nayuman-blog · 6 years
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find someone who looks at u the way jungkook looks at taehyung ♡  
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nayuman-blog · 6 years
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nayuman-blog · 10 years
Hi ^^ Do you have any funny or interesting history about the events that you went recently? Especial about Viptenchou
Ahh!! thank you so much for your question wwww
Talking about funny things that happened in Events, I was very happy that Tencho and YU had a very happy time with eachother in every events!! YU and VipTencho are like best friend and they are with eachothers in almost events. When i meet Tencho and YU in the last events, YU and Tencho still remembered me so i was very happy. Tencho kept using “Atashi” (the female way of talking) to talk and made us laugh alot!! While waiting fans buying goods before touching hands, Tencho danced a funny dance with YU and my nervous really gone almost away (。 ノ∀
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nayuman-blog · 10 years
Hi ^^ Do you have any funny or interesting history about the events that you went recently? Especial about Viptenchou
Ahh!! thank you so much for your question wwww
Talking about funny things that happened in Events, I was very happy that Tencho and YU had a very happy time with eachother in every events!! YU and VipTencho are like best friend and they are with eachothers in almost events. When i meet Tencho and YU in the last events, YU and Tencho still remembered me so i was very happy. Tencho kept using “Atashi” (the female way of talking) to talk and made us laugh alot!! While waiting fans buying goods before touching hands, Tencho danced a funny dance with YU and my nervous really gone almost away (。 ノ∀
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nayuman-blog · 10 years
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hello people who are Viptentyo and especially smiley*2G's fans!!! Long time i havent came back to Tumblr and now i cameeee >___< Just want to tell that im very okay and welcome 2015 with all happy heart~!!! I came nearly for all Smiley*2G and especially Viptentyo's Event!!!! Its a happy end year of me ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ any questions of Smiley*2G or Viptentyo, please mail me!!!!
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nayuman-blog · 10 years
[2014/06/20][SMILEY*2G]SHIBUYA TSUTAYA 握手会 Event Fan-report.
2014/06/20 is SHIBUYA TSUTAYA 握手会 Event ( Handshake EVENT). I had a chance to come. Everyone who buy SMILE MIX at TSUTAYA on 06/11 all get the ticket (?) to take part in this Event! Because it was on Friday so there weren't too many people. ^^ The EVENT started at 17:45 but i was one of first people. This is the report! I wrote so badly so please don't hate ^^ I'm really sorry. English is never my language so my english is bad.Sorry for my engrish. The first people i hand shake is vipTencho!! 1.vipTencho  Na『(ガシィッ)』 *handshake* vipTencho 『Your hand is so brawny neh wwww』  Na『Ah...Yes...www』 ( No no, i was too nervous so i put abit too much strength) Tenchou『wwwwww』 Na『Uhnm...At LIVE (06/08) your hair was really cool! Your hair is naturally curly, right?』 Tenchou 『Its righttttttt ~ But its so regretable that i don't like it!』 Na 『 But that hair style is really good! You did straightened it already ! Curly hair is very cool too! 』 Tencho then only giggling. The problem here is that i forgot the question that i prepared before (I wanted to ask him about CHIGUHAGU www). Ahh...Its just because i was too nervous! 2. The person who sit next of Tencho is YU-kun.Today YU-kun wore brown contact lenses. YU『 what, do you hate me?』  Na 『No no! How can be like that! But you are really tall !! 』 YU『But i wonder i am still shorter than Muchi and Michan!』 Na 『Oh...!How is your height cm ?』 YU『About 177cm…(?)』 Na 『So please be courage to reach 180cm! I will send you cow milk!☜』 YU『Eeh! Really?I will drink it w!』 3.The next person is Kogeinu-san. Na 『In my university there is a person who is really look alike Koge-san!』 Koge『Eeh! Really!?』 Na 『I even wondered "is he Koge-san?!"  www〜But it seems i am wrong right…(laughs)』 Koge『No~ When i have payment i will go to university 』 Na 『So please come to my university (laughs) 』 Then Koge-san even touched my Kaname puppet's hand wwww 4. The forth person i shake hand is Ramu-kun (Rumdarjun). Because they didn't sign, just handshake so everybody has just 1 minutes. I really couldn't talk with Ramu-kun (it was fast). Although i really wanted, Ramu-kun said to me " Today really thank you for coming!" ..... Sorry... 5.Fifth person is Mucchi! Na 『Your glasses are so cool! 』 Mucchi『Today i wear glasses neh〜』 NA『I'm wearing contact lenses too 〜』 Mucchi『Eh、Define?』 NA 『Its Karacon !Your eyes are really bad?』 Mucchi『Uhn...No, about 0.1 , but without glasses i can't see the words』 NA 『I understood!!』 That day Mucchi was really IKEMEN! ☜ -------------------- Please keep credits! T_T And please don't repost anywhere. Of course i think you guys don't do that wwww Thank you for reading this bad fan-report.
