natsu-is-happiness · 1 year
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Fairy Tail | Cat-Tastrophe
❀ Female reader insert story
❀ Art by @anushpaint
❀ Cover design by @natsu-is-happiness
❀ Story by SakuraStar (Alicia)
❀ Anime & manga created and owned by Hiro Mashima
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natsu-is-happiness · 2 years
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natsu-is-happiness · 2 years
Happy Birthday to my precious boy!
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natsu-is-happiness · 2 years
Heyo! I don't know how many of y'all have Twitter but those who have already know about the upcoming Natsu Day stream on Mashima's YouTube! And also that he will show some Natsu art (and cosplay and etc.) on the stream!
Well, I also sent him a fanart! And also this finally encouraged me to start my art account! My art most likely won't gonna be featured in the stream but it was a good motivation for me.
I already posted my art on Twitter (and also on Instagram) but I’m also sharing this here too!
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Anyways Happy Natsu Day and don't forget to watch Mashima's stream in 20 minutes!
Oh and lastly my accounts:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pyr0smos
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pyr0smos/
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natsu-is-happiness · 2 years
♥︎ Lots of people consider Natsu to be “dumb” which I highly disagree with. Book smart is not the only form of intellect. Natsu may do things which may get him in dangerous situations or worse even killed but this is not stupidity, it’s recklessness.
He’s aware of the risks and still takes them regardless. The other argument that people make is that Natsu isn’t book smart, I will not debate anyone on that but what exactly makes him dumb in this sense? The fact that he struggles to read? The fact that he struggles with complex concepts?
I’ve never understood why people think Natsu is dumb. It has been shown that his battle IQ is extremely high and his problem solving skills peak when in stressful situations. His emotional intelligence is also high, he is quick to read situations and think of a solution. For example, during Edolas it was because of Natsu that Mystogan was able to become king. He quickly thought that if they gave the people a common enemy that they would ban together to defeat him. This wasn’t a “dumb” idea at all, in fact it was a highly intelligent one. While he isn’t as smart as Lucy or Levy this doesn’t mean he has to be dumb. None of the other characters are considerably smart either yet only Natsu gets the dumb treatment.
Natsu is definitely more brawn than brains but when forced to he tries his best to come up with ideas. I will compare him to another character in the show who is also considered dumb who is Toby Horhorta. If we look at this comparison alone their intelligence are highly different. Natsu isn’t school smart but can trick someone like Toby with ease and avoid a fight altogether. Also I think it is unfair to compare Natsu’s school intelligence to other characters since he didn’t have a proper upbringing. In the episode “Natsu and the Dragon Egg” in a conversation with Lisanna Natsu states that since there’s no one to take care of him he has to get meals and work by himself. Natsu didn’t have access to education since he had to work from a young age. The only person willing to teach him was Erza who also had an unstable upbringing. Since he’s had to provide for himself since a young age, school has probably never been a priority for Natsu.
Moving on to another form of intelligence Natsu possesses is emotional intelligence. Natsu has for a countless number of times saved the other members from self destruction, self loathing, and even suicide simply by being himself. This type of intelligence is not something that is taught but instinct. When Laxus was on a rampage Natsu’s plan to beat him was to show him how fairy tail shows love. He fought with him to save him but to also show that he’ll always be a fairy. When Gray was about to preform iced shell, he showed him that loosing someone isn’t the way to fix things. And when Erza was going to sacrifice herself, he showed her that her friends would rather have her with them. This couldn’t have been done as well with any other member of fairy tail. Since Natsu acts as the heart of the guild, only he could get through to them in a way that would actually resonate. Because even though it may not seem like it, Natsu understands. He understood that Laxus wanted what was best for the the guild. He understood that Gray’s past was haunting him. And he understood that Erza was scared to death. Despite all of that Natsu still managed to get through to them.
This level of emotional intelligence is extremely hard to have. The fact that Natsu understands it at all is something amazing. So no, I don’t think Natsu is dumb at all. I think he’s one of the smartest characters in fairy tail.
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natsu-is-happiness · 2 years
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❀ Ever since becoming a writer on tumblr I have come across so many other amazing writers that really impressed me by their effort and hard work from their creative minds! The way they are so dedicated to writing out the characters' personalities just right through their portrayals and fanfics are just so incredibly talented that is really worth praising. Not to mention their literature too, I hope to always continue to look up to these talented writers and learn through their work as well as always be inspired by them for future stories I make!
