defend himself, he was one of the only kind people of the kingdom. One of the only ones who felt something.
He gently held the sword to his side, he heard the voices linger and talk about how they could make him like that—they could help him actually attack the prince. “What.. was the point? If, it’s okay for me to ask,” Jay mumbled out. He stared at the prince before tilting his head lightly.
Nathaniel cocked his head to one side, slightly amused. The servant asked many questions. He put the spetum back to it’s place. ❝ You’re very talkative, ❞ he stated, a smile starting to form. A cruel one. He walked towards Jay, till they were only a step away. Then he lifted one hand and put it on the servant’s shoulder, leaning in closer with his lips by the other’s ear.
❝ I would get rid of that nature if I were you. ❞ 
The prince had wanted to make Jay quit on his own - scaring him a little during the sparring session in order to get the message through - that the prince did not want another servant. Yet, changed his mind. This one could fight, or at least defend himself. Perhaps the servant would be useful --
The Fourth Prince
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nathankalopsia-blog · 6 years
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Sweet Pea didn’t really take well to seeing people bullying other people, it was a surprise alone he had made it to college with his school track record but here he was and as he was making his way to a party, he happened to come across some assholes though shoving some guy around and before he could stop himself from reacting, Sweet Pea had punched one of the guys in the face and all of them took off, leaving their victim scrambling for his things that had fallen from his arms. “Hey, you alright?” he asks as he picks up a book from the ground and extends it to the other. 
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➳ Charlie had crouched down to gathering his things. His backpack lay some steps away - open - with all his books and writing utilities strewn across the floor. He bit his lips and looked up nervously at the guy who had -- saved him from the bullies. ❝ Y-yes, ❞ he said shakily. Upon hearing his own unsteady respond, he added  ❝ It’s fine, really. Thank you.❞ He gave a small smile and hoped that it was reassuring enough. It would be bad if the case got reported. He needed to avoid trouble.
Sweet Pea&Charlie
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nathankalopsia-blog · 6 years
A DARKER SHADE OF MAGIC / A GATHERING OF SHADOWS by v. e. schwab sentence meme.
❛  I’d rather die on an adventure than live standing still.  ❜
❛  After all, you can kill people, but you cannot kill magic. Not truly.  ❜
❛  Impossible. What a useless word, in a world with magic.  ❜
❛  Everyone thinks I have a death wish, you know? But I don’t want to die – dying is easy. No, I want to live, but getting close to death is the only way to feel alive. And once you do, it makes you realize that everything you were actually doing before wasn’t actually living. It was just making do. Call me crazy, but I think we do the best living when the stakes are high.  ❜
❛  You have two faces. One you wear for the world at large, and the one you wear for those you love.  ❜
❛  Everyone’s immortal until they’re not.  ❜
❛  It is as it is. It cannot be undone. So please, be grateful, and be done with it.  ❜
❛  The thing about freedom? It doesn’t come naturally. Almost no one has it handed to them. I’m free because I fought for it.  ❜
❛  I know you can do this. I know you can hear me. Stay with me. Listen to my voice.  ❜
❛  Maybe you just got a taste of what it really means to be alive. You almost died. So now you know what it feels like to live. To fear for that life. To fight for it. And once you know, well, there’s no going back.  ❜
❛  You made a mistake. Everybody makes them. Even me. I’ve made many. It’s only fair that you made one.  ❜
❛  I did only what I had to do. If I could have given my life for yours, I would have.  ❜
❛  A kiss for luck. Not that I need it.  ❜
❛  I know. I know what and who you are. What will you do? Kill me?  ❜
❛  Why am I the only one in this fucking world to be held accountable for my actions?  ❜
❛  Aren’t you afraid of dying?  ❜
❛  I’m sorry. For whatever happened to you. For whoever hurt you so deeply that you see things like friends and fondness as weapons instead of shields.  ❜
❛  You know so little of war. Battles may be fought from the outside in, but wars are won from the inside out.  ❜
❛  Between the two of us, we’ll tear the whole world down.  ❜
❛  I am going to cut that smile off your face.  ❜