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nayuman-blog · 10 years
it was me who wrote 'bout ur exo related account, ok then whats ur twitter account :3
but now i don't write anything related to EXO anymore....Just concentrate to my life and my music i love now...If you still care pls reply ^^.... Or if you want to ask me anything about EXO's private life or Hunhan i will reply here.
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nayuman-blog · 10 years
comparing about interviews on magazine, recently the way Tencho answers Interviews is more cute wwwwww Really really cute wwwww Help me imagine now what he is doing. Because now is Summer so he doesn't go out from his home, just lays in his room and plays game.
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nayuman-blog · 10 years
あーそうなんだ...分かったありがとうねwww but it sounds abit complex so i am not sure if i really understand....In Philippine education system is so complicated neh wwww じゃあライちゃんで!You don't need to talk with me in polite way because we are same same age neh!(・ω・)ノ
[ translation practice ]
10:20 AM: The weather’s niceeeee!!!! うっひょーい 11:21 AM: This evening I will upload a new utattemita cover! 3:15 PM: Uhii~ It’s summer alreadyyyyy 3:16 PM: Today at 1900 I’ll upload a new utattemita cover! (^o^)/ 5:55 PM: The new upload will be up after five minutes! ( ´ ▽…
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nayuman-blog · 10 years
へえ!?マジですか?97ラインですね!17歳でも大学生ですか?!どうしたの?Σ(・□・;)たまに大学2年生なんですから本当にびっくりしましたwww ウチは高校三年生ですw まあ、呼べタメで大丈夫ですのでぜひー!!!(^O^)/
[ translation practice ]
10:20 AM: The weather’s niceeeee!!!! うっひょーい 11:21 AM: This evening I will upload a new utattemita cover! 3:15 PM: Uhii~ It’s summer alreadyyyyy 3:16 PM: Today at 1900 I’ll upload a new utattemita cover! (^o^)/ 5:55 PM: The new upload will be up after five minutes! ( ´ ▽…
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nayuman-blog · 10 years
こちらこそ!!これからよろしくお願いしますー!仲良くしてくださいヽ(;▽;)ノなゆって呼べるんですけど私はなんていうかもうお好きなようによんでいただければw You can call me with any name you like but every people call me as Nayu. xD How can i call you ? まあ、プロフで16才って書きましたねwww去年から書いたっけですねw 今は17才ですけれども(⌒-⌒; )今年の10月に18歳になりますよヽ(;▽;)ノ Now i'm 17 years old ^^ Not 16 anymore...i'm sorry for not edit my profile!! Please talk with me more neh! .
