Hey, random question. While I’m not as familiar with all of the episodes as a whole as other fans (and please do kindly correct me if I’m wrong) but: Why, of all shows, did Victorious not have a musical episode? I mean it’s right there! I’m surprised it never did when iCarly (and some other shows) got a dance themed episode. Obviously they had great songs and music in many of them. But really, no musical episode? o-o They could have gone with the usual Tori pointing it out but everyone either dismisses it or doesn't acknowledge it’s weird.
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Sooo..... are we ever getting the final season of nola over here? I still don’t understand how we can be only weeks behind the us airing of the main ncis but multiple months behind on the nola one. Sometimes the us season has to finish before it can start over here, I get that, but it ended in May. -_- And was a shorter season. I know the final season was quite out there for a lot of people (or flat out trainwreck...) but it’d be nice to finish it.
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Meant to post this months ago... so here it is now instead. They actually had the audacity to heart this.
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Also on CSI Vegas’ post: ‘so glad you guys are back’ um you guys were the ones who cancelled them... It bugs me how they flippantly don’t care. :/
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I do like that Ncis Nola and MacGyver fans are trying to help each other’s shows out. ^-^ Any MacGyver fans that could help our show’s petition please? *new link* https://www.change.org/p/cbs-save-ncis-new-orleans-ed3cf9d0-03fb-4cf0-966a-320f76657fa9?signed=true
And vice versa:
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I don’t know whether the ‘nola characters might appear in hawaii’ posts are just speculation or what but yeah, it’s doesn’t really make me feel ‘Ooo yaay’. It makes me even more annoyed and confused. >:/ If it is true then everyone agrees that the character’s stories aren’t finished. And you want to carry them on? You know, a good place to do that would be New Orleans. You know, where they’re based and/or belong. -_-   I really hope I’m wrong but I feel that they’re going to kill Hannah off. That takes away the biggest reason for Quentin to stick around in New Orleans and oh look a new space in Hawaii just opened up, how convenient. (Again, I really hope I’m wrong about that and she somehow wasn’t blasted into next week. o-o) If they want to start up Hawaii, cool, do that. But don’t cut an already established, well loved and popular show because of it. Pardon me and my logic but should it not be low ratings first to be booted out? From what I’ve seen there are several below nola. Just... just saying. Sorry, feel free to ignore the rant. :) Might delete later. *shrugs*
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Huh, so I guess my idea of pride having a random lost child, despite hoping it would be a certain team member, wasn’t too implausible after all...
But if they’ve blasted poor Hannah to smithereens... >:/
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I do not like how close she was to that explosion. o-o (her and backup copper bloke) I hope that Gregorio’s line of ‘heartbreak only being ok if it’s on Carter’s end’ wasn’t ominous foreshadowing.  Also also, I had an idea which someone said was interesting, sooooo: Being the manipulative criminal mastermind she is I think it’s somewhat plausible that Sasha could still be lying about things. She could have falsified the documents and she seems like the type who would play out a long winded plan like that.
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Sooooo....... could... could Eva come back for Tammy now?
Please? :3 -sigh- I’m torn between wanting Eva to return and not wanting the show to end. <:(
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Does cbs stand for ‘cancels brilliant shows’?
Cause they do that a lot. After trying to butcher them.
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These reports of New Orleans being cancelled better be fake. >:/ So many things make me angry about this, Nola is by far my favourite and I can't be the only one in that. Cbs has done their usual ‘move it to a rubbish night to kill it off’, they’ve done it before they’ll do it again. I wouldn’t be surprised it it was on purpose, and now with current situations and shows often being shoved aside for super bowl things, that that’s been an ‘excuse’ as well. You know I felt in the first few eps (from what I’ve seen, we of course still don’t have S7 in the uk -_-) that they seemed to be weirdly wrapping up side stories, like, they were expecting to finish but I thought, nah, maybe they just got bored of those side stories. But nope, looks like I was right. >:/ And now there’s supposedly a 4th ncis in the works in hawaii instead?  Yeah because CSI Cyber worked so well didn’t it, after the other three, original included, were cancelled. I’m done with cbs, I’m fed up of them butchering good shows with big fanbases because reasons. Yes Nola has had a lot of cast changes and things to deal with but if you gave it more of a chance... Again I hope its just stupid rumours (doesn’t look like it unfortunately >:/ ) but I also wouldn’t be surprised. It didn’t take long for new orleans to surpass the original ncis for us, and I don’t watch the La one. Don’t know if us fans that actually exist can cause enough stir they change their minds but higher ups aren't really known for listening now are they? Sorry, rant over. :/ Might delete at some point. But I’m just fed up. >:/ 
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Watching some youtube clips of ncis nola and this popped up near the end of one:
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Usually screengrabs of other videos on one currently playing annoys me but after a second I thought of Monsters Inc instead and it made me chuckle. xD Sebastian: I don’t believe it........ Tammy: Awh baby...I’m sor--- Sebastian: I’M ON A YOUTUBE VIDEO!!! :D :D :D (Video is this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPRA8ij9wek  just thought I should credit it) :)
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You know you’re an unlikable character when Roy gives you a silent disapproving shake of the head.
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I wonder if Isler’s still sat on the riverbank trying to catch that one fish he wanted. Does he know about world events? Is his beard 3ft long now? Did he ever catch his fish??? Has he set up a little stall with all the stuff he’s fished out? Did he end up like that fisherman in rdr2? I hope not...
