nearlyrae · 5 months
In regards to my return
Hi guys!! It's been a long time. I want to say thank you for everyone that enjoys my blog and like and reblog it. I plan to post more lengthy content, as well as a few short stories involving our favorite boy (now man), as well as enabling tipping to support me! I do balance work, school, and life but I want to prioritize this blog more because I really enjoy doing it, and I miss it a lot. If you enjoy what I do, please tip! It would encourage me a lot to work harder :) If not, that's cool too! Sit back and enjoy Near x Reader ramblings!! That being said, I will be going through and slowly clearing my inbox. If I didn't get to you, so sorry :( Send new asks if you are compelled to do so! I will most likely answer new asks with a fresher point of view. Enjoy!! :)
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nearlyrae · 5 months
Could I get a oneshot where Near is older like 21 & he has a S/O. He doesn’t know how to show affection but wants to start doing. Could be NSFW up to u 🤍
Hi!! I realize this ask is like, years old. I took a long ass hiatus with no warning due to life stuffs! But I am back baby. (I am bored and coping)
You peeked through your bedroom window, one of the only ones in the building. Snow layered each and every crevice beyond the horizon, the mounds cake-y and white. You craved a hot cup of coffee, but you’d already had your fill, the building mounds of anxiety coursing through your body and threatening to burst.
You gently lowered your head, your cheek fluttering onto your pillow, and found yourself being lulled back to sleep by the harmonies of the cold wintery afternoon. Thank God it’s Saturday.
The room got clearer as you opened your eyes, blurring to life yet being molded by the gentle warm lights you set up. A pale, warm hand rested on your head, unmoving, almost robotically placed, an unsure attempt. You unintentionally twitched in your half asleep stage, and the hand zipped away. He came into vision, his lips turned nervously, eyes wide and gazing down at you.
“Near,” you murmured, lifting yourself and allowing the blanket of drowsiness to fall. “What’re you doing here?”
For a second, you truly believed he did not know what to say. Near was not a proud man. He stuck to his facts, things that could not be tested, or doubted. In the way the grey rings around his eyes rippled, then hid away, his long white lashes curtaining them, you understood.
”I didn’t mean to wake you,” he spoke lowly, the rumble of a man’s voice deep in his throat. “I wanted to let you sleep longer.”
”Do you need me?” You asked, pushing the comforter off you, your bare legs cold against the Air Conditioning. You caught Near’s eye staring at them for a split second, before they were trained on the window.
”No, everything is in order.”
You knew better. The yes was silent.
“Y/N,” Near started, an anxious hand going up to his locks, a whirlwind of silver hair around his index.
You smiled. You always liked when he said your name, your real name, considering it the greatest form of affection.
“Yes,” you whispered. “Nate?”
His lovely pale cheeks reddened, and you giggled, allowing the warmness of his proximity to fill your chest.
“I struggle with affection,” he sat on your bed, propping one knee up to his chest. “I am sure you know this already.”
“Correct,” you smirked, balancing curiosity and wit. “It doesn’t bother me though, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“No,” he twisted his strands faster, matching his anxiety. “I want to give you affection.”
”You already do,” You replied. In the little ways you say my name, stay with me, and lend me your company.
”I’ve never been with anyone, Y/N. And I don’t necessarily know how one is supposed to show affection. If there is a cue that allows for it, I do not know it.”
You placed your hand on his, and noticed how he froze up. Then, with wide, pleading eyes, you looked up at him.
”Is this okay?” You ask.
He nodded, face flushed.
“If you think I may or may not be okay with something, you usually ask,” you say, then interlace your fingers with his, almost being able to feel his rapid heartbeat between your touching palms. “But… Some things, you can just play it by ear. If somethings not okay, you can say something in the moment. And little by little, we can see just how far we can get with each other, to the degree we’re most comfortable.”