✩ The art people make and come up with here also wows me and become so dazzled by the beauty they create displaying so many wonderful ways to put them together like using magic itself. Their artwork really inspires me to continue to create my own designs through my digital anime characters I put together and make for other awesome people out there!
They earned the sakura star ribbon of respect and recognition! 🎖
Always keep up the amazing work and keep unlocking your imaginations! ❤️
Talented writers:
Amazing artist’s:
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natsu-is-happiness · 2 years
♥︎ In this most recent chapter it’s revealed that Natsu may have PTSD from watching Igneel die. This is a big step forward into Natsu’s character development because it shows how the world around him effects him. What this shows for me though is that Natsu still hasn’t healed from his father’s death. Of course that’s natural if you lose someone so close to you but this is another highlight to how Natsu hides his feelings. It’s apparent that Igneel’s death is still present in his mind when we see them again. Every time we see Igneel after his death Natsu’s reaction is to immediately burst into tears. Igneel’s death is still present in his mind. It’s almost like Natsu feels guilty for the whole ordeal. So when Natsu left the guild for a year he didn’t give himself time to process it. He just compartmentalized it and tried to ignore it. He spent the entire year training to get stronger. Because he didn’t give himself time to grieve he developed his PTSD. In order to get this disorder you have to have at least one avoidance symptoms. For Natsu, that’s avoiding thoughts or feeling related to Igneel’s death. He doesn’t allow himself to be sad and he also doesn’t speak to anyone about these feelings. Since Natsu feels guilty about watching Igneel die he won’t allow himself to heal. He will blame himself until he learns that it’s okay to live on. Once Natsu learns this, he can grow as a person and live happily.
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natsu-is-happiness · 2 years
𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮’𝐬 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞
♥︎ I would like to start this post off by saying I am not a therapist nor do I have any training in that field. This is all my own speculations. I would like to talk about Natsu’s attachment style and how it correlates with his actions. When Natsu was younger he was basically abandoned by Igneel. Of course now he knows that’s not true, but the feelings that lingered Natsu have given off the same effect. When Natsu finally does see Igneel again he feels frustrated. This isn’t because natsu is mad at Igneel, but it’s because he’s hurt. Igneel left him for years and when he finally returns he just kind of ignores Natsu. Igneel heads straight for Acnologia while giving Natsu a rushed explanation as to where he’s been.
I bring this up because after Igneel sends Natsu off to Mard Geer we see an emotion Natsu was hiding. I’m not entirely sure if he’s upset or really happy in this moment but we see Natsu shed tears. It shows that Natsu is hiding this side of himself even from Igneel. If we look at when Natsu first joined the guild, he was often by himself. He didn’t try to make a lot of friends until Lisanna came around. He closed himself off to that kind of interaction. Also him hiding his feelings of weakness and sadness all led me to believe this is because of Igneel. This is because Natsu has developed abandonment issues. That’s why Natsu tries so hard to save everyone in the guild and why he keeps a brave face on. He can’t lose them like he lost Igneel. I think that Natsu partially blamed himself for Igneel leaving. Now going back to the attachment styles, I believe Natsu is currently going from an avoidant attachment style onto a more secure one. Natsu making new friends and putting the faith he does in his guild members all show that this isn’t effecting him like it once did when he first joined the guild. However Natsu still hides his emotions, he still goes off on his own when he’s deep in thought, and he also set his expectations overtly high for himself. This all relates back to how Igneel left him. Natsu was left without him for years, he must’ve had wondered why he left. So much so, that the first thing Natsu asked him when he saw him again was why? This wound is so fresh for Natsu that every time he sees Igneel he breaks down in tears.
The only way for this to change is for Natsu to feel like he won’t be abandoned again. It was going well until the guild broke up leaving Natsu blindsided. Of course now it’s back and there’s no plans of it disbanding again but I would like to highlight the last few words Natsu says in fairy tail. “We’ll be together forever from now on”. This could be read as a sweet moment between Natsu and Lucy but it also could be read as a swear. Natsu will never let what happened to the guild happen again. He won’t randomly go off and train for a year. He will stay and make sure the guild thrives. This is both a good and bad thing. It means that Natsu fully trusts the guild and doesn’t want to leave its side. But this also means that Natsu will put on his tough guy exterior for even longer. The phrase “together forever” that Natsu uses reminds me of what he couldn’t do with Igneel. It’s slight but Natsu still holds onto that fear. He can’t let them leave him like that ever again. This will make Natsu try to be even stronger and make him avoid his emotions even more. The only way to fix this is by making him feel that this is a secure place. He doesn’t have to be strong to keep his guild together. He just has to be Natsu.
