necroticblonde-a ¡ 2 years
Hey, ya’ll! I know not a lot of people that are following me are still active but I thought I’d let ya’ll know I’m moving over to @longdeadblonde. I just feel like this blog’s been dead for some time now. A lot of people I used to interact with have since jumped ship and I thought it’d be nice to have a fresh start! That blog is still cooking but my info has stayed more or less the same.
If you’re still around and want to continue any pre-existing relationships or start fresh, message me over there! Alternatively, if you like annoying vampires, check out my other blog @mxldito. 
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necroticblonde-a ¡ 3 years
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Beloved Princess.
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necroticblonde-a ¡ 3 years
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Rules | About | Mun Vampire: The Masquerade V5 Anarch OC. 21+ mun, 9+ years of roleplay experience. OCs, crossovers, and other VTM versions welcome! Dark and 18+ content.
Please like or reblog if interested!! I'd be happy to write with you! 🖤
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necroticblonde-a ¡ 3 years
The pay was a joke. Robert still hadn’t said anything more about that unclaimed inheritance he was usually so adamant about. No way in hell he was going to let her brother think of him as a leech. So he finally let the breath out of his lungs and answered as honestly as he could without painting himself as the gold-digging type. “Wisnae every chiel’s dream, f’sure. Weel, am no doon it fer th’money. But gettin’ by jus fine. Whit’s it ye do yerself?” This felt a lot like a test, although he wasn’t sure if that was his nerves speaking. There was silence and there was… silence. Ruben’s seemed like the latter. So the intensity was hereditary, then. Cicero’s giggle served as his single rock in the midst of these rough seas. He looked a tad surprised to hear about the rest of her night, as he didn’t remember her mentioning the concert. Lucky on his part for her boredom. At first he expected the little one to huff at him, only to be met with a deceptively enthusiastic reply. It visibly took him a moment to process what Fausta had said, but he soon beamed and nodded in agreement, eyebrows up in that expression so very common to adults aiming for ‘encouraging-but-a-bit-lost’ and never knowing if they’d landed it. “Aye, ye’re reit, oors look like a skifter - suits ye better ‘n it suits me, lassie.”
 “Well, any employment’s good employment, right? Even if you’re not swimming in cash. Settling is an honorable thing, you know?” He was on a roll with the passive-aggressive jabs tonight, though he was surprised with his sister. She wasn’t the lawyer-dating type. He would’ve thought that after all the cult stuff, she’d never want to even look at a lawyer ever again. “Ah, me. I work in art. I’m a dealer at the gallery downtown, across from the Civic Center. I know in reality it’s probably really money laundering but hey, getting to know local artists or whatever. Doesn’t hurt to shoehorn my own work in.”
 “Were you born with it like that too? I was! But I’m adopted so I don’t have pictures to show you but I was born like that! Uh. . .” Fausta’s brown furrowed, she wasn’t sure what else she could talk about, “What’s a skrifter?”
 Cicero sighed openly this time, she felt her patience dwindling. At least Fausta was beginning to behave herself for the most part but Ruben just wouldn’t let him. Odds were, he was trying to rile her up just so he could tease her about it later. The last thing she wanted was for this to blow up in her face. Just before she could conjure up her own rude comment, the front door slammed open.
 “Hey, girlies! I found some more dumb shit we don’t need!” A woman’s voice bellowed. A plush rabbit was flung across the room, colliding with Fausta’s head, “There you go, squirt. Tear that one up to your heart's content. I’m not cleaning it up though.”
 “Hey!” Fausta shouted.
 “Hello!” Dialen stumbled into the room, several plastic bags filled to bursting with lace curtains, quilts, and various knickknacks. “Cici! Oh! And Ake’s here too! I found those funny little frog figurines. You know those sets that one has a vagi-” She paused, her eyes falling on Finch, “. . Oh! That was today! I’m sorry, if I’d have known, I would’ve brought you something!” She thrust her hand to him, “I’m Rhian-, uh, I mean, I’m Dialen!”
