ncthingboy-a · 7 years
Fingers HOVERED the jar in an hesitant pick before clasping around a PINK one, the gooey texture coating her fingers only adding to her ENTHUSIASM ( the slimier, the funnier! ). For its purpose was UNKNOWN to the female, she simply plopped it inside her tea like an ice cube in a martini, her tongue, DOG like in appearance, coiling around her digits.
The lack of REVULSION from his part was WELCOMED; a reaction so refreshing Etoile found herself foolishly smiling while her nervous nails scrapped the PORCELAIN of her cup, gritting noises echoing around them. CONFESSIONS were always so nerve-wrecking, they never ended well in her case, but in her heart BURNED the flame of HOPE. He won’t make it hard for you, he is SPECIAL, accustomed to your oddities even if he has only been here for few time. You can’t let him SLIP by.
The moment a mere MOVEMENT of his cheek was spotted, Etoile’s gaze focused on his lips ( at least, the lower part of his mask ), his words HITTING her like a truck. What did he mean? He was an ECCENTRIC boy, but he was no ghost… She had TOUCHED his belongings. Her PRESENT was left untouched and the same stinging sensation set her LOINS on fire… That was, until he finished speaking. 
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He wanted to STAY by her side! Implications were the least of her worries at this instant; she sprung from her seat, leaned forward and ARMS outstretched to bring the male in an EMBRACE. He loved her! ❛ ––  Who cares! What bad could possibly happen! We’ll be together FOREVER! I need to show you to mother, and father and… Oh wait, I can’t. But it doesn’t matter, baby, you’re the one I’ll CHERISH, you’re not some PRIZE to parade around. You’re my… B-BOYFRIEND! MY BOYFRIEND! ❜
             Eye BOBS on the very surface of tea, a sad, pathetic little organ reflecting his own image back at him. Acquisition of another would not be so difficult, and the sale of such would be even less so. The things humans would CONSUME if they could be convinced it would benefit them in some way or another. Jarring sound of nails against dishware only earn the slightest flinch, jaw clenching at the racket’s duration. It was only a beat before it ceased, before the dawning realization of his words hit her.
             So few had ever reached to TOUCH him. Form was a mystery, a complexity to a degree where often it was feared that touch would bring to light some eldritch horror beneath the calmed mask. Her arms are tight, tight around lithe body, discomfort growing with each second she attaches herself to him. The pet names ensue swiftly, her ideas of forever together sounding much like a child meeting a best friend for the first time. PITY lingers in the depths of his stomach for her. A lonely soul, doomed to be so due to her afflictions. Her madness, her antics, they would bring to her only ruin.  
              Hands pat at the surface of her back, a broken, soft laugh leaving throat. With care he pushes away from tight embrace, grip firm on her upper arms, only for a moment. Pitch nails strike such a contrast over mask as he pushes it up only slightly to reveal obsidian lips, the curved line and roundness of blackened cheeks. So much like a cartoonish TOAD he looked, but the sharp teeth exposed from even the smallest smile take away that childish air.
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          ‘ Yes, my dear, if that’s what you so wish to call me, I will be your boyfriend.              By your side until your bitter end, through the blood and gore and heartache              you will face. I am your GUARDIAN, from this day forth, until I see it fit to              return to the realm from which I came.’ 
        That could be days, months, YEARS that he lingered a ghost in this world, but what better use of his time could be had? He could be off in the Zones, watching the Batter tear limb from limb his most beloved Sucre, watch the fiend destroy his own loving wife and child; over, and over, and over again. He could find HIMSELF at the end of bloodied bat, begging for the mercy that he was never fated to be given. This was a far better use of his time and efforts. To pick up the downtrodden and misunderstood little humans that dwell in the squalor of sadness and rage. She was PERFECT to care for. A maddened little thing with a disposition for violence upon rejection. Malleable to one she loved. Perhaps he could FIX her, allow her to continue on, live a happy life.
