naveminutre · 10 years
His mind reeled. Each card was more accurate than the last. Though he was skeptical about the true nature of Tarot readings, the mere fact that these cards were pinpointing accurate aspects of his life was more than a little frightening. He stared at the cross, dark eyes skimming over every card as though he could erase the ones that didn't pique his interest.
His teasing comment, directed more toward himself, went over Near's head. He palmed his nape and chuckled softly. He preferred to remain here on his days off. Most would call him a workaholic. He favored the term. It built up an accurate story to tell when he got home. If everyone assumed he was there for work related purposes only, and not as a barrier between himself and unhappiness, then he could continue on with little to no suspicion.
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"So in the end, all these cards have accomplished is reminding me that my future is in my own hands, am I correct?" Every outcome they could potentially predict fell on the shoulders of his decisions in the present. Would his decision to stay by Near's side lead to sacrifice of the one thing he wanted to terminate? Would he be able to maintain the facade of control and confidence long enough to achieve the happiness and security that his future could potentially hold? 
"If only they could give concrete answers." He mused aloud. The chair creaked as he turned to the side, glancing at the security screens out of mere habit. The luminescent glow had grown to be less of an annoyance on his eyes and more of a warming comfort, familiarity kept him sane. 
His eyes darted back to the young detective and they softened as he watched those slender fingers trails over the shape of the cross made by the cards. "What in the world made you pick up the talent of Tarot reading?" Near dealt less in speculation and fact. Though his percentages could lend to a front of a hypothesis, he eventually fell into the realms of truth to solve some of the largest cases Gevanni had ever worked on. It was the basis of fact, the solidarity that built the foundation of this task force, that kept him from seeking employment elsewhere; that and the compensation was nothing to scoff at. "You aren't the type to take a liking to the conjectures of fortune telling."
counterbalance ;; counterfeitgevanni
     Near kept the card of death in his fingertips, peering up at the agent as the elder spoke. “So far, the cards have told that there is both good and bad in your life currently and to rid yourself of the bad. As I said… The Death tarot card is not necessarily a bad omen, specifically for the spot that it was placed into in your spread.” He didn’t need to give the other another explanation; the detective was sure that Gevanni was intuitive enough to not require one.
     ”You are free to visit as many places as you’d like, as long as it is on your days off,” the albino continued, then picking up the final card that made up the cross the cards created to hold it up alongside the one already in his other hand.
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     ”This one, as well as the final card  in the cross indicate that you won’t have as unenjoyable of a future as you may think from your previous cards. The Ace of Swords and Queen of Pentacles are in your Goals and Future. You wish to achieve much in your life, and according to this, you will.” Both cards in his hands were placed down in their original positions before fingertips brushed over the bottom card in the staff, the vertical line that rested to the right, as it was called.
     Again, he glanced upward at the taller male. Gevanni seemed perpetually put off by the entire situation, perhaps about the accuracy of it all. At least it appeared it was being hidden well enough. Near would not comment on it. “You, Gevanni, are The Magician. It tells of your confident and talented nature, as well as the fact that further success is capable of being if your life as long as you maintain that outlook.”
     Returning to the cards, he focused on the card just above the previous. Only three remained, but these were arguably the most important. “The Two of Wands for your friends and family is somewhat fitting… Its a partnership card, anyhow. A new relationship with someone close to you will be rewarding. The Four of Swords —” he motioned to the card above, “— speaks of your fears, which can be interpreted as a sickness that has found its way into your life. Literally or not, I cannot say.”
     A small hum could be heard from him as the younger took the final card from the lineup and offered it outward toward his employee. “The Four of Pentacles. As your final outcome, where it all ends up, whatever you’d like to call it… How you are now, you will be lead to happiness and security, but not without making necessary sacrifices in order to ensure that path remains.”
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naveminutre · 11 years
"Ah, I see. But in a sense, this reading is still picking at parts of my life and making subtle suggestions, even if they aren't ones I necessarily have to follow." He watched as pale, slender fingers ghosted across the cards. Each picture gave him pause as he questioned what other aspect of his life it would pinpoint this time. It seemed Tarot cards were good at shaking him up, as anything remotely "telling" about his future could do.
