nauseousworld · 6 days
Car sickness is the worst. It starts with an uneasy open feeling in your chest / throat.
Every plunge of the car down the hill, and the sickening stomach drop from going up a hill, and you feel like you may lose the battle with your sick belly. Ugh, the relief you’d feel from vomiting. But it’s such an egregious thought. You’d do anything to avoid vomiting. To see and smell and taste partially digested food, sour with stomach acid? You’d much rather be miserable and fight it. Deep, shallow breaths.
You ate jimmy John’s for lunch, and didn’t feel up to dinner. Would hate and taste to see that sandwich is reverse, again. Your mouth starts watering that thick, sick spit. You take deep, shallow breaths. One had on your sternum, closing your eyes against the spinning world. Ooooohhh, mistake!
One deep breath and HULP! Your diaphragm spasms and your lunch shoot’s up from your sick stomach into your mouth.
Oh god! You lost that fight so quickly! Was barely a battle. A dribble escapes before you locate and spit chunks of sandwich into an empty styrofoam cup.
“Feel better?” Your partner is driving, and you had hoped they didn’t notice the sickening mess you were in. They look at you with caring.
“Nooo—GuuuuooooOOORP” and you lose another spasm to your sick tummy, depositing the belly stew into and all around the styrofoam cup you’re clutching, and spraying the inside of the car.
Car sickness is the worst.
Ohh you poor thing. If i was in the Car with you i'd definitely rub your stubborn, nauseous tummy for you. And of course i'd Take a Break whenever you need it. Carsickness is uncomfortable enough you shouldn't have to vomit in the moving Car. You Just breathe while i rub and sqeeze it all Out of you.
When you got it all Up i'll pamper you with kisses while i hug you and Tell you how good you're doing. Think you can handle the Rest of the Drive?
Also can i Claim this Emoji 🦄?
I’ll call you 🦄 anon from now on!
And boy, would that be the perfect treatment right there 🥺 my belly gets so easily upset on the roads, it’s no wonder it was sick today… having someone to help me soothe and settle it (and bring things up if needed 🫣) would be so, so nice. I managed to make this particular car ride, but oh, what I wouldn’t have given to have you there for help during the entire ordeal…
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nauseousworld · 15 days
11 years ago
@electricrailwaygod stomach bugs are soo contagious, it went through my group of friends last summer. I think I got it from a girl at school, we were working on a lab together and she threw up at the end of lab.
11 years ago
@MegaZakeya sorry that you are sick, the flu does suck. At least I was home when I started barfing. I caught it from my lab partner and when she was sick she threw up in class, people stared at her but no one treated her any different afterwards. When I was sick I threw up over and over for 3 days so i didn't eat anything. Maybe try crackers or toast if your stomach stops hurting. Hope someone is taking care of you, get well soon.
10 years ago
I felt blah all day and had clam chowder soup for lunch. In my afternoon class I started feeling dizzy and my stomach started hurting. It was bad, I was sick for days and threw up so many times.
11 years ago
@doremi678 I ate clam chowder soup for lunch that day and felt fine at first, but then in my late afternoon class i started to feel dizzy and nauseous. when i got home from school i felt like i was gonna barf. It was the worst stomach bug that i've ever had, i was sick for 3 days and i threw up SO many times.
10 years ago
I felt dizzy and my stomach felt weird in the afternoon and started hurting worse and worse. When I got home from school I laid on the couch and kept feeling worse. After a while I sat up because it hurt too much to lay down. That's when I felt like I was going to throw up. I called my mom at work and told her, she told me to do it in the toilet. I went in the bathroom and sat next to the toilet until I started throwing up.
10 years ago
My stomach felt better after I threw up but started hurting again . I told my mom I felt like I was going to do it . She took good care of me, she would sit with me, rub my back & talk to me while I was barfing & when I was done I told her that's it & she gave me a tissue to wipe my mouth & some water to get the rid of the barf taste.