❛  It hurts. More than dying ever did. There are days when I feel like I deserve this.  ❜
❛  Death doesn’t scare me. Not nearly as much as the idea of wasting a perfectly good life in fear of it.  ❜
❛ You’re always so eager to slash and stab, why couldn’t you have stabbed him.  ❜
❛  Which is it, huh? You’re angry at me, or worried about me, or happy to see me? Because I can’t keep up.  ❜
❛  Wouldn’t it be amazing, if we got away with it?  ❜
Keep reading
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nathankalopsia-blog · 6 years
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Matty hadn’t expected the other man to show up, but then again Matty  had forgotten already that he had been texting Nathan while he was getting stoned. The frat boy was currently sitting on his bedroom floor, stoned out of his mind playing Call Of Duty and eating cereal when he heard his bedroom door open, he never expected knocking from his boyfriend because he didn’t really like too many boundaries due to his trust issues so he always had an open door policy. He looks up and smiles from ear to ear, eyes lighting up, “Hey you! what are you doing here?” he clearly forgot the last thing he sent Nathan was a text asking him to pick up Doritos and to come love on him because he felt lonely. 
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➳ Nathan gave him a look-over and found that Matty had clearly taken something. His mouth thinned into a line - he did not approve of it. ❝ You called me here, ❞ he started, ❝ to bring you this thing. ❞ He held up the Doritos he was holding to remind the male in front of him. Yet he doubted Matty remembered - not like this - playing Call of Duty and eating cereals while being high. The smile that he sent Nathan was worrying him, it was too wide. ❝ How much did you take? ❞ Nathan asked, walking over to the floor where Matty sat, putting the Doritos on a table on the way.  
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nathankalopsia-blog · 6 years
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        The slap came literally out of nowhere. It forced a harsh gasp to fall from his lips but it was halfway cut off when Nathan was already taking a firm hold on his chin and caused the boy to go wide-eyed with both indignation and sudden rigidity. Now, he was close enough so Felix could see the rough lines of his features, but it was still blurry and fueled his inner upsetness after what just happened. ❛❛You really would do that?❜❜, he managed to utter quietly in response to the pain crawling over one side of his face, having trouble to speak in the other’s grasp but he did it anyway. It was more of a disappointed statement than a question though. Words were the only weapons he got left. How was a blind kid supposed to do to wriggle out of such a situation besides that?
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➳ ❝ I don’t know, he replied tauntingly. How about you try so that we can find out~? ❞ Nathan smirked. It was strange how quick humans were to adapted to foreign situations. He looked at Felix’s face - the brown bangs that fell across the blindfold over his eyes. It looked almost delicate like this - helpless. ❝ How about we play a game, ❞ the kidnapper started.  ❝ I give you hints and you try to remember exactly what you did wrong. ❞ He let go of Felix’s face and studied the boy’s reaction. 
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nathankalopsia-blog · 6 years
Almost like he had studied for longer than he had been alive. He loved, graceful and elegant movements, often bigger weapons were far to difficult.. this was easy, the sword was small. But a good size for the servant, while he had this.. battle? He didn’t know what this was honestly, but while his movements were made.
He didn’t strike, not out of fear. But he was taught to defend himself, not to fight. “If—I may ask, your majesty-why are you doing this?” Jay asked, with a swift movement. He took a step back, “unless this is what you do for fun?” He asked still confused for why he was doing this.
He didn’t mean for the blade to almost strike the male—only a part of, he guessed a inch, separated the blade and the prince. Just with that, he felt like he couldn’t do this.. he was worried. Anxious that he was looking for a reason to hurt him, either way. He still felt fear seep in..
The prince dodged - barely - with the sword only inches away from grazing his right side. Not so bad. The servant could more than he expected, but Nathaniel noticed how he did not attack, relying on defend. It provoked the him that the servant was trying to avoid hurting him, and therefore slacked off. 