You smiled, at him, who stared back at you like a deer in headlights. But meekly, he cast his gaze down to your hands, half-lidded, thinking things you couldn’t quite pick up on.
“I trust you,” you nudged him gently, allowing him to look back at you. “And I know you trust me, too. That’s why you don’t have to worry.”
“Would it be okay if I kissed you?”
You stared at him, your own heart now beating out of control. Then, to quiet the fireworks, you leaned in, and watched him lean in too, colliding lips against each other, the fire bursting, eyes closed, and breaths interlaced.
You didn’t speak, mouth preoccupied, tongue curious and understanding your partner’s, gasping, trying all at once to memorize and savor it all.
His lips were softer than you imagined. Sweeter, saliva tasting like pheromones so delicious only your partner could give you. His face ingrained in your mind when you were only centimeters apart from kissing, eyes half lidded, begging, wanting, a look of pure desire and an unspoken love. It wasn’t an imagination; It was real.
You both pulled away, fully aware that he was on top of you on your bed, and how quickly the situation had escalated. Collecting your breaths, you stared up at him, that same look on his face. Desire. Love.
“I really liked that,” you said, voice sugary and quiet, submitting to that feeling of wanting.
”Me too,” he said, collecting his own breaths. “I liked that very much.”
“I am so glad that…” You let out a long sigh. “That you want me that way.”
Near looked away for a second, then locked eyes with you, and you became conscious of his arms on either side of your head, his knee only inches away between your thighs, and how his shirt seemed to hang down lower, showing a bit of his chest underneath. Intensity.
”Y/N, I want you very much,” He admitted. “But I am afraid of these feelings, and afraid of what they might make me do. I do not want to hurt you, or cause you grief.”
”But you didn’t hurt me,” you rose your hand up to his hair, gently caressing it. “You made me happy.”
”All I want is to make you happy,” He tried to scoot away, adjusting a discomfort on the seam of his pants.
You held him there, smiling.
”You make me happy.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him close in a warm embrace. He was warm, and his heart beat incredibly fast at your touch. If he could put his heart in your hands, you would not let it come to harm.
Even though the outside was covered in a thick layer of snow, you felt warm that night, and was sure that he was too.
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nearlyrae · 2 years
When is the ripped 8-pack Near figurine going to be released.
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nearlyrae · 2 years
I LOVE YOUR NEAR STUFF I LOVE HIM TOO bc head cannons with near?
and if u want head canons, be very specific and you shall receive 😩
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nearlyrae · 2 years
Can we quickly talk about how Near is canonically very inwardly sensitive but copes with it by acting aloof and having a somewhat emotionless exterior and this along with being so high maintenance paints the picture of a gifted kid who is not only socially awkward but also extremely lonely and doesn’t know how to express any of his problems or form genuine human connections which causes him to continue on with the cold facade because it’s better for people to think of him as uninterested instead of unable? And how the one person he has genuinely respected and always thought fondly of since he was a kid has always made his detest for Near overtly clear to the point where Near maintains his own side of the distance at all costs because he can’t afford to get hurt and can’t even look him in the eye after seeing him for the first time in half of a decade and how at that point that person still refused to work with him because his hatred ran that deep and Near respected his wishes because they finally seemed to achieve some kind of equilibrium in their strained relationship only for him to die right after and for him to never receive true closure? And can we talk about how the only functional relationships Near has ever had in his life are strictly business centric because he doesn’t know how to deal with the concept of friends and can only justify interacting with other people if it will bring benefit to the grand scheme of things or on a lesser scale himself and the job that was forcibly pushed onto him when he was a teenager? And can we please talk about how said job is unbelievably stressful and demands so much motivation from someone who was never taught how to function outside of this job and is perpetually burnt out because of it?