Throwing up really hurts so I hope I don't get sick again for a while but if I do i'll try & record it & get my stomach if I can. Hope I answered your question
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nauseousworld · 15 days
10 years ago
I know the feeling. The worst one was my senior year of high school, and it was after Thanksgiving. I remember my stomach hurting so bad that I literally wanted to kill myself and since we had the heat on in the house, I shut off all of my air vents in my room and bathroom so my room would be ice cold, because I get really hot when I get stomachsick. I wouldn't take any of the phenergen my mom had prescribed for me, since it's supposed to keep you from puking, though, so I really paid for it.
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nauseousworld · 1 month
Breakfast didn’t sit well today. Maybe two strong coffees was too much on an empty stomach. I had some cereal afterwards but it must have been too late.
I felt the nausea gradually build and my stomach started sloshing. It became harder to ignore and I couldn’t focus on my work. My throat started feeling strange and my mouth felt too watery. I stopped and put my hand on my stomach. It felt over full and gurgled ominously. I felt my heart speed up and I swallowed hard. My mouth filled again and my throat felt really weird. I swallowed again and realised I was going to throw up. A breath hitched in my throat as I moved swiftly to the bathroom and pulled up the toilet seat. I gagged, bent over the clean water in the toilet and a stream of saliva ran from my mouth. Oh god, it was going to happen. I grabbed my phone and pressed record while i gagged again, feeling my stomach squeeze under my hand……..
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nauseousworld · 2 months
puking up my lunch
I had a huge caesar salad for lunch today and I don’t know if it was that or the beer I drank last night or if I’m actually sick but I’ve been feeling pretty gross all afternoon. I didn’t feel like I was going to puke but I felt like I’d feel better if I did so I told my boss I wasn’t feeling well and came home early.
I tried puking into a bowl while sitting on the couch because I thought that might be more comfortable but I didn’t get much up–mostly just spit and about a mouthful or so of stomach contents (mostly chunks of lettuce and chicken from my salad). I was feeling slightly better so I decided I’d drink a glass of water and then take a shower and get into bed and try to sleep it off.
When I got in the shower my stomach started to feel worse and I eventually bent over and forced a couple of gags. I didn’t get anything up at first so I tried using my fingers and all hell broke loose. I puked twice from forcing it and then my stomach contracted and I threw up a huge stream and chunks of my lunch landed all over the shower. I tried to catch my breath and gagged again and threw up another pretty big stream and then another.
I didn’t feel like I was empty yet so I drank water from the shower (a lot–probably two glasses worth) until I felt full again and then I forced myself to puke again. This time it only took one forced stream before everything started coming up. Three huge streams came up and when I opened my eyes I could see chunks of lunch all over the place. I kept gagging after I was empty and then threw up a couple small mouthfuls of mostly spit and water and stomach acid.
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nauseousworld · 2 months
A few months ago I grabbed a snack on the way out the door to go to work. I hadn’t eaten breakfast because nothing sounded good. And I slept in because I was extra tired that day. I grabbed a granola bar but the thought of eating it made me feel a bit ill. I got in my car and started backing out of the driveway when I felt a bit worse. I closed the garage and drove down the street. Then my throat started spasming. And my belly started to spasm too. Am I going to throw up?! I wondered? I really had not felt too nauseous for very long. (The two times before this event, when I had thrown up, it was from drinking and then smoking. I avoided vomiting for as long as possible, and as a result the nausea built and built over time. These were such miserable times where I felt awful and sick with a lump stuck in my throat. My head spun sickly. When I finally did puke I was so sick and nauseated that I projectile vomited violently.)
I gagged into my hand while the other turned the steering wheel in a sickening circle, turning back to go home. I gagged into my hand, praying that I wouldn’t blow chunks in my car. I somehow made it home, and was worried I was going to lose control as I took off my seatbelt. My tummy spasmed as I ran inside and I realized I didn’t have much time. I ran through the garage and into the half bathroom. I pushed the door open and palmed the light switch.
The second I saw the toilet I hurked and gagged and spewed. About half of it missed the toilet. I was mostly surprised. I didn’t feel very sick so I cleaned up as best I could and ended up going to work. I ended up gagging at work and my boss noticed and had to hold a trash can for me while I sprayed the trash can with my stomach’s sick contents. He patted me on the back and said they needed to test me. Turned out I had Flu A.