            Or, it could all be in vain. Truly, the outcomes were unpredictable. 
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ncthingboy-a · 7 years
Air left her nostrils with a soft hum, acknowledging his DEFENSE. Right, having to help and PROTECT a monster… If that wasn’t foreshadowing. Her past was behind her, yet from time to time it lurked right at the corner and tried to MONOPOLIZE her mind. The present, think of the present, think of your ‘friends’, think of CUTE things, anything to pull you out of this WRECK of a childhood. Think of the man before you.
Hands threatened to shake, but thanks to the WARMTH of the cup that she brought to her lips to take a SIP, any anxiety faded away instantly. Besides, the JAR he pulled from his bag now had her full attention. Such pretty things! ❛ –– You even have PINK ones! I never knew those existed naturally… Can I have one? ❜ And just like KIDS who would trade CARDS at school, Etoile leaned to her side to rummage through a furniture’s inside… There IT was.
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❛ –– I-I would like to give you this… ❜ A petri dish rested at the center of her palm and was placed atop the table’s SURFACE. Inside, pearly WHITE teeth, clean of any bloody substance, slightly pointy and judging by their size, they must have belonged to someone no older than SIX. ❛ –– Th-They’re mine, and since I can’t give you my HEART, for I would die, this is an equivalent. Please, accept them. ❜
            Pallid fingers so lightly graze the surface of his cup; he only now realized he had been the epitome of an impolite guest, and had not yet drank his tea. It was, at the very least, still warm, a sensation to soothe his chilly soul. It was FUNNY-- He was almost reptillian, amphibious, when it came to touch. Skin was deathly cold, but he felt neither this way nor that about it. Acceptance came with transformation, and he had been this way for many, many years.
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                  Her child-like excitement is almost EXPECTED.  She looks onto jar with glee, and he’s only so inclined to give her what she WANTS.  Fingers twist at jar, uncapping it and allowing her to pluck her favorite out of slimy substance at her own discretion. They aided in PERCEPTION, but in his world only. It leads him to believe that luck-tickets and joker cards may not have a profound effect in this world, either.  Head cants as she moves, producing the most peculiar thing. TEETH.  
            He’s had dealings in remnants of the body; so he does not flinch. He does not fear. It brings a question ( why keep the things intended for disposal? ) but he does not ask it. He is a GUEST,  and a guest ought not question the host. Two fingers pick up dish from smooth palm, and he hums. Was this what would make her happy? What would elate her, ease her suffering if only a little? Was THIS what she wanted him to be? A companion, a partner?  
                                                  ‘ My dear, you are aware only you can see me now. Aren’t you?
  No one else will see us together. No one will know that   I exist. I do not mind remaining by your side until you   perish, but you must understand the implications of your   wishes.’ 
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ncthingboy-a · 7 years
A real MAKEUP Etoile had given this house, for it hid the most GRUESOME memories. Up in her attic, FRIENDS with whom she would have tea parties; quiet, lifeless GUESTS added to plushies and imaginary partners, the fruit her feeble mind created. The heart patterned tablecloth a DENTED table ( her mother having once released her NERVES onto it with a bat ), the previously mentioned tea pot; everything had a story.
Little did she know that they SHARED common points regarding mental SCARS and fate; they were tormented souls… Was this the reason why she ATTRACTED him? The thoughts were still blurry to this point, thus she ATTENTIVELY listened to him, eyeing the steam that emanated from the porcelain from the corner of her eye.
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❛ –– A guardian huh… You’re not doing a very GOOD job. ❜ Words were uttered without a hint of ANGER, she looked mildly disappointed. In fact, she did not even gave importance to his removal of her arm. After all, what bothered her more was the following question: where was he during her CHILDHOOD? From that detail alone would she draw CONCLUSIONS and her impression on him was slowly being shaped. ❛ –– You can come in this world so, why didn’t you come EARLIER? You’re late to the party, I needed you way before… ❜
The pills were wearing off with their EFFECTS, yet she controlled her PSYCHOSE by rapidly scratching the skin around her thumb. Then, she would occupy both her hands by withdrawing the tea pot and put two BERRIES flavored tea bags inside flower-decorated CUPS. 
