natureisnurturenet · 1 year
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An Easter Daylily Our first Daylily bloom appeared very appropriately on Easter weekend. I’ve always thought their interior looks like a graceful lyre. Have a Blessed Easter https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq0TdWFuYkq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natureisnurturenet · 1 year
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Falafel Salad It’s what’s for dinner! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqy0KZhsb5L/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natureisnurturenet · 1 year
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Bridal Wreath Spirea Bridal Wreath Spirea is a beautiful shrub that produces clusters of white flowers all along its arching limbs in the spring. Ours was planted in a shady corner of the house by previous owners. It’s a perfect spot except for one thing-there’s not quite enough sunlight to allow it to really show off its blooms. Bridal Wreath Spirea can grow 5-6 feet in height and loses it leaves in the winter -but don’t trim as new growth appears on the bare limbs. If you plant this shrub, be sure there is plenty of room for its limbs to gracefully arch. Corners or ends of your landscape are perfect locations if those areas at least receive part sun. Ours reaches for the sunlight and thankfully we enjoy a few blooms on those limbs that successfully stretch into the light. The blooms of this spirea only last a few weeks in early spring, if that, but when the shrub is in full bloom it is indescribable! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqxnevgud-V/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natureisnurturenet · 1 year
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Bluebonnet We have a small area in our backyard where bluebonnets bloom and reseed every year. A few less sprouted this year but those that did are doing well. Have a blessed weekend. https://www.instagram.com/p/CqvDyyUuaLx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natureisnurturenet · 1 year
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Daisies One of April’s birth flowers is the Daisy. Pictured is a patch of Shastas (or Oxeyes) growing within a bed of violas outside a small cafe in Lewisville. Daisies are perennials, love the sun and do not have many pests. They also spread (some more slowly than others) every year and will provide a cheery section to your yard. Usually growing about 2-3 feet tall, you can find dwarf varieties if they are a better fit for your space. Daisies also make wonderful cut flowers to enjoy indoors. https://www.instagram.com/p/CqsbtL_Os4e/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natureisnurturenet · 1 year
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Whitefly Eggs It’s the time of year that everything is mating-including garden pests! I usually do not remove insect eggs from plants until I’m sure of the species because some of the good guys are mating too. I used my garden app to identify the ones pictured and I’m afraid the answer makes sense because we usually have a cloud of whiteflies in our Boston Ivy by summertime. If I know they are pests, I will first hard spray plain water to dislodge the eggs. If they are persistent, I’ll bring out the natural neem oil. A little neem goes a long way and although natural, neem oil kills all insects it comes in contact with as it coats them in a fine oil-it’s not specific. But, it’s much less toxic to pets, birds, other animals and the environment (don’t spray it near waterways, however.) Of course, if you have a major infestation, you might have to bring out more powerful pesticides-being very careful of your surroundings. For example, my dog routinely eats dirt so we avoid spraying or sprinkling toxic pesticides and fertilizer in the backyard. The older I get, the more I realize treating plants is very similar to how we should treat ourselves. Not all times-but most times-making simple lifestyle changes and/or using first line remedies is less harsh on our bodies when we need just a little bit of healing. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqp72-TOp1u/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natureisnurturenet · 1 year
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Same Mockingbird, Different Pose To me, Mockingbirds appear slender from most angles but front on, they look a little fluffy. I can relate! 😉 This one that I’m featuring this week was singing in the 360 atop the Yaupon. I think he was covering as much ground as possible to hopefully find a mate. https://www.instagram.com/p/CqnXWgMuzIp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natureisnurturenet · 1 year
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Mid-Song https://www.instagram.com/p/CqktJDCOS_R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natureisnurturenet · 1 year
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Yaupon Flowers From a distance, the tiny white flowers of the Yaupon are not noticeable, but they are very attractive to bees and you’ll likely see the bees buzzing around the tree this time of year. It is not often you see flowers and fruit on a tree at the same time. Our Yaupon has a few berries leftover-which is why the Mockingbird likes this tree. The flowers pictured remind me so much of lime tree flowers in appearance. (I lost my Persian lime tree last summer. It was quite old but I think I overwatered it trying to compensate for the extreme heat and drought. I may have to find another as its aroma was heavenly and the fruit was delicious, especially in Mexican beer!) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqiOmfBu7fi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natureisnurturenet · 1 year
