navkshitij · 4 years
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navkshitij · 4 years
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navkshitij · 4 years
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navkshitij · 4 years
Nova Corona infection has spread ruin the world over and is currently spreading in India as well. These are troublesome occasions for a private association like Navkshitij focused on dealing with Mentally Challenged Adults companions (MCF) forever. It would have been very simple to send the uncommon companions home yet my associates and I didn't feel that it would have been reasonable. The guardians of numerous exceptional companions are old and a portion of the uncommon companions have lost one or even the two guardians. In addition what might they do at home? The inertia at home would have activated a great deal of conduct issues and the guardians or kin would think that its hard to deal with their ward in the bounds of their home.
At present we are dealing with 50 exceptional companions at our private unit at Marunji and 8 at our Asawali unit. Five of our companions had returned home for reasons unknown before the lockdown and we needed to ask them not to return till the fifteenth of April. We needed to close during our time school and the day care Autism unit. 24 companions who were seeking the day action will stayhome till fifteenth April. All the staff individuals remaining outside Navkshitij premises have been approached to remain at home till mid-April. This is to guarantee that nobody comes in or leaves the premises. Private staff confronted fundamental test in the kitchen there is just a single individual rather than four. Seeing this circumstance our staff individuals Ganga, Manjula and Asha elected to assist in the kitchen. On account of them our extraordinary beasts are getting their legitimate eating routine consistently. At the workshop we are left with only three staff individuals rather than eight. Workshop Manager Mr. Munde, workshop associate Anuradha and More maushi have been effectively holding fortification right from 11 am to 4.30 pm consistently. This guarantees our uncommon companions are productively connected directly during that time and their energies are all around channelized.
Parental figure co-ordinator Sainath, Facilities co-ordinator Tirupati and Dutta are currently taking care of 35 uncommon companions. Sakhutai alone is dealing with 15 ladies in light of the fact that the other female parental figure Ganga is helping in the kitchen. They take care of the morning activity and help them to have a shower. They organize their garments and make sure that they get their suppers on schedule. Notwithstanding this they deal with them on the off chance that they are unwell and take them to the specialist if need be. They additionally have the obligation of keeping them occupied with carom, snakes and stepping stools, TV, attracting and painting to see that they have a ball after their workshop hours. It is a requesting employment and they are busy nonstop. They likewise need to deal with conduct issues of our uncommon companions.
The circumstance in the nursery is extremely difficult there is just a single individual Omkar in the nursery rather than three. He is making a fine showing of watering the plants and cleaning the premises with the assistance of a couple of uncommon companions.
Ordinarily our administrator division has four individuals. Today the work is being taken care of by Admin director Mr Wayal. Our 81 years of age author trustee Mrs Vasudha Divekar is remaining nearby to inspire every one of them.
Senior supervisor tasks Mr Rameshwar, Facility chief Mr Suryavanshi and I are in consistent touch with every last one of our staff giving them however much help as could be expected from outside. We have limited ourselves very against our desire and avoid going to Navkshitij in light of a legitimate concern for all the individuals inside. We promise them that we are with them in soul.
Workshop administrator Mr Mavhale, Santosh, Rani, Ram, Sadhana and Ashvini is working superbly at taking care of the eight extraordinary companions at Asawali.
Our staff individuals at Marunji, simply them 14 is caring for 50 unique companions with a great deal of care and sympathy. They have needed to propel themselves extremely difficult to accomplish crafted by forty. Their exertion is extremely admirable. At whatever point there has been any such issue at Navkshitij my associates have consistently confronted the test, taken striking choices and carried obligation a long ways past their honorable obligation. I am extremely pleased with every single one of them. We generally figure out how to discover an exit from any troublesome circumstance with the quality of our cooperation and solidarity. It is simply because of this that we can give an upbeat and important life to our unique companions.
This is the Spirit of Navkshitij.
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