naukais · 5 years
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          SHE OFFERS A small nod of agreement, her own gaze resting steady to where the sunset hues of the sky met the sea. ❝ it is. oddly enough, it always makes me feel... i don’t know. like i’m not alone. ❞ optics shift sight, now eyeing the girl from the corners of their line of sight. ❝ still... mind if i ask what’s on your mind? ❞
@naukais ♡’d for vanille!
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          “It’s… nice, just sitting by the sea, isn’t it? The sound of waves is so calming, and looking at the infinite blue almost makes me forget all my sorrows and worries.”
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naukais · 5 years
          ❝ OH. ❞ SHE SAYS plainly, feeling a bit sheepish for even asking in the first place. still, the comment warms her; a comforting feeling. a small reminder of how much she’d missed it all; the ocean breeze during summer nights, sleeping beneath stars that shone brighter than any other light she’d ever seen (not even her own light could compare, she believed)-- and above all, the comfort of family. of her friends.
          though she doesn’t mean to get too lost in thought, she smiles at it nonetheless. small turn of the head and she’s facing forwards again, motioning something of a nod. ❝ what if i told you we did have school, and you forgot? ❞ to hold composure is apparently a task too difficult for even she, as she breaks out in laughter within only a few moments of spitting her jest. ❝ just kidding. you’re right, we don’t. ❞
          the walk between the beach and the roads is not long, their footsteps soon leading them out of the path and into the quiet town. the soft sound of crickets follow them as they exit the greens, the dim streetlights more than enough to guide their way home -- she knew this place like the back of her hand, at this point. 
          she pauses now, all movement halted as she looks up at the buildings surrounding her. ❝ you know... ❞ her voice trails off slight; speech that once flowed with ease -- like water pouring out a bucket -- now falling quiet. ‘twas like something was blocking her throat, closing around her windpipe and choking her, as if to trap the words there for eternity. when she continues, her tone is almost a whisper. ❝ it’s weird. despite all that’s happened, things really haven’t changed at all here, huh? ❞
Rɪᴋᴜ ᴇxᴛᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ ʜɪs ᴀʀᴍ and let his hand run through the foliage as he trailed a few feet behind her, rustling the overhanging leaves and shoots of flowers and ferns that crept along the edges of the path like silent green infiltrators. “I know,” he said, tugging to tear half a leaf off a cordyline as he passed. Shifted his gaze from where he’d been staring off into the depths of the dark, endless forest and looked up ahead at her. Found her eyes through the dim. Even darker down here with less moonlight reaching through the thick cover of guarumos and palms but still they shone like they were backlit.
“I told him to go ahead. I knew you’d wake up when you were ready.” Even if that meant he sat out there the whole night, watching the fire die and playing human pillow until the sun came up, Riku had been fully prepared to wait on Kairi to wake up in her own time. Why? Because she deserved the rest. Her and Sora both. Hell, if Sora hadn’t woken up and stayed sleeping by the fire stretched out in the sand, Riku would’ve sat there and watched over him all night, too. But it just so happened that Sora had sat up and yawned and stretched around half an hour before Kairi woke up, shook a comical amount of sand from his hair and grunted Got her? at Riku. And Riku had answered him Yep. Go home and Sora climbed to his feet and trudged half-asleep (presumably) all the way home.
“Not like there was any hurry. No school tomorrow.” (Today? He’s not sure if it’s late night or early morning.)
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naukais · 5 years
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tag urself
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naukais · 5 years
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it’s    lazy    promo    time    !!!         here   i   am   ,    back   at   it   again    —       so   please   like     /     reblog   this   post   if   you’d   be   interested   in   interacting   with   an   independent   ,    unaffiliated       (      &&     low   activity   h      )       accord    of   drak.engard   3   !!
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naukais · 5 years
Head tilted at that, waiting for her answer. Truth be told, even if he always felt negative about their progress, her compliments… eased it. Something in the way she grinned so excitedly, the genuine cheer and awe in her voice as she mentioned things…
It helped. Made Leon focus a bit harder on the parts they had built further.
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“I.. Yeah, there was. Not sure if anyone’s replanted anything yet, but I can show you.”
