nedsmarie44 · 16 days
This fandom gets weirder by the day. Why tf are y’all digging through the triplets past and decoding how Matt and Chris’s high school relationships ended and then making TikTok’s about it. “Oh I feel so bad for Chris.” “Nicole fumbled so hard”. Are y’all fucking stupid??? Nicole never fumbled bc it was a mutual decision for the break up. Leave Chris alone! He never confirmed anything about his dating history and yet y’all out here thinking y’all know everything? Are you that fucking bored? Go outside and touch grass. Read a book. Take up a new hobby. Because making assumptions and invading peoples privacy and boundaries is NOT ok!!!!
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nedsmarie44 · 29 days
Nah bc y’all weird why y’all saying this on a live streak where you know Matt and minors watch???
average Sturniolo tumblr post:
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nedsmarie44 · 29 days
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Y’all are so fucking weird it’s not funny nor cutesy. Y’all damn well know that if a man said this to a women y’all would have a different reaction but bc their famous YouTubers y’all DON’T have the same respect??? Writing fanfictions is one thing, dedicating a song that reminded you of them is another thing but this…is just fucking weird.
Go outside. Go touch grass. Get back in touch with reality.
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nedsmarie44 · 1 month
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nedsmarie44 · 1 month
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i can be his stay at home housewife or whatever he wants me to be
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nedsmarie44 · 1 month
The most frustrating experience as a writer is having a clear vision in your mind of the story you want to tell but being too afraid to put pen to paper for fear of failing to do the story justice. I’m so scared that my actual execution will fail to meet my expectations that I’m paralysed to even start.
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nedsmarie44 · 1 month
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nedsmarie44 · 1 month
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nedsmarie44 · 1 month
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nedsmarie44 · 1 month
lowkey guys, remember to write for yourself too. i abandoned my favorite wip of all time for two years because i thought other people wouldn’t like it. that sucked, and i decided to stop caring if other people will think it’s weird and write what i like. it’s made me a lot happier since i’ve accepted that
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nedsmarie44 · 1 month
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nedsmarie44 · 1 month
When your character’s trauma starts hitting a little too close to home
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nedsmarie44 · 1 month
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nedsmarie44 · 1 month
The shadow man, the lost child and me
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The Tornado, The deer and The Headlights.
Author note part one: this story has nothing to do with the sturniolo triplets. This little story is based on the worst betrayal I’ve felt. This was a 5+yr friendship. we got matching tattoos. We thought we had a “grow old in a nursing home” type friendship. This was the betrayal I never saw coming. Friendship breakups hurt worse than regular breakup. Also I couldn’t pick one song so I’m gonna put all the songs that really resonated with me during this time! If you take the time to read this, thank you so much!
Trigger warnings: grieving someone who’s still alive, betrayal, pain, fake blood, homesick, acceptance. No happy ending!
“How can you say that love someone you can’t tell is dying? I sent you signals and bit my nails down to quick.”- you’re losing me by Taylor swift
“ And you say I abandoned the ship but I was going down with it, my white knuckled dying grip, holding tight to your quiet resentment” - So long, London Taylor swift
“Oh what a valiant roar, what a bland goodbye. The coward claimed he was a lion. I’m combing through the braids of lies. I’ll never leave…never mind” -LOML Taylor swift
“I would’ve died for sins instead I just died inside” -the smallest man who ever lived, Taylor swift
“I move through the world with a heart broken. My longings stay unspoken. And I may never open up the way I did for you” -the black dog Taylor swift
“And I can go anywhere I want just not home. And you can aim for my heart, go for blood but you would still miss me in your bones.” -my tears ricochet Taylor swift
First the winds were quiet. The sky was grey but the clouds were few in between. And then I saw the deer in the headlights. I watched him run. I always run. Why didn’t I follow?
At first everything was still. Until her texts started pouring in, each one more callous than the last. “Wait!” I yelled as I desperately ran after the deer wondering if it was too late. Where did the deer go? The wind started picking up faster and faster. Scratches and tears at my clothes from the wounding remarks that were being said to me.
Still I remained calm and continued to search for the deer. It couldn’t have gone far. Just then I spot the deer and it looks directly at me. I raise my hands in a gesture of surrender, but in an instant a car strikes the deer. I try to run to the deer. The tornado picks up speed.
I’m trapped. I’m knocked to the ground as flying debris hits me. Tears escape my eyes, “why can’t she hear me? Why can’t she understand me?”. I gaze up to the sky, contemplating how to put an end to this, but when I turn back to the deer, it has vanished. The harm is already done and I find myself ensnared in the whirlwind. Just as the wind begins to calm, something pierces my heart.
It’s a sharp pain and blood sweeps through my clothes while I gaze at the sky with a heavy heart as tears stream down my face. The tornado has passed and I’m left surrounded by the chaos. I find myself sitting there longing for a home that no longer exists. I hear foot steps in the distance. As I turn around I see the shadow man and the lost child. The shadow man gently pats my shoulder to reassure me as he assists me in getting up, while the lost child holds my hand as we walk home together.
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nedsmarie44 · 2 months
Imagine hating on me and I’m just in my room like this…
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nedsmarie44 · 6 months
and at the end of the day, i am just a girl who needs a lil nap
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nedsmarie44 · 7 months
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i'm wonderstruck blushing all the way home
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