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nauseousworld · 2 months
had to move myself to the bathroom floor near the toilet in case I lost my dinners! I chugged some water after my meals and my belly did not agree with it at all! the last burp in this video felt amazing🐷 I am in serious discomfort still, every burp a little water comes back up
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nauseousworld · 2 months
Last night, out of nowhere, I threw up.
I guess it wasn’t really out of nowhere. I was oblivious to warning signs. I was anxious all day (for some personal reasons) and I was late to my 6 am appointment. That threw me off and I ate a small breakfast, too. For lunch I had leftover Wendy’s that mayyy or may not have been bad. I left it in my bag a big before putting it in the fridge…. That’s on ADHD brain lmfao. But it was only half of a sandwich.
I worked all day and then had to run errands after. I went to Walmart and was pouring sweat. I was feeling pretty nauseous from, what I figured, was hunger as I get bad hunger nausea. I got one of those pre-heated hot dogs and scarfed it down in the car. By the time I got home I didn’t feel good at all.
I waited for my roommate to go upstairs after we chatted for a bit and then I started to heat up the oven for frozen pizza since I still felt hungry and nauseous. Suddenly I gagged, pretty loud. I had never done that before.
I hurried to the bathroom and knelt down. I gagged again, then again but this time a small bit of yellow vomit came out. Then bam, the hot dog was back up into the toilet in a mix of yellow liquid.
I felt a lot better, but not about eating. I wanted to eat so badly but I could only choke down one slice of pizza. Then I just went to bed.
Anyways, it was weird cuz I hardly ever throw up & usually have rly good control over that lmao
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nauseousworld · 5 months
aftercare, again
Caretaking right after someone vomits. Like those first explosive gushes when you just know their tummy must have been feeing bad for hours. Getting them to a bathroom if they didn’t make it and fetching them some water to settle their stomach. Asking them if they feel like they’re done for now. Maybe checking for a fever or rubbing their back as they catch their breath. Telling them to let it out if a few burps come up. Maybe them puking came as a complete surprise, maybe they had mentioned their stomach felt funny. Reassuring them that they’ll feel much better with all of that out of their belly. Getting them a change of clothes if they got sick on them and helping them change if they feel too weak. Soooo many nice things here, like the sickie’s belly looking a little bloated or rumbling audibly when they lift their shirt over their head. Maybe the sickie freezes in place with a hand on their belly and a weird look on their face before lunging back over the toilet for round two. And then finally getting a drowsy sickie settled in bed and bringing them a bucket and some medicine.
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nauseousworld · 5 months
aftercare, again
Caretaking right after someone vomits. Like those first explosive gushes when you just know their tummy must have been feeing bad for hours. Getting them to a bathroom if they didn’t make it and fetching them some water to settle their stomach. Asking them if they feel like they’re done for now. Maybe checking for a fever or rubbing their back as they catch their breath. Telling them to let it out if a few burps come up. Maybe them puking came as a complete surprise, maybe they had mentioned their stomach felt funny. Reassuring them that they’ll feel much better with all of that out of their belly. Getting them a change of clothes if they got sick on them and helping them change if they feel too weak. Soooo many nice things here, like the sickie’s belly looking a little bloated or rumbling audibly when they lift their shirt over their head. Maybe the sickie freezes in place with a hand on their belly and a weird look on their face before lunging back over the toilet for round two. And then finally getting a drowsy sickie settled in bed and bringing them a bucket and some medicine.
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nauseousworld · 6 months
My friend got sick
my friend woke up with a really full tummy from the night before. for context we went to a barbecue at lunch and then a buffet for dinner around 10pm, which probably wasn't smart for them cause clearly none of it digested. they whined a little and looked at me, telling me they felt super nauseous. i sighed and moved us to the bathroom because the last thing i want to do is clean up vomit from the bed.
they sat in front of the toilet for a while just sort of airily burping and whining afterward, rubbing at his tummy desperately. i was horny but i didn't say anything.
for about an hour this continued, and the nausea was apparently unbearable. i told them to just force the vomit up with his fingers, which startled him a little because it’s a little bit of a jarring concept i suppose.
eventually, they slid his fingers back across their tongue and gagged on them, drool going everywhere. after a few burpy retches, a torrent of vomit came out, and then it wouldn’t stop.
lots of cuddles followed.
