ncityhaven · 4 years
NCT MAFIA AU (part 2)
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Who is who?
N/A: These profiles might exist in the same universe/ world with the different units, so they might overlap in other parts.
NB! This is my own world and hierarchy, I’m not basing it on any real facts, events or people.
Additional info:
Dispatcher - name for the soldiers/ hitmans, the ones who handle weapons and killings
Pearl - any type of spy/ intelligence; usually uses different types of weapons to get information
DREAM: In training, not engaging in official business
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Assigned to be the team’s leader
Still gets orders from Taeyong
Super calm, although the pressure gets too much
so he often trusts Jaemin or Renjun to deal with it
masterful with weapons
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Likes to blow shit up
Closer to the younger members
Self-taught, no one knows where he learned to do this
A bit mysterious
Still fun to be around
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Likes to follow and spy on people
Doesn’t engage in dramatics
Trains with weapons in his spare time
Usually secretive about it as he likes to appear weak
Always suspicious of people
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Knows everything that goes on
Likes keeping secrets
Gets too passionate for the job sometimes
Bossy, likes to give orders
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Spy but also entertainer (for the particular crowd)
Actual prince
Good with tricks
Talks too much and annoys people but it’s out of love
Don’t trust him too much
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Youngest member
NCT still doesn’t know what to do with him
Kinda messy but listens to people (?)
Has potential to be a Dispatcher
But he will most probably end up being a Messenger
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Delegates between Dream and other units
Other missions are secret
He likes spending time and training with Dreamies (as there’s not much else to do with his seniors)
Foreigner, nobody knows about his lineage
Awkward but that’s because of his secrets - guarded, so he doesn’t slip
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ncityhaven · 4 years
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[3:00 AM]
"Did you ever get heartbroken?" the voice came clear, as if he had asked that question thousands of times before.
You couldn't know if he ever did, you didn't know him that well. You almost snorted.
"Jaemin, it's three in the morning" you shook your head, your eyes falling on the piece of paper he was rolling between his red fingers. You probably shouldn't have been out there so early in the morning — or late in the night, in February, when the weather was biting at your skins.
Who cared what time it was, really. You weren't sure why you said that, as if he was interrupting something important you had been doing with his question. You should have stayed silent.
Jaemin raised the side of his lips, looking at you sideways, silently enjoying the colour of your lips as they stretched.
He raised his shoulders nonchalantly. "The best questions come at these hours of the day", his voice was so gentle that it was hard for you to understand if he was joking or actually expecting an answer from you.
What was the question again? You observed as Jaemin rolled the joint and turned it on with the lighter in his black leather jacket. You crunched your nose, bracing to be drowned in the stinging smell of weed.
His eyes were already red, Jaemin was tired.
"So?" he let the smoke run out of his throat, or lungs, or wherever that shit went, "Did you ever get heartbroken?"
As soon as his eyes met yours, smiling — you turned around, running away from his gaze as you usually did. It wasn't his fault, his eyes were gorgeous, but you were such a weak being.
You shrugged, "Do love songs count as heartbreak?" you chuckled, arms hugging your legs closer to your chest.
You weren't lying, you didn't know what heartbreak meant; or maybe you did and just didn't know it yet. You sighed softly, making sure he couldn't hear you.
You turned your head toward Jaemin, "Did you?"
Jaemin had a long list of people he had hooked up with, but did he ever get his heart broken? He took another breath from his joint and smiled longingly, looking in the distance.
He had one heartbreak in his life, not from a lover, he wish he did because that would have meant he had fallen in love at least once; but he didn't. His heartbreak was the ugliest kind, the one that had a man gasping for air in the middle of the night, one that made him lose everything. He had his heart broken by —
He cleared his throat and looked back at you, making you gulp. You didn't even notice you were staring, he probably was going to think you were weird. You felt your cheeks heating up.
Jaemin smirked, "Oh, baby. You have no idea"
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ncityhaven · 4 years
winter’s last wish
The cold metal bench was burning through the warm of your thighs, but neither you nor Mark wished to leave - or speak - first. You were grateful for the noise coming from the restaurants and bars nearby the park, so you wouldn’t have to sit in silence and count the minutes and seconds until he left. The music was surprisingly overwhelming – you didn’t want to pay attention but it was less painful than having to sit in silence.