Nathaniel smiled crookedly at the servant’s assumption - no, he did not spar with servants for fun. He never sparred with them. The match suddenly became pointless - he shouldn’t have done this. The servant was just dragged into his momentary anger. 
❝ This is enough, ❞ he commanded, drawing the weapon back after his attack.  ❝ There is no point in this if you don’t attack me. ❞ He stood with the weapon beside him, glancing over at Jay. 
The Fourth Prince
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nathankalopsia-blog · 6 years
Yet again—the anxiety set in.. he could die.. at least that’s what the voices said while he stood, he thought for a second. If he did.. eh now to think of it, he would be okay with it, it wasn’t like he would miss much. Once he was in the stance that, to his memory.. the stance that Tyler taught him when she taught him how to sword fight.
“Y—“ He cleared his throat—“yes.” Jay spoke before he looked up at the prince. He studied his features.. he stared at him, now he got it. From what some of the female servants said about him, from when he was still a prince.. a prince of one of the evilest men and the kindest women, he had heard how some spoke about his beauty. Of course jay had heard of him, but it wasn’t like he lived under a rock. Almost immediately he felt himself flush.
Nathaniel smirked and proceeded, aiming for the right side at a meticulous speed. He was not the strong kind of opponent, he relied mostly on technique and speed -- which was why lighter weapons suited him more compared to the heavy double-edged axes, though they were the symbol of the kingdom and on the flag -- which made it obligatory for a prince to be able to wield it.
The prince’s hair fluttered with his movement, the golden strands glistening under the weak sunlight of spring, his stance solid and the strike with a certainty that showed he had not been skipping lectures. The pointed metal cut through the air and made a weak whistle. 
The Fourth Prince
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nathankalopsia-blog · 6 years
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        Felix came to the conclusion that he couldn’t win in this conversation. He let out a frustrated sigh, the steps resounding from the walls irritating him because he didn’t know into which direction to turn, but it didn’t seem like it would matter anyway to argue further. His eyes trailed off and a bitter line was forming his lips now as he snorted quietly. ❛❛You know, maybe you just suck at searching … too busy to enjoy yourself talking, I suppose…❜❜
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➳ His hand came down to slap Felix across his cheek. He didn’t think much about it, his hand moved on it’s own. And he didn’t think much after either, the slap resounding. His mouth turned into a thin line as he came to stand in front of the chair, crouching down to grab the other’s chin. ❝ I suggest you stay silent -- ❞ He started, tilting Felix’s face upwards. ❝ Or I’ll cut your tongue out. ❞ The boy wouldn’t be needing it anyways.
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nathankalopsia-blog · 6 years
He saw the weapons.. so pretty, man. If topaz was there, she’d definitely steal something, he watched for a moment calmly. “Alright.” Jay spoke calmly before he thought for a moment.. he saw the sword, thin and sharp, something that took his interest. Almost like he.. wasn’t worried or anxious, he picked it up. He looked over at him.
He knew how to fight, from throwing knives to sword fighting. To hand on hand combat, all taught to him from his older sisters, a small smile formed. The memories that filled his mind.. of the days when he fought with his sisters. From the most gentle, Tyler, to the hardest and least sympathetic. “You—most likely you don’t.. but my sisters taught me how to fight, from weapons to hand on hand combat.” He admitted softly.
He traced his finger along the blade gently. Careful not to cut himself, weapons always made the male interested. They made him question just how much damage they could cause.. sure it was morbid, but it was a question.
The prince was slightly surprised by the fact that the servant knew how to fight. He had not thought of it. Perhaps it was the stuttering display -- first impressions were not always correct, like how one should not judge a book by it’s cover.
❝ Ready? ❞ Nathaniel asked as he stood from the stump he had been sitting on, now armoured. He had refrained from using the breastplate since this was only a sparring session, standing with the hauberk in plain sight. 