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nearlyrae · 2 years
near loves me it's canon guys it's —
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Death Notes (male cast + love triangle + confession scenario) click and drag game!
warnings: flashing images
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Game notes • How to Play
Please use a browser other than Google Chrome to play because the GIFs always lock onto their first frame on Chrome. Safari and Firefox work, please try those
If you're on mobile, screenshot the gifs either as a set or individually
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nearlyrae · 2 years
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bday boy
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nearlyrae · 2 years
Ur Near is so good I love him so much! Drabble/headcanon whatever works with yandere long hair near with a darling who’s like so chill about, just happy to be here near and not have to have a job! I’ll braid ur hair for u
Ok bet anon, *sits* My hair is ready 😋
You'd known what Near was.
It was obvious in the way he looked at you, obvious in the way he'd touched you, and glaring in the way he'd react to your words.
There was no doubt about it.
Near was sick.
Monday morning when you'd roll into work, he'd said to you, "Y/N, it would be best if you'd move in."
You nearly scoffed at the statement. He obviously wasn't asking you.
Nevertheless, you moved in. Saved money and time, what could possibly go wrong?
Of course, you didn't exactly expect to have grown so close to him. Lucky for him though, that's exactly where he wanted you.
"Y/N, you don't have to work for me anymore," he'd said out of the blue.
"What? Are you firing me?" Your voice cracked.
"No," he quickly reassured you, gently caressing his hand through your hair. "Of course not."
Near hesitated a bit, his lower lip pursed.
"Unless you'd like to keep your job, it isn't necessary. I'm able to give you whatever you need financially."
"Why would you want to do that?" His hand just barely grazed your cheek, returning by his own face to twirl his long snow white strands.
"I care about you, that is all."
He truly did. Ever since that conversation, he had spoiled you with the limit of only your imagination. You wanted a studio? You got it. You wanted a pet? Take three. If you even looked at flowers and made a certain face, they were at your door the next day.
You really did enjoy this attention, but mostly you enjoyed Near himself. Without the weight of responsibilities, you would drape yourself onto him and play with his hair. Often times he'd lay on his back and allow you to lay your head on his chest, hearing the song of his heartbeat. If you wanted him to, he'd wrap his arms around you and hug you tightly, making you feel secure and warm.
If there was anything wrong with him, it's that he had a secret room where he kept cameras of everywhere you were and photos taken without you knowing, plus a detailed list of everything you did while he wasn't with you.
But that, you would never discover. It was on the basement floor of the SPK, and it was under multiple scans which only he could access.
Could you blame him? You were his treasure. He had to make sure you were safe and accounted for. If you ever went missing or some sicko tried to kidnap you, he could easily capture them and bring you home safely.
Capture them... He's not a killer, he's only the bringer of justice. He could never kill anyone.
But he seriously questioned it when even the thought of someone doing something bad to you crossed his mind.
"Near?" Your sweet melodious voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "What're you thinking about?"
"Nothing, love," he smirked at you, before wrapping his arms around you tightly and rolling on the floor, making you burst into a fit of giggles.
"Y/N," at the tone of his voice your giggles quieted down and your attention focused to him. "You know that I love you, and will do whatever I can to protect you?"
You smiled, wondering what this was about. "Yes, of course."
"Good. Try to remember that."
Left the ending kinda ominous because even though reader is happy with him, it's important to remember Yandere's are generally not people with your best interests at heart. With that being said, hope you enjoyed!
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nearlyrae · 2 years
haii!!!! can i ask for headcanons of near and his s/o being in a secret relationship and kissing each other whenever the SPK members turn their backs BUTTTT one day they walk in on nears s/o on top of near kissing him (i love ur blog so much!!! u don’t have to write this if it’s too much or u can change it up to suit u 🥺💫)
I think it's so funny you say that because I was actually in an RP with the SAME EXACT SCENARIO DISJOAOAAK
Mild NSFW warning!!
"Halle, oh my god," You shook your head smiling. "You really don't have to do this."
"Oh come on, tell me you saw this coming." The blonde held up a small pastry, with your favorite sweet on top and a candle representing your new age.
