ncragrey · 6 years
📨 –– Nora & Gansey
GANSEY: See? Not the worst night
GANSEY: You spend a lot of time in heaven, then
GANSEY: But this really is bizarre. I thought it was supposed to be spring
NORA: I'd much rather spend it in the bookstore, though.
NORA: I'd like to think so. :)
NORA: Yeah, I don't know what's going on...
NORA: It's freaking me out though.
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ncragrey · 6 years
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ncragrey · 6 years
📨 –– Nora & Gansey
GANSEY: How sweet of you
GANSEY: Which high school?
GANSEY: I'm fine. I'm exploring the supreme court. Not the worst night I've ever had, really
NORA: Roosevelt.
NORA: Not the worst night? Really?
NORA: I mean, I guess we could be worse off.
NORA: I'm basically in heaven right now.
NORA: surrounded by books.
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ncragrey · 6 years
📨 –– Nora & Gansey
NORA: So, I'm stuck in my old high school,
NORA: I decided to walk around and I found the library
NORA: it instantly made me think of you.
NORA: Where are you? Are you okay?
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ncragrey · 6 years
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mal paced the halls, her eyes glowing green as her frustrations mounted. “what the hell am i supposed to do stuck in here?”
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     Nora stopped in her tracks when she saw the petite blonde’s eyes literally glow green. Parting her lips, Nora cleared her throat and blinked quickly. Surely it had to be something she had imagined, right? People’s eyes don’t just glow. What the hell am I supposed to do stuck in here? “Uh, sorry I’m ––- I’m no help there. I don’t really know what you can do around here. I’ve been trying to figure out that myself actually.” 
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ncragrey · 6 years
Tara smiles back and signs in relief after hearing what the girl told her she does not understand why this is happening so she want to figure that out or try to help people who are hurt. “It’s good to hear you are okay you’re welcome.” she said shaking her head. “I can’t believe this is happen it could be a week but don’t worry we are stick here together and can figure things out.” she was not sure how to take all of this but Tara is gonna make the most of the situation hopefully this will not be to bad when all this is over.
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     Taking a deep breath, Nora bit her bottom lip and looked around the corridor they were in, nodding her head at what the other had said. “Hopefully we won’t have to be here for that long,” she spoke and swallowed, “I have a dog at home. And ––- I need to get home to him,” she spoke and sighed softly. She had managed to text some of her neighbors, as she lived in an apartment complex and asked if they could check up on him and they said they would do it. The girl living across from her had extra keys so she would be able to get inside the apartment, so at least she was feeling a little better about not being there.  
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ncragrey · 6 years
Tara is walking around the high school to see if she sees anyone who could be hurt or just needs any help at all she stops to look around then sees someone. Tara walks up to them. “Are you okay or are you hurt?” she asked them.
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     Are you okay or are you hurt? Turning her head around, Nora smiled at the female who had approached her. Shaking her head, she adjusted her sweater a little ––- pulling at the sleeves so that they turned into sweater paws. “I’m okay, thank you though,” she spoke, her voice soft as she looked around the school anxiously. “Can you believe this is happening? How long do you think we’re going to be stuck here?” Nora was worried sick about her dog as she had been out shopping for food when she had been pulled into the high school by a complete stranger as the apocalypse had decided to make its presence known. She knew it wasn’t actually that, not really, but it sure as hell felt like it at times when she had looked out through the windows. She knew that at least he had enough food and water for a couple of days, but she couldn’t even begin to imagine what the apartment looked like. 
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ncragrey · 6 years
lawrence couldn’t r e m e m b e r how he’d ended up lying on the floor of the high school. in fact, he didn’t even know where his location was in the city. and the man didn’t have the l u x u r y of contemplating his confusion– or the ability to reason through it– at the present time. and that was because he was HORRIBLY i n j u r e d. and so when blue eyes fluttered open, it didn’t take long for the awfully familiar feeling of p a n i c to take over the doctor’s mind. and this happened even arguably b e f o r e he was able to register the fact that he’d suffered a broken femur. and even worse, the injury belonged to his one fully f u n c t i o n a l leg. to the single one that he had that wasn’t crafted of mostly m e t a l. pain that was MIND-NUMBING and stomach-churning seized the male’s body, which was flopped in the middle of a desolate floor. all lawrence could tell was that he was in a h a l l w a y somewhere. someone must have delivered him personally to the spot, given the fact that he couldn’t have walked on the shattered limb if he’d t r i e d. and while lawrence tried his hardest to remain calm, his efforts hadn’t been successful as he attempted to sit upright. that subtle motion in and of itself was enough to have him SCREAMING. it was enough to send white-hot pain s h o o t i n g across every bone in his body. across every neural pathway that he had. dr. gordon sucked in a breath that was s h a k y as his twitching eyes flickered downward. as he begged himself internally not to have suffered a c o m p o u n d fracture, of all injuries. he knew that he had a broken leg– that much f e l t obvious to him. and the man was relieved to notice that the skin that painted his thigh was INTACT. that it was terribly bruised and b l o o d i e d in places, but that it wasn’t o p e n. this is good, the voice inside of lawrence’s head tried to tell him in reassurance. this means that it’s less likely to get infected. dr. gordon took a moment before he tried to sit up a g a i n, only to fall right onto his back again, a loud y e l p of agony ripping itself from his chattering lips. “is a-a-anyone… can anyone h-h-hear me?” lawrence roared with volume that was unimpressive. his throat felt r a w, and his voice was hoarse. “i… i need….” lawrence could feel the tears building in both his eyes and his chest. “I…I n-n-need H E L P !”
