necrokingdom · 2 years
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Yami is 23 (physically. As his soul is a few thousand years old) demi-sexual and homoromantic (There is one or two exceptions)
There will be abridged references. Get it? Got it? Good.
New: DO NOT spam like or spam reblog my posts or you will be blocked. It clogs my activity and can make it difficult to find threads.
I am NOT a meme resource. Please reblog from the original source. The only exceptions are my friends.
Yami is demi-sexual and homoromantic
There will be dark themes on this blog. I try to tag what I can of the more serious stuff but I may not tag everything.
NSFW is fine but smut needs to be discussed before I try it. And if we do, please keep it clean and soft. (Again we can discuss it but absolutely NO sexual images. I am very uncomfortable with those.)
I don't usually plot, I usually just wing it with asks or memes. But we can plot if you like. Just let me know.
I am open to AU ideas.
NO HATE (any all anons like that WILL be deleted) This includes ships. I don't care if you aren't comfortable with a particular ship, that is no excuse to bash anyone's interest. And it will NOT be tolerated here.
NO INCEST (By this I mean don’t bring it into rps with me. As I will not rp it. Selfcest is fine however.)
NO POLITICS (I never have, nor ever will, care for political bullshit. So I’d appreciate it if you kept that away from me while we rp. I come on here to get AWAY from real life stress. It’s not easy since I’m American and I have to hear about this regardless of how hard I try not to. But I’d really like it if you could keep it away from rping. Thanks. The exception will be the politics that have to do with the muse's universe. As I understand those can be a huge part of their stories.)
NO HATE. I'm here for fun not drama.
DON’T CONTROL MY MUSE (unless we plot it for an rp)
Promo made by the beautiful @xdeerxhealerx
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necrokingdom · 2 years
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THE VESSEL, Freed of His Bindings.
Haunted by the sins of his past,
Forever marked by his FATE.
YuGiOh! Duel Monsters Multimuse || Independent, Semi-Selective & Private || Sideblog to furtheststxr
Muses are 18+ || Mun is 21+ || Loved by Cherry
Blog is 18+; we talk about dark and heavy themes here!!
promo template x
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necrokingdom · 2 years
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Duel Art: Kazuki Takahashi Yu-Gi-Oh! Illustrations
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necrokingdom · 2 years
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necrokingdom · 2 years
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#the best theme song that ever existed
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necrokingdom · 2 years
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happy birthday ishizu!
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necrokingdom · 2 years
That voice. Ryo nearly jumped out of his skin, dropping the figurine onto his work table. Thankfully, he was right about his assumption. It fell a short distance, anyway. It just rolled until it hit a paint palette, completely unharmed. The ex-host in question whipped his entire body around just to see what was talking to him. Not much surprised him these days but this certainly did.
"Thief King..." His voice was barely above a whisper, his body frozen as he stared at what stood before him. It took a coupe seconds to regain his composure. "I thought..." Maybe he shouldn't finish that, actually. "I wasn't expecting you. I'm afraid I don't have extra chairs in my workspace..." He paused, looking around like he just remembered something. Oh, yeah. This is his living room. His actual workspace was too cold for him right now. "...Nevermind, take a seat anywhere you'd like." He closed his binder and picked the figuring back up, looking it over to make sure it didn't have any damage or, gods forbid, paint smears.
Lord and Tenant
The soft crackle of the fireplace was just the ambiance he needed for a late-night painting session. The lights were off, the shades half-lowered, speakers playing a tavern music playlist he’d curated himself at a low volume. Ryo’s light was candles; arranged with the tallest two on the outside and shrinking in length until they met the tea candle in the middle. This wasn’t any ordinary set he was painting; it was the Memory World rpg board. Gods know how long he spent on this board. Meticulously gluing every individual yellow-dyed salt crystal to the papier mâché sand dunes. The hours spent analyzing every photograph and drawings to recreate the city. The painstaking, desperate attempts to mold the figurines himself. He had mixed paint after paint to get every little detail just right. You couldn’t exactly nail a color from a description.