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necroticblonde-a ¡ 3 years
 “So long as you keep an eye on the boy and make sure he knows to stay out of trouble and to stay outta my way when I come a’knockin’. You, on the other hand, don’t gotta worry about what me and Leth get up to afterdark.” Ruben scoffed, shooting a sideways glance at Red. 
 “Hey, petty robberies cover my costs, don’t they? I got an extra mouth to feed these days so there’s no such thing as going too low for your cash.” Cici had her own work, but some days she wasn’t in the condition to spend hours hand stitching tiny pleats into yards upon yards of fabric. Even so, there wasn’t much clientele in the area for her the way there was back home. Every morning he’d wake to find her standing at the window, weeping over the stove as she did her best to put breakfast together. The last thing he needed was to be unable to feed himself or his sister. He was certain any sort of instability would tip her over the edge. As far as he could tell, the madhouse wasn’t about healing as it was about tucking inconvenient truths away to where they’re meant to be forgotten.
 “Don’t I know it? We’re all dogs here. We just let the others pick up our scraps is all.” Ruben glanced up at Leth with a tender smile, but quickly enough, he slapped that “tough guy” smugness back onto his face. “Sounds like you two plan on going in heavy with the planning. If it’s a gun you need, you know I’m always your man for the job”. He still hadn’t gotten himself properly into the nitty gritty of the craft, petty crimes and being mean out on the sand had been his main focus just to break his previous “thoroughbred” image. He was willing to just do with Yawen and Leth told him to. They were the only two people he could trust out here.
 He couldn’t help but snicker at Yaya’s antics. If there was one thing this little gang could do, it’s be a mighty fine pain in the behind. Egging his companions on only made him more full of himself. “Not too spooked, Marshal.  How ‘bout you though? You’re looking a little green in the face there.”
@necroticblonde‘s post next.
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“Oh, but we can. You forget yourself – and underestimate us. If you said the words, I’d wipe the dust off my rifle and this town would belong to we three, Red. It already does.” He grinned at his partner as if for affirmation, but it was impossible to tell if he was truly so ambitious about the idea. “Not to fear love, we aren’t all devoid of fun in this godforsaken town.” Nodding his head in Romero’s direction, he pressed Ruben’s fingers between his own. “Depends who we’d be pilfering from, hm. And as for your question about Adrian, Red – No, at least not while I had eyes on them. You know the other stickler tries to keep things professional in public; futile as it is.” The saloon doors parted with a bang, and Leth straightened like a cobra poising itself to strike. Despite a loud entrance, confidence was not a familiar scent on the Marshal. From the stilted greetings to the caught-rabbit gaze, it seemed that wasn’t about to change. As venomous creatures went, Romero could be a sweet viper - but a viper all the same. It took one to know one. Leth would sooner pick a fight with himself than her. “Oh yes. Dreadful. Just dreadful, Mr. Bell.” He tutted, the words dripping from his lips in that almost-rhythmic way. Much like the amber liquor as it settled into the Marshal’s glass. The bartender slid it down the counter… “Your  - and your deputy’s - bravery provides many of my patrons with the reassurance they need to sleep at night.” …only to block his customer off from the nectar with his forearm. “So between you and us, how fares the investigation?”
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necroticblonde-a ¡ 3 years
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i figured he was going to break my heart regardless
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necroticblonde-a ¡ 3 years
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Two Girls in the Woods
By Dolce Paganne
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necroticblonde-a ¡ 3 years
A silent puff of air from between Cicero’s painted lips, a disguised sigh, as she glanced back at her brother. Oftentimes, she didn’t care how her brother looked at humans, she likely had a similar indifferent and even harsh glare but she didn’t like said glare being directed towards somebody she’d taken such a liking to. He was almost indiscriminate with that look in his eye as he was with the people he was willing to cut down. If it weren’t for fear of making the situation all the more awkward, she would’ve loudly instructed Akephalos to either direct his hateful gaze elsewhere or simply get up and leave if he couldn’t behave himself.