"Partnerships?" He shuddered to believe this current relationship could ever be considered something that has allowed him to flourish. It had tested his tolerance and weighed heavily on his mind, even heavier on his heart. But perhaps... 
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I could consider this, whatever it is that I have with Near, a partnership. 
His current superior continued to eye the cards. He focused on the sound of those tapping fingers as he mulled over the meaning of the card just given to him. Gevanni could not deny that he flourished when in the detective's company. There was a sense of comfort to that quiet, snowy haired male that no other presence could offer. 
Just maybe.
He visibly bristled as the last card was shown. That ominous skeletal figure, the terror of the imposing scythe, he knew what that card meant without having Near tell him. He knew what he wanted to end, but could that be in his future? 
He offered a faint, sheepish smile as he palmed at his nape. "It seems my future is full of surprises and not many of them seem all that enjoyable. What a shame. I really wanted to take a trip to see the pyramids or something exotic like that, but now I fear that might lead to my impending doom." 
counterbalance ;; counterfeitgevanni
     ”I am merely doing what tarot cards were intended to be used for. Simply because I am no psychic or fortune teller myself does not mean I have not educated myself in how it is they read the cards they use,” Near informed easily. It had only taken a few hours of his time in Wammy’s House to memorize each of the cards and their many meanings in accordance to the specific deck they were being used in, as well as the many patterns they could be lain out in to be read.
     Slightly translucent eyes fell back to the cards lain out before him, analyzing and picking out the next card that he was going to explain to the agent. He stuck to the cross, speaking about the four cards that constituted the arms and extended outward from the center. The third card was the lowest one and it showed a woman sitting atop a throne.
     ”Past foundations…” he mused quietly, quickly remembering the significance of this particular card in that position. “The Empress is a card typically associated with maternity and creativity, but here it’s more fitting to consider it more like a card of partnerships. A bond you’ve created in the past has become somewhat of a cornerstone for you and it’s allowed you to… flourish, I suppose would be the correct term to use.”
     Near paused for a moment, tapping his index finger to his lower lip fr a moment with a small hum. How strangely fitting, though he would make no further comment about it. Instead he focused on another card. Moving his stare clockwise, he honed in on the card to the left. This one had brought that typical, subtle smile to his lips as fingers reached out to pick it up.
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     ”Death.” His favorite card. It showed a Shinigami-esque figure, a skeleton with a scythe. “It’s in your past events, though it’s isn’t necessarily ‘death’ that the card is speaking of. It could be anything really, though most likely it is something dear to you. It’s coming to an end. Whatever that is, though, is for you to figure out.”
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naveminutre · 11 years
"No, I insist." The last thing he wanted was to be sent home on time. Though he knew if he did stay, Near would not protest. "My frequent lateness is weighing on me and I feel the need to make it up somehow." He paused to make his way to his desk, shrugging his jacket off his shoulders and draping it over the back of the chair. "I am of no use to you if I don't take the time be of use." 
He collapsed into the chair and let out a sigh of relief. He half hoped it wouldn't sound that way to Near, though the younger male had always been too observant. This chair, this room was more a home to him than his own. He felt comfortable here. There was no tension. 
"Aha, I see." He turned and rested an elbow on his knees, leaning over to watch as Near set the cards out upon the ground. "If you are neither a fortune teller, nor a psychic, then what are you doing with the cards?"
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He froze when Near spoke. A cycle I should get myself out of... His eyes narrowed as he stared at the card, dark eyes darting between each of the cups. If he were given a choice, which cup could he choose? But it was like stepping blindly into a room that could lead to a pit of hell, or getting the luck of the draw and finding a stairway to heaven. Gevanni was currently balancing precariously on the pit. 
"The Heirophant..." He mused aloud. He had heard that word somewhere, but no amount of probing his mind could get him to remember the significance. His morals, his virtues, were those really what locked him in his vicious cycle of abuse that he continued to allow? 
Those dark eyes bore into his own and he hesitated. These cards were oddly fitting for his currently lifestyle; so much so that it was starting to creep him out. But he nodded his head none the less. "Yes, please continue to... do whatever it is you're doing with these cards. I'll listen." 
counterbalance ;; counterfeitgevanni
     His back had been facing the elder as he entered the main room of the base of operations and the apology had easily reached his ears. There was a chance that his tone upon greeting Gevanni’s presence had sounded condescending, but he certainly hadn’t intended it to. Superior he may be, Near was not the type to flaunt it unless provoked. It was simply the matter of the usually punctual agent falling short these recent weeks.
