"Find Laundromat Near Me" Features in Feedspot Top Laundry Blogs
With immense pleasure, we'd like to announce that our blog was featured in Feedspot's list of "Top Laundry Blogs". Our blog "Find Laundromat Near Me" ranked #53 of all Laundry related blogs on the internet. We'd like to thank Feedspot for providing us the honor.
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Welcome to the laundromat near me locator’s Tumblr post for the month of June 17. In this post, I’m sharing a set of links that I found (in the month of June) to be both amusing and useful. If you like the links, share it on social media.
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Laundromat Basic Facts
A Glimpse at the Facts: Laundromat Basic Facts
Modern-day laundromats have definitely raised the bars higher as they are far from being the simple laundry facilities they used to be. In fact, they are now becoming multiservice centers that are capable of addressing their customer’s diverse needs.
But before we take a look at how modern laundry facilities are operating nowadays, let’s take a quick glimpse on how they have revolutionized. Below are some of the most interesting facts about laundromats, along with important tips that can change the way you do your laundry:
● In the year 1937, Bendix Appliances changed the way we do our laundry as they invented the first automatic washing machine.
● In 1947, Westinghouse Electric registered the term “laundromat”, and obtained a trademark.
● Unlike modern-day laundry facilities, early laundromats were only open for specific hours. Back then, there were no coin-operated machines yet, making laundromat attendants necessary for the facilities to run.
● According to studies, an American family comprised of 4 members spend around 12 hours a month for doing the laundry. By asking for professional laundry service providers, these 12 hours can be freed up for other more important tasks.  
● To maintain the color and shape of your garments and fabrics, use cold water as you wash your laundry.  
● If you use detergent pods when you’re doing your laundry, put cold water into the machine, add the pods and let it run for a couple of seconds before you put in your laundry. This way, you can prevent sticky pods from damaging your garments.
● To maintain the integrity of high quality clothes and garments, do not let them run a full drying cycle. Instead, leave them in the drier for around 5 to 10 minutes and let them air dry.
● To avoid damaging your tees, do not wash them with denim even if they are dark-colored. Always wash your denim jeans separately so you can enjoy your favorite tees longer.
Modern-Day Laundromats
From being dull, unsafe laundry facilities in the past few years, laundromats now offer versatility to customers who have differing needs. In the past, laundromats served just one purpose—to provide laundry services to travellers and to those who don’t have access to washing machines and dryers. As time passed by, laundromats have become a facility where people can connect and engage in other meaningful activities as they wait for their washing and drying cycles to end.
As the multiservice centers that they already are, modern-day laundromats now offer amenities to their customers. In fact, some laundry facilities also employ staff to help customers in operating their amenities.
 Aside from providing access to Wi-Fi, some facilities are also designed for video gaming and snacking. The snack bars and the entertainment section enable customers to unwind and relax while they are waiting for their cycles to finish. Plus, some centers also allow customers to swipe their cards instead of inserting coins to the machine. With these latest innovation, laundromats are definitely a more versatile facility for everyone.  
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