“A playground by a cemetery. Sounds about right for this one.” Akephalos chuckled. He was still wondering if he was going to keep the poor boy in the hot seat all evening long, not because his aim was to weed out any bad apples attempting to date his sister but rather out of spite. Maybe to a degree to signal to Finch that this family was beyond dysfunctional just in case he wanted to see himself out before the pot really started boiling over. He sat in silence for a minute, looking past Finch before piping back up, “Is the pay decent?”
Again, Cicero resisted another loud huff with each comment and question her brother pelted Finch with. It was clear to her that he was being deliberate and God, did she want to lash out for it. She had no qualms about shouting at him in front of the Kozlowskis or even her own clients whenever they were around but she was determined to stay on her best behavior.
She felt Finch’s hand slide onto her knee and relaxed just the slightest bit, gently pressing against him. She bit down on the tip of her tongue, doing her best not to apologize again. Instead, she gave a giggle, it’d been a long time since somebody talked about her like that. She’d spare the eyes and ears of her siblings and save the (excessive) mushiness later, “I’d left a concert early because I got bored. For once, I’m glad I missed the headliner.”
Fausta’s brows furrowed a bit at Finch’s wave, not really caring whether or not he was significant to the family. Still, she didn’t want to be scolded for being rude to somebody she wasn’t specifically instructed to be rude to. She continued to kick her little legs for a second before chirping, “Same hair!”, pointing to her own head of pale hair.
Hardly reassured, he gave a little nod and smile to show that he understood she didn’t feel like talking about this other fellow right now. “I’m glad y’brought me, Ci. Noh need tae thank me.” If anything, he felt like the lucky one to have her in his life. Call him a sap, but Finch had always been one to fall hard whenever he did fall. He was clearly head over heels.
So for the time being Finch focused on Akephalos, not the man’s varied and gruesome conquests. He’d been an actor for most of his childhood; what was one more dinner? One hand remained in his lap, the other on Cicero’s knee, barely a conscious decision. “Aye, in the playgroound ooutside the cemahtary of all places. A beautiful lass told me hoow stupid she thought bein’ buried in the groound was, an’ I realised I wouldnae mind listenin’ t’er talk aboout everythin’ and anythin’ in the world.”
He didn’t like the way her brother watched him. Fausta’s gaze could at least be rationalised as childish curiosity, but Akephalos’ made the young man feel like he was walking on eggshells. His grip on her leg tightened just a smidge. God help him if the parents proved anything remotely similar. Taking the excuse to avert his eyes for at least a brief moment, Finch raised the hand from his lap to wave at the child.
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necroticblonde-a ¡ 3 years
 Therea felt herself nearly slip on the concrete before she managed to slip inside Cici’s car with a sigh of relief. It was hard to tell, but the very tip of her nose was already a slightly darker shade due to the cold outside. “Not cold enough?” She repeated with a slight widen of her eyes before she remained still to allow her friend to drape the scarf around her. Warm. She could always trust Cici to look out for her, couldn’t she? “Thank you, Ci…” Her voice was a little muffled from behind the garment, but easy enough to catch. Her index hooked into the scarf, pulling it a little below her lips while her free hand fiddled with the car’s heat, turning it up just a smidge. “I won’t ask, Cici. As long as you don’t drag me to that ice block of a place!” Came the warning before the other demoness finally settled down and put on her seatbelt. 
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 “Bebe? She usually just slips right under the blankets with me. We sometimes nap together during the afternoon, but only after I help her with homework. On occasion, she helps make sure I’m warm enough to take care of the garden outside. She’s a little blessing.” A larger smile grew on her lips. “Oh, she wanted to spend the weekend at a friend’s. She was a little sad she couldn’t come, she wants to meet you properly. Maybe next time? Bebe has a late gift for you and the others laying around, I’m sure.” 