He paused once his pale fingers found themselves on the Thief King’s figurine. The young man silently rotated it in his grasp, as if afraid to shatter it. Arguably, he was, but it was clay and dense. Surely it could take a bit of a drop, right? Not that he wanted to know the answer. Every time he looked into that painted smug and intense lavender eyes, he always felt a sense of pity. The fear the other must have felt. The anger. The grief. Thankfully, Ryo had actually remembered to write down the paint recipes for this set. He… often forgot to do so with the others. Now, let’s see, the Thief King’s page should be here somewhere… Did organize this alphabetically or by set piece… Let’s see… Ryo had been so drawn in by his need to find this page that the world around him had been tuned out.
It had been quite a long time since the thief had seen his former host. In fact he wasn’t sure how long. But he decided to pay a visit. Maybe to just see how the other was doing? Maybe so he could use him again? After all he needed to use humans in order to hunt Numbers because he couldn’t use them himself due to the Earth’s low level energy atmosphere not being able to support his true from and therefore he couldn’t use his full power.
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It seemed like Ryou was so focused he didn’t noticed a portal that opened behind. Round, sparkling, white and purple portal opened and inside of it was a dark figure. When the figure stepped out its true identity was revealed. The portal behind him closed. “It’s been awhile, ex-host”, he greeted. He noticed what the other was doing. It was a Memory World set. And the boy had a figurine of him too.
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necrokingdom · 2 years
Ryo just stared, wide eyed, at what actually came out. Oh, fuck. This... didn't match what he had been told. He was sweating bullets. He had to be very, very careful on how he handled this situation. He had vastly underestimated the power of the creature that stood before him. The angry creatures that stood before him. He'd been so curious, so fascinated. The spirit had spoken so lovingly of Diabound! Actually, that should've been his first hint. Hindsight really is 20/20!
"So you're Diabound." Ryo fearfully whispered under his breath before speaking aloud. "I am Ryo Bakura, the host and reincarnation of your master Thief King Bakura!" Or, at least that's what Isis said after Zorc was defeated. He knew about the host part, that much was obvious, but after the pharaoh had passed onto the afterlife, Isis had to pull him aside and tell him that. Which, well, explained a lot.
"Please forgive me for summoning you so," Blue eyes looked to the floor. At the candles with the silver flame. At the summoning circle he spent an hour on. Now, he knew that this was a big no-no and he might regret it later (he probably will) but the circle was too small and that might be making him angrier. So, he broke the cardinal rule.
He broke the circle.
This should allow him to take up as much space as he needs and hopefully not kill him for his insolence.
"But great and mighty Diabound, your master had spoken of you so kindly. So lovingly. I just... wanted to meet you. Ask you about your master. You may leave if you wish; I will not keep you here." The immediate fear had resided, leaving the typical calm and collected Ryo in the face of the occult. Nothing could hurt him worse than the spirit. Nothing. Not even the Thief King's powerful ka.
The silver coils of the Serpent concealed the rest of the body, in deep slumber to recover strength. Ever since the King of Thieves' demise, the Ka had retreated to hide in the Shadow Realm, lingering in the dark depths and preying on whatever poor fool got too close to his self proclaimed domain. It had been sometime since the last spirit got close so he had coiled up to preserve what strength he had and waited. So much time had gone by that the Serpent spent in slumber undisturbed that the spirits returned to the area around his domain, no longer afraid to be there under the presumptions that he wouldn't wake up.
Claws twitched and the eyes on the smaller serpent opened, sensing the pull on the full body. A couple nudges to wake up the rest of the Ka, both sides fully aware now of what was happening. A hum rumbled in his chest and his wings spread, flying out of the dark depths. The spirits around fled in terror, a couple getting snatched up in claws to be consumed midflight. His Master had need of him again.