     ”There is no need, Gevanni. I have not once witnessed you needing overtime to complete your work while you are here.” Even if he spent many late hours peering at the younger detective and pretending to continue working as if Near hadn’t yet noticed. There was little that had slipped past Near’s dark gaze; Gevanni should have been well aware of that fact by now.
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     The tips of delicate fingers swept across the ground where the cards lay to scoop them up into a single, neat pile once more. It was shuffled thoroughly, eyes still not facing up toward his companion. “Not a fortune teller, no. Eight times out of ten a fortune teller is simply a very good liar. The remaining are just good at reading body language. Occasionally there are those who appear to have true abilities that look to be psychic, but they are the unexplained exceptions.”
     One by one, tarot cards were taken from the top of the deck and organized in front of him on the floor. Ten cards were lain out, five creating a simple plus sign with a sixth crossed perpendicularly over the center and the four remaining forming a simple vertical line to the right of it. The deck was placed to the side, a single digit sliding up the sixth card just enough to see what lay beneath it.
     ”The Four of Cups is at your present. It’s a warning card about having found yourself in a cycle you should get yourself out of and it would be best to reevaluate what you consider success in your past.” Hand was removed and placed back atop his knee in its most comfortable position after placing the card back atop the Four of Cups.
     ”— And you have The Heirophant representing your obstacles…  Your virtues and the way you tend to handle situations are in your way of getting out that cycle you’re in.” For the first time since Gevanni’s arrival, Near looked up to the elder. They still had much to talk about. “Shall I continue?”
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naveminutre · 11 years
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Gevanni chuckled softly to himself and followed Near out the door. The temperature had unfortunately dropped since his commute to work and he was even more comfortable with the fact that Near was wearing his scarf to protect himself from the cold. It would do them no good for Near to get sick, especially with the chance of new cases popping up at any moment. 
He swiftly caught up to the young detective and stuffed his hands into his pockets to keep them warm. The city was never quiet, but Near was. While cars whizzed past and people bustled by, Near continued in silence, his finger busy with a pearly lock. But Gevanni could see him watching everything. His dark eyes darted here and there and the agent could only venture to guess what was going through his complex mind. 
"Have you ever been to this toy store, Near?" He questioned, reaching out to tug on the elbow of Near's coat to turn him to in the right direction. "It's down this street, by the way." The smile on his face was just this side of a tease as he released the fabric and continued. 
"It's quite large, even for a toy store in the city." He had frequented it for Near only. Gevanni had no children of his own and had no intention of having any. In his line of work, he didn't want to risk harm falling to anyone besides himself. He was completely devoted to Near, so much so that a family would fall second to the snowy male. 
"And the owner, he's quite a robot fan. He always questions me when I come in, even though he knows my knowledge is lacking." He chuckled. "But I've learned bits and pieces from him, as I have from you. He'll be excited to talk to you." 
     It was fairly obvious right off the bat that the younger of the pair wasn’t terribly pleased with having practically stolen the accessory around his neck. Perhaps he should have considered it a gift — if only temporarily — yet the idea left a bitter taste in the back of his throat for some strange reason. He should have also felt grateful considering that even the small temperature drop from just moving outside his typical resident was noticeable. It had been quite a few years since he had willingly wandered from his confines, even longer so to go into the snow.
     He decided to leave the garment for now, bright colors standing out against both the paper white of his skin and his attire. One hand fell into the depths of the pocket of his coat, other returning to curl around yet another piece of hair that wasn’t already spun into one of the many tiny ringlets. Near casually watched the number indicating the floor the elevator was passing lower digit by digit, subconsciously counting the seconds between each small ‘ding' that could be heard from the overhead speaker over the bland jazz music. Steps once again had him following his agent to the pristine glass entrance of the building. It looked practically normal considering what went on within the upper floors. A perfect ruse hiding in plain sight.
