nctaliesuh-blog · 9 years
Right, though? It’s the bloody worst, I swear to god. I’m twenty four, not four. I don’t even have that much cheek to speak of, it hurts like a bitch. 
Excuse the french.
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Oh, I hope I haven’t been keeping you from your appointment, by the way. I feel like I am, talking about my family and my embarassing moments like we’ve been friends for years... don’t mind me, really.
Yikes. Your friends need manners. Oh my god! Your family sounds like mine when it comes to visiting. Like what is with the cheek pinching? I don’t really understand. I feel like my cheeks have been violated whenever I visit as well. 
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nctaliesuh-blog · 9 years
You know what isn’t cute, though? Your friends being able to comment on the bear onesies pictures and saying you looked chubby in that bear suit, while the rest of the family still pinches my cheeks when I come to visit. 
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Oh my god. Your mom and my papa should be best friends. Sometimes he thinks old childhood photos of me are his proudest moments. It’s not glamorous when you’re pretending to be a honey bee when you’re 4 years old. But bear onesies! That is so cute. I wish I had onesies when I was younger haha!
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nctaliesuh-blog · 9 years
After a long, rather stressful week at work, not a hair on Nat’s head even thought of refusing Jai’s invitation to go slum on Blackpool Pleasure Beach with tons of ice cream; just relaxing in the afternoon sun. She’d told Jai as much, saying she felt like she was slowly turning into the hermit her parents had always wanted her to be -- something she wouldn’t and couldn’t stand for, really. Nat truly was grateful to have such nice friends who dragged her out of her cave for the day, made her forget about the internship and course work. Of course, it being a nice day out and them being two women hanging out together, it stood to reason that the conversation would turn to --- bizarre accidents on roller coasters. 
First time for everything, she supposed. 
“I think I remember some rumours about a serial killer on the pleasure beach--- ages ago, though,” she slurped noisily on her straw. “Might’ve been complete tosh too. Give it a bit of extra pow for the tourists, I guess. Y’ know how Americans kick on that kind of stuff.” Another slurp, gaze idly running over the crowd ahead, “But the story went that he -- oh!” Starting when Jai knocked into her a little, courtesy of the massive bear of a man with the smile that could put even the best serial killer blank look to shame who’d just been that little too close. A small shudder ran down her spine, a cautious step taken back. Her eyes were wide when he disappeared, not saying a word, before she turned to Jai. “What if he is the serial killer of those rumours, though? I mean, no one ever told me if he ever got found -- we should do an investigation,” now she was getting into it. “Tail him. Find out why he’s here; I mean, why would a bloke looking like him be at a pleasure beach for pete’s sake, he looks like he’s never had a single grain of fun in his life!”
wild mouse | natalie & jai
Another day in Blackpool; Jai felt better and better here, getting used to the place. Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to actually find an apartment, or a small house, and stay? She would travel a lot anyway and in a town like this one, Jai could feel like a part of some community. She had a few friends already and she absolutely loved the idea of ice cream and Blackpool Pleasure Beach with Natalie, when it appeared this morning. Just wander and talk and laugh and watch people freak out on the amusement park’s roller coasters. Of course, Jai couldn’t help herself and ignore the Norse mythology themed one, Valhalla. Then they finally decided to stip for a minute and get some iced coffee, since the day was surprisingly hot. Their conversation dangerously drifted to a badly chosen topic, which was past incidents in the park. Everything they’d read about some accidents, which included some fatal ones. Pretty unfortunate.
Jai sipped on her coffee, looking around them. “It’s not the best place to get hurt in,” she mused. “You’re supposed to have fun and instead you get an awful weekend. All horror movies with some psycho running amok are creepier when it’s a fun place.” Jai shrugged and turned around, a bit too quickly because she bumped into a man passing by. He looked exactly like someone who could make a huge mess in a horror movie and Jai scanned his clothes for any coffee stains; none, but she shook her head and went, “Oh damn, I apologize, I should be more careful…” She smiled apologetically and patted his shoulder as if it could do any good. Not a single word left his mouth and when  he disappered in the crowd, Jai looked at Natalie quite amused. “Now tell me he doesn’t look like a real life horror character…!”