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natsu-is-happiness · 2 years
♥︎He’s working hard to keep things the same. All the things he loves slips through his fingers (Igneel, guild, etc). he hates change so he tries his hardest to keep that sameness, even if it’s not true. Change makes him feel uncomfortable and with Natsu’s new grown maturity he’s struggling with this change. He’s been working on keeping himself the same. Natsu isn’t one of the smarter members of the guild but his emotional intelligence is high. When one of the members needs saving from themselves he acts like his usually goofy self. He doesn’t make them feel uncomfortable by becoming extremely serious but he instead acts like himself. This proves that Natsu is smarter than he may come off. However, Natsu also uses this to ignore his own problems. In chapter 524 he says “But I blew up at Gray…and passed out when everyone needed my help…I was so selfish”. Natsu had already forgiven Gray for doing the same actions but he still hasn’t forgiven himself. He once again falls onto the thought of Fairy Tail. If he doesn’t win now he can’t go back to the sameness he’s so comfortable in. This is way he doesn’t open up. If he acknowledges this he puts himself in a place where he has to acknowledge he’s not the same anymore.
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natsu-is-happiness · 2 years
♥︎ A lot of people claim that the only thing Natsu needs is proper character development and I agree. However, I would like to highlight one small area where Natsu has grown. In the fight between Zeref and Natsu, Natsu says “It’s got nothing to do with what’s permitted! You make your own happiness! That’s what family is about!”. This obviously comes off as ignorant on Natsu’s part since Zeref couldn’t defy the rules set by a god. The more he loved the more he lost. This is because Natsu didn’t understand Zeref’s curse at this point. He didn’t know that if Zeref treated Larcade with love that he still would’ve died. In 100 year quest Natsu fights with Wolfen. Wolfen reads the mind of his opponents and forcing them to fight the strongest person they know. Natsu uses this to his advantage to bring Zeref. In this scene we see that Natsu’s knowledge of the curse is more vast. He baits Wolfen to admit how much he cares about Aldoron in order for the curse to kill him. As Natsu runs off he states “it’s because of this that power Zeref went through so much pain, sadness, and despair. And to think I’m using it…this is pretty messed up. I’m sorry Nii-chan”. This quote shows that Natsu has learned why Zeref can’t be with his friends. It shows that he actually researched Zeref’s curse and tried to understand him more. This is amazing development from not even knowing why Zeref was trying to turn back time. In 100 year quest Natsu repeatedly refers to Zeref as Nii-chan and holds no ill will towards him. It shows that Natsu tried for his brother even after what happened between them.
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natsu-is-happiness · 2 years
♥︎ Natsu’s best trait is easily his lack of judgement. Once your a member of the fairy tail guild, you’re family no questions asked. In the second episode of the show we see first hand how the guild doesn’t always get along. We see Romeo worrying about his father and Makarov saying that he’ll be alright. Natsu overhears this and immediately goes to go get him. This theme also arises again in the phantom arc and once again in the battle of Fairy Tail. At that point in the series, everyone had turned against each other. All the members were upset at one another and they were especially unforgiving of Laxus. Even Makarov had given up faith with him. The only one who believed in Laxus was Natsu. This isn’t because he didn’t believe that Laxus was justified or even agreed with his actions. It’s simply because Natsu knew he wouldn’t harm the guild. He had enough blind faith in Laxus because he didn’t look at his actions to judge him but instead look at him in his entirety. In his character song “Kizuna Darou” he states “More than being perfect what's important is, I believe, to properly face each other“. Natsu was the only one in the arc to believe that. Another aspect of this I would like to highlight is appearances. Natsu has stated that he first uses natural smell to identify others. When he first met Virgo he wasn’t wildly shocked when her appearance changed. The same happened with Sting after the year time skip. He also doesn’t judge you for your emotions. During the tower of heaven arc Erza was at her weakest. The strong Titania was put in such a traumatic place and still had to be strong. Natsu allowed her to cry and even showed his own emotions to her. That’s something he hasn’t willing showed anyone else in the show besides Gray. He allowed Erza to take the backseat while he dealt with the problem. This was incredibly selfless of him. It also help Erza to still remain the strongest despite revealing such a weakness to him. He also does this for Gray when he does Iced shell. He shows them that they’re not weak for crying by showing them that he does too. They’re in this together. Even when Lucy starts doubting herself, Natsu uplifts her by saying things like “We don’t want someone like you, it has to be just you!“. Natsu will argue and disagree with his friends often but he will never judge you for what you chose to do.