Your face flushed at the eyes on you, and you straightened the hem of your clothes. Unintentionally, your eyes met Near's tentative ones, their grey rim burning into you. You bit your lip, squeezing the couch under you.
"Everyone, let's sing," Halle roused up the rest of the SPK, and you chuckled in amusement, catching even Rester singing. (Albeit unimpressed).
"Happy birthday, dear Y/N..."
Near didn't sing. He only stacked one card on top of the other. Making the structure, repeatedly, making it taller, making it wider.
Eventually, the SPK each got a slice of cake to enjoy, talking amongst each other. It was a lively little party, though it was missing it's guest. And it's employer.
Along the back hallway away from the noise, Near had you pinned to the wall, pressing his lips against yours hungrily. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer, until you both broke out of the kiss for air.
"Y/N... They do not know," he purred, his breath tickling your lips. "You do not have to worry."
You smiled. Then, looking from his eyes to his lips, you sighed into them, "Oh Near, you should know I'm nothing but trouble."
"Yes, I figured," he mumbled in your kiss, taking you closer by your waist instinctually.
You two held each other's breaths, stealing them and returning them promptly. After a bit you broke away. Your head felt foggy after such an enchanting kiss, and you didn't doubt Near felt the same. The way he looked at you with his eyes half lidded, and his out of place smile told you everything you needed to know.
"We should get back," you straightened your clothes, your lips swollen and recovering the abscence of him.
"Y/N, I want to kiss you as badly as you'll let me, however we should be a bit more considerate in where we do it."
You looked over your shoulder, hearing the same chatter from down the hallway.
"There's nobody here," you shrugged. Then, you smirked at him, eyebrow raised. "Why," you dared. "Don't want to give me a proper congratulations?"
"Oh," his smile grew wider, more mischievous. "I'd never expect you to settle for anything less—"
"Talk less," you interrupted, your lips smashing into his as you grasped his collar.
He groaned into your lips, but just as his hand hovered over your cheek, the distant clacking of shoes started from the hallway. You both froze.
Then, you quickly shoved Near into the narrow alley home to pipes and wires, squeezed in with him with both of your chests touching. You held your breath, and you swear Near could feel your heart beating into his chest.
"Near," the voice of commander Rester called out. "I thought I'd let you know we're about to cut the second cake."
Near's eyes immediately darted into yours demandingly.
"I like cake," you whispered accusingly.
"Understood, commander Rester. I'll be right out," Near's voice had a breathy undertone, one you found so delicious.
The tapping of shoes faded away, and you both slid out and relaxed, able to breathe freely.
"He doesn't know," Near straightened his collar, face blank. "However that was certainly a close call. I warned you about this."
"We didn't get caught though," you let out a sigh of relief. "C'mon, let's go join the others."
Near raised a brow, but shook his head.
After the party, most of your guests had gone home and all that remained were very tired SPK members working through their assignments in the main room. You were greatful it was individual work, it meant that you and Near could slip away unnoticed and unneeded.
"Y/N," your name slurred out of Near's mouth, his hot breath lingering on your lips as you settled yourself on his stomach.
"Relax, Nearie," you giggled, resting your hands on his chest. "Nobody's gonna know."
His hand brought your face to connect with his, using his other hand to massage your waist. Your small gasps of air between kisses came out as squeaks, only driving Near's resolve forward.
"Y/N, we should stop," he mumbled, though he kept his lips devouring yours with no signs of stopping.
"Mmhmm," you ran your fingers through his hair, and felt him shiver at your touch.
"Y/N," he said again, airy and more desperate than before.
Near's intuition was never wrong, and it was proven as you craned your neck and saw the SPK members in the doorframe, jaws agape.
You immediately scrambled off of your boss, gathering your heated thinking in deep quick breaths.
"Uh, this isn't what it looks like," you pathetically said.