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nauseousworld · 7 months
It was not a burp.
As they hit the tight hairpin bends, Daniella knew her daughter would inevitably get sick, but did not think that she would as well.
Needing a break, Daniella took her teenage daughter Hayley with her, and visited her cousin Georgina in far away New Zealand. The invitation had been open for years, and now was a good time. This was the end of their first week, and they were in George’s small car, headed on the highway south from the small city of Radclif, to the seaside town of Port Kildare.
The short trip on the freeway had them at the fishing wharf in twenty minutes, and soon the three were exploring. Then it was time for lunch, at the restaurant with the great ocean views. Fortunately for Danni, there was a good vegetarian selection on the menu. After a relaxing meal, they sat and enjoyed the view with cups of tea, or in Hayley’s case, a milkshake.
After some shopping, they all headed back to the car, when suddenly there was a vibration. Moments later, the world shook violently, and things around them were falling over. The earthquake went on for what seemed like a long time. They were glad that it had hit while they were in the open, and not indoors.
For a while, they sat in the car, waiting to see what might happen next. All was quiet, except for a fire truck speeding past. Eventually, George started her car, and they were back on the highway. They were looking forward to getting home, but the plan to drive back was thrown into disarray. At the causeway just north of the town, barriers were across the highway, and there was a police car.
‘What’s the problem, officer?’
‘The viaduct has a crack in it. Where are you headed?’
‘Oh, that should be no problem. The Hill Road is open, you can go that way. Back to town, and take the first exit at the big roundabout, and follow the signs’.
As they went towards the roundabout, George was not happy. She knew that Hill Road was narrow and slow, and a twenty-minute drive would now take them at least an hour. One thing that she did not consider, however, was the fact that there was a section of the route which was practically all hairpin bends.
Before they even reached the section with the tight bends, Hayley was already feeling horribly carsick.
‘I don’t feel too good’.
George pulled over to the shoulder, and when Hayley was feeling a bit better, she was put in the front seat.
‘You will say, if you need me to stop the car. Yes?’
By the time they reached the first few hairpin bends, Hayley was carsick again. In the back seat, directly behind her daughter, Danni was also carsick, but she did not want to admit this important fact to herself. Despite her nausea, and the constant flow of thin saliva in her mouth, she was in denial.
After three more nasty bends, Hayley had turned as white as a ghost. So, too, was her mother.
‘I feel sick again’.
‘Let me know if you need to stop’.
‘No, not yet. Maybe soon’.
There was a good stretch of road, then they went through three more switchback bends in rapid succession. These were especially tight.
‘Pull over!!’
As George stopped the car beside a grassy verge, Hayley had her hand tightly clamped to her mouth, and was desperately holding off the urge to heave. She fumbled at the door handle, but finally managed to get it open. With mere seconds to spare, she jumped out of the car and raced across the short grass.
From the back seat, Danni watched her daughter flee across the grass. She had also been feeling slightly carsick, and it bothered her, but now she was fixed on the scene through the car window. She saw Hayley stop and lean forward, and almost immediately start to be sick. Yellowish vomit was gushing like water from a hose, onto the grass below.
Not long after the initial outpouring, Hayley bent further forward and suddenly erupted several streams of lumpy sick, which broke into long blobs as they hit the grass. This happened again, and now the grass was well splattered with throw up. Another stream of spew followed, and now there was a distinct mound on the grass.
Five minutes later, George had escorted Hayley back to the car and she was recovering on the front seat, with the door open. It was good that George had gone out to help, because Danni was not feeling up to it. She was still quite sick, and the sight of her daughter throwing up had not helped one little bit. Now that she was back in the car, the smell of sick on Hayley’s breath was another problem for her Mom.
