ncvcrmore · 5 years
i’m located at @snuggs now! i dont write at all over here anymore and i’ll come back at some point, but for now, wyatt is inactive!
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ncvcrmore · 5 years
if you all want, i will probably be relocating wyatt to @hauntedhavens!
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ncvcrmore · 5 years
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The Raven flies forever more.
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ncvcrmore · 5 years
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They’re making Fortnite statues now and I am going APESHIT.
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ncvcrmore · 5 years
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The Raven flies forever more.
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ncvcrmore · 5 years
I’m on mobile, but I may or may not be back from the grave. ;) Bird boi is somewhat alive here again.
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ncvcrmore · 5 years
tldr: wyatt is trans, a bird demon, and goth as fuck so like if anyone wants to know more about him :0 
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ncvcrmore · 5 years
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look its wyatt! he has a face! 
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ncvcrmore · 5 years
(     *     BIOSHOCK PROMPTS   !    
trigger warning for murder.
❛  i choose something different. i choose the impossible. i choose… rapture.  ❜
❛  now you’ve rattled the monkey cage. here they come.  ❜
❛  what excuse do we have not to sculpt, and sculpt, and sculpt, until the job is done?  ❜
❛  what if now it is not my skill that fails me but my imagination?  ❜
❛  chin up, now. the lord hates a quitter.  ❜
❛  i’m here to show you a new kind of beauty.  ❜
❛  the path of the righteous is not always easy, yes?  ❜
❛  the reward will become clear in time: be patient.  ❜
❛  whichever way you slice it, good men died.  ❜
❛  i thought this would be a better life for us. can you imagine a bigger fool than that?  ❜
❛  if you press that button, you’ll learn what it means to truly be my enemy.  ❜
❛  you ooze in like an assassin and then try to sneak out like a thief.  ❜
❛  there’s two ways to deal with the mystery: uncover it, or eliminate it.  ❜
❛  i come to this place to build the impossible.  ❜
❛  that’ll take you straight to the devil himself. and then all debts will be paid in full.  ❜
❛  so there are no innocents. there are heroes, and there are criminals.  ❜
❛  who says you can’t teach an old hound new tricks?  ❜
❛  i believe in no god, no invisible man in the sky.  ❜
❛  even in the gathering dark, you light a candle.  ❜
❛  i feel… hatred, like i’ve never felt before, in my chest. bitter, burning fury.  ❜
❛  the artist has a duty to seduce the ear and delight the spirit.  ❜
❛  who could hate me so much they’d ruin me like this? what did i do to them?  ❜
❛  if you can’t come in from the cold, then you gotta grow ice over your heart.  ❜
❛  you’re not a moth… you’re an angel. i’ve never painted an angel… maybe i should!  ❜
❛  you give them hope. and for this, i am grateful.  ❜
❛  i don’t need to be judged by you… by anyone… screw you!  ❜
❛  i haven’t chosen a spot for you on the wall yet. let me know if you have a preference.  ❜
❛  if i have to kill one to save the other, so be it.  ❜
❛  thank you for reminding me that the light of the world has not yet been snuffed off.  ❜
❛  it’s about who can become less of a man and more of a monster.  ❜
❛  imagine the will it took to create a place like this.  ❜
❛  is there blood in the streets? of course.  ❜
❛  the great chain moves slowly, but with wisdom.  ❜
❛  as you drag me closer to the abyss, you pull yourself right along with me.  ❜
❛  i offer you a quick death. it will be preferable to what you will learn if you win.  ❜
❛  think about it for a second, and maybe the word will come to you: nostalgia!  ❜
❛  mark my words — your only reward will be a knife in the back.  ❜
❛  my strength is not in steel and fire, but in my intellect and will.  ❜
❛  in the end, all that matters to me — is me. and all that matters to you — is you.  ❜
❛  even in the book of lies, sometimes you find truth.  ❜
❛  a season for all things: a time to live, and a time to die.  ❜
❛  a man chooses. a slave obeys.  ❜
❛  you know what they say… never mix business with friendship.  ❜
❛  kills me to turn my fist to you, but business is business. don’t let it get you down.  ❜
❛  they say to save one life is to save the world entire.  ❜
❛  now there’s nothing left for you but a long cold nothing.  ❜
❛  you know, you should be thanking me! i brought you here! i showed you who you are!  ❜
❛  nobody never told you nothing but lies till i came along!  ❜
❛  i’d turn tail if i were you, kid. ain’t nothin’ here for you but tears.  ❜
❛  to question is to surrender. i will not question.  ❜
❛  they offered you the city… and you refused it. and what did you do instead?  ❜
❛  you saved them. you gave them the one thing that was stolen from them. a chance.  ❜
❛  and what was your reward? you never said. but i think i know… a family.  ❜
❛  would you kindly?  ❜
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ncvcrmore · 5 years
Wyatt watched Tilted get destroyed and it was vindication but it hit the Peak and now he’s like. Vibrating.
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ncvcrmore · 5 years
Behold a babby
[smash announcer voice]
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ncvcrmore · 5 years
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ncvcrmore · 5 years
“Hey - nice duds, man. So, uh — you seen any keys laying around your little graveyard ‘n shit?” The blond adjusts his headband, cocking his hip as he places a hand atop it. - lockpiick
“Wow, thanks Mr. Token Anime Character That’s Going To Die! I really appreciate the compliment, really.” Hand on his chest, this guy damn sure did look like an anime character. “I haven’t seen any goddamn keys and if I did, I hucked them over the side of the mountain without thinking twice about it.” 
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ncvcrmore · 5 years
I really should meander about here again I miss it. :( 
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ncvcrmore · 5 years
Hey. What’s up. I haven’t been here in awhile. How are you guys doing? :0
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ncvcrmore · 5 years
By the way. If anyone would like to play BR/STW with me, do let me know! I’d love to play with some of you.
I play Team Rumble and only TR unless there’s a challenge I need to do, but otherwise, let me know! My Epic is direpark. 
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ncvcrmore · 5 years
:// 3,6,7,9
3) Wyatt hates the Crucible. He prefers to wander planets, but if he does, he’s not very good at it. He only goes in for armor he’d like to have. He doesn’t gloat after kills, and he doesn’t emote on anyone.
6) He prefers to use Bronco and Thousand Wings. It’s got some significance, but otherwise, those are his favorites.
7) Milchezedek Bramble. Purble boi.
9) Skull of Dire Ahamkara. Obviously. If he had a backup, he’d wear Transversive.
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