❛ –– This world has these TOO, trust me. And I love them, UGLY things need love too; look at me. If your face doesn’t matter, you should be able to SHOW it without problems– Ah, did you say you have EYES! Omigosh, show me the eyeballs! ❜ Though the beginning of the sentence was on a serious tone, a spoon pressing the teabag to extract every AROMA, her tone soon LIGTHTENED with childish glee.
                                 ‘ Ah, pardon, my dear. I am not always permitted to leave my Zone.                                        There is a terrible monster that roams my land. He kills everything                                         in sight; even myself, once. My duty is to protect, and to aid him in                                                         a savage journey. Backwards, no?’  
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      Disappointment lingers in her voice; but what was he to do about a past that cannot change?  His duty first and foremost was to HER, his beloved consumed by sugar. His second, to Eloha herself. His final was to the world assigned to humans; and with this order, he could not come to the aid of a child mistreated. Surely, he would have helped if he could; provided some solace, a promise of better treatment as days came. But, he knew it would not be so. CAST OUT, fated to befall misfortune, this was simply her path.  
        Legs pull, crossing in seat, body hunched over in only the slightest of relaxed postures. What he could do for her now, he surely would. A light to guide her way to the darkness, or the lover she could never find on this earth; whatever it was she needed him to be, he could easily comply, until the end of her days. This much was owed to her. Smell of tea wafts through air, and he cannot help but quirk a small smile. Hospitality was a virtue. 
       Features light up to the mentions of stray organs, hollow laugh escaping him with little meaning. Digits curl around strap of bag, hauling it into his lap. Raw, glistening meat, dripping still with fluids are set on her table before a jar, large in size, rests on surface. Within gelatin-like substance, float eyes of all manners of colors; browns, blues, hazels--Even those unnatural tones. For what purpose they served, only hew knew; these objects which service to aid in the Batter’s conquest of each Zone, eyes for perception, meats for consumption-- Joker Cards for revival of the dead. His bag in itself, a realm of wonder. 
                            ‘ I doubt the effects will take to you, mon ami, but you are welcome                               to them. This time, it will be free of charge.’ 
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ncthingboy-a · 7 years
There had been only SCARCE instances where Etoile thought RATIONALLY, where she would look at what she had become and WEEP in agony. Children mimicked their parents, their speech, their MANNERS, the way they treated others… The walls of this HOUSE never helped her emancipate from the shadow of her wretched mother, for everything in this home was linked to CHILDHOOD. In fact, the PORCELAIN tea- set she placed onto the table ( her gentle gaze inviting Zacharie to take a seat ) contained the tea pot her mother used to pour BOILING water in and for minor misbehavior she would POUR it onto her child’s skin.
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A toad and a dog… What a PECULIAR pairing. Meanwhile he spoke, FROZEN hands warmed around the teapot that was getting filled thanks to a machine onto the wooden surface. A bitter taste lingered on her tongue; STALKER instincts longed for a full UNRAVELING. But for now she’d restrict herself. ❛ –– Your world, and the vision you have of this one, a well as… ❜
However suddenly, her palm SWIFTLY drifted from the warm CHINA– forward to his mask ( a handful ), merely pressing against it. There was no WILL to remove it, simply a desire to maybe FEEL any muscle twitch beneath it. ❛ –– Why you wear THIS. I’ve seen UGLY faces… They don’t bother me, in fact they EXCITE me. ❜
        A perfect, porcelain little dollhouse!  A past most wretched etched into the very walls, covered by pretty wallpaper and perfect, shining silver. One would give a single glance and assume all within was harmonious, joyous! But, how looks could deceive.  Silent cue requires him to sit, long, thin fingers pulling chair from its’ neat place beneath table. Ever present backpack is rested upon floor to lean against wooden leg of chair. He sits with legs crossed, hands folded neatly in his lap. A tea set; how long since he had seen one. He had a soft side for endearing things, the cutest of items he so wished to possess. However, lips were sealed from inquiry about it. Material possessions mattered little.