“So… You’re really going?” You looked at Mark. His face was blank, staring at his feet and making shapes in the snow. The night was truly calm and tranquil, contrasted in every way with what they were both feeling.
“Yeah. I start next month,” he answered after clearing his throat.
You remembered how often he used to do it, a while ago. Apparently, the habit still hadn’t disappeared. He kept his distance now, you both did. There was a time when you would’ve held him close in nights and meetings like these; when you would’ve held his hand to warm him and rest your head on his shoulder, even though he hated that. He let you do it because secretly, he liked to do the same sometimes. You used to share kisses, too. There weren’t many and you dated for a while, yes, but that didn’t do much for when you both broke down and didn’t come up again. You played strangers for too long and now, when all things must finally come to an end and see the light of new days, you didn’t care for dating rules or break-up rules or whatever bullshit your friends filled your head with before you left your house that afternoon. You had to meet, to say goodbye properly.
And what better way to do than your favourite place in the city? The exact bench when your lips first touched his and you hands first interlocked with his.
You shuffled in your seat, trying to keep warm somehow. “It’s so far away. You were never one to travel much.”
“Things change,” he said. You knew he was implying that he had changed and you didn’t know the person he had become. It was all so sad to think about…
Mark checked his phone as if he wanted to get away.
“Is it your family?”
He scoffed. “When is it not my family?”
“What did they say this time?”
You had met them a couple of times, his parents. Even then, they kept nagging at him for whatever they could think of. Most of the times he was pressured, he kept isolating himself. That’s when he found out he could talk to you about it, let you know how he’s been feeling. He probably didn’t regret it but you couldn’t see a way you could help.
“I don’t know if you remember… They tried to control what I wanted to do… for my future. Then I just told them to fuck off. I’d do whatever I want. So, here I am – doing whatever I want.”
“That’s irresponsible,” you said. That made him snap his head back to you, with widened eyes. He probably expected your support. “Don’t get me wrong, Mark. It’s brave. But you can’t do whatever the hell you want just yet and you know it. You just want to escape the inevitable.”
“Whatever, it’s done now,” he brushed it off as if it didn’t matter.
You thought it best to change the subject then. “Look, I’ll be frank with you. I know you’ll forget about me but when you go back, years from now, remember what I said to you. I love you and nothing would ever change it. For the longest time, I’ve felt like I have these words stuck in my head, right at the tip of my tongue and yet-“
“You don’t have to say anything, I understood you perfectly fine the last time.”
“You always ignore what I have to say, don’t you? You like thinking you’re the only one with opinion that matters. I broke things off because of you. Because you were dealing with a lot and I was a nuisance.”
“No,” Mark shook his head. “Stop making things up. You were my lifeline. You kept me sane.”
His words confused you. It didn’t feel like that to you.
“Yes, you were. Y-you know that.”
“I didn’t. Maybe if you listened closely, you might’ve made me stay.”
You didn’t like blaming him for what transpired between you two. It was your fault as much as his for not communicating well. But how could one communicate well when they feel like their whole world is crashing and could destroy everyone around them?
“It’s getting late. I need to go.”
He didn’t say anything else. There wasn’t anything else to say, at least not on his part. You could find words to keep him longer at your side but there was no point in both of you freezing in the cold winter night. You realised you still didn’t say goodbye properly. Was it not a goodbye then? Did that mean you’d see him again before he goes or when he returns again? Whatever the answer, you convinced yourself it didn’t matter anymore. Goodbyes didn’t have to be goodbyes.
[let me know if you want a pt 2]
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ncityhaven · 4 years
I feel so out of touch with reality and yet, I can’t seem to shake off the thoughts of it. What’s that feeling called? I’d like to give it a name if it doesn’t have one.
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ncityhaven · 4 years
sunrise [jh]
“What are you thinking about?” Jaehyun asked over the phone. His voice was muffled. He must be doing something else. Must have put the phone on speaker. The conversation was probably nothing more than background noise to him then.