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          IT WAS HARD to believe an expression already so cheery, so bright, so full of hope and sunshine smiles that typically only children could don (though she was still a child at heart, was that not close enough?) could brighten even further. and yet, it did, his words instilling both nostalgia -- one she could not quite place -- and happiness within her soul.
          ❝ that’s alright! lead the way. ❞ she peers at him with the tilt of her head, expectantly. ❝ maybe that’s somewhere i could lend a hand, actually. ❞
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naukais · 5 years
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          ❝ OH! NOTHING IN particular. i’m just browsing. ❞ she answers honestly, lips tugging into a soft smile of her own. ❝ i heard about this place from some locals, and i couldn’t help but want to come check it out myself. ❞
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        yuna regards the young woman with a courteous smile. ❛ i don’t recall ever seeing you around my shop before. were you looking for something? or for me? ❜
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naukais · 5 years
anyways *blows dust off this blog* im still gon b very low activity but... expect some changes with this blog. ill probs update my rules this week, change my theme and slowly but surely try to get this acc running again. even if it’s only doing a few drafts a week & lurking, i miss yall so i wan be around
also, psa: i’m most likely gon del all my threads currently in my drafts cept for a very select few. just cuz my muse is gone for most of them and i dont wanna force smth out that im not happy with :( but if u wan plot smth new hmu!!!
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naukais · 5 years
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Hold up, think again, don’t you know what you’re starting
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naukais · 5 years
??? :
♔ Eraqus had been patrolling the gardens and surrounding areas, but the world had been relatively safe. Sometimes a group of Heartless would appear but they were nothing the young Master couldn’t handle. So at some point, he’d found himself lounging in one of the garden beds, eyes closed as he dozed off. Until someone’s voice reached his ears, silver hues opening and a sheepish smile appearing on his face. “Ah, yeah I’m okay. I know, I was just… dozing.”
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Yeah, just dozing. He hadn’t intended to be there too long, even though he could feel sleep pulling at him moments after he closed his eyes. He moved to sit up in the flower bed, tilting his head slightly as he looked up at her. “Are you new around here? I don’t think I’ve seen you around before.” He was still fairly new to this world too, but he’d been here long enough that he at least recognized the locals.
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          HER MOVEMENT MIRRORS his, body straightening itself as soon as he’d shifted into a seated position. still, inquisitive features remain in place, expression consistent as she responds to his own questioning. ❝ hmm. new enough. ❞ a small giggle escapes her, digits interlacing with one another behind her back. it was a common habit she’d adopted from her childhood, and she fell back to it even now.
           ❝ i’m just a visitor, ❞ comes further explanation (though it’s still vague, her commentary does not truly answer much), a single brow raising beneath her bangs. ❝ say-- have we met before? i can’t quite put my finger on it... but you seem really familiar.❞
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naukais · 5 years
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How can anyone not laugh at Kairi’s adorable dramatics? At the same time there was a bit of worry that lasted less than a moment. A light chuckle escaped as a hand reached to accept the cool treat. “Good thing you’re not melting,” he joked along before taking a bite just so it wouldn’t turn into a puddle. Ice cream works quickly to cool him down, finally. What a relief.
“Thank you. Hmm.. Where’d you learn that magic trick, I wonder? Lea?” An eyebrow quirked playfully along with a smirk as he referred to the ice cream ‘suddenly’ appearing from behind her. Of course he knew she simply bought them from the usual shop. “Ax– I mean, Lea used to do that all the time. The first time I fell for it. It’s hard to believe how gullible I used to be.”
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          ❝ HOW DID YOU know? ❞ she teases, sarcasm evident in her tone. it’s obvious who taught her the trick -- it was the same trick you know who always pulled, and the same trick she’d first wrinkled her nose in disgust to, thinking he’d actually kept the treat unwrapped in his pockets. (which they don’t, by the way! it’s all in the flick of the wrist... or something. but kairi picked it up quick.) 
          nevertheless, she takes a seat next to the boy as soon as he’d accepted her gift, hardly missing a beat. the ledge of the twilight town tower was one she’d once feared, yet after sitting atop it more than a few times, she’d grown accustomed to it. the view that once instilled danger! run away! within her core now seemed almost nostalgic-- the sunset calming, despite still being relatively new to her.