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     ”I do not change my mind once I have decided what to do, Gevanni. You should know that by now…” Near answered clearly, eyes rising to meet that of one of his few trusted agents. “I will be attending with you, less you decide to leave me in the middle of New York without a guide, though I believe that has less than a one percent chance of occurring and only under uncontrollable circumstances.” Sight fell back to the opened door and after a mere second or two of staring out into the cold (which he could already clearly feel through his layers of clothing), the detective took the few needed steps to cross the threshold onto the sidewalk.
     He hardly needed the incentive of being able to interrogate a so-called expert on one of Near’s favorite past times, but that certainly made the decision easier. “… Lead the way, Gevanni.”
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naveminutre · 11 years
He knew he was running late. The amount of times he checked his watch had grated on her every last nerve. That coupled with the fact that he had accidentally burned her toast in his frenzy to leave on time had left him with welt on his arm that he was certain was visible even through the suit jacket he donned as he whisked himself out the door. 
Those first few steps to his car were some of the most stress relieving steps. It was like this every day. He couldn't wait to run out of the house and get to work. He couldn't wait to text his girlfriend and tell her that he'd have to work overtime; that the case required his presence for longer than he had originally told her. Luckily being a part of a task force offered him the leeway to lie about his hours. 
The drive, no matter how long it took, loosened the tension that sat between his shoulder blades. The more distance he put between himself and his so-called "home" the better. "Ah..." A single glance in the mirror offered him a view of the faint red mark left just below his right eye. It appeared he had missed a spot when he dabbed concealer across his cheek that morning. However, he always carried a spare bottle in a pocket of his briefcase.
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"Much better." With the evidence of his home life sufficient hidden behind a mask of cheap concealment, he exited the car and entered the building. 
It took him a moment to open the door. He sighed and resigned himself to the potential for reprimand. The tardiness had become a far too frequent occurrence. He was surprised Near had yet to probe for answers as to why. 
"My apologies." He muttered, as he finally built up the courage to step inside. "I was held up at home. I'll work late to make up for the late arrival." He paused to take in the scene before him. "Are you a fortune teller today, Near? Will you tell my fortune?"
counterbalance ;; counterfeitgevanni
     Discovering a pattern had never been a difficult task for this particular detective. All it took was time and the only way to disprove any of his discoveries was to be presented with an exception to his rule. So far, there had been none available. He had never really considered it much of a talent; more so a natural observance of the world around him, no matter how quiet and indifferent he could find himself toward it.
     There was a pattern that had been forming, slowly, over the last few months surrounding one of Near’s most trusted agents. It had been noticed, of course, some time ago, yet the evidence to back it up appeared to be nothing more than a group of coincidences as of yet. The idea of being wrong had been both welcomed and despised in the same moments. Near was never wrong.
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     Tarot cards had been lain about the floor in front of the monochromatic boy with the pads of his fingers brushing over them with care. His eyes had remained downward despite the video feeds from each of the cameras located in the building were located on the many screens that surrounded the room.
     Late again. Five… Four… Three… Two… One… Any moment now and— Ah, yes. The sound of the door clicking open had finally reached Near as he quietly lifted the single card before him from the ground.
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naveminutre · 11 years
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Gevanni caught those slender fingers, halting their removal of the scarf. He used the grip to pull Near into the empty elevator. "I'll be just fine, Near." He shifted his finger's against his superior's until the grip loosened. The scarf was once again situated snugly around Near's neck and Gevanni gave a nod of approval before fixing his hands behind his back and watching the numbers scroll down to the lobby. 
"My coat can be buttoned higher." He explained, before Near could attempt another removal of the winter garment. To give him an example, Gevanni popped the collar of his peacoat and bent the ends across to their prospective lapels. There were small buttons on each of his collarbones to fix the edges of the coat, effectively creating a solid neckline to keep his upper body free of errant blasts of cool air. "Your coat is made differently and the scarf you better benefit you."
They were standing in the doorway, Gevanni's hand poised against the cool glass door. He turned to Near and cocked his head in query. "This is your last chance to change your mind." He reminded the detective. "The display should be quite to your liking, but I can always pick up the robots myself if you would prefer to stay here." Though he offered the option, Gevanni sincerely hoped the snowy male would chose the former, He had bundled up for the outdoors, after all. 
"Though I'm sure if you probed him, he might have some special robots in the back that he has yet to display." He shrugged and quirked a faint smile. "I wouldn't know anything about those, but he might have an extensive knowledge of some of your favorites." 