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        Curious, curious little thing! What could he tell her of his world, of the God he served, a merciful one onto her subjects?  Vader Eloha and her magnificent guardians, he among them, they were all such a long tale of hardship and heart ache, why burden this poor soul with the horrors he has seen, the agony he has felt?  ‘ To put it simply, I am a guardian, dearest girl. There are four of us; myself, Dedan, Japhet and Enoch. Each of us guards a zone of our world. I am the Guardian of Zone Zero. Our world is far different from this one. Oceans of plastic, rivers and fountains of meat. Metal shapes our earth and smoke composes our air.’ Such polar OPPOSITES, this world and his own. ‘ This one is...Frenzied. Madness. But, it is still worthy of protection. Even if some of you do not think so.’ 
           Pallid fingers wrap quick around her wrist as she touches, dark lips pulling into a frown. Ages had passed since he had taken the mask off for even a moment,if only to switch to another; toad and cat, toad and cat, a bounce between his favorites.  Mere touch from strangers sounded alarms in his mind, but he keeps polite, releasing her quickly. ‘ A preference, you could call it. The face of a merchant does not matter, what matters are his wares. His meats, his eyes, his BATS, the things in which he gives onto others--for a small fee, of course.’ 
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ncthingboy-a · 7 years
Ironically, Etoile felt more REALNESS in this person than others who were bare-faced, yet wore a MASK on their personality. Rosy fingertips would bury below her father’s armpits with the aim of DRAGGING him back inside a hole at the bottom of which were multiple dirt-covered SHEETS, a pillow and beside a metallic PLATE in case of bad WEATHER. 
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Upon delicately letting the body hit the BOTTOM of the hole ( not deep enough to cause damage to the CORPSE ) and the metallic sheet was pulled above it, she turned her ATTENTION to the male. ❛ –– Zacharie… It sounds like an animal’s name. ❜ Not the brightest, she was nonetheless honest with her words. A merchant? What goods was he SELLING? No booth in sight, no commercial panel either. MYSTERY settling inside her body, Etoile would walk up to unlock her door and gesture for him to enter. ❛ –– How about you tell me about you. I want to know, anything and everything. You said you’re a merchant, what do you sell? What’s that mask? I’m CURIOUS. ❜
Obsessed rather. Meanwhile inside her house, everything seemed NORMAL. White walls, a round table, kitchenette, princess-like bed. All’s girly as girly can be.
       The poor HUSK of a man; but, what was there to pity? He was released from suffering now, from hardship and struggle. To know death was to know peace. The final and eternal rest to which all humans were fated. Even himself was once fated to this--but ascension had come, and he now found himself touched by IMMORTALITY. Unable to die, despite feeling every whim and wish of it.  That was in the past; and he finds more focus in his present.
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      An animal? The very idea brings an empty laugh to bubble from his throat, head canting further. What an...interesting thing to say. But, was he not nearly just that? After SLAYING the wretched amphibious monarch, had he not become more toadlike himself? Those facial markings, the elongated tongue. In a sense, this strange human girl was MORE than correct. Single hand adjusts mask on face, and he happily treks inside the home. It was a lovely furnishing; effeminate and soft, even for someone such as herself. Looks and actions can be deceiving. Beneath that harsh, twisted exterior may very well be someone soft.     ‘ -- What is it precisely you want to know? There is much to tell, but not all of it may be said, mon ami, and I cannot step boundaries that may have been set. Do you require knowledge about my skin? Or, perhaps the world from which I came?’ 