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Singing Mockingbird This Mockingbird has been hanging out in our Yaupon tree for months, it seems. I’m pretty sure there is only one bird as no nest is in sight. His typical routine is he eats a few berries then climbs to a top branch and sings and sings. This particular afternoon, he serenaded us for at least 20 minutes. I’m pretty sure he is eagerly seeking a mate. We are so blessed he shares his lovely song in our backyard. (Warning: More pics to come of this subject. Not as crisp, perhaps, but I managed to snap a few additional photos while he was in mid-melody!) (at Carrollton, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqfmhXXO7lF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natureisnurturenet · 1 year
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Thirsty Ole Blue First of all, I’m pretty sure the cat pictured is “Ole Blue” - the cat in the neighborhood I’ve been labeling as feral. But-he has a collar on these days! Someone has either claimed him or maybe he’s always been a wanderer and his owners decided they needed to make a statement? As for me, he’s never allowed me to get too close (this pic is taken from a window) but that may have a lot to do with Barney-lol. In this photo, Ole Blue is partaking of a cascading water fountain we have near our front door. It has a very shallow reservoir so the water is fresh as I have to fill it almost daily. But I’m not complaining, I like the sound of trickling water as I come and go from the house. Interestingly, I’ve seen lizards (yes!), birds, squirrels and cats drink from the fountain. I have no doubt a skunk, opossum or rabbit or two have partook as well. The fountain is on a timer I purchased separately and doesn’t run all day-just at dusk and dawn. In this photo, Ole Blue is reaching for the leftover water that is resting in one of the copper leaves. I think it is safe to say he’s done this before! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqc9bfAOEik/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natureisnurturenet · 1 year
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Barney Walking among fallen Tree Catkins Tree catkins are those fuzzy, elongated clusters of tiny flowers that have been hanging from the limbs of many of our trees lately - oaks in particular. Catkins develop before or simultaneously with new leaves and are an important part of a tree’s reproduction process. Unfortunately, catkins are also responsible for the visible dusting of yellow pollen on our cars and patios that is a springtime bane to many of us. But, without catkins we wouldn’t have fall acorns- https://www.instagram.com/p/CqagAl_uQcu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natureisnurturenet · 1 year
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Clematis This first bloom is a bit small and a little dirty as it’s near the soil, but I’m always happy to see the first as I know there will be many more to come soon! If you have a morning sun/afternoon shade area where a trellis or obelisk can be placed, you’ll enjoy the perennial Clematis vine. It’s very dainty and delicate so you’ll need to plant it in an out-of-the-way space and allow the vine to remain “intact and dormant” in winter as new growth appears on the dead-looking vine. It may also grow again from the ground but you’ll be starting over! And, yes, mine survived monster storm Uri at -2. You’ll find Clematis in the garden centers about now, probably near the Hosta bins and such. There are so many beautiful purple-pink-white/solid & striped, varieties of this plant, I hope you find one you like. And-be patient-it might take a year to show its glory but you’ll be amazed when it does! https://www.instagram.com/p/CqXyQTMOTYU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natureisnurturenet · 1 year
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Brown Anole This brown anole was a bit curious about my weeding the yard this weekend. I’m seeing more and more of them peeking out into the spring sunshine. They are great pest control! https://www.instagram.com/p/CqVUJSjO0ma/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natureisnurturenet · 1 year
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Japanese Maple Flowers I took a closer look at our tree today and discovered it is flowering. Under its beautiful red leaves dangle festive clusters of dainty flowers! https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSjxU8ued_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natureisnurturenet · 1 year
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Japanese Maple in Spring Our Japanese maple, that I believe is a “Bloodgood” variety, was a beautiful deep burgundy red when I snapped this photo from our guest bedroom window. In just over a few days, it is already showing signs of turning rust, which is one of the reasons we purchased this one as our brick is orangey. In the summertime, its leaves will turn greenish and come fall, they’ll be fiery orange-red - but not as brilliant as other varieties I’ve seen. Still, the Bloodgood variety provides such an interesting color experience and it is adaptive to clay soil and temperatures within zones 5-8. (DFW is as hot as it can stand.) Ours has been getting a little more sun than usual due to winter storm Uri having damaged our Ash tree that used to provide it ample shade. Even though, it continues to enjoy shade in the hot afternoons. https://www.instagram.com/p/CqQHMTZu5qI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natureisnurturenet · 1 year
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Spent Dandelion While walking Barney yesterday morning after the early thunderstorm, I came across this spent dandelion in the midst of my neighbor’s yard. The single, bright-white starburst among the drenched grass caught my attention. There is beauty to behold in every stage of life. https://www.instagram.com/p/CqNjWnUOXW8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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