 She waited for the heavy music that Cici enjoyed so much to fill the car and chuckled softly. It was fun to realize just how different their tastes were. Still, she didn’t dislike the music. “So, where are we going again? I was thinking about getting another winter coat, but I also need some new lingerie and shoes…”
 “I’m a big fan of subzero temperatures. Don’t go busting your head on my car. I don’t feel like doing the old toilet plunger trick to get a dent out when it’s this slippery and cold out.” Cicero snickered to herself, even if it didn’t bother her much, she still couldn’t be bothered to run errands when it was such a hassle to get around in this weather. Even as an experienced driver, black ice was still a threat and it was still possible to lose control of her machine. She didn’t want her precious car trashed. “Sure thing, sister. You can keep the scarf if you want. You need it more than I do.”
 “She sounds like a little sweetie? Fausta’s been asking about her. Our girl. . .is a delight in her own way. She’s especially cuddly lately, both with me and Uggo. He doesn’t mind since she’s warm too. You should see them huddled on the couch for a nap. Both of them are just as spoiled as each other.” The demoness briefly mused like a proud mother. “Maybe we can get them together for another playdate sometime soon.”
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 “Ooh! Lingerie! Spicy! I’ll probably pick up something for myself while we’re at it.” Shopping was fun, especially with Therea. As a seamstress, Cicero loved working with her and didn’t mind playing personal stylist either. “I need to pick up some perfume and makeup, some winter underclothes for Fausta, and Princess Dia requested. . .a corndog.” She tapped her long black nails against the steering wheel.
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necroticblonde-a ¡ 3 years
             𝑳𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖.                     𝑳𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖…                            𝑻𝒐 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉.
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necroticblonde-a ¡ 3 years
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necroticblonde-a ¡ 3 years
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Katie Dutch
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necroticblonde-a ¡ 4 years
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Satanic Pandemonium (Gilberto MartĂ­nez Solares, 1975)
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necroticblonde-a ¡ 4 years
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necroticblonde-a ¡ 4 years
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necroticblonde-a ¡ 4 years
Valentine’s Day Horny for @wincked
 Akephalos’s cold hand glided down Leth’s abdomen, gently wrapping itself around his girth, and applying just the softest amount of pressure. In his other hand, he held a shining, clean straight razor against his lover’s bare waist, not yet pressing down enough to break skin but slowly pressing down harder. “You know I don’t appreciate your teasing,” he growled against his ear. All of this was part of the “game” they played throughout the day: brushing against one another in the hallway or kitchen, sliding a hand up each other’s thighs when they sat together, nibbling on the other’s lip whenever they kissed. The goal of the game was to see who broke first, and tonight’s loser happened to be Akephalos.
 His thumb stroked along Leth’s cock as he pressed up against him from behind, resting his chin on his shoulder. The blade pressed a deeper into Leth’s skin, a thin line of red seeping from the wound. Unable to resist, he bucked his hips against his boyfriend’s ass.
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necroticblonde-a ¡ 4 years
Valentine’s Day Horny for @unfinched 
 Whatever film they’d put on wasn’t really important at this point, if anything all it did was serve as background noise to whimpers and gentle moans. What started off as another typical movie night slowly evolved into cuddling, then kissing, and within the blink of an eye, Cici had pushed Finch down onto his back and was straddling his hips. With her skirt pulled up, she grinded against him, giving shuddering breaths against his neck between licks and nibbles. Her hands entangled in his hair, as she kept rocking against him.
 It’d been so long since she’d gotten this intimate with anybody, but she wasn’t nervous. All this time, interacting with Finch. . .fantasizing about him, she was done playing coy and now her chance had finally arisen. Abruptly, she paused and began pulling back, suddenly aware of the wetness gathering in her panties. She reached down between her thighs to undo Finch’s pants.
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