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natsu-is-happiness · 2 years
♥︎ One of my favorite characteristics about Natsu that often gets overlooked is his work ethic! In his character song with happy “Itsumo Zenkaida” the meaning of the lyric is how hard he tries at his job. Naturally this is because he wants to keep his guild’s name clean but I still think it’s really honorable. Back in the earlier episodes Natsu visits the Duke Everlue mansion. Their job was to burn a book and the reward was 200,000 jewels. Natsu didn’t ask any questions to respect the client and tried to do his job. Once he learned where the book was he tried to burn it just as the request asked but Lucy wanted to read it. Natsu says “Lucy! This is our job!”. Naturally, they don’t burn the book but the client is still happy. He offers to pay them but Natsu swiftly declines. He didn’t complete the job so they won’t take the reward. He also does this on Galuna island. While Gray is dealing with his personal ties to the island, Natsu worries about the villagers and getting rid of the moon. Natsu’s work ethic is admirable and one of my favorite traits about him!! It shows that him giving everything 100% is true.
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natsu-is-happiness · 2 years
♥︎ Today I have a short theory for what’s next to come in 100 Years Quest. Natsu doesn’t allow himself to be weak emotionally. He doesn’t let other people see him cry, be sad, or generally upset. We saw in the earlier episodes that when someone evokes these feeling out of him, he snaps at them (Episode 20). I also noticed that Natsu usually keeps himself composed until no one can see. Like during Tower of Heaven, Natsu kept his composure until he had to knock Erza out. The reason I bring this up is because throughout multiple times in the show they state that their magic is amplified by their feelings. Lucy became her strongest when he lost Aquarius.
I believe that for Natsu to get strong enough to beat Ignia, he will have to let his weakness show. My theory is that someone important will get hurt or die in the upcoming chapters and we will see Natsu at his worst. Just like how Natsu didn’t want anything to do with Ignia he isn’t gonna want anything to do with being sad either, therefore making it his strongest self.
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natsu-is-happiness · 2 years
♥︎ In what people consider to be Natsu’s worst decision, Natsu leaves the guild for one year to do soul searching. The question is, why? Let’s go over everything that happened to him in Tartaros. He learns only he can defeat Zeref, he finds Igneel, and not long after Igneel is murdered right infront of him. Naturally Natsu will want some time alone. He undoubtedly has to get stronger so he can defeat not only Zeref but his fathers murderer. He’ll also have to rediscover himself. Finding Igneel has been Natsu’s life dream and now it’s been taken from him. Next question is why didn’t he bring Lucy? This is simple, he didn’t want to. Not only would he have to face her with vulnerability about his father’s passing but he would also have to become extremely serious. Natsu jokes around with Lucy, he doesn’t let her see the other side of him. That’s why I believe he told her through a note instead of face to face. He could have never predicted the guild would’ve disbanded, and if he had stayed he would’ve done everything in his power to make sure it wouldn’t have. He needed to do this. He needed to get stronger so he could protect his guild. He needed to train.
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natsu-is-happiness · 2 years
♥︎ it’s been prevalent since the beginning that Natsu has been overexerting himself. It’s gotten to the point where Natsu got the equivalent of magical cancer because of it. As soon as he woke up he was back fighting again and immediately used his fire dragon king mode. If it wasn’t for Brandish he would’ve died. The rest of the guildmates makes sure he’s okay but it goes no further than that. He continues to use his all during fights with no limits. The point I’m trying to reach here is that his guildmates could be fueling this idea that he needs to be strong all the time. No moment of weakness is allowed, at least not for Natsu. Now, this isn’t because his guildmates want him to fight but Natsu is too stubborn to reason with. When other members like Lucy are hurt, she gets to rest until she’s better again and has had a little rest. However with Natsu, even when he’s beaten with an inch of his life left, he continues to fight. Yes, this is because of Natsu’s own personality, but I would like to highlight that the guild acts like this is normal behavior. They definitely don’t do enough to stop Natsu from doing this behavior. It’s almost like how Gray sacrifices himself for the guild, Natsu won’t let him because it won’t be better for the guild. Natsu constantly overexerting himself isn’t better for the guild.
