necrophilacticsoul · 3 years
i die when i read these lines and i become one with the eternal me whose presence i can never doubt, not even if a i have to lay myself down on a scolding hot pan can i deny that even this is secondary to what i am.
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necrophilacticsoul · 3 years
I heard only two sentences from your mouth and I can already tell what a beautiful soul you are. I don't need to hear your bad side if the good side is all I ever want to bring out. 
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necrophilacticsoul · 3 years
Geen wonder die I-man praat nie reguit nie.
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necrophilacticsoul · 3 years
We done the most uncomfortable part already, now the easy part of just being in the moment begins. Just like we practice theory in meditation, now its the practical's. Pull yourself back every time you find yourself amiss and enjoy what wonders the world has for you today.
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necrophilacticsoul · 3 years
Sometimes in order to find our way in life, we must help others find theirs
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necrophilacticsoul · 3 years
Jy moet net relax
Impatience breeds anxiety and fear. Stay in the moment, go in it's depths , discover parts of it you never knew existed, smell it, breath it, taste it, touch it, care for it, nurture it, accept it and once you've mastered it, it will become the best version of it.
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necrophilacticsoul · 3 years
Relax, when you try to control everything, you enjoy nothing. Trust the wait and embrace the uncertainty, when nothing is certain, anything is possible, feel the power that comes from focusing on how you want to feel and let the universe fill in the details.
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necrophilacticsoul · 3 years
Hoe groter j raak hoe kleiner raak jou siel
Die sink blik
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necrophilacticsoul · 3 years
Die een wat lieg, is die een wat dit doen, en die een wat nie lieg nie, is die een wat dit nie doen nie
hout kas
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necrophilacticsoul · 3 years
We keep meeting every 5 years/century or so, you come back to me, my soul mate to awaken the soul in this empty corpse and I burst into tears fearless of the shame I’m to feel from the person you’ve chosen to harbour your soul in. you speak to me through them. when I myself have become one, connected to all is when you come, to me saying the same words you’ve said a lifetime ago it feels like. i sit there naked and shameless as I welcome my soul back into my body. bless it for returning and grateful to be so, connected once again, after a lifetime of being alone.
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