     There had been a rather determined expression flashed across the features of the childish detective, though it only lasted but a second and he was confident Gevanni had not witnessed it. Removing himself from this protection he had surrounded himself in shouldn’t of been such a large feat, yet the feeling of mild anxiety had begun to set in. Not that Near would allow it to show. That would just be ridiculous.
     How long had it been since he’d ventured out? Weeks? Months? There hadn’t been a need to, and even now it wasn’t important enough to be considered a requirement.
     A single comment about the amount of noise his shoes were making was enough to bring his thoughts back to the present, dark eyes glancing down to the stark white tennis shoes laced onto his feet. The agent had been correct with his statement — the distinct sound of shoe rubber scraping against the tile below could be heard in the hallway.
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     ”…” Even so, the superior remained quiet as he was lead into the elevator to descend to ground level. There was little point in responding to an obvious stateme—
     Near blinked as another layer was added onto his form. The colorful scarf of his companion had been snugly wrapped around his neck. It contrasted greatly with his current outfit, but that wasn’t the largest concern that near was in possession of.
     ”… Gevanni. I do no require your scarf — you had worn it with the intent of keeping yourself warm.” Already, the younger’s nimble fingers had begun unwrapping the fabric from his neck with the goal of offering it back.
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naveminutre · 11 years
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Gevanni cast a gentle smile at the young detective. It was truly a delight to see him all bundled in warm clothing. Though the coat was no different in color than the white button-up he generally donned, it's appearance was certainly enough to leave he smile firmly affixed upon Gevanni's face. 
He nodded and pulled open the door. The elevator was only a few feet down the hall and hearing Near's shoes clunk against the ground–obviously the younger male was unaccustomed to picking up his feet–brought a modicum of amusement to the entire situation. "You are much noisier in those than in your socks, aren't you?" He mused aloud as he stretched a finger forward to press the downward facing arrow. 
The faint red light from the button shimmered in his dark gaze as he turned to face Near. He assessed the younger male's outfit once again, eyes roaming upon and down Near's body like the elevator that pinged upon its  arrival. His stare fixated upon the pale neck, exposed and vulnerable to the elements.
"Ah, I know what's missing." He ushered Near into the elevator and let the doors hiss shut behind them. His hands rose to unwind the scarf from around his neck and he turned, bending down to Near's level and began to wrap the thick, warm material around the detective's neck. 
"Don't want you catching a cold, now do we?" He chuckled and smoothed the top of the scarf down. His fingers brushed the base of Near's jaw, the alabaster skin just as smooth as he remembered it being. 
     Gevanni had been quick to slip out of the main room that constituted Near’s headquarters and into, assumably, the hallway that led into the Detective’s bedroom. It was a hardly used area of this floor of the high rise they were located in, space that could be considered both a waste and convenient all in the same moment, if only to be converted into storage for the multitude of toys, dice and tarot cards that he was in possession of. It wasn’t like he slept much these days.
     Short, shuffled steps were taken in order to navigate the small maze that had built itself up around him throughout the many hours of constructing the card towers. Finger continued to curl into a lock of hair as he walked, dark eyes focused on the path ahead and the delicate structures around him. He would have reprimanded himself relentlessly if it were he who knocked over his own work instead of a visitor.
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     As per the request, Near found himself even closer upon Gevanni’s return, coat gently placed over his shoulders for him to slip his arms through. Both it and the shoes placed onto the ground — which were rather new looking despite their age (he hardly found a reason to use them) — were white to match the lack of color scheme on his person.
     ”I’m positive they do,” he answered despite knowing the agent hadn’t expected an answer. Toes wiggles within their new confines, not yet accustomed to being forced into wearing shoes once again. “… I suppose.” His statement had taken just a moment longer than it should have, mind still reeling through the possibilities of leaving this safe haven.
     One hand placed into the pocket of his jacket, the other continuing to pinch and pull at a lock of hair, Near gave a small nod. “Yes,” he restated. “Lead the way, Gevanni.”
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naveminutre · 11 years
Though Near was primarily a hermit, dwelling only on the inside, Gevanni knew well enough that he favored the snowy holiday. Perhaps it was the distinct color of his hair, or the fact that the holiday was centered around the very thing Near spent his life with–toys. Whatever the reason, the agent was exploiting that favoritism in order to encourage the younger male to branch out of his office, his bedroom, his home, to take the time to appreciate what the outside world could offer.