By the time they were back on the road, Danni had recovered slightly, and Hayley was feeling much better. The next few bends were not too bad, however Danni still became very carsick. Dizzy, and swallowing and burping constantly, she told herself that it was nothing. Nothing at all.
About ten minutes into the second leg of the journey, Danni was still in denial about the extent of her car sickness. Despite the fact that her head was lolling, her mouth was open, and she could not quell the small wet burps, she convinced herself that this was a minor problem. In fact, she ought to have asked George to pull over there and then.
Time was slowing down for Danni in the back seat. The car was lurching through a trio of bends in the narrow road. She was having trouble focusing on her surroundings. The nausea had become much more intense, and she was beginning to think that she was actually very carsick. The wet sharp taste in her mouth was unpleasant. She had to keep swallowing thin saliva.
It was only a short time later that Danni began to feel very strange, and light headed. Her mouth went dry. She swayed from side to side, and began to feel a burp developing. Still mostly in denial about the intense nausea, she thought there was a big burp about to happen. It was not a burp.
At the last minute, instinct took a hand, and her body turned, and she leaned across. She released the what she thought was a big burp, and immediately began vomiting all over the back seat of the car. Instead of gas, a large amount of pale beige-colored stomach contents erupted down onto the upholstery. There was spew going everywhere, and as it was surging, she tried to catch it in her hand.
For several seconds afterwards, everything was still. Completely shocked by the fact that she had just been violently sick all over the car seat, and holding a handful of warm lumpy vomit, Danni was frozen in position. Then the deep nausea returned, and before she could stop it, a second eruption splashed all over the seat.
When it was over, the car seat was inundated with a thick layer of wet beige-white hurlage, and the smell was sweet and revolting. As she sat there, getting her breath back, Danni tried not to look at all of the fresh sick.
By now the car had pulled over. Both front doors suddenly burst open, as George and Hayley sought escape from the evil smell. George opened the rear door on her side of the car, and surveyed the catastrophe. Her cousin looked at her with a shocked expression.
‘Oh George …. I’m so sorry … I had no idea …’
The door next to Danni was opened also, and it was Hayley who helped her mother to clamber out of the vehicle. As Hayley and George supported her, Danni was sick a third time, onto the ground next to the car.
While Danni recovered, George did her best to get all of the vomit out of the car, with mixed success. It was nearly an hour before they could leave and make their way slowly back to Radclif, and all the windows were wide open. Hayley was carsick again, so they had to stop twice.
On this last section of the journey, Danni did not throw up again. But she had learned an important lesson. Never trust a burp.
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nauseousworld · 8 months
Okay, here’s part 3. TW: I do talk briefly about recreational pot use if that’s something you’d like to avoid.
I felt great aside from a slightly scratchy throat when I woke up the next morning. I drank a bunch of water, ate breakfast, and hung out with a friend (both vaccinated, don’t worry) for a while. We watched TV at his house and got a little stoned (I had an edible and he smoked).
I got really sleepy and had a headache so I ended up going home after a couple hours, right about the time the gummies I ate started to kick in. I felt kind of dizzy and buzzed. I didn’t feel sick, but I did feel kind of off like my stomach was still a little upset from the night before. I changed out of my regular clothes and into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. I laid down on the couch and started watching TV.
I’m not sure how long it was but eventually I got really thirsty and also my head still hurt pretty bad (I think I was dehydrated) so I went into the kitchen and got a glass of water and took a couple of Advil.
This was a mistake. I hadn’t eaten anything in several hours and I take a medication that sometimes makes me not feel hungry until I’m feeling sick and shaky from low blood sugar. (I’m usually good about eating regular meals, but I lost track of time that day.)
I don’t know about you, but taking Advil on an empty stomach often makes me feel really nauseous, so by the time I’d finished by glass of water and was back on the couch watching TV, things were starting to feel a little dangerous.
If I’d been thinking I would have realized that I needed to eat something and I would have been fine but I thought maybe I’d overdone it the night before. I don’t often get sick the day after inducing but it’s happened. I didn’t really feel like puking that day but it doesn’t often happen naturally for me and I didn’t want to miss a chance so I decided I wouldn’t force it but I also wasn’t going to do anything to prevent it.