"I knew it," Halle affirmed. "I knew this whole time!"
"Knew what?" You could practically feel Near's glare at you, as if he didn't tell you they would get caught five trillion times.
"Uh, we were just coming in to get some papers checked," Gevanni explained, averting his gaze.
"We apologize for the interruption, we'll be waiting in the main room," Rester concluded, bowing and shoving the rest of the members out the door, including a very thrilled Halle who gave you both thumbs up and devious smirks.
When they shut the door, you dug your face into your palms, groaning in embarrassment.
"I told you," Near shrugged.
"Are you going to fire me?" You whispered.
"Fire you?" Near lifted your chin to meet his eyes. "No, Y/N. Now that the secret's out, I will be able to take you as freely as I wish."
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nearlyrae · 2 years
hjhjhhh okay can i please have your nsfw thought about what kinks near has, or guilty pleasures nd shit dhdjdjdh thanks in advance
Sure thing! Keep in mind this is adult near whether you guys like him with long hair or not is up to y'all!!
You have been warned :)
-If you get under the surface of Near's low sex drive, you could find things that could indeed turn the man on.
-It wasn't necessarily what you did, it was the reason you did it.
-Gentle kisses on his neck made him shiver with pleasure.
-Touching his chest, tracing your arms around his figure would make his head foggy.
-But the real kicker was, pulling his hair or yanking it. It's an instant erection in that case.
-He'd throw his head back, gasping your name, "Y/N..."
-If he was inside you, he'd go in slow, lush thrusts, being gentle while also making you feel him as deep as he could.
-You'd urge him not to be shy with it, but he couldn't help it.
-If you were looking for something rougher, you'd hook your legs around his waist and push him closer, affecting the pace.
-He'd probably like it if you took control, riding him as he laid back and watched you.
-He'd love the bites you'd leave on his neck, craving for more markings on your territory.
-You pull his hair once during sex, he'd cum.
-He does however have a guilty pleasure, and that's watching you masturbate.
-He wouldn't touch himself doing so, only if you asked him to.
-And when you were both looking into each other's eyes while masturbating, he'd cum the fastest.
-As for aftercare, he'd constantly ask if you were okay, afraid he'd hurt you. He'd stay long enough to make sure you had everything you needed, and that you were satisfied before leaving to go to work.
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nearlyrae · 2 years
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just a little boy 
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nearlyrae · 2 years
Hi Rae!!! Your works are absolutely amazing!! I love them sm, they help me to sleep 😭💗
If you’re not busy, can I request a nearxreader where adult Near is yandere? 🤩
Anon… you have fueled the passionate flames of the need for a yandere and I love you for it. Also! Please be warned that this story contains unsettling content such as stalking, etc. Also it's ultra long because I didn't know how to pace myself so I had to cut it short ;;;
Near loved you.
You knew this well. It was the way he placed your favorite drink or treat on your desk every morning. It was the way he never failed to praise you on something even you thought was miniscule and deserving no comment. It was the way he brushed past you and lightly touched your hand, feeling your warmth against his icy hands. It was the way he would look at you, and when you caught him, his gaze lingered for longer than it should before he turned away.
He loved you in other ways as well. When leaving work, he held onto your shirt, pleading you to stay longer silently. Though those same pleading eyes watched you as you left through the cameras. You could feel them following you home, a strange care to know you were safe. Though, you often would hear things in the middle of the night, one night was especially startling. Your eyes opened and you saw the ghost of a long silver strand of hair.
You jolted up immediately.
Your room felt stiff, the air was static and it made you shiver. There was no other noise but the hum of your air conditioning. That night you could barely sleep, staring up at the wall and counting each crack in the ceiling. You didn’t feel relaxed.
The next day, Near was particularly nice to you.
He praised you relentlessly, gave you twice the amount of snacks and he even bought you flowers. His behavior was almost reminiscent of an apology. But you knew that was silly, he hadn’t done anything to you, it was unwarranted.