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ncthingboy-a · 7 years
bioterrorizing replied to your post “You are nothing but a piece of shit.”
wtf . mortis has been nothing short of amazing
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People are gonna keep hating on me, but I’m gonna keep having a good time, HAVIN’ A GOOD TIME-- 
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ncthingboy-a · 7 years
" You are MY piece of shit. " Bitch who dared.
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              ‘ Oh, mon cher, you are truly too kind to me.             The words of some meaningless fool bring me no harm, but your defense of my honor is simply heartwarming, ahaha.’ 
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ncthingboy-a · 7 years
You are nothing but a piece of shit.
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      ‘ Call me what you will, my friend. Words service to do no harm to me! ’
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ncthingboy-a · 7 years
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zacharie from off makeup test, still uncertain about it
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ncthingboy-a · 7 years
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Who was this WEIRDO and why was he PEEKING at a girl’s BACKYARD? Last time she checked, stalking was a crime ( a lack of awareness on her part, admittedly ). In his GRIN, Etoile found hers, in his behavior, she found AMBITION. What a troublesome MEDDLER, but the blonde was loving, always open to befriend others regardless of their flaws. ❛ –– Ne t’en fais pas, I forgive YOU! I was simply spending QUALITY time with papa, see, today I got him PLUMP intestines and a new shirt. ❜
Said cloth barely CLUNG to the scrawny cadaver, various spots of his SKIN having been stitched, the complexion UNEVEN on his body. In need? Oh, in need of FRIENDSHIP, certainly… That was the reason of his arrival, right? Either way, Etoile’s curiosity got the best of her and she cast a GLANCE at her small green PORTAL. ❛ –– It’s open. Why don’t you enter? I’ll put father to rest, he’s got a TIRING day. My name is Etoile Lambert, nice to meet you. ❜
         Smile to mirror his. A gift to see BEYOND that ever-present mask of his; perhaps the slightest shift in his features, in his posture gave him away- but it did not matter now. Interest in this girl is piqued, an interest reserved for only the most ferocious of killers that roam his homeland with such malicious intent. Forgiveness, forgiveness, he is in far less danger than he had ever thought ( and if she were to turn tail and gnash those pointed teeth, a bat embedded with nails would surely suffice as a mechanism of defense ).  
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         An invitation inside? Oh, how could he possibly refuse her kindness.  Pallid, porcelain hand reaches, grips gate as he steps beyond threshold, into this makeshift graveyard. Eyes do not dare leave the rot so affectionately held in her hands. New intestines. A maker of monsters was she, gathering stray parts ( be they from a willing donor, or no ) and adding them to what was so surely lost. It was the saddest of sentiments; but that thought dare not leave his lips. ‘ Etoile. A beautiful name. I am Zacharie, a humble merchant assigned to this land. It is a pleasure to meet you, as well, my dear friend.’ So colorful was this world, where plastic is a commodity and smoke was a DANGER to inhale.  
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ncthingboy-a · 7 years
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                                                  “I do not care what comes after;                                   I have seen the dragons on the wind of morning.”
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ncthingboy-a · 7 years
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                                                  “I do not care what comes after;                                   I have seen the dragons on the wind of morning.”
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ncthingboy-a · 7 years
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❛ –– Huh? ❜ Previously ENAMORED eyes were now devoid of such emotion, simply gazing AHEAD for the sound of a SNIGGER caused her head to perk up. Had this putrid dried blood covered decomposed corpse been any of her boyfriends, Etoile would be quick to RETORT with usual glee; furthermore, his friendly attitude ( going as far as calling her DEAR ) should have STRUCK her heart…
From behind the FENCE of her house, late under a pale moonlight, the petite blonde lovingly held a tallish MASCULINE… skeleton against her torso, GUTS ( for there oddly were some ) spilling out and a remarkable dark hue coloring the contour of his neck. At least, what was left of it.