Out in the human realm, the candles did relight with silver flames as a large rift opened up in the middle of the circle. Silver claws pulled it open wider. The monstrous Serpent filling in the space as he pulled himself through the rift though he was forced to a halt before his tail was able to come through with no more room. His head turned to look at Ryo, those green eyes fixating on him. That wasn't the Thief King who had woken him from his slumber.
"Who are you?" In the true form, Diabound's voice sounded more of a mixture of 99 other voices. The fallen villagers of Kul Elna giving the Ka a voice.
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necrokingdom · 2 years
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necrokingdom · 2 years
Ryo's entire body stiffened once Yami turned around. Oh, no. This wasn't Yugi. That... that's embarrassing. He felt heat rush to his face and he awkwardly turned his head away to look literally anywhere else.
"Oh, I-I hadn't realized! Please forgive me." Well, shit. He did keep his gaze on him from the corner of his eye, so he was able to see when Yami turned and started walking in the direction he needed to go. Wait for him! The young man hurried to catch up with his friend's other self, leather bag swaying in the breeze and occasionally banging against his thigh, the sound of glass colliding making him worried that he's going to open this thing up to find shards waiting for him. Once he caught up, he chose to stay several paces behind.
"You see," How could he answer this without sounding utterly insane? "I'm a night person. I like to take walks out here when there's not many people around." It let him be alone with his thoughts. Besides, it... reminded him of... his own other self. The other self that left him abandoned in new places with new faces and new scars that weren't there the night before. It wasn't false; but not entirely true, either.
"And there's just something about that building that..." Did he really want to finish that sentence? Ryo trailed off, tired eyes fixating on his newfound companion ahead of him. There was something about Yami that attracted his interest. But he just couldn't put his finger on it. Well, it's probably because he's the reason Ryo's sixth sense went haywire when he first met Yugi. Yeah, that's probably it.
"Thank you for showing me the way, Yami. I appreciate it. Really, I do." Finally, he can see what's been driving him up the wall every time he passed it. Who knows, maybe the endeavor might make for a cool arc in his current Monster World campaign!
Yami tended to do his hunting at night. Less people and therefore less of a chance of being seen. However it seemed like fate had other plans for him tonight. As one of Yugi's friends made his way over to him. The place Ryo described however, Yami had indeed passed by. In fact... He had planned to take a victim there. So much for that... Oh. Oh he thought... Well it was an easy mistake to make.
"Ah... Actually I am... The other him. Yami." To try and make this less awkward, Yami answered Ryo's question. "I have seen that building though. It's this way." He started to walk in that direction. "If I may ask? Why are you out so late? It can be dangerous at this hour."
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necrokingdom · 2 years
Lord and Tenant
The soft crackle of the fireplace was just the ambiance he needed for a late-night painting session. The lights were off, the shades half-lowered, speakers playing a tavern music playlist he'd curated himself at a low volume. Ryo's light was candles; arranged with the tallest two on the outside and shrinking in length until they met the tea candle in the middle. This wasn't any ordinary set he was painting; it was the Memory World rpg board. Gods know how long he spent on this board. Meticulously gluing every individual yellow-dyed salt crystal to the papier mâché sand dunes. The hours spent analyzing every photograph and drawings to recreate the city. The painstaking, desperate attempts to mold the figurines himself. He had mixed paint after paint to get every little detail just right. You couldn't exactly nail a color from a description.
He paused once his pale fingers found themselves on the Thief King's figurine. The young man silently rotated it in his grasp, as if afraid to shatter it. Arguably, he was, but it was clay and dense. Surely it could take a bit of a drop, right? Not that he wanted to know the answer. Every time he looked into that painted smug and intense lavender eyes, he always felt a sense of pity. The fear the other must have felt. The anger. The grief. Thankfully, Ryo had actually remembered to write down the paint recipes for this set. He... often forgot to do so with the others. Now, let's see, the Thief King's page should be here somewhere... Did organize this alphabetically or by set piece... Let's see... Ryo had been so drawn in by his need to find this page that the world around him had been tuned out.