The cancer should’ve been a wake up call for him and the guild but it wasn’t. Natsu won’t reach his full potential until he acknowledges that he needs to be more careful with himself. So many people care about him. The burns from turning into E.N.D and using his dragon king more shouldn’t be encouraged. I bring this up because in 100 year quest the other members practically pressure him into eating Ignia’s flames. Natsu didn’t want to, but if he didn’t he wouldn’t have been strong enough to defeat the water dragon. They should’ve just accepted that where Natsu was at the time wasn’t strong enough to defeat Ignia. They basically cornered Natsu into making that deal with Ignia. Wendy being able to heal any of Natsu’s scar doesn’t make them hurt any less. In fact, it takes away the consequences from each experience. The scars show a constant reminder of what happens when he overexerts himself and they can just disappear.
When Natsu ate Ignia’s flames he lost himself to E.N.D. Afterwards you see Lucy terrified of what Natsu becomes. This is extremely unfair, even under the effects of E.N.D Natsu still had to beg from help from the others. Not because he couldn’t do it alone, but because he doesn’t want to do it alone. However even after they defeat the Water Dragon, Natsu keeps going. This scares not only Lucy but everyone else too. This is the consequences of leaving everything to Natsu. He overexerts himself to the point he harms himself. He had burns so bad that even his muscles were exposed. In the next chapter however, they just continue to joke around. If no one actively condemns Natsu, he will eventually lose himself. This and Iced shell aren’t that different, both spells rid the user of themselves. However, no one is there to stop Natsu. Lucy may have stopped him this time, but what will they do when they need E.N.D again?
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natsu-is-happiness · 2 years
♥︎ Natsu has always been the driving force for the guild. He constantly gives a strong charade in the face of fear. But what about when Natsu is upset? When he’s sad? Natsu never allows this side of himself to be shown. The only times hes revealed it is when he cried for Gray and Igneel. And after Igneels death he deciphered to leave. Lots of people think Natsu is simply clueless however I believe he’s constant in his own head. There’s scenes where Natsu is shown to be thinking however the speech bubble isn’t there. This isn’t because he isn’t think but instead because he is hiding this. After Natsu figures out that he went on autopilot after eating Ignia’s flame you can see he’s clearly bothered by it. However he immediately starts joking around once Lucy shows up.
Also, when Natsu learns he is E.N.D he is once again shown thinking. When Happy shows up, he gives him a reassuring smile despite not being sure himself. He even goes as far to say “that’s way too much to swallow”. I’d like to highlight this word choice though it may seem nitpicking. Natsu says swallow despite just being told all of the information, he should give himself time to process this or “chew” instead just taking it in all at once or “swallow”. Natsu even went as far as to almost kill Zeref despite knowing the risks. Yet he still put a brave face for happy. I don’t believe this is the first time Natsu has done this either. We can see this from when he first joins fairy tail, he was distant and didn’t allow himself to have friends since he was still handling Igneels death, and again after Lisanna’s. Natsu is open to give other all the encouragement they need but when it comes to himself he leaves it to handle all by his lonesome. Natsu needs to be the strong one. Natsu needs to defeat the villain for his friends. He needs to be brave so they can find it in themselves to be brave too.
That’s why he’s so wary of accepting help from others. They’re why he sticks to himself excluding happy. And it’s why the lesson Gildarts taught him is so important. It’s okay to be weak. It’s okay to admit you cant do it all. We see Natsu accept defeat however I believe he’s still learning to do so. Until he learns this Natsu will continue to put this burden on himself until he loses himself completely to E.N.D. He’s strongest when he works together with his friends.
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natsu-is-happiness · 3 years
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I’m looking for a great Natsu RP to help me with Natsu dialogue for my comic, but not just any Natsu. He or she has to be literate and knows his character very well from the anime, I’ll gladly give credit to the very one to help me as well as anyone who can help me locate one.
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