necromancer-dave · 2 days
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necromancer-dave · 2 days
After what seems like an eternity of walking through the dead forest, you finally arrive at a quaint village. Dave makes a beeline for a pub and settles at a table, where a blacksmith already sits waiting with a beer in hand, and a bowl of chips on the table. You tag along slowly behind, taking in the beauty of the village. It seems to bustle with life, a certain charm lies within it's simplicity. By the time you sit down, the blacksmith is already inspecting the weapon.
"A black iron blade.. there's rather a few domains up north that have adopted the practice of making this alloy, but I can think of only one that can make one so ornate: the Great Mines of the Charid Peaks. But, they've not been heard from for donkey's years. And not even they could produce sometime so very precise. Where did you get this weapon?"
Dave looks stoic as ever.
"That's not relevant. Thank you for your help, sir."
Dave was turning to get up, but whipped his head back around.
"The Charid Peaks lie deep within the territories of giants and angels. If you intend to traverse them, you'll want to get a good night's rest before you depart, it won't be an easy trek. I implore you, rest in the bedrooms here, and leave at first dawn."
Dave turns his head to look at you, seeing if you agree.
A crow lands on your windowsill, bearing a letter attached with a red wax seal on.
*reaching from the chair I am sitting ing I grab the letter and look at the seal*
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necromancer-dave · 2 days
You notice that Dave has entirely changed his appearance. In lieu of his robes, he now dons a pauldron and pair of gauntlets, both a brilliant silver. A leather breastplate wraps around his form, fabrics of various blue hanging down from his chest and arms. He wears tall leather boots up to his thighs, too, but no helmet. A jewel adorned longsword is attached to his back, as well as a shield of a similar design. The knife is clutched to his thigh in a holster. and he holds his staff in his left hand.
He takes off into the woods through the gate. Gravestones stretch unceasingly and sparsely through the woods, visible only barely through the shrubbery. There must have been a thousand dead, and all of them given their proper burial.
The silence wails at every turn, never letting your forget what should be there. It's hard to feel at ease in a forest devoid of life after all. The namesake of the Forlorn Woods makes all the sense in the world to you now.
A crow lands on your windowsill, bearing a letter attached with a red wax seal on.
*reaching from the chair I am sitting ing I grab the letter and look at the seal*
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necromancer-dave · 2 days
Dave seems slightly taken aback.
"You've got experience? That's rather.. nevermind. The plan is not to fight her in her ascended form, but rather to kill her before it is realised. But if it isn't a worry, that may be a wise precaution to take. I'll await your return at the entry gates to the woods. You must tell me more of this experience, however."
A crow lands on your windowsill, bearing a letter attached with a red wax seal on.
*reaching from the chair I am sitting ing I grab the letter and look at the seal*
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necromancer-dave · 2 days
the autism thing of having to learn to preface every question you ask with Holy Shit I'm Just Curious Please Dont Yell At Me because it turns out a lot of questions seem to Mean Something and people will get mad if you ask them
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necromancer-dave · 2 days
Didn't reblog that one "wait you guys actually use chatgpt" post but the one reply where someone said they use it to do math is insane to me, we already have an AI that does math for you it's called a calculator and it's been around for decades
Edit: I know a calculator isn't AI I was making a point that we already have the tools to help with math and we don't need the unreliable bullshit
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necromancer-dave · 2 days
"That's a fantastic question, Skye."
Dave's grip of the dagger tightens.
"I could tell you that she massacred and exsanguinated the entire population of the Forlorn Woods, save a few colonies of druids that had the fortune of never seeing her. I could tell you that she's known as the first vampire, that she's never left anyone in her wake alive."
He begins to move around the room.
"But I couldn't tell you where to find her. I can't tell you why she does what she does. I couldn't tell me how she learned such a revolting school of magic, or why. Hell, even saying "she" is mere speculation!"
He stops moving and his grip of the dagger spasms and lightens to the point that he's barely holding it.
"She's nothing more than a myth to most. But I have to find her."