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necrokingdom · 2 years
send 🔮 for my muse to show up at your door after screwing around with dark magic
He couldn't stop panting as he violently banged on the door. Oh gods, oh gods, he's made a horrible mistake. He broke the circle, he broke the circle, and now they're after him! Well, that or it's another sleep deprived hallucination. Couldn't ever tell.
"Yami? Yami! Yami!" Ryo's voice pitched up in his panic; wasn't often he ever raised his voice either. "Open the door! Gods, please, OPEN THE DOOR!!" Honestly, the door could be wide open and Ryo wouldn't even notice. He's too busy panicking to care. The young man had fled to the first house he recognized and, well, this was it. Hopefully this was the right one...
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necrokingdom · 2 years
Send 🔮 for my muse to show up at your door after screwing around with dark magic.
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necrokingdom · 2 years
Black Ritual
The last candle was carefully set in place and lit with the gentle touch of a match. There. That should set everything in place. Ryo hadn't ever tried this before, but he just dug this thing up from bottom of his box of old spell books that he never bothered to organize. It was a Christmas gift from his father; said he picked this thing up in Egypt and it seemed like the freaky kind of thing he'd like. The very thought of it made him bitter. The young man stood up to examine his handiwork. It looked right; it matched the book a few inches away from him. Yet, a part of him had to beg the question: was this the right thing to do? Should be really be messing with things he didn't understand? No. He already made the circle. He lit the candles. There is no going back from here.
He had long since passed the point of no return.
The box of salt was lightly shaken into a waiting palm, pouring out just enough to close the gap he had made in this circle to grab the rest of what he had needed earlier in the setup process. Ryo was very careful to pour the salt on the floor to ensure that it both looked like it belonged and didn't leave any gaps. If he summoned something else entirely, he needed it to stay contained.
Frankly, Ryo wasn't even sure what he was expecting to see. He had heard stories about this great being, how strong, how powerful, how beloved it was. Even its name had to be spoken with great respect. Diabound. Tired blue eyes flickered to the book next to him, cautiously placed to still be within reach but not out of the circle altogether. Alright, everything is set up, what did he need to do now?
Okay, light the tallest candle. He held the candle to the northernmost tea candle to light it. Done. Stand facing the moon. He stood up once more to face his window. Alright. He did have to turn his head to try and glance at the spoken ritual. Maybe he should've picked up that book. He'll go do that now, actually. The young male had to accomplish some minor acrobatics to manage to get that back in his hands without a) losing his place, b) smudging the chalk, c) leaving a gap in the salt, and d) keep his body mostly facing the moon. If this is what it takes to summon a ka without the necessary equipment, so be it. He just hoped that whoever wrote this thing knew what he was talking about.
Ryo stumbled over the words, quickly realizing that this is not a language he knows. Thank the gods the author wrote them out phonetically. He'd be in big trouble if it was written as it was intended. Whatever he was doing, it was working; the candles were flickering and changing color. Huh. never seen it do that before. But just to be sure he's getting the right spirit, some clarification never hurt anybody.
"The great and mighty Diabound!" Ryo cried out, holding the candle above his head, barely caring about the hot wax dripping onto his hands. "Ka of the King of Thieves! Mighty serpent of Kul Elna! Come forth, I beseech you!" Was he making a great mistake? Likely. Probably. But it never hurt to try. The candle was lowered and the light snuffed with his fingers to complete the ritual, the rest of the candles going out with this one. Now he has to wait. The candles should relight themselves when whatever attention he received shows themselves to him. It was out of his hands now.
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necrokingdom · 2 years
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necrokingdom · 2 years
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Thief King Bakura can no longer hide his feelings about the monarchy!
*Selected Writings and Speeches by Maximilien Robespierre audiobook begins playing*
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necrokingdom · 2 years
Starter Call - Ryo Bakura
Like this post for a starter!
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