”Y/N,” he called you over, and you set your work down to meet him on the floor. “Let’s go to dinner.”
”I um,” you tried to rack your brain for anything else to do. “I’ve got—“
”I know you’re free. There’s no point in lying.”
Your breath caught in your throat. “Why?”
Near brushed his hair out of his face, his eyes downcast.
”I’d like to treat you as a reward for all your hard work,” he said it monotonously, but you could hear the forced nature of it.
“I’m not finished with my work,” you massaged your temple, eyes tiredly gazing into the pile of work you set down.
“Don’t worry, I’ll excuse you for the day.” He didn’t let up, and was observing you from his peripheral intently.
Your shoulder tensed.
”I don’t know,” you said cautiously.
Near was silent for a moment, and you could see the gentle fall of his shoulders, letting out a small sigh. You didn’t understand what his adamant attitude amounted to… Regardless, you didn’t want to disappoint him, as your boss nor your friend.
“Okay,” you said.
You could almost see the smile from the back of his head.
Afterwards, Gevanni drove you both to a high-class Italian restaurant, an extremely popular and wildly expensive one. It was so out of the ordinary and quite out of character for Near, you almost believed he looked up the most popular dates.
“I did,” he replied matter-of-factly, knocking you out of your trance.
”Oh,” your cheeks reddened at the thought you voiced aloud. “Sorry, sorry.”
”Don’t apologize,” he murmured, taking a seat. You sat across from him, though upon doing that Near scooted closer to you. You cleared your throat, feeling underdressed and out of place in such a place.
”So, um, Near, you really didn’t have to take me to such an expensive place. I would’ve been fine with something simple.”
”It’s alright, I wanted to do something nice for you.”
He didn’t eat a single thing. The entire meal, you had gone through your food and all he did was sit and watch you, each bite you took wasn’t left unsupervised. It made you uncomfortable, having those watchful eyes observing your every move. After dinner, you were driven back to headquarters.
That night, you were plagued with the strange noises again. You refused to open your eyes, your heart frozen and petrified. Somehow you managed to convince yourself it was all in your head.
The next morning, Near confessed something you didn’t think he would.
”I love you.”
It was verbatim. You knew this already, you had said it to yourself in the mirror a long time ago when you first met him, and now he said it to you. You knew, and yet you didn’t really understand why he would say it to you. Surely he already was aware you knew.
”Near?” You stirred the milk in your coffee, not daring to look at his corner.
”If it pains you to know this, then I apologize.”
You knew he wasn’t sorry. Near just didn’t think like that. Every move he made was carefully calculated, none of them would make him need to apologize.
“It doesn’t pain me,” you set down your spoon and brought the cup to your lips. “But I want to know why you’re telling me this.”
”We’re together all the time,” he said softly. “It would only be fair to let you know how I feel about you.”
”We’re not together together.”
“Do you not want to be?”
He got you there.
The truth was you really liked him, his presence was most always comforting and you loved the careful ways he showed affection. His smile would light up your day, and honestly you couldn’t say you weren’t attracted to him physically either. At the same time however, some of the things he did felt off. The unrelenting stares, the way he knew your entire schedule, it all didn’t sit right with you. But somehow you didn’t mind it that much…
”It’s not that,” your hands came fidgeting at your sides. “I just don’t think I could be with my boss.”
His silence made you think he would take that answer and never bring it up again, but he slowly rose from his spot and walked over to you, and you finally saw the nervous expression on his face. His cheeks were tinted, and his lower lip was folded below his upper. He walked until you were a few inches from him, and you could smell the subtle hint of pine, a trademark to his smell. You almost thought he would kiss you, but he didn’t make such a bold move. No, he simply walked right past you.
You wished he did more.
