ncsapporo · 10 months
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Good Omens S2E2 'Book club' (Xray trivia says Douglas and Neil would love the viewers to read these books) - do they signal where the story of S3 is going? All themes/plot summaries are taken from google (and are not my own interpretations), so may not be totally accurate however are here as food for thought. From L>R I Capture the Castle - Dodie Smith Set in WW2, story is told through the journals of the narrator. Coming-of-age story. Themes: love, poverty, propriety. No woman, No cry - Rita Marley Biography of Bob Marley's by his partner Rita. Themes: centres around the relationship between Bob and Rita. No woman no cry is often used to promote encouragement and recognise that life is worth living. The Crow Road - Iain Banks Mystery novel, 'Crow Road' is Scottish expression for death/afterlife. Themes: death, faith, morality, discovery (self/family). The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Mark Haddow Murder mystery, protagonist has ASD and finds people confusing. Themes: family, honesty, bravery. Catch-22 - Joseph Heller Set in WW2, American bombardier stranded on island and follows his attempts to survive. Themes: individual vs society, moral crisis (self interest vs altruism), morality, justice, personal integrity. Love in a Time of Cholera - Gabriel García Márquez Tale of 2 lovers who reunite after a lifetime apart. Follows the secret relationship - father of one person forces them to stop seeing the other. Themes: parallels between 'lovesick' and literal illness, love, morality, social norms vs personal fulfillment, perseverence/endurace.
*I can't see the next book title!* Nineteen Eighty Four - George Orwell Dystopian fiction, protagonist is frustrated at the omnipresent 'eyes'/oppression of the ruling party. Protagonist keeps a diary and embarks on a forbidden relationship. Themes: totalitarianism, identitiy, reality, censorship, freedom. The Big Sleep - Raymond Chandler Story of a private investigator (PI) hired to investigate the incidents of blackmail against the clients daughter (by a bookseller). PI finds they have been pulled into a bigger story than initially anticipated. Themes: corruption, death as an escape, morality. The Bible Does this need a summary? The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald Story told by narrator in a series of flashbacks. Tells story of a millionaire and his pursuit of the woman he loves. Themes: tradgedy, corruption, greed, love. Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger Covers the expulsion of protagonist from his school and his search for truth in what he perceives as a 'phony' world. Told via flashback/through memory. Themes: innocence, death, resistence of maturation/growing up. A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket (pseudonym) Three siblings are rescued from a tradgedy befalling their family and live with a relative who conspires for their fortune. Themes: greed, grief, lonliness, found family, morality. Herzog - Saul Bellow Told (in large part) through letters written by the protagonist. Themes: ambiguity, personal journey, religion, death, love. There is a mention somewhere of it being linked to the concept of everything returning to the earth.
Go read the books suggested here to find out more and how these might relate to GO S3! (These themes were taken from various sites including cliffnotes, sparknotes, wikipedia, britannica, shmoop, bookbrowse etc).
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