I stayed on the couch like that for a while just thinking about how sick I was starting to feel. My stomach didn’t feel empty exactly but I could feel the water sloshy around and it just felt like stomach acid and water and maybe the Advil were creeping up my throat.
I realized I was probably going to puke soon and I needed a bowl or something. I didn’t really want to move and there was a trash can nearby (one of those little plastic ones) so I grabbed that and dumped out the mail and papers I’d thrown away in there recently.
I stared down into the bottom of it and spit a few times. My mouth was watering really bad so I opened it and just let the saliva drip for a minute or so. I felt sicker and sicker and stomach felt like it just needed to contract and like the muscles were spasming.
After a minute or two, there was a whole bunch of saliva in the bottom of the trash can. I could see it sloshing around a little when I moved it and something about that triggered a memory of having the stomach bug a really long time ago and my stomach just contracted and I threw up a thin stream of water and stomach acid. My mouth kept flooding with liquid and I kept spitting and after a second my stomach contracted again and this time I dry heaved twice in a row and then threw up some stomach acid. Everything was really bitter and even though I didn’t see the Advil I’d taken I could taste them.
I still felt pretty sick and my stomach kept contracting and I kept gagged over the trash can on and off for a few minutes. Just when I thought I was done my stomach would turn again. Nothing was coming up but it didn’t hurt my throat like dry heaving does. This pressure was lower in my stomach, like it just kept trying to push something up, even though it was empty.
I had to pee really bad at this point so I took the bucket with me and went into the bathroom. I was really dizzy and was worried I’d lose my balance so I sat down to pee and kept the bucket in front of me in case I puked again. I looked into the bucket and saw all of that liquid sloshing around and then my stomach cramped up and then contracted one more time and then I felt a stream of bile come up and splash into the bucket. It tasted AWFUL and it came out my nose, but the second it was out I felt like a fucking million bucks.
I dumped the bucket into the toilet and rinsed it out in the shower, then got myself cleaned up. My stomach had been almost totally empty except for water so I hadn’t made much of a mess but my eyes were watering and my nose was running and I’d gotten my shirt a little wet with what appeared to be water but smelled like vomit.
I felt so much better but I couldn’t get my mouth to stop watering and I still had that bile taste in the back my throat. I kept spitting and spitting and had to lean over the sink and let my mouth just drip for a while. Finally I could rinse my mouth out with mouthwash and got something to eat and drink and have felt fine ever since.
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nauseousworld · 8 months
Hospital toilet
I know I said I hate using toilets because they splash back often but the hospital I am in doesn’t have any other option.
I’ve been sneaking around when I feel sick so I can get some release. Trying to master the arts of silent puking.
Spoiler alert for audios to come: I don’t always hide as well as I thought :(
No pictures of aftermaths because I can’t use my phone when I’m there.
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nauseousworld · 8 months
I spewed again! I went decades without vomiting. Then recently I have violently and involuntarily lost the contents of my belly, on two occasions.
My dog woke me up early on Wednesday morning. I swallowed my daily medication and got up to let him out. I started some coffee and put some clothes in the washing machine. Then I went to the bathroom to wash my face. Except I felt kind of…funny?
My tummy hitched. It was strange. The last time I felt my belly move like that, slimy almost, I spewed coffee with dots of green bile into my office trashcan.
I ignored the oily feeling in my gorge and washed my face. Then I let my dog inside. I was not nauseated or dizzy. (Thank god. I also have emetophobia and nausea is the worst thing I could feel). I took a deep breath, and my belly jumped again!
What the…
It felt like something was trying to come up. I gasped. I had felt this same, creeping ickiness last month when I regurgitated that mornings coffee all over the office trashcan.
Uh oh, I thought. Zofran. Need zofran now. Where was my purse? I needed zofran.
My mouth filled with saliva. Salty saliva. I felt my diaphragm tightening and my throat opening.
Oh good, my purse, my Purse. Zofran. I just needed to get a Zofran in my mouth.