The room falls quiet, and the silence of the forest has never been louder. Dave takes a seat and puts the weapon on the counter.
"I'm.. I'm sorry.
My plan was to visit the village that lies at the bottom of the woods. There's a blacksmith there who i'm certain will recognise the design of this blade, he may be able to point us in the right direction. Would you still like to come with?"
A crow lands on your windowsill, bearing a letter attached with a red wax seal on.
*reaching from the chair I am sitting ing I grab the letter and look at the seal*
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necromancer-dave · 2 days
"Thank you! It belongs to the potentate of the Forlorn Woods, which now happens to be me. Once I pass on, it'll go to the next best trained mage."
Dave puts his hand into his robe pocket, and firmly grasps his hand around something.
"But in regards to my purpose at that war,"
He pulls out a curved dagger, stained red over a matte black coat. Runic text decorates the blade from tip to hilt. It reads:
'Fall, by the will of our Goddess Icharia'
"I'm hunting a God."
Dave passes you the blade with the utmost care.
"Which is naturally a rather difficult undertaking after she becomes a God. I'd like to find her before that happens, and this blade is supposedly part of the ritual undertaken by each of her followers that pledged devotion to her, sacrificing the blood of their bodies in the process. I'm going to find out who made this weapon, or who's going to make it. Such complications are bound to occur in when travelling through time."
A crow lands on your windowsill, bearing a letter attached with a red wax seal on.
*reaching from the chair I am sitting ing I grab the letter and look at the seal*
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necromancer-dave · 2 days
"What you saw is what most call the last war. An event that lies at the end of it all, where each and every person possessing of sufficient power rise to fight one another for their own purpose. Most because it's all that's left before the last star burns out, others for the glory of being the last one standing."
He takes a swig of a dark blue substance in a goblet. Immediately, vitality returns to his face, and he returns to an almost unaffected state.
"What a fickle concept, glory, eh? I suppose the end of the universe makes you do foolish things.
I called for you because I feared facing such a barbaric place alone. Sincerely, I am sorry for placing you in such a position of danger. But if it's any consolation, I found what I was looking for, and you're welcome to come with me to continue my quest, if you wish."
He passes you a glass of the same deep blue liquid he drank. You deduct that it's probably some form of healing potion, but you can't explain why it smells of raspberries.
A crow lands on your windowsill, bearing a letter attached with a red wax seal on.
*reaching from the chair I am sitting ing I grab the letter and look at the seal*
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necromancer-dave · 2 days
Dave thrusts his staff into the ground, while tree roots extend in an enveloping circle around the both of you. A faint green barrier raises up from the roots, and all goes bright for a second.
When you finally catch your bearings, you stand in a high rising tower, looking out over the mist-shrouded Folorn Forest. Dave has already taken a seat on an armchair facing toward the window, and gestures for you to do the same.
A crow lands on your windowsill, bearing a letter attached with a red wax seal on.
*reaching from the chair I am sitting ing I grab the letter and look at the seal*
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necromancer-dave · 2 days
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I hab put myself and @the-moth-wizard-of-mayhem in Minecraft (blockbench)
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necromancer-dave · 1 month
me: hey shadow check this shit out, it's called whippits
shadow the hedgehog hanging out with me in the parking lot:
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necromancer-dave · 1 month
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necromancer-dave · 1 month
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necromancer-dave · 1 month
aquarium date? sorry, I mean museum date? sorry, I mean planetarium date? sorry, I mean botanical garden date? sorry, I mean grocery shopping together? sorry, I mean
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necromancer-dave · 4 months
*staring up with the biggest, saddest, wettest, most adorable eyes you've ever seen*
can i pretty please have some wings?? or are you really not affected by cuteness... :(
via @bisexualchemistry
Unfortunately in your case, big sad eyes have little to effect on me.
Occasionally, I may get a little chuckle (I wave my wing slightly with a slight awkward grin as I said this).
But, I could try building a machine to help you out.
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necromancer-dave · 4 months
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