Nathaniel walked to the center of the open - the laid brown earth dusting his boots - waiting for the servant. 
The Fourth Prince
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nathankalopsia-blog · 6 years
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“Uhm. No, I haven’t. Sure, why not. I could use a cup of coffee,” she nodded with a small smile. “Did you have a place in mind?”
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➳ ❝ I thought of the coffee shop just across, but- ❞ he made a gesture with his hands.  ❝ We can visit another if you have one on your mind. ❞
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nathankalopsia-blog · 6 years
He only nodded, quietly following the other. His mind ran over the things—from a slave.. told him about the male that was hung, he didn’t know if he should have apologized or kept quiet. He was going to tell him his condolences.. but instead he was quiet.
Jay looked up, his mind told him about just how important it was for him not to mess up.. escaping the wrath of the cruel male who was his step father. This, seemed just as worrying in his opinion. “I’m..Jay—by the way…”
The prince did not respond to the meek introduction. He didn’t really care. This was only contemporary. He wondered how long the servant would last, given his timid personality -- if he’d flee by the end of the sparring. 
When they came to the sparring fields, Nathaniel chose his weapon -- a spetum. He wasn’t planning to hurt Jay seriously after all, just scare him a little and probably he’d quit on his own and go back to whatever his life was before. 
❝ Choose your weapon. ❞ 
In the meanwhile, he started with strapping the armour. This was a small outside sparring camp, the servants were only here for the his morning practice. It was empty now. 
The Fourth Prince
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nathankalopsia-blog · 6 years
@asortofsensation​ continued from ask
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Nathaniel gave him a long gaze to make his point -- he thought the artist was wrong. Dorian was capable of such cruelness.
He sighed and swirled the glass of drink he was holding. ❝ You trust him too much. ❞ 
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nathankalopsia-blog · 6 years
“Uh—I was sent to ask you, if you needed any help? Or if you wanted me to do anything for you? If not I can leave you be.. don’t mean to be a bother your majesty.” The male spoke softly, his hands fidgeted while he stood, still not used to this place. Still not used to being such a far distance from Topaz, Tyler.. although both sisters would—well.. just Tyler would do fine. A excellent baker and designer of clothing.
“I’m-actually it’s not important..” Jay added, he averted his gaze. Looking at the ground while he stood, already feeling embarrassed at how stupid he sounded.
“The other servants sent me—told me to ask you if you needed help.. or if you wanted me to do something.” He mumbled, he knew he was rambling. Something he often did, anxiety certainly was a bitch.
Nathaniel took note of the servant’s fidgeting. It seemed like he was inexperienced with serving the royalty, being nervous and looking out of place in the chamber - like he didn’t know what he was doing here. 
The prince let the uncomfortable silence form itself. 
He was about to dismiss the servant, but he had been in cloudy mood since they hung Kayne for thieving and treason. That was two days ago. He contemplated and looked over the stuttering male in front of him a second time before giving the order. 
❝ Follow me --  ❞
Nathaniel turned and headed towards the sparring fields. They were in early spring and the the weather was holding - the sun shone regardless of people. 
The Fourth Prince
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nathankalopsia-blog · 6 years
The Fourth Prince
Starter for @ xxscrpcntincxx
Nathaniel was in his chambers when the other entered. He looked over his shoulder. He had heard from his majesty that a new one was to serve under him, and the thought was not appealing. He liked Kayne, who had served under him for over seven years. If not for the conflicts between the princes, Kayne would not have been sent away. He was innocent. He was a scapegoat.
Nathaniel raked his eyes over the servant who was to replace Kayne. He was not amused by the new appearance.
❝ What do you want? ❞ he asked not too gently, giving the servant a bored look. He had a lot of work to do - reading, swordarts, tons of requests to read through and he had to take out his horse. He couldn’t stand letting her be in the crammed stable. He wasn’t going to waste his time with introductions, the servant already knew who he was. 
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