My tongue locked down to the base of my mouth, and I retched. Saliva poured into my mouth.
Ohmygod. I felt as if I was going to…throw up? Ohmygod. Where was the Zofran?
I felt another oily spasm from inside my guts and realized I didn’t have time to look for Zofran. I was out of time. I was soon going to lose control of my gastrointestinal tract. I was in shock as I knelt in front of my toilet. I spit into the water, a bit in disbelief.
I was still in denial that this was going to happen. My belly was fighting it’s way up my gorge. What on earth. Did I eat something bad?
I retched, and lunged over the toilet. Again I thought about the irony that I was in no position to go look for my phone and film it. And in no way did I enjoy this. I felt so sick. Bbbbugh urrrgh.
My head became heavy, my throat full, and my diaphragm hitched and contracted. I could do nothing but drool, open-mouthed into the toilet. Omg my toilet wasn’t as clean as I’d like.
“UhhhhLAAAAT!” Against my will, I felt my stomach contract and then eject its contents at rapid speed. Up my throat, out my lips, and into the toilet without much aim. I spewed up the pills I had swallowed, then gasped for breath. I tasted the bitter coating pass through my lips. I gasped an inhale, horrified that I had just spewed.
My guts churned and cramped. I felt bad. Really bad. Suddenly I was overwhelmed by nausea! Before I knew what was happening, My head was in the toilet AGAIN, almost involuntarily, as I retched. all I could see was white porcelain. I was aware of my hair hanging around me, draped over the toilet seat. So far my sick tummy had missed my hair. The once clear water was now full of yellow ish prior stomach contents.
The spew hit the water and created a spreading pattern. The toilet spun sickeningly around me. The back of my throat burned.
“BUuuuuUuGghhUuuuuuurp” I gave up a loud, forceful offering to the porcelain god. I spewed a big, long, thick stream of beige colored liquid former food. It hit the toilet water and bounced back up on my chin, nose, forehead. I gagged against the feeling. I gasped for breath, spit, and wiped burning bile snot from my nose with the palm of my hand.
woah, did that sound come out of me? It was completely involuntary. I sounded so freaking stomach sick. My dog was fighting to get his face into the toilet bowl. I bet it was a strange experience for him. He saw me on my knees over the toilet, head down, helpless, completely giving up all conscious control to my body. All of food and drink I had swallowed over the last 12 hours or so was going to come back up and out. Up and out under serious pressure. I was so glad I’d made it to the toilet in time.
“GuuUuurrrUUUGHARG!!!” The most forceful spew yet, bringing up my stomach contents loudly. It probably seemed to my dog that I was reacting to whatever I was looking at in the toilet bowl. I had to push him away.
“GuuuuUUUUUURGHUHLAHuuuugaaaack” my small intestines cramped, propelling the Thai food from last night up my throat and out into the now dirtier water. I tasted the butter chicken and thick orange colored spices.
I gasped, and spit. Inhale. Spit.
I was covered in sweat under my robe. I was completely naked. Sweat dripped down my neck, then my breasts. My titties slipped across the slick cold porcelain as I tried to catch my breath. I felt so miserable and sick.
“BUUuuurgh!” I belched over the toilet, then retched. Oh GOD my stomach cramped then, and I lost the rest of last nights dinner in a long, slimy, chunky volume of warm stomach contents that were not meant to come back up this way but there they went, adding to the volume of toilet water.
I rapidly felt better. The stomach cramps stopped, the sweats slowed, the back of my neck cooled down. My throat and sinuses burned. I reached up and flushed the toilet.
I had a sour taste in my mouth. I spit into a piece of toilet paper and examined the bubbly spit that surrounded chunks of rice and potatoes from the curry. I wiped orangish curry snot from my nose.
Oh GOD, that was gross, and I gagged and lost the last bit of bright orange butter chicken into the plumbing.
I rapidly felt better and stood to turn on the shower. What a spew.