        ❛ –– How could you say that to a girl SOOTHING her sick father? He’s         lacking manners, wouldn’t you agree, papa? I just got you cute intestines         and he’s saying I’m a messy girl… ❜
           A hollow, HUSK of a laugh; scripted, emptied of any emotion whatsoever. Always, he would laugh when prompted--follow the cues of when a protagonist speaks. Interest is piqued, a single step taken closer. A mess, a mess indeed!  No ectoplasmic slime dripped from those ROTTING bones, but viscera, the rawest form of gore, the essence of what was once life. 
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           Blackened lips curl in the most TWISTED of grins, another step, as close as he dares! She did not seem so fearsome. A dainty little thing, thin almost as he, though perhaps a little shorter. What, however, had inspired her to dig up this festering CORPSE, and why call it so affectionately a father? Was this what remnants remain of a family now lost to time? Had SHE been the one to bring such doom to her own blood, slay them like PIGS? He has seen it too many times. 
                                               And too many times had he stopped trying to save them.
        ‘ Oh, mon cher, I do apologize. Was I interrupting something, perhaps, private? Ahaha. How           I’d hate to be meddlesome in personal affairs. It’s not my place, after all, no. I’m only here when           I am needed. 
                           There’s no one here but you, my dear friend. You must be in need.’ 
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ncthingboy-a · 7 years
@affctus || x
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How ODD, how bizarre could a little girl be?           Was it that she was little,or was it simple his being ageless that prompted her to be such in his mind? Of which was fact, he had no certainty. Digitized self remains before her, a PROJECTION of a true self caught in the confines of a screen. Yet, purpose remains singular; a guide, a merchant, a GOD in his own right. Head cants, soulless eyes of mask fixated on her being, laugh low in his throat. He has seen gore and carnage and death--why, now, would he feel anything but complacency? 
                            ‘ You’ve made quite the mess, my dear friend.’ 
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ncthingboy-a · 7 years
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Tiny starter call! 
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ncthingboy-a · 7 years
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||☩|| “And a bitch with any hint of common sense knows when to leave well enough alone and FUCK off. Looks like I’m dealing with a dumb hoe.” Annoyance drips from his vocals like raindrops from a leaf. Everything about this stranger was pissing the satyr off. He didn’t like him.
“Fly away little bird. Before you find yourself with your fucking wings clipped.”
                       ‘ So HOSTILE. ’
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           That signature, sinister LAUGH. Ah-haha. He was clearly agitated, but in dealings with monsters                     in the skins of men, he had no quarrel in dealing with angry, wrathful creatures.
  ’ Oh, mon ami. Nothing here can be done     that the game will not fix. I have died many     times.                It never quite seems to stick.’
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ncthingboy-a · 7 years
Closed Starter for @ncthingboy
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There wasn’t a lot of things that scared the shit out of Marcus. So when he left the hyperspace to enter the nearby alley as a shortcut and saw- that. He got scared. Blinking in surprise at the male in the mask he reached back not quite grabbing his thunderball but strongly considering it. He had watched one too many horror movies to not get some spooks from this guy. “Yo- can I help you or something? Shit that is a mask.”
             The Zones may no longer hold him, but it goes without a single word of objection that his inclination for bizarre places may, indeed, pose some problems for others that should wander in his vicinity. For instance; this man, here. Smile is slow to crawl onto lips, a motion thankfully hidden. Help? 
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                            ‘ You seem frightened, my friend! Ahaha. ’ 
          But, it was within reason, no? A sickly pale form, almost alien in it’s own right. Zacharie sees others in the same light, HUMANS, but none like himself. Eyes fall to placement of hands, head canting in only the slightest degree. 
‘...Oh, it would be a shame if we reacted irrationally, don’t you think?  This is not a video game. Not this time. There is no CONTINUE when  we die. And I would very much like to not die again. It becomes a rather  uninteresting way to live. ’
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