“Nothing and everything,” you said.
“How come? What could be so complicated so you can’t put it into words?”
You laughed. It wasn’t a happy laugh or an amused laugh. It was a sad one. Like the one you do when you feel like keeping quiet would only make you look more miserable. “Just things. I don’t know how to explain it. It’s just a feeling.”
“Well... okay. Tell me what you want to do now.”
There was silence. You thought about it but there was nothing in particular you wanted to do.
“I just want to... watch something. See something. To distract me.”
There was silence again. Then you heard the weird ruffle from the other line. What could it be?
“Are you alright?” you asked him after the short pause.
“Yes,” he replied. “Look out your window.”
And you did. At first you couldn’t see anything but the snow-covered grass at the backyard of your house. Then there was the small fence at the back, also lost somewhere in the snow. And behind it, there stood he. Jaehyun held something in his hand but you couldn’t quite tell what it was. He smiled at you, even though he could barely see you in the dark.
You looked at the clock. 4 AM.
“What are you doing here? It’s too late.”
“It’s a bit early, you mean. Get your coat and come out.”
You did so, although you were still unsure why you had to. What did he have in mind? You hoped it wasn’t one of his crazier ideas...
“Can you please tell me why I needed to come out in the cold at 4am? You asked casually, trying not to seem nervous.
“I’m here to distract you. We’re going to watch the sunrise.”
“The sunrise’s not in another... 4 hours at least.”
He smiled warmly, making you forget you were freezing in the cold.
“We’re going to a very special place. Come on, I have food.”
You laughed. And this time it wasn’t a sad laugh. You laughed because he knew how to bait you. He knew how to make you stay. He didn’t need to know you were already tired when you left for the special place, no. All he needed to know is that he's made you... Well, less sad. But most importantly, you both weren’t alone that night.
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ncityhaven · 5 years
pretty lies (nct mafia au)
oc x doyoung
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“How do you know if we’re telling the truth?” The girl asked, comfortably leaning back in her chair.
“You wouldn’t dare lie to me. If you do, it only gets worse.”
“That is if you don’t kill me first.”
“Precisely,” Doyoung answered, smiling wickedly. He had that sympathetic face until somebody pissed him off or tried to play him. “I’m the master of secrets,” he continued. “Your honeyed words and teary eyes wouldn’t work on me.”
“Are you sure? I have succeeded even with the most stubborn of men. And women.” 
He raised an eyebrow. “I wasn’t aware you had that much experience. I guess I don’t have to teach you everything.”
“No, master,” she chuckled. “I’ve been a Pearl before. Of course, I wasn’t called a Pearl then.”
“What was your name?”
“Kaya,” she whispered. “Pretty, isn’t it?”
“And a lie. You don’t suit it.”
“Ouch,” she picked up a glass of wine from the table before her. Doyoung noticed the boldness in the move - she wasn’t supposed to touch anything of his. “I wouldn’t like to change it, if you don’t mind. I think I might have somewhat of a reputation around here.”
“No worries,” he walked to where she was seated, taking the place on the sofa before her. Doyoung reached for the glass of wine while she was still drinking, pulling it away from her hands. “Remember everything has an order here. Where you come from, it might’ve been fine to drink from your boss’ cup but here... You play by our rules.”
“No worries,” she echoed. “I’ve learned to play by other people’s rules. You needn’t say more.”
With that, she smiled and stood up to go. She couldn’t help but notice how everyone seemed so interested in her and her past. Wasn’t the whole point of the gang to forget about your shameful past and continue to be equally shameful but with no one to remember what you did? Yes, that’s why she joined. She only hoped the secrets’ master didn’t dig deeper into her origins.
“I won’t ask too much of you,” he continued, stopping her in her tracks on her way out of his office. “I only want you to deliver the correct information. Don’t try to lie or hide it; it could kill you.”
“I never do.”
Doyoung couldn’t see her face then but he knew she was lying even then. There was something off about her.
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ncityhaven · 5 years
NCT MAFIA AU (part 1)
Who is who?