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     Wandering around the high school, Nora felt like taking a strip down memory lane. She had a lot of good, and a lot of bad, memories from this high school. She had her first kiss in these halls and she also got her heart broken when she saw the guy she thought she was dating kissing someone else. She also experienced her first detention ––- after she walked over to the guy and punched him in the face for being a lying and cheating asshole. It had been 100% worth it, though. A smile appeared on her lips as she walked past what was her old locker and she noticed how the bump in the door was still there, making her feel quite emotional about it all. But then her bliss was interrupted by a scream so chilling, the hair in the back of her neck stood out instantly. Turning around, she tried to locate the scream and where it had come from. Swallowing against the lump in her throat, she looked around and wondered if she had just heard something that wasn’t real. She moved in the direction of the sound, and that’s when she heard a voice. A broken voice. I... I n-n-need HELP. That’s when she ran towards where the voice had come from, and the sight in front of her caused goosebumps to appear on her skin and she honestly felt like she was going to throw up. He looked horrible. “Oh, my god,” she ran over to him and sat down on her knees, pushing her hair away from her face. “Hey... Hey, what the hell happened to you?”
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ncragrey · 6 years
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“This is pathetic,” Jaina scoffed shoving the piece of paper in her hands into the face of the nearest person. “I know there’s something to be said about the American public school system but who is so idiotic that they’d actually write that the root of sixty-four is twenty? Don’t they have calculators for this exact thing?“ Jaina pulled the paper back and scoffed at it, shaking her head. She had no qualms about snooping around through the teacher’s things, and really if they’d just left everyhing unlocked was it her fault in the first place? "I also saw an entire ham sandwhich in the toilet. Is this what public school here is like? I suppose I should be thankful I was home-schooled.” Was she? Jaina couldn’t really remember what her schooling history was, but she also never bothered to think about it. 
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     Blinking quickly as she was shoved a piece of paper in her face, Nora stared at the blonde who stood in front of her, who was going off on how something had to be said about the American public school system and she also wanted to know who was stupid enough to write it the way they had. “Who knows,” she spoke and looked at the piece of paper, “they might not care, I mean, that could be a possibility.” Nora had always been a bit of a nerd when it came to school work ––- and she did pretty well too. She had always been the type of person who could read something once and it would stick. That definitely made her a bit of a target in school. Hell, some people even thought she was the teacher’s pet because of it. The piece of paper got pulled back and she dropped her hands to the side of her waist as the blonde continued to rant about everything. “I ––- It’s been a little while since I was in high school, but pretty much yeah. It has its perks too, though. Believe it or not.” 
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ncragrey · 6 years
Was that [ ANA DE ARMAS ]? Oh no no, that was just [ NORA GREY ], a [ CANON CHARACTER ] from [ HUSH, HUSH ]. They are [ 21 ] years old and [ ARE NOT ] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
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Nora was the only child of Hank Millar and Blythe Grey.  
She’s from Coldwater, Maine, lived at at a farmhouse. 
Hank Millar was a descendant of a Nephilim ––- and in order to protect her daughter, Hank gave her to Harrison Grey, a regular human who raised her as his own child. He was murdered by Rixon, a fallen angel, but to the outside world ––- it was a robbery gone wrong. (you can’t go around saying he was murdered by something supernatural!) 
At the age of Sixteen, Nora met Patch Cipriano ––- a handsome and mysterious transfer student. Although she knew that he was dangerous, she felt strangely attracted to him. She learns that Patch is actually a fallen angel –– a “bad” angel who was banished from heaven. And, the reason why he enrolled in Nora’s school, was because he was going to try and kill her. If he had done it, he would have become a human being because of who she was ( a descendant of a Nephilim ––- LINK TO MORE INFO. )
Patch ended up not being able to do it, because he fell in love with her ––- and his love for her was far greater than his wish to become a human.
Nora was adopted by Harrison Grey when she was a little girl, after her biological father left and her mother passed away from years of illness. She never really wanted to find out what happened to her biological Dad, seeing as he clearly didn’t want her. And she knows that Harrison loves her. Harrison has always been very honest about her past, and she believes very strongly that it’s because of their honest relationship. 
She is originally from Coldwater, Maine ––- moved to Washington when she was four years old, which is when she was adopted by Harrison Grey. 
Ever since she was young ––- she’s been the type of girl that put school before anything. She wanted to make something of herself and get a good job that could give her money to help her Dad out with his auto-mobile repair shop that he owed! Her best friend, Vee is the complete opposite. She loves to go out and party ––- and it takes quite a bit to get Nora to come with, mostly because she wants to focus on school. 
 She is going to college right now, trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life ––- and she’s working at a bookstore on the side, to pay her bills and whatnot. 
Not having a mother figure out, did make her a little closed off and she gets guy friends more easily than female ones. She definitely enjoys staying in with her best friend, than a night out on the town ––- and you’ll find her sitting in her apartment window, reading a book and petting her dog, Patch, who has been around for forever. 
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ncragrey · 6 years
↱ nora grey ↠ tag drop. ↲
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