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nctaliesuh-blog · 9 years
Fortunately, the professors didn’t ask for nude pictures -- though I’m sure they checked out my facebook account regardless, which is a little embarrassing to consider seeing as my mum likes to tag my baby pictures where I’m wearing bear onesies. Not really the image you’d want to project...
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Oh goodness. I’m sorry you had to go through that. It makes you wonder why they don’t depend on online forms since it is already the year 2020. But then again technology sometimes hate you and things get lost in the cloud… literally. 
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nctaliesuh-blog · 9 years
What, like purple with a stuffed eagle on? Shite, that’s something I have to see. -- where are you from, if you don’t mind me asking? 
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YAY! This is so exciting! Once I am done with you, you will be totes gorgeous! For some reason, Violet is always wearing a weird hat, like the one Neville’s grandma wore. I don’t know if that’s like a British thing or what, but that can help you spot her!
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nctaliesuh-blog · 9 years
Pulling a sympathetic, half-horrified face hearing Callie tried eating an entire pepper, she leaned in to pat the other woman on the shoulder. “That was me and wasabi. Certainly unblocks the nose -- also makes you feel like your throat is on fire and you’re about to turn into a live dragon. I think me da’ took a few pictures, because he’s a bit of an arse.” A soft chuckle fell from her lips at the memory -- perhaps she should call her father this weekend, remind him of it. It’d be nice to hear his laugh again.
“Don’t worry about it, hun--” she shook her head, waving a slender hand. “We all have to learn at some point. Trust me, if my mum hadn’t given me a step-by-step chart of how to use a washing machine and how to divide the laundry by whites and colours, I would’ve probably made the same mistake.” Not to mention doing laundry wasn’t the only thing Nat had gotten step-by-step charts of, sometimes even complete with venn diagrams. “Trial and error, right?”
Don’t Wash and Sing || Callie and Natalie
Callie let out a laugh, picturing a smaller version of the woman on a trampoline. “You know…I’ve actually never been on a trampoline,” she mused suddenly, as she copied the other woman’s movements and got up. “I did something like that at nine…except I tried to eat a whole pepper…like just bite into it right off the vine….boy did I regret that.”
She followed Natalie to the washer, paying attention, wishing she had something to write the instruction on. “One cap-full…got it…I am going to remember that.” Callie shook her head…”I probably look pathetic…twenty-two and i don’t know how to do my own laundry. But my mom is really ocd and when it comes to cleaning-type activities she’s always sort of just taken over.”
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nctaliesuh-blog · 9 years
Hah, I’m not even a foreigner and they made me run around just as much when trying to get all the right papers for university. Drove my mum nuts, I’ll tell you. Drove all of us nuts. Almost turned me into an alcoholic, I was so frustrated. 
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Oh one floor higher… Okay, got it. I know right?! It makes me want to have those stamps where it already has my signature stamped on it you know? So I could just stamp it instead of rummaging through my purse for a pen and then sign hastily on the paper. I think several – about six of them who keeps pointing me round and round. I never knew being a foreigner is so hard here. 
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nctaliesuh-blog · 9 years
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nctaliesuh-blog · 9 years
Why, I’m not going to pass up on such an appealing offer; consider me your loyal student in how to look fabulous 101. Bet you could make a fortune of that.
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All right -- avoid running into a cleaning lady called Violet on Tuesdays, got it. How do I recognize her, though? Is she old and has chin hair?
Thanks! And no, but I wish! I’m just really into clothes and stuff. If you want, I can teach you how to look as good as me! Oh, that’s Violet. And no, you shouldn’t be scared of her unless it’s Tuesday. For some reason, she is always cranky on Tuesdays. She loves stopping by and leaving gross presents like that.
