ndmlm · 2 years
i love microlabels. i love multiple labels. i love neopronouns. i love contradicting labels. i love coming up with brand new words to match unique experiences. i love molding language to fit the people, and not trying to mold people to fit language, or into categories or boxes. i love choosing to remain unlabeled. i love the complexity and confusion and nuance of personal identity. i love it when people know who they are and tell me. i love it when people don’t know exactly who they are yet but pick up and try on different words and labels along their journey. i love creating art on the canvas that is the self, and seeing others do the same.
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ndmlm · 3 years
Some positivity for lgbtq+/queer/mogai folks I don't see enough about
Trans people who identify as something similar to their assigned gender at birth. You're not less trans for it, no matter what exclusionists say, you belong here <3
Intersex trans people (who for some reason people pretend like can't be trans???) you belong here too, don't let anyone invalidate how you feel, you're amazing <3
Transmascs in general. I know you get ignored a lot, but you don't deserve it. You deserve just as much attention as everyone else! Your struggles are real and valid! <3
Cis gays. You're not less queer for not being queer in multiple ways. You have as much right to this community as anyone else <3
Straight trans people. You're not less queer for not being queer in multiple ways. You have as much right to this community as anyone else <3
People whose sexual and romantic orientations don't "match." It's okay. It's not too complicated, you have a right to feel however you feel. Try to ignore anyone who tells you you're wrong or confused. <3
People who don't use labels/who use umbrella labels. You're not hurting the community for referring to yourself in the way that is most comfortable. You're you! And that's what's important <3
People who find or coin niche labels for every aspect of their identity. You're exploring yourself in-depth and with nuance and that's amazing! Anyone who tells you otherwise is being silly <3
I hope you all have a fantastic day and know that you are so amazing ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
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ndmlm · 3 years
Hey I don't know who might need to hear this but you don't need to lose weight to transition. You don't need to lose weight to pass. Don't feel obligated to meet those beauty standards, they were fucked from the start.
Signed, a fat trans gal
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ndmlm · 3 years
I dont know who needs to hear this
But I sure did:
You can and absolutely should modify the chore/self care task if it makes life easier. Sit on the floor while doing laundry. Clean dishes while in a chair. Sit in the shower.
Save your spoons. Accommodate your fatigue rather than fighting it.
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ndmlm · 3 years
I actually don't recall ever seeing a positivity post for ppl w ongoing amnesia caused by trauma disorders. I'm not talking just repressed childhood memories, I mean perpetual long-term memory loss. I mean continuing to forget non-traumatic things that happened or ppl you knew a few years or even months ago. I mean struggling to retain any information you're learning if you don't constantly go over the same material over and over again, and losing it all once you stop repeating it
If you have amnesia like me, you matter. We navigate the world a bit differently but that's okay. Just bc our brains are broken doesn't mean we can't live happy and fulfilling lives. Be patient w yourself when learning new things. Surround yourself w compassionate ppl who love to tell you stories abt past exploits you may have forgotten. Also, hey, who else gets to watch a movie for the first time every time? Above all be kind to yourself.
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ndmlm · 3 years
shoutout to disabled people who aren’t exactly sure what their disability is, disabled people who aren’t diagnosed yet but know something’s off, and disabled people who are struggling but can’t get any help because of a lack of diagnosis, access to resources, or anything else. shoutout to disabled people who are silently and invisibly disabled and have a hard time getting people to believe them, and who have difficulty managing their symptoms because they’re not sure what the problem is stemming from. it’s hard, but i see you, and im so glad you’re here. it’s over-said but your experience is valid. you deserve support and to be believed.
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ndmlm · 3 years
yes, babe, you’re sick and twisted, will you come back to bed- what? yes, of course you’re evil and irredeemable. now can you please cuddle with me
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ndmlm · 3 years
I want every disabled person who can't work or study to know that their existence is just as valuable and important as everyone else's. Your value as a person is not something you have to earn, it's something you're born with.
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ndmlm · 3 years
i would love to watch sports on tv with a boy and have him explain everything happening to me. i wouldnt care about the game or anything going on id just be happy that hes excited about something and that he loves me enough to talk to me about it :)
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ndmlm · 3 years
I hope all queer men know it's okay to love themselves loudly and you do not have to be apologetic about any facet of your identity
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ndmlm · 3 years
Happy Disablity Pride Month to everyone who is *just* on the cusp of being ‘abled looking’ that you don’t think you’re qualified to count as disabled.
Happy Disability Pride Month to everyone who has had a documented disability since the day they were born but has never checked the ‘i have a disability’ box on those workplace forms because you don’t think it counts.
Happy Disability Pride Month to everyone whose parents convinced them that because they could *mostly* act like the other kids that their disability wasn’t a problem.
Happy Disability Pride Month to everyone whose parents who helped you with tasks on one hand while expecting you to keep up with your abled siblings on the other.
Happy Disability Pride Month to everyone whose religion told you that when you died and went to heaven your body would be fixed and you would become ‘perfect’.
Happy Disability Pride Month to everyone who realizes that a certain thing they go through every day for years is not a thing everyone just goes through, because that’s just their forever level of normal.
Happy Disability Pride Month to everyone who has to listen to abled people say ‘i know how you feel because x thing happened to me so i get it’ even though they don’t because you never got a ‘before’.
Happy Disability Pride Month to everyone who has to listen to abled people say ‘me too’ when you try and tell them literally anything.
Happy Disability Pride Month to everyone with a disability who didn’t know July was Disability Pride Month.
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ndmlm · 3 years
good afternoon to :
unemployed autistic adults
single autistic adults
autistic adult virgins
autistic adults who don't have many or even any friends
autistic adults who can't live independently
autistic adults who need support with everyday activities
autistic adults who don't have the support they need
autistic adults with interests considered "childish"
none of these things make you less of an adult
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ndmlm · 3 years
father’s day for many is hard. this post is dedicated to those who see the cards come out and feel sick. some fathers leave, some abuse, some neglect, some have passed away. whatever the case may be, it can be trying. i hope you get through the day feeling as good as possible. just another day in the year. remember you are not obligated to love someone who hurts you even if it’s a parent. for those who have good fathers, i hope you have the best day with them.
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ndmlm · 3 years
with pride month just around the corner i’d like to remind everyone that the q in lgbtq+ not only stands for queer but also questioning! if you’re not sure if what your gender or sexual/romantic orientation is you have every right to celebrate pride just like the rest of us
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ndmlm · 3 years
I wish all closeted LGBTQ+ people a very happy pride month.
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ndmlm · 3 years
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ndmlm · 3 years
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