          ❝ don’t worry, you’re not the only one. you should have seen my face when he first did it with me. i was more grossed out than amazed. ❞ a giggle, and she takes a moment to bite a piece of her own treat. delicious as always. ❝ y’know, i never would’ve thought twilight town got this hot. considering the sun is always setting, and all... still, at least it’s not as bad as the islands. ❞ not that she wasn’t used to it.
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naukais · 5 years
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          THE VOICE WARRANTS instant attention from the redhead. though it is not one she recognizes, she is quick to turn. her gaze meets the other’s nearly instantly-- and similar to the tone, she fails to place his face as well. a stranger-- as was she to him, and yet why had he called out to her?
          ❝ eri? ❞ she finds herself repeating, a single brow raising up beneath her bangs. had he mistaken her for someone else, perhaps? she figures that would make the most sense. she offers a light laugh, waving a hand as if to brush away the error. ❝ sorry. wrong person. ❞
          ah-- but she could use the mistake to her benefit. rather than walk away, she continues to peer at the boy inquisitively. his attire was much different than her own, and yet seemed to fit in well with the others around the busy town. definitely a local. ❝ hey, ❞ she begins again, typical cheerful demeanour ever present, ❝ i think i’m a bit lost, actually. could you help me out for a sec? ❞
     “Eri, is that-” He could practically hear the record scratch sound effect in his head as he realised his mistake. He’d been about to ask if she’d gotten a haircut, immediately assuming that the stranger had been Shiki’s friend, according to the reddish hue of her hair and the pink, stylized outfit. Neku didn’t normally walk up to people on the street, but he’d been trying to make an effort when it came to Eri, wanting to be friends with the girl that meant so much to Shiki, but this is what he got, he supposed. This was just the universe reminding of how horribly awkward he was when it came to being social with people outside of his little friend group.
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“Shit-” He fumbled on whatever was supposed to come next, not knowing how to proceed from here. Was he supposed to apologise? Was he supposed to pretend like he hadn’t said anything and walk away? Oh God, someone help him.
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naukais · 5 years
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what does this mean. anon What Does This Mean
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naukais · 5 years
REBLOG if your memes have no expiration date and you’re alright with people sending them to you, regardless of how long ago you reblogged them!
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naukais · 5 years
for @naukais
when he was fifteen years old, he thought he was in love with her.
now, at eighteen, he knows that he is.
incredibly different from the way that he loves sora. vastly different. every bit as profound.
sora’s love is charged and turbulent. a whirlwind, just like he is. breathless love. fast-paced.
kairi’s love is steady and patient. temperate and sweet, trusting love, deep-rooted. her love waits, and as it waits it matures, garners and grows. mellow and mild and amazing, remarkable. mercy and grace water her heart and the love inside it blossoms, kindness falling from her lips and turning to petals.
he only has to look at her to know. beauty built up inside her too much to contain and so it beams straight out of her, blindingly bright and spilling all directions. rosy cheeks and soft skin, a slight frame but strong, growing stronger. sunburst. radiant, she glitters.
treasured one. meant for me.
it’s all his heart wants, just to keep her heart safe. strike down anything which would threaten it, stamp out all those who’d suppress it. he’d smuggle her away and stash her some place secret but that wouldn’t be fair. not to the universe and certainly not to her. hiding her light. what a criminal he’d be.
as if her spirit could ever be contained.
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naukais · 5 years
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          currently sitting in front of a full blasting fan while eating fresh fruit. if this isn’t the life, then she doesn’t know what is.
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naukais · 5 years
I’m going to put this in my rules but
If I like your starter call, send you a meme, or reply to a thread, and you don’t respond to it, I honestly don’t mind. I never expect anything from anyone, and I’m never demanding with RP’ing. It dosn’t matter if we talk every day, are really good friends, or if we talk occasionally/not at all, I never expect anything from anyone ! This is your hobby, your escape, and your relaxation, don’t stress yourself thinking “ Oh god I haven’t replied/haven’t made a starter/haven’t posted her meme, she must think I’m ignoring her ” I’m not thinking that at all !! Seriously !!
Friend, acquaintance, or mutual, don’t pressure yourself thinking I’ll be bitching about it, I won’t. I don’t mind, and it’s not hurt my feelings. You do you ♥
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naukais · 5 years
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wow! look at this wall! it would be a shame if someone were to..... i dunno...... write on it..........
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