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I didn’t think Ryan could sound any more English, until he called Hannah ‘love.’ That’s so English. I loved it.   xD
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Sebastian: *sneaks up on Tammy with creepy halloween mask on* Tammy: (without turning round) You even think about scaring me and I’ll punch you so hard your glasses will become contact lenses. Sebastian: *smartly sneaks away again* 
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Tammy acquires some cats
“You in position Gregorio?” crackled the sharp shooting agent’s earpiece as she ran up the stairs to the top of an empty old car-park building. “Almost Pride.” Setting down her sniper gear and opening the case she called back again “yep just setting up now.” “Good. Might not need it but just in case.” “K, on your orders.” She confirmed, attaching the laser to the rifle and turning it on while she adjusted the rest of the weapon, loading and checking the scope. It was then she heard it, a scuffling noise. She looked up quickly, was it an accomplice?? Some random kid trespassing? One of the team? ….no. No it was just two adorable kittens who couldn’t resist the red dot and were in mid pounce trying to chase it. Tammy smirked. ‘Not what I was expecting but way better than a gun guy.’ She carefully turned the laser off not wanting to hurt their little eyes as she turned round and steadied the weapon on the wall. The mother cat padded out trying to wash her wriggly kittens as Tammy waited for a potential signal from Pride. But as luck would have it the team managed to handle everything without the aid of a sniper shot. For once Tammy was glad, she did love making epic one shots but it hadn’t gone unnoticed by her that the kittens had waddled up to sniff-vestigate her and had settled by her ankles having taken a nap. The mother too had taken a shine to this new person and was sat on the ground beside the agent. ‘That would’a scared them, glad I didn’t have to shoot the guy’ she thought as she let the muma cat sniff her before scratching behind her ears. Hearing the all clear from Pride in her earpiece she packed up again, avoiding the felines as she did so. Hunching over and shutting her kittenless case, after double checking for stowaways, she looked as the cat walked over to her and rubbed herself around Tammy’s arms that were still leaning on the concrete floor. No longer focused on the case she took a good look at the little animals. They were a bit scruffy and skinny, didn’t look like they ever wore collars in their lives, at least the mother hadn’t. And they weren’t feral. ‘Maybe they get snacks from people on the street’ she thought. “I’m sorry guys, I don’t have any food on me right now.” She felt her heart break at the little squeaky mew from one of the babies. She gave them all a gentle pet and rose to her feet, picking up her kit. “Bye guys, good luck” she called heading for the stairwell. *Mrreow* Stopping at the stairs she turned around to see all three had followed her. “Aw, guys, I’m sorry I can’t take yo---” Tammy looked at the three hopeful faces staring up at her. “…..Sebastian is gonna love you!” she caved and knelt down again. “You want to come with me?” As if to answer the cat bopped her paw on Tammy’s hand. ‘Sometimes animals pick us.’ She’d heard that somewhere before and it popped into her mind. The agent smiled and put down her kit. Down below the lead agent had been wondering where his sniper had got to and was getting anxious. “Gregorio! There you are, are you ---alright?” Pride half said, jogging over to his agent who…had an armful of cats? “Yeah I’m ok! ^-^ These guys need some food and water though.” Hannah, Quentin and Sebastian joined them. Pride just chuckled “Where did you find them?” “They kinda found me, I realised I was playing with them by mistake when I set my scope up with the light on. Is this how you get cats?”  “Naaw!” Hannah grinned wriggling a finger at the kittens who swiped their little paws at it. “So this is little girl is Sniper, her brother is Claws and their mom is--- “Slasher?” Hannah asked. “No.” “Killer?” Quentin suggested. “No!!” “Ranger?” piped up Sebastian. “No.……her name’s Widdle Fwuffbwall!” The other agents stared in confusion. “Come on lets go see if you guys are micro-chipped. I hope you’re not” she said to the little cats in her arms as she headed to her car.   “Anyone know the best flea stuff for cats? Poor little guys are getting bitten here.” Hannah jogged over and opened the door for her friend. Thanking her the New Yorker put them down in the back of her car and took off her jacket for them to lie on. “Would you mind watching them while I get my kit and check for any other kit-tens please?” “Yeah sure!” As Tammy ran back up to retrieve her kit and check for any left behind bundles of fluff, the tallest agent huffed. “”Well that’s no fair! I’ve been saying how about we get an animal for ages but she kept saying no!” “It’s a little bit different Sebastian” Hannah reasoned as Quentin agreed with her. “Yeah, it’s totally different, the cats picked her. You can’t say no to that!” And that was how Agent Gregorio obtained kitties. (Had to adjust a few parts from my fic I’m working on to fit better with the show so hope it still works.)
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Sebastian: Carmen?? Carmen: Yeah? Seb: Can you come here a minute? Car: Sure! *comes into room* Car: What’s up? Seb: Seriously? Car:.........? Seb: Why is there a massive goat in my living room?! Car: OHH! That!! Well, you said your roommate was scared of goats and you wanted to prank her for Halloween. Sooo, I got you a goat! Seb: *inhales* Ghosts. I SAID GHOSTS. WHO HAS ANY STRONG OPINIONS ON GOATS?! Car: Ah. I did wonder...
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Person in charge of season photo shoots? Can we pleeeeease at some point have an updated one for nola? o-o Ncis (main) gets one every season, (LA seems to get a few too?) other shows get them if not multiple, so why is Ncis New Orleans always just the first series one shown? There’s one updated one with Sonja in it but aside from that it’s the S1 shot of Pride, Loretta, Brody and Chris on a balcony. It’s a great picture...from 7 years ago... but why no updates? Even the covers of the dvd’s just have Pride on now. xD If someone new came along it would look like:
Starrrring: Pride! Not-pride M.E Not-pride brooklyn Not-pride new guy Not-pride tall geek Not-pride tech guy Not-pride ex international agent *No offense, I love Pride, he’s awesome but you can’t tell me it’s not odd that they barely have any promo-poster type photo shoots.  Obviously now isn’t the time to attempt that but at some point? I don’t even know if that’s the right name for them.
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