N/A: These profiles might exist in the same universe/ world with the different units, so they might overlap in other parts.
NB! This is my own world and hierarchy, I’m not basing it on any real facts, events or people.
Additional info:
Dispatcher - name for the soldiers/ hitmans, the ones who handle weapons and killings
Pearl - any type of spy/ intelligence; usually uses different types of weapons to get information
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The Big Boss
Nothing goes on without him knowing
Informed about everything that occurs in the city
Protects his people, treats them with respect
Always recruiting new soldiers
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Equal to Taeyong
Ledger keeper
Is the one who knows first about everything and everyone
Has his own little army of spies in the city
The one who finds the new recruits and brings them to Taeyong
Everyone confides in him, although he shouldn’t be very trustworthy.
Owns a pleasure house
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In charge of acquiring weapons.
Helps recruits with their skills
Legendary killer
Not in business anymore unless it’s a high level target
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Soldier, master of archery
Brother of a member of a rival gang
Joined recently
Desperate to prove himself
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Master of arson and bombs
The members know little about him
Refuses to reveal anything about himself and his past
One of the youngest members
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Bit insane, mostly when it comes to killing
Nicknamed Crazy Eyes
Good at heart
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Co-owns the pleasure house
Communicates with the Dispatchers and Pearls (spies)
Sends people to their missions
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Deals with people and new clients
Not actually good with people, no one knows how he got the position
Rumour has it his lineage is legendary
Keeps his true identity in secret (but is it really secret?)
Rarely gets close to people
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Nicknamed Silent Gun
Rarely speaks but reads a lot
Not friends with anyone really
Has a soft spot for Sicheng
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Foundling, origin unknown; foreigner
Best boy - no assigned activity
His missions are kept secret
Keeps close to Taeyong and Yukhei
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 Excels at knife throwing
Keeps his collection in his rooms because he doesn’t trust anyone
Wise, but rarely speaks
Likes to hang out with Yuta
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Mostly conducts his affairs in the pleasure house
Was previously part of a justice-fighter group
Surprisingly, is a pacifist
His reason for joining is still unknown
N/A: Sorry if I repeat myself a lot, I just like a bit of mystery and angst x
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ncityhaven · 5 years
don’t touch me (nct mafia au)
oc x lucas/ yukhei
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‘Yes?’ She called after she heard the heavy footsteps behind the curtains. The girl put the teapot down, turning around to face her client. Not many things surprised her in all her years of experience. She knew she was a fucked-up girl. The person who stood in front of her then was way more fucked-up than her, that was for sure. She liked having him around. It felt less lonely. But she never expected to see him at the tent again.
‘You?’ She asked, her big eyes staring at him.
‘I have a name. You know it.’
‘Yes, Yukhei. What are you doing here?’
He unzipped one of the pockets of his leather jacket and pulled out a note. ‘I paid for you.’
She couldn’t lie to herself then, as much as she liked him. His words offended her. She might have been a whore, working for the same man he did, but there was more to their relationship than mere acknowledgment. They knew each other pretty well. They were the same, after all.
She frowned, not being able to pull her gaze away from the money in his hand. ‘Did you?’ The girl asked, rage surfacing in her tone. ‘You forgot the rules, Crazy Eyes. Payment is made to the madam.’
‘Oh, I know!’ He raised his voice. She was surprised to find him smiling, his tone chirpy. That man’s moods changed as fast as she took to unbutton her brassier. ‘Don’t be mad,’ he urged, raising his eyebrows with yet another smile. She found that for what it was worth… his nickname was quite appropriate. His eyes did speak for his heart. ‘The bosses wouldn’t let anyone see you otherwise. I had to sneak in as a client, can you imagine?’
He approached her slowly, his smile only widening and his eyes playing around the shape of her. He took in her hair, her lovely face, her olive eyes... Everything; everything he ever dreamed about was hidden just under that robe. He took the liberty to touch her cheek, ever so slightly, his fingertips grazing her cheekbone.
To his surprise, the girl slapped his hand away. ‘Fool,’ she muttered. That amused him. ‘They can have your hand if they see you.’
‘They will never see me.’
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