The next night, you knew he was there. The scent of pine filled your nostrils, but you didn’t want him to know you were awake. You kept your eyes shut tightly. There was the sound of only your steady breaths and shuffling. Then, you felt a weight on your bed. Mistakenly, you let out a yelp in surprise. You couldn’t go back now.
You opened your eyes and saw him hovering over your bed, one foot frozen in place and wide eyes staring at you. You thought he wouldn’t hurt you since he never had before, but you were starting to really doubt that.
“Y/N,” he shut his eyes. “I can explain.”
”Explain,” you demanded.
”At first I would make sure you got home safely, but one day you left your door unlocked… I was afraid somebody would hurt you if they saw the door. So I stayed.”
You tilted your head at him. “So you stayed every night?”
”No… The nights after were because I like watching you sleep.”
This couldn’t be real.
”And what were you about to do just now?” You growled, pulling the covers tight to your chest.
”I wanted to lay next to you,” he said it painstakingly, knowing the extent of his wrongdoings. He was only remorseful once he was caught.
”Do you realize how messed up this is?”
He said nothing.
”Near, answer me.”
”You love me,” he said. “I’m not your boss here, so I thought it would be okay to lay with you.”
You blinked multiple times, trying to register what he had just said to you. Okay, so he did know your feelings for him. But was this okay? It made sense, you hated to admit he was right but you couldn’t bring up any argument. Besides, you’ve wanted him to kiss you since he told you he loved you, so what was wrong with this? He showed his love this way, and you couldn’t argue against it. After all, love is pure.
“I’ll leave—“
”No,” you bit your lip. “You can stay.”
Near bit back a smile, his cheeks tinted once more. He carefully crawled at your side, making sure not to touch you. Once he was laying, he pulled the sheets over himself, and stayed stiff as a board. You swallowed hard. Your face felt hot, and you were hyperaware of how close he was to you.
His breathing was light.
You turned, forcing yourself to fall asleep. The next morning, you groggily tore open your eyes, feeling how heavy your eye bags sat. You tried to move out of bed, but felt an arm around your waist.
Oh my God. Your boss was spooning you.
You carefully lifted his arm and slipped out of bed. After getting ready for work in the bathroom, you went back to your bedroom and your heart leapt in in your chest at his gaze. It was piercing.
”Who were you talking to?”
His question caught you so off guard, you only stared at him in return.
”On your phone. Who’s Natsu?”
You smiled a little bit, mainly because of how out of nowhere that was. Nevermind that he had gone through your phone. You didn’t think he would care about that sort of thing.
”He’s just an old college friend. Why, are you jealous?” You chuckled.
You met his eyes. They were wide, strangely seeping into your mind, suddenly making you feel your heart sink into your chest and twisting mercilessly. It wasn’t funny. What was wrong with him?
”Don’t talk to him anymore,” he twirled his long strand of hair.
”I don’t understand why you need other friends. Don’t you love me? Am I not enough for you?”
You… Kinda figured he didn’t understand the concept of friendship. Or a romantic relationship. After all, he never really needed either.
"I have different friends for different things, it doesn't make our connection any less strong. Like..." You tapped your chin, trying to come up with something he could grasp. "I wouldn't be okay with Natsu crawling into bed with me."
"You said you loved him."
You winced. Did he really read every single message to him?
"That's platonic, Near," you felt a little annoyed you had to explain yourself like this. It felt like he didn't trust you from the get-go, which wasn't looking too good in the grand scheme of things.
"I just can't help but worry over you," his arm lifted to twirl the side strands of his hair. "You're precious to me."
You cleared your throat, shaking your head. "Near, if you really want to be with me, you're gonna have to trust me."
He didn't say a thing after that, and you headed off to work before him. The whole situation made your mind cloudy and all you wanted to do was drown yourself in your work. As you worked, you sang a soft song, feeling all your worries melting away. Near hadn't shown up yet, but in truth you didn't want to see him right now. His cluelessness popped up out of nowhere, and you needed a bit to see how you would approach it. Yes, you did want to be with Near, but maybe he wasn't ready yet.