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nctaliesuh-blog · 9 years
How Well Do You Know Your OCs
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nctaliesuh-blog · 9 years
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arden_cho: Good morning! Just got to #DOTWNJ see you in a few! I did my own make up today, what do you think?
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nctaliesuh-blog · 9 years
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Well, in that case I’m glad I’m not the only one! Love your dress, by the way -- do you work in fashion, or? I mean, obviously you work here, but you just look very stylish, I guess there’s an interest somewhere.
.... who is the dirty undies lady? Should I know her? Be scared of her?
Believe me, at least he will try. I want to see his Tinder wife too. I wonder if he ran away with the dirty undies lady,hmm…
Hah, thanks! I try to keep them and the rest of myself perfect. Don’t worry, I know everyone wants to hump them and me.
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nctaliesuh-blog · 9 years
Nat almost blurted out she wouldn’t mind if the girl was actually shirtless; or that, indeed, she didn’t mind that she didn’t have a dick-- but from experience, she knew comments like that could make things awkward rather fast so she bit it back; test the waters out first, before coming out to a complete stranger. Letting out a bright laugh, Nat wrestled to her feet again, reaching out a hand to Callie, wiping off her now wet jeans. “Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. I tried impressing someone I liked once by trying to do this really daring flip on a trampoline and I ended up falling straight off... I was seven at the time, but still. It sticks.”
Nodding, she moved to the washer, flipping open the lid of the soap container. “Help me get the rest of this out of here again, we don’t want to have the next one saddled with the same problem. Then we’ll transfer your clothes to a new washing machine without putting any soap in --- they’re soapy enough already,” she snickered a little, moving up her sleeves to prevent them from getting completely drenched. “Normally one cap-full of soap is enough. For future reference.”
Don’t Wash and Sing || Callie and Natalie
“One of us would have a dick…and be shirtless for half the movie,” Callie commented with a laugh, rather liking the woman’s bold humor. Taking her phone back, she sent the photo to her mom, prepared to receive a phonecall about it later. She cast a glance at the mess she’d made, letting out a lamenting sort of groan, her head hidden in her hands for a moment.
“God I can’t ever be klutzy in a normal way…it’s always this big extravaganza.” Shooting the woman a grateful smile, she inclined her fingers towards herself. “I’m Callie…and I swear I don’t suck at everything as much as I suck at doing laundry. Nice to meet you, Natalie…and I would be very grateful for you guidance.”
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nctaliesuh-blog · 9 years
.... I had to do your job, you piss people off on the daily...--- I mean, not that I believe you to be an offensive person, but I had to say no a few times. Guess people thought I wouldn’t put my foot down like you do.
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Was— Yeah. Nothing too serious. Just a short-term fling. I don’t really stay tied down to one person for long, it never works out anyway. 
You pissed people off?? …By doing what. You’re the least offensive person in the building.
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nctaliesuh-blog · 9 years
I like the use of the word ‘was’. What’d you do with her, Mr. Harrison? Oh, uh--- mostly uneventful. I might’ve pissed a couple of people off, though, but don’t hold me to that.
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—Her name was Victoria, and she was lovely. The trip went by well enough, but I can clearly see that I won’t be planning any other trips any time soon. How was everything while I was gone?
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nctaliesuh-blog · 9 years
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That’s what happens when you elope with your Tinder wife and leave me to wade through your business proposals, hombre; how was the trip, by the way --- ?
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…It’s summer. Why would anyone want to have construction done on the boardwalk during the one time of year it’s the busiest? 
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nctaliesuh-blog · 9 years
He can’t tell me to bugger off, I basically work alongside him in his office. What’s he going to do, put me in the time out corner? No, no, we’ll get some pictures of him yet. Some of him and his new uh... tinder wife. 
You do have some shapely legs. ... not that I’d want to hump them, but you know. I don’t blame him. 
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Good luck with that. Every time I try to snap a shot, he notices and then tells me to bugger off and let Darcy in. Mhmm! I named him after Mr. Darcy. And no, not really… He only woos my leg, Max’s slippers, and his love plush.
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