The Societal Issues raised by Social Media
Societal issues have been impacting our lives in social media, it has been happening for many years in Facebook and Twitter.  It can help people make decisions which they think can impact the future for example, Brexit, Donald Trump, Business and Education.
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Impact on Politics
Social Media has a vital role in politics to help people who want to know what will happen in the future and provide information via videos to help people make decisions on voting.
For example, in Scotland the vote for Independence was the first time young people age 16 were allowed to vote for their choice.  There was a lot on the news about cheating votes being added to the ballot box.
Brexit was a huge shock to people who wanted to stay in the EU as it can make the future worse.   The public need to know a lot of information that the government might make or change deals which can affect businesses, banks or people could lose jobs with what will happen in 2019.
Donald trump has a strong number of followers and can often tweet unpleasant words about people, for example about transgender not allowed in the army and women banned from war.
Impact on Business
Businesses have to play a role in Social Media to improve customer feedback, for example via online surveys.  They can help the business improve and understand their customer market, they can build better communications with their customers so questions can be asked and positive or negative feedback can be given.
Cyber Bullying and Online Harassment
If you are not careful dishonest people can pick you as a target to bully on social media and online harassment.  They can use you on chat and online harassment can target school child and young people can affect kill by their Cyber Bullying on social media if you are victims of cyber bully not let down, do right thing tell legal people or your teacher, report to police.
Impact on Productivity
Many companies have blocked social networks from their office computers as employees are too distracted by these sites to focus on work.
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The potential dangers of social to individuals and businesses
Businesses have a vital role in social media when creating Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google++ accounts.  They can improve their company reputation through social media, however sometimes it can affect their business in a negative way and they need to make sure they are safe from danger on social media.
Make sure their staff are aware of changes and educated on risks and steps to increase their privacy and protection from different social media platforms.
3 Social Media Risk to Business
Human Error- they can happen by accident if you post or tweet an unknown link to a phishing scam, human error can likely lead to a threat to their social media.  
Not paying attention to your social media– this links to human error meaning your account could have something bad happen, for example a virus can spread and be a risk to Followers on Twitter or Friends on Facebook linked to your account.  
Phishing Scam- someone can steal your account information on social media, they can think someone is a real person.   Many times fake people can be clever and work their way into your information and steal your bank details, for example.
Social media policies are vital to make sure their account is safe on Facebook or Twitter.  They can help employees understand better through training.  It is important to have a procedure on safety and guidance on social media.  Best practice encourages the employee to get involved in their social media appropriately.
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Make sure there is guidance on using social media:
·     Create a strong password
·     Avoid spam, phishing attacks and human error
·     Avoid malware and bad software (spyware and ransomware)
·     Procedures in the event of malware attacks
·     Only share content that the brand or company approves
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Legal and Ethical can factor the use Social Media in Business
Legal and ethical factors have a vital role in constraining the use of social media in business to make sure companies follow strict legal and ethical code and that they are careful about what it is they say on social media, for example Facebook and Twitter.  They all have in their business rules code of conduct what is allowed on social media and what is not allowed on social media. It is important to follow the law, for example Copyright, Security and Privacy and Defamation.
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You can’t copy material or work on the internet from other people, for example their business or image without their permission.  To make sure you should ask people for their permission to use pictures or videos before you post them on Facebook, Twitter or Snapchat.
Security and Privacy
There is a worry about security over information and data shared on social media, for example Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.  Limit your information provided on social media network sites by using privacy settings so only close friends or family have access.  There is an increase risk in breaches to your security and privacy to your account these days, if you feel something is not right then you should change your password or share less photos to your Facebook or Twitter.
When someone damages another person’s name, image and reputation.  It can affect or even ruin people‘s lives with untrue gossip about what you are doing in your life and you can lose your job.  You should be careful with what you say in Facebook or Twitter posts.  You can be sued or lose everything like your job, please be careful about what you say on your blog or on social media.
Other can see your information for example:
·     Telephone number
·     Email address
·     Town or Address
·     School or College
·     Employer
·     Spouse or Children
Employee related Issues
Many companies will check on their employees social media page to ensure they follow their social media policy and follow their code of conduct.
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How Enterprises can use Social Media to promote their product or services
When companies are trying to enterprise, e.g., Samsung and Converse, it is important for them to use social media.  Using YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can help them to better improve their connection with customers who maybe want a new look or phone. Using social media encourages people to watch videos for example, which use famous people to promote the business which can improve the brand name and make the logo more popular than in the past.
How to Advertise on Facebook
You are always in charge – it is your choice as to what you want to do to your page, it creates your vison so you do what you need to in order to improve your reach
Budget – you are in better control of how you spend your advertising budget to target posts at specific people at the best time of day so that people will be more interested in your adverts and page and more likely to buy your products.
Pay for actions you want – your objective and aim is to impress your audience so you only need to pay for what you think will help
Audience- you can target a specific demographic, e.g., age, gender or location, to better connect with those who you want to look at your page
Creative – you want to use your company font or logo, add a video onto your Facebook page to connect to viewers.  If they like your page on social media it can add an extra dimension to your business.
·Choose the Right Platforms- it is important that you choose the right platforms for your brand depending on which social media platform your audience use, e.g., Facebook or Twitter.    
 Build a Community- focus on the customers on social media, when people like your page it shows they are interested in your business and you can encourage them to ask questions.
Converse is popular and well connected to people on social media, e.g., Facebook, Google, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.  They have 39.6million fans and 76,000 people are talking about the brand.
Converse’s focus is on design, colour of shoes and different other images.  They also focus on music, comic books, video games and they also work closely together with Nike.
Converse is well known for showing videos on social media, e.g., Facebook and Twitter, people have given these over 16 million likes which shows what interests them and why they want to buy the brand.
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How to be safe and stay private on Social Media
On social media, for example Facebook, Twitter and Instagram you should only trust family and friends to be you friend and see your posts.  If you do not know someone and have never met them you should not trust them. Their family and friends could see what you post so you should be careful as to what you share or say in private messages.
  Only talk with friends and family
Never arrange to meet with strangers on Facebook and Twitter
You don’t know what strangers can do on social media
 Never give out your personal address or information about your life
 You should set your account to private on Facebook and Twitter
Rules involving of use social media
Social media posts should not be any of the following:Offensive
 Likely to cause harm
What is a Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying means using social media, for example Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat to bully people and posting on gaming websites.
Many teenagers lose their life because it has affected them badly when people send messages saying “you should die” or that people don’t want you in their life.
How are UK teenagers affected by cyberbulling messages?49% of UK children have an account on a social media website
62% of UK children between the ages of 12 to 15 have a smartphone
 38% of children and teens will experience cyber bullying
  1.6 million times per year, children call the ChildLine
 ChildLine received 87% more calls about cyber bullying in 2014 than it did in 2013
Examples of Cyberbullying
People can lie and make up fake accounts about you on social media
 Nasty emails or messages to people
Group chat talking about someone without their permission
 Trolling private accounts on Facebook or Twitter
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