[ translation practice ]
10:20 AM: The weather’s niceeeee!!!! うっひょーい 11:21 AM: This evening I will upload a new utattemita cover! 3:15 PM: Uhii~ It’s summer alreadyyyyy 3:16 PM: Today at 1900 I’ll upload a new utattemita cover! (^o^)/ 5:55 PM: The new upload will be up after five minutes! ( ´ ▽…
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nayuman-blog · 10 years
そうなんですねw分かりましたヽ(;▽;)ノ教えてありがとうございましたー My dream job is Teacher too but for me now it seems impossible ( ;´Д`) so how is your japanese skill now? If you want you can talk with me in Japanese anytime (*^◯^*)
[ translation practice ]
10:20 AM: The weather’s niceeeee!!!! うっひょーい 11:21 AM: This evening I will upload a new utattemita cover! 3:15 PM: Uhii~ It’s summer alreadyyyyy 3:16 PM: Today at 1900 I’ll upload a new utattemita cover! (^o^)/ 5:55 PM: The new upload will be up after five minutes! ( ´ ▽…
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nayuman-blog · 10 years
ah...it sounds cool neh www i don't know about that test, its for all foreigner people? can i ask you where are you from? >/////
[ translation practice ]
10:20 AM: The weather’s niceeeee!!!! うっひょーい 11:21 AM: This evening I will upload a new utattemita cover! 3:15 PM: Uhii~ It’s summer alreadyyyyy 3:16 PM: Today at 1900 I’ll upload a new utattemita cover! (^o^)/ 5:55 PM: The new upload will be up after five minutes! ( ´ ▽…
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nayuman-blog · 10 years
i'm sorry but...JLPT...? What is this? ヽ(;▽;)ノI learn English in School. Almost Japanese people are bad at english, me too. But i think i must try this subject (*^◯^*) Thank you for understanding what i write hehe.
My the most favorite members are らむ、店長、コゲ犬、YU. (文系組) Other members in 理系組 are really funny and cute too, indeed i love all members because they are all so cute and funny. But Tencho is more close with Ramu and YU so maybe i'm influented www
in 2G's radio, i think YU and Tencho and Kettaro-san are the most funny host. wwww But in Interviews, because YU and Tencho is 引っ掻き役 so Ramu-san is always influented by these two people wwwwww
Ah!! Beside, Same as Tencho and YU talked, i think Ramu is the coolest in 2G www. I really think that although indeed Michan-san is richer or he can sing in English www. Ramu-san is イケメン, funny and always serious in music,neh (*^◯^*)
[ translation practice ]
10:20 AM: The weather’s niceeeee!!!! うっひょーい 11:21 AM: This evening I will upload a new utattemita cover! 3:15 PM: Uhii~ It’s summer alreadyyyyy 3:16 PM: Today at 1900 I’ll upload a new utattemita cover! (^o^)/ 5:55 PM: The new upload will be up after five minutes! ( ´ ▽…
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nayuman-blog · 10 years
Yes! I'm mainly VipTencho's fan but i really love 文系組ヽ(;▽;)ノ. Specially 3 people: TenRamuYU. Because you know, their relationship is really good. ^^~~
When i read their interviews on magazines (specially the last magazine Uta Star Plus Vol.3 at last week) , i feel really funny when Ramu talking with Tencho and YU. Because he is always more serious then YU and Tencho, but he is kind-hearted (and funny too) so he is always sticked by Tenchou and YU's joke (and this makes conversations really funny) ^^.
Ah, i think your japanese is good when i read this translations. Maybe these tweets are simple to understand but your translation is correct so don't worry much.(*^◯^*)
[ translation practice ]
10:20 AM: The weather’s niceeeee!!!! うっひょーい 11:21 AM: This evening I will upload a new utattemita cover! 3:15 PM: Uhii~ It’s summer alreadyyyyy 3:16 PM: Today at 1900 I’ll upload a new utattemita cover! (^o^)/ 5:55 PM: The new upload will be up after five minutes! ( ´ ▽…
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nayuman-blog · 10 years
neh!!! Unlike Other members, he doesn't tweet many detail things but so simple neh! Unlike Tencho who doesn't online much, Ramu-san still online and reply fans ~~ His reply tweet is simple but very sincere neh! I think he is really really kind-hearted ヽ(;▽;)ノ Sorry for commenting with this bad english.
[ translation practice ]
10:20 AM: The weather’s niceeeee!!!! うっひょーい 11:21 AM: This evening I will upload a new utattemita cover! 3:15 PM: Uhii~ It’s summer alreadyyyyy 3:16 PM: Today at 1900 I’ll upload a new utattemita cover! (^o^)/ 5:55 PM: The new upload will be up after five minutes! ( ´ ▽...
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nayuman-blog · 10 years
what happened to your twitter account TTTTTTTTTt_______TTTTTTTT
ah....if you ask about EXO related account....i deleted already....I'm sorry! but if you want to ask about my now Twitter account, please reply i will give! >////
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