With every single case he tackled, time drew shorter and shorter for Near, and each team member lost made time daunting. Every move he made was desperate, he didn't want to lose you and he didn't have the time to do things the right way. He did know how to properly court you. He just couldn't. Not with the danger his job posed. Not with the chance that while he was working, you might be snatched by another man. So that day, while his heart desperately pounded for you, he made an equally desperate decision.
The next week, a funeral was in place. The casket was empty, safe for a picture of Natsu with flowers and candles alongside it. You cried into Near's chest, trying to claw your heartbreak into him desperately. He didn't move from his spot, only gently caressing your hair and looking straight forward. Natsu's family gawked at the odd white haired man his college friend was crying into.
"Everything's going to be okay," Near whispered, planting a small kiss on your head.
"How can you say that?" You sobbed. "You didn't even know him."
Near grabbed your shoulders and pulled you back to look directly into your puffy tear ridden eyes.
"Things will be easier for you if you forget about him."
You broke down, falling to your knees with your hands covering your face. Near felt awful for making you cry, but what happened couldn't have been helped. It freed him from an obstacle keeping you away from him.
The way you mourned scared Near. You locked yourself in your room most days, barely ate anything and you rarely took a break from crying to stare at your phone, rereading your messages to him only to cry again. Calling Natsu to hear his voicemail was ingrained into your routine, and you would sometimes try to get a word in and act like you were having a conversation. The first few nights, Near didn't dare go into your room. He could hear your screams and the violent way you tried to cope. After a while, he finally went into your room and saw your sleeping face clearly, your cheeks still tearstained. He tucked an oily strand behind your ear. You hadn't showered in a while, but it hadn't grossed him out. Nothing you did could. All he wanted to do was help you. Mostly, he was scared of losing you. He did you a favor then, cleaning your room and leaving it spotless. He didn't stay that night.
Okay this is way longer than anticipated so I'm gonna have to cut it here... ;;; SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO MAKE IT THIS LONG I PROMISE... I also want to take a moment to say this isn't mean to be romanticized, nor sought after as a healthy relationship. Enjoy it as a messed up story, not as anything more :3
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nearlyrae · 2 years
Near x biggest simp reader “I’m thirsty” she has it in seconds
wait no reword this IM ACTUALLY GONNA DO IT
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nearlyrae · 3 years
wait are asks closed or open cause it says both😭 hope it is open bc your page is my fav!!
SOOO asks WERE closed because I have so many piled up, but I'm gonna open them again so I can work on new ones and thatll hopefully inspire me to work on old ones!! That being said I'm really sorry if I didn't get to your asks from before— I have no excuse I'm just sorry 😭😭😭
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nearlyrae · 3 years
Normalise romanticising Near
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nearlyrae · 3 years
So many languages and you decided to speak the truth...
I like to see that there is a vlog that not only writes genius readers, because personally I do not feel identified with that, it is great to know that you do not focus only on that and you can write about different readers!
I'm rlly glad you agree!! Ngl the first line made me laugh, thank u anon
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nearlyrae · 3 years
Just so y'all know: I am realllyyyy bad writing entirely canon Near. Why? Because I'm a big ole fiery ball of emotion and I'm so creatively inclined— Near being the black and white STARK opposite of me. I am so different from him it's actually funny.
My page is more writing the xReader side that's a lot more energetic and I would guess less like Near? Like an opposites attract kinda deal with a few exceptions!!
Cuz there's this huge thing in the Death Note community that reader HAS to be a genius to be with the boys, that reader has to contribute in some ways and I've noticed it's made the creatives a little sad, so my page is kinda like an encouraging little "Don't worry reader!! You're still hot stuff and Near finds you charming!!" Type of deal.
So no matter who you are, how you are or even what your intelligence is, if you love Near, I'll write your love scenarios!
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