Then again, a little robotic incentive never hurt anyone. 
He waited patiently. It was one of the many favored traits of the agent; his patience. He knew that, after some slight deliberation, he would receive the answer he desired. "I will also grab you a pair of shoes, sir." His eyes darted to the socks that covered those small feet. "You can't walk around on the cold sidewalk like that." 
Gevanni disappeared out the door for only a few minutes before returning with a small coat draped over one arm and a pair of shoes held between the fingers of his other hand. "Come here and we can get you ready to go." 
He fought back a smile as those sock-covered feet shuffled across the small distance between them. He set the shoes upon the ground to use both hands to drape the coat around Near's shoulders. He didn't have to prompt the young man to slip his arms into the sleeves. He was no child, after all. Not a child at all.
The shoes were only moderately difficult. "Do these even fit you anymore?" He teased as he attempted to ease Near's left heel into the back of the shoes. He was kneeling before the young detective, bent over his foot like a doting parent. Both shoes were finally securely on Near's feet, tied tight and neat to ensure no difficulty when walking. 
"Ready to go?" 
     Ah, that was right. With the last two months of the year slowly decreasing with the approach of New Years, there was little doubt that the many shops of the big city would take advantage of curious customers by decorating in the most flamboyant and beautiful ways possible. Near was the type to keep track of the holidays participate in the festivities in his own way, but with this recent boredom… it had almost slipped his mind.
    — And it appeared that Gevanni was going to take advantage of the younger’s affection toward the holiday cheer in order to urge him out into real world. An interesting plan, Near had to admit.
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     ”It seems that you are dead set on convincing me to leave this building, Gevanni,” he voiced aloud, curling a lock of hair around his finger. It was a habit he had yet to drop. “However, it would be unwise to do so. The chances of a case striking my interest rise each moment one does not appear and showing my face is hardly recommended…” He paused, glancing down to the small finger puppet that resembled his predecessor in such a grotesque and cartoon-like way. “… Though L had been known to go out to in times of boredom…”
     Near pressed a small breath through his nose, dropping his hand from his hair in order to place his palm to the floor in order to push himself up into a standing position. “Get my coat, if you would, Gevanni.”
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naveminutre · 11 years
"Ah..." He had yet to think that far ahead when he made the suggestion. Watching the construction of the card civilization finalize had made him realize that the pair of them would be sitting in the room, alone, with nothing to do. His mind had worked out the plan to leave, but hadn't thought about what lay outside the building. 
"Perhaps we could window shop?" He suggested. "I hear they have already started setting up the holiday decorations. I am sure many of the shop windows will be festive and beautiful." He watched for any sign of interest from the younger male. He knew Near well enough to expect little.
"And maybe we can stop in the toy store while we're out." He had heard about the new shipments when he was out and assumed that they might be of some interest to the young detective. "I know they have a new robot display that might be worth your time."
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     Only a small pathway from his currently location to the small set of stairs leading to the upper level that Gevanni had situated himself on wound its way through the extensive city of cards. It would take the Detective a few minutes to traverse if he wished to join the agent on whatever shenanigans ‘getting out of here’ consisted of. The elder man should have known well enough that Near was privy to remaining inside with his own activities than leave the safety of this room to travel outside.
     Though as fingers grazed the surface of the floor instead of picking up a pair of cards to continue his replica, there was that sense of displeasure that washed over him. It appeared his entertainment was complete for now; with no more cards to capture his interest, there was little point in trying to continue.
     ”What is it you have in mind, Gevanni?”
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naveminutre · 11 years
Gevanni leveled dark orbs at the towers. Countless buildings created countless cities upon a precarious foundation that could hardly hold itself up. There were only so many cards left and the civilization would be complete. What then?
An elbow balanced on the arm of the chair and he placed his chin into an upturned palm. "Say, Near." He began, watching the pile of remaining cards dwindle to nothing. "What do you say we get out of here for a little bit?" He was well-aware of Near's aversion to the outside, but a part of him was hoping to change that. 
