ncartnow · 7 months
Iterations of augmented drawing in spaces showing different perspectives.
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ncartnow · 7 months
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Toby Morris styled cartoon characters that could form the basis of a comic/narrative.
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ncartnow · 7 months
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Iteration and development of a collage/diorama. I've used some basic quotes and imagery show the struggles immigrants fact that lead them to move, and the barriers they face along the way. I'm a fan of the style and inter connectivity of the components, however I'd rather focus on a more positive aspect of immigration.
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ncartnow · 7 months
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ncartnow · 7 months
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ncartnow · 7 months
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ncartnow · 7 months
Current Migrant Exhibition
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Although these exhibitions are a little lacking in the display and interactive aspect, they still hold very powerful imagery and words. Dynamic photos on a war-like red background, accompanied by a hard line of text.
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ncartnow · 7 months
Awesome Framing
I'd like to explore the way illustration can be frame to alter the viewers perspective. These hanging sea weeds are beautiful natural curve forms. It plays on the pareidolia phenomenon and we're able to create different images and compositions as we walk around the room or change our angle of view.
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Photo on an angle of a drawing of a photo on an angle? Mind boggling stuff.
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Removing focus from any one object in particular, and looking at the display as a full illustration/composition creates a dynamic sense of storytelling and juxtaposition. This relies on the placement and lighting on each object.
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I'm unsure if the framing and placement of this was intentional, but its even better if it wasn't. The reinforcing structures of the building have cause a directional flow for the viewer, and add the 'trapped' story.
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ncartnow · 7 months
Passport and other exhibitions
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These few items from in Te Papa struck me as great ways illustration is used in everyday life, lifted off that page, and creates political discussion.
Bungaz in the Hood and similar shirts take the mickey out of derogatory comments often made to pacific islanders and use them to challenge the reader's moral standing. By overusuing and reclaiming the terms, they take the power away from them and help outsiders realize their mistakes and blatant racism.
The carve oars are a great example of how placement and media of an illustration can create the entire story and give it a new meaning.
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ncartnow · 7 months
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I just really liked this kiwi running
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ncartnow · 7 months
The Bush City map gave me an idea of how I could show location experiences and statistics. This doesn't necessarily have to be in relation to Wellington - it would be a good way to add a story and life into geographical images/maps.
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ncartnow · 7 months
Te Papa Exhibitions!
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I enjoy the way interaction is added to their native bird display, giving more information. Upon pressing the egg the current update on the bird appears, accompanied by audio examples of their calls. Nice use of framing and contrast to create an experience.
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ncartnow · 7 months
Initial ideas brainstorm
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ncartnow · 7 months
Ed Fairburn
Ed uses a mixture of charcoal, ink, and paint to illustrate over maps. This is a fantastic way to show the literal path these temporary migrants travel, as well as the personal afflictions and emotions tied to their journey.
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ncartnow · 7 months
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these are not by Henie, but again it shows a creative perspective on the world around us, and how it is viewed by different groups of people. I'm thinking I could use a similar method of this, and mix it with light projection/translucent drawings to offer different perspectives in an interactive manner.
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ncartnow · 7 months
Ben Henie
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Some works by Ben Henie that challenge our perception of what's in front of us, and the history behind it. This style would be good to juxtapose the current understanding of temporary migration, and how it is view through difference eyes and experiences.
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ncartnow · 7 months
Just some cool dioramas and layered illustration.
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I really like the contrast of blue and pink on the deer. It appears to be a series of woodcut or lino prints stacked to create perspective, depth, and shadow.
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