nebulousmlm · 5 years
hey if ur a mlm blog that allows nblm interaction pls rb
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nebulousmlm · 6 years
we as a community have got to start being inclusive of disabled mlm. far too often, they’re look over and/or don’t get any representation in the media. not every mlm is able bodied, and we cant claim to be an inclusive community until we are actively including disabled mlm in the community
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nebulousmlm · 6 years
shout out to poc mlm who dont see as much representation as there should be; your skin is beautiful dont let anything make you believe otherwise !
shout out to trans mlm either non-passing, post-op or in the middle; you definitely are valid, you made it far! for that i am proud of you !
shout out to disabled mlm who fear that people will love them less because of their disabilities; that is definitely not true dont worry you are loved, stay rad !
shout out to chubby mlm who think that they are ‘too chubby’; chubby boys are adorable your body is perfect just the way it is no matter what society makes you think !
shout out to ace mlm who don’t feel comfortable engaging sexual acts in a relationship; thats totally okay! your partner should respect that and love you no matter what !
shout out to mlm living in strict homes who are not allowed to express their love; i am sorry you are in those conditions but keep your head up, you will get out of there one day i promise!
shout out to all mlm in the world! of all different identities, size, and color. you are all loved and not alone dont forget that 💘
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nebulousmlm · 6 years
gay latino mlm? amazing
bi/pan latino mlm? wonderful
trans latino mlm? stunning
nonbinary latino mlm? ethereal
ace aro latino mlm? fantastic
afro latino mlm? perfection
white passing latino mlm? gorgeous
mixed latino mlm? splendid
spanish speaking latino mlm? lovely
non spanish speaking latino mlm? sexy as hell
latino mlm? the best
latino mlm don’t get enough love in the community but you’re all perfection! i’m so proud to be a latino mlm and y’all should too y’all are kings
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nebulousmlm · 6 years
i !! will !! support !! asian !! mlm !! til !! the !! end !! of !! time !! they !! are !! not !! yaoi !! you !! fetishising !! fucks !!!
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nebulousmlm · 6 years
Reblog if you’re an idiot mlm
just an absolutely stupid son of a bitch
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nebulousmlm · 6 years
we out here lovin our latino mlm brothers tonight!!!!!
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nebulousmlm · 6 years
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mlm of color with a red theme for anon
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nebulousmlm · 6 years
shoutout to all the trans mlm who are on their period right now
yall are strong as fuck and i love u ❤
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nebulousmlm · 6 years
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moodboard: trans mlm
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nebulousmlm · 6 years
hey, shoutout to non-passing trans boys/mlm who:
-constantly have to deal with being misgendered
-have long hair!! (either bc theyre in the closet or by choice)
-have big hips/a large chest and feel like they can never pass
-are unable to transition currently (either because of financial or family situations)
-feel like they’ll never be seen as a man
-have high pitched “feminine” voices!
-get told theyre just straight girls
-feel like theyll never be accepted
-are scared theyll never find a boy who loves them
I promise that things will get better for you!! you’re just as much of a boy as any cis dude, and in time you will be able to transition and you will find a boy who loves you!!!
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nebulousmlm · 6 years
real talk, for trans guys it’s so much harder to tell if you genuinely experience same gender attraction because a lot of time you can’t pick apart the feelings of “do i want to be you or do i want you to be you with me” not to even mention all the internalized transphobia that comes along with being a trans gay guy or a trans mlm because you feel like you’re “just a straight girl faking it” so honestly shout out to all the gay and bi and pan trans guys who are out here loving dudes despite how fucking confusing attraction can be when you’re trans
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nebulousmlm · 6 years
boys that have stretchmarks and/or scars: ❤️💛💚💙💜🖤❣️💕💞💓💗💖💝💟♥️
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nebulousmlm · 6 years
Sending love to all NB mlm❤ You’re terrific and important.
Every NB mlm who reads this is without exception one of the most inspiring people on this planet
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nebulousmlm · 6 years
if ur a nb mlm, using the term ‘’mlm’’ doesnt erase your nb gender!
if ur a nb wlw, calling yourself ‘’wlw’’ doesnt erase your nb gender!
i understand that those terms have “man” and “woman” in them, but if it’s the label that you feel most comfortable with, that’s totally ok!!
just in the way that nb folks can use lesbian and gay, you can use mlm and wlw!
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nebulousmlm · 6 years
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nebulousmlm · 6 years
Big gay energy
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