     Pallid fingers delicately grasped each of the two cards in his hands, balancing them in layers upon layers that seemed almost endless. He had created replicas of major cities, had the towers touch the ceiling and made them expand to the farthest corners of the room. He was getting bored, exceptionally so. The pale detective could only be repetitive so many times before the actions became redundant.
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     ”Very well, then.”
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naveminutre · 11 years
Gevani carefully made his way around the precarious towers. He was more than well aware that even the faint breeze from brisk steps could potentially bring this playing card civilization to the ground. 
He lowered himself into a chair to observe. "I think I'm already well-integrated."
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     ”As previously stated, there is not,” the detective returned, reiterating his previous statements. A pale finger was tapped lightly to his chin, as if in thought. “However, you are free to integrate yourself back into Headquarters.” Near returned to his activities, once more picking up cards to continue his massive towers.
     ”I ask you do not knock over my towers, though.”
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naveminutre · 11 years
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"It's good to be back, sir." He addressed formally. Near was still his superior, regardless of the termination of their previous case. "Is there anything I can assist you with right now?"
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     ”I suppose I would manage. However, I see that you are solidified in your choice to return here…” Near responded, glancing over his shoulder at the agent. “Welcome back, Agent Gevanni.”
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naveminutre · 11 years
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"I suppose you're right." He conceded. "But I have no doubt that work will eventually arise here. What would you do without me? Who would buy you your stacking dice?" 
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     ”Your talents would be much more useful with the FBI, Gevanni. With the Kira case solved and the notes burned, there’s little use putting you to work where there is none.”
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naveminutre · 11 years
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"I have no qualms with staying by your side. I can handle a petty errand here or there. Someone should look after you, after all." 
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     ”Which brings us back to the original point. With nothing to occupy yourself with, you’re free to return to your work with the FBI.”
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naveminutre · 11 years
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"It doesn't surprise me. I'm sure it is difficult to find a case to pique your interest with your level of intelligence."
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     ”No, I cannot say that I am. I have recently seen why it is that L was rare to involve himself in cases; there are very few that are at all interesting.”
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naveminutre · 11 years
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"I thought that was my line. I am here to check up on you. Are you in need of anything?"
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     ”… Showing up here all of a sudden. Did you need something, Gevanni?”
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naveminutre · 12 years
A soft chuckle left the elder's lips, bending to Near's level. "I'd never let you fall." He breathed softly against the young detective's ear. Pulling away, his eyes returned to the snowy sidewalk before them, trying to map out the route to the ice rink in his head. He had remembered landmarks, but somehow everything looked different in the winter. The snow certainly was not helping.
A bend in the road began to lead them toward a small park, the same park that Gevanni had stumbled upon recently. One end was designated for children. Slides, swings, monkey bars; all frosted and white. In the center was a pool, closed during the chilly wintry season. Not far beyond that was an ice rink. He could distinctly remember perusing this area before and never had the slick ground caught his eye. 
He lifted an arm, finger extending toward the glistening patch of ice. "Right over there." he said. "The skates are only three dollar a pair, and you don't have to pay any sort of hourly rate to be on the ice. It's a cheap way to find a bit of fun in the winter." He knew that Near was not looking forward to this as much as he was, but he was intent upon making the snowy male enjoy it. 
Never Let You Fall | stackthedice
Near may have been just as pale as the icy substance, but that didn’t mean he liked it much. The detective lightly kicked at a small pile that was on the sidewalk before a strong hand was gently pressed to the small of his back, pushing him onward toward where ever their destination happened to be. The thought of simply turning around and going back to the comfort of his headquarters was there, though he was sure Gevanni wouldn’t allow such a thing.
“Yes,” he replied simply, tone obviously not too pleased. His arms crossed tighter over his chest, hoping it would help to keep what little warmth he had bottled inside. Each foggy breath seemed to be letting it out, though, and letting the cold air in. Eyes narrowed slightly as the agent began speaking again, hands rubbing up and down his own arms for friction. It wasn’t particularly helping, though.
An ice rink? Near had never been ice skating, and now was certainly not a time that he wished to learn. He was 76% sure that any attempts made to include himself in such an activity would result in some sort of injury. However… The quicker this was over with, the quicker he was be able to go back. “… Fine. So long as you make sure I don’t fall; I bruise easily.”
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