needmoresleepers · 2 years
the primal urge that pops up once a month to make this an indie degrassi rp account
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needmoresleepers · 3 years
Palex kid!
okay so i feel like paige and alex would adopt or foster so im basing this off of them adopting a young kid
Name: Dax Bernard Nunez-Michaelchuck
Gender: A boy !
General Appearance: i get goofy energy. maybe the kind of kid who needs to wear glasses before all the other kids, and grows up with that sort of silly look about them
Personality: big jokester, acted out a lot in youth looking for attention. cycles through interests really quickly, very high energy
Special Talents: He seems like the kind of guy who got really good at the kazoo for a bit
Who they like better: My instinct is alex just because i feel like she'd let him get away with more
Who they take after more: Paige in terms of being naturally social, I'd say?
Personal Head canon: Alex is ALWAYS ruffling his hair. just nonstop. its her parental love language
Face Claim: paul scarfoglio, he fits the energy
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needmoresleepers · 3 years
Drankie kid!
Name: Corinne Audra Torres, AKA "Cora"
Gender: girl!
General Appearance: very well kept, very preppy, but goes through an extreme goth phase in high school
Personality: very Type A, i think! thinks in "all or nothing" terms, has a very black and white way of seeing the world
Special Talents: Frankie absolutely puts her in baton twirling classes bc she didn't get to do baton twirling as a kid
Who they like better: Depends on the day, honestly.
Who they take after more: Leaning towards Frankie on this one
Personal Head canon: Memorizes a LOT of things. facts, monologues, the like. can quote along with a lot of movies bc she just enjoyed memorizing the lines
Face Claim: For some reason the face coming to mind is rowan blanchard
(ngl i do feel like they'd have multiple kids. there would be a very messy younger brother i think)
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needmoresleepers · 3 years
If they had a kid meme
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
General Appearance:
Special Talents:
Who they like better:
Who they take after more:
Personal Head canon:
Face Claim:
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needmoresleepers · 3 years
toby📲Lola (Tutoring)
𝓛𝓸𝓵𝓪✨: Wow I guess I'm cute and psychic
𝓛𝓸𝓵𝓪✨: Alright, ground rules. Basic friend code 101. A few things you need to know before we know it's truly off limits...
𝓛𝓸𝓵𝓪✨: Are they still into each other, like, at all? How long has it been since they broke up? If they're NOT into each other anymore, how long has it been since that stopped? How did it end in the first place?
𝓛𝓸𝓵𝓪✨: The main point here? TALK to them!!!
toby: I talk to both of them all the time! That's not the issue
toby: I mean, they're still kind of into each other (I think) but both kind of in denial
toby: It's a whole situation
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needmoresleepers · 3 years
fi: oh no! you did fine!
fi: i was kind of worried i had gotten rusty or something, though i suppose years of mingling amongst the socialites sticks with you.
jenna: That totally makes sense. All my history is mingling with social people too.
jenna: Although I do actually have a question about that
jenna: What IS a socialite? Like... what are they? Do they just get paid for having friends?
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needmoresleepers · 3 years
Tyler let her speak her frustrations about the poster, his mind infuriated at the- unknown to him- girl who would do this to someone, especially someone as nice-seeming as this girl in front of him. He stopped as she said something interesting, his curiosity piqued.
“Wait, lucky? How can a bra be- You know, nevermind. I’m sure it’s personal,” he said, waving away his question as if it had never exited him and getting serious again, lowering his voice in what he hoped was a soothing tone to reassure the girl. “I’ll help you take as many of these down as possible, if that’s what you want. How should we tackle this so you can feel at least a little better?” He shot her a smile before realizing something. “Oh, and you haven’t told me your name yet, actually. What is it?”
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“My name is Frankie. Frankie Hollingsworth, and it’s not... it’s not, like, super personal.” She smiled, hoping that he would feel less awkward over any presumed social faux-pas if she just rambled an explanation. “Basically I discovered that every time I wore it, I would score better on tests, so I started trying it on presentations, and I wouldn’t ramble during those... and I, like, totally get the whole causation-correlation thing but it provides me, like, personal comfort to have a lucky bra, as silly as it is, so... yeah. It’s my lucky bra, and I wish that Esme wasn’t being so weird about it. I mean, we all have silly things like that, right? And anyway, if you want to help me take them down, you could... maybe tell me your name? I mean, what’s your story?”
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needmoresleepers · 3 years
“Eight cupholders?” she repeats, an amazed tone to her voice. “Well, that means we can each get four drinks! I can be really indecisive when it comes to coffee. They just have so many options” she jokes, laughing lightly. “But, honestly, I’m kind of intrigued as to what this…what’d you call it? A trashjob? looks like.”
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“Exactly. The eight cupholders was made for when all my friends were in the car together, because some of them are hydration freaks who insist on bringing more than one, so... yeah. It comes in handy. Once you can get over the fact that it makes weird noises every once in a while, it’s a pretty sexy car.” She pushed open the door to the school, gesturing to the other side with a silly little smile. “Ladies first?”
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needmoresleepers · 3 years
  That was a peculiar defense for Frankie to see fit, and between either option Esme was given, it would have been the latter, but violence hadn’t gotten her that far in terms of being left the fuck alone mostly, and her preference lied in the less exerting options of words, even if “Frankie Balboa” was opting for a different path. “I’ve marked off my Hollingsworth Bingo square already, sorry to disappoint. I’m not interested in doing either of those things with you. You demanded I help you find your bra, very rudely, I might add, and I did so. My work here is done. You’re welcome.”
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This was a joke, right? “We-well- I mean-” Frankie spluttered, which was clearly the worst option, when she had been doing so well (by her own estimation) of being a badass comeback-haver. “You know what you did,” she decided on, a little too loudly, before turning on her heel and beginning to march away. If she was lucky, she figured she was a shoo-in for having the last word, which was a win all on its own. Right?
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needmoresleepers · 3 years
( @needmoresleepers​ )
“Hey, Toad!” Holly J called, setting her AP Psych text book down on her lap to wave the boy down. “Not to give you the satisfaction of someone as cool as me actually listening to your podcast, but…nice episode this week.” She took her right earbud out, pausing the podcast in question. Obviously she was listening to the one featuring her best friend. 
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Toby lit up. Mean nickname and general rudeness aside, Toby just liked being complimented. “Oh- yeah!” he exclaimed, blinking slowly. How should he... respond? Did Holly J expect anything? Did she just want him to nod his recognition and walk away, no longer to blight her vision with his ugly mug? He figured that he owed her a sentence, at least. “It was a really fun episode to record!”
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needmoresleepers · 3 years
fi: ooh, that sounds so cute! ☺️
fi: so, i heard your podcast spot last week. it's a really cool experience, isn't it?
jenna: It was!!! I mean, I feel like I was a horrible guest, tbh
jenna: You did