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nauseousworld · 9 months
Later that night I got home and heated up some pizza for dinner. I opened the dishwasher to grab a plate but noticed the dishwasher smelled rancid. There was water collecting at the bottom of the machine. And it stunk to high heaven. Like the wash cycle did not complete. And I realized I got my coffee cup out of there this morning. So maybe I drank enough residue of the dirty water to make me spew. Like maybe that’s why I lost the coffee from my belly.
I threw up this morning.
I had been at work for about an hour. I was as standing at copier when I felt some intense abdominal cramping, then felt hot. I closed the door to my office and sat down. Thank goodness I had privacy. The thought crossed my mind that I felt like I might…like I could… maybe…vomit. But I wasn’t nauseated. I closed my eyes and willed myself to be calm. I took a deep, calming breath, but felt my belly spasm.
“Hic!!!” My diaphragm spasmed, giving my belly a sick, weightless feeling. I took a shallow breath. Then another. I tried to breathe deeply but HURP! My diaphragm spasmed, and I felt hot again.
I grabbed the trash can and stared into it for several seconds. I was mostly in disbelief. “Keep calm” I repeated over and over. I also thought about how bummed I am when people say they threw up but didn’t record it. I briefly considered filming this, but before I could even move, my whole attention was brought back to the bottom of the trash can.
I took a deep breath, and the next thing I knew, I was vomiting.
Truly I was shocked. My heave was silent as my stomach sent its contents in reverse, back up my throat. I was surprised more than anything as I heard the liquid hitting the bottom of the plastic trashcan. Thankfully, there was a bin liner. The coffee I drank about two hours earlier shot up my gorge and out my mouth. The spew had an impressively high velocity.
I gasped, shaking and tried to catch my breath. I couldn’t believe that ny stomach propelled coffee back up my throat and out into the trash bin liner.
I peeked and saw brown liquid, with some tiny chunks of beige toaster strudel and tiny dots of green stomach acid. My sinuses burned, and I coughed, my throat scratchy. I could not believe I just threw up. What if someone walked in and saw me clutching a bag of my prior stomach contents?
Mmm I felt better though. I have no idea what upset my poor tummy. But clearly it was bad enough to make my stomach reject it’s contents. I put the bin liner in another bag and ran down the hallway to the big trashcan to dispose of it.
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nauseousworld · 9 months
I threw up this morning.
I had been at work for about an hour. I was as standing at copier when I felt some intense abdominal cramping, then felt hot. I closed the door to my office and sat down. Thank goodness I had privacy. The thought crossed my mind that I felt like I might…like I could… maybe…vomit. But I wasn’t nauseated. I closed my eyes and willed myself to be calm. I took a deep, calming breath, but felt my belly spasm.
“Hic!!!” My diaphragm spasmed, giving my belly a sick, weightless feeling. I took a shallow breath. Then another. I tried to breathe deeply but HURP! My diaphragm spasmed, and I felt hot again.
I grabbed the trash can and stared into it for several seconds. I was mostly in disbelief. “Keep calm” I repeated over and over. I also thought about how bummed I am when people say they threw up but didn’t record it. I briefly considered filming this, but before I could even move, my whole attention was brought back to the bottom of the trash can.
I took a deep breath, and the next thing I knew, I was vomiting.
Truly I was shocked. My heave was silent as my stomach sent its contents in reverse, back up my throat. I was surprised more than anything as I heard the liquid hitting the bottom of the plastic trashcan. Thankfully, there was a bin liner. The coffee I drank about two hours earlier shot up my gorge and out my mouth. The spew had an impressively high velocity.
I gasped, shaking and tried to catch my breath. I couldn’t believe that ny stomach propelled coffee back up my throat and out into the trash bin liner.
I peeked and saw brown liquid, with some tiny chunks of beige toaster strudel and tiny dots of green stomach acid. My sinuses burned, and I coughed, my throat scratchy. I could not believe I just threw up. What if someone walked in and saw me clutching a bag of my prior stomach contents?
Mmm I felt better though. I have no idea what upset my poor tummy. But clearly it was bad enough to make my stomach reject it’s contents. I put the bin liner in another bag and ran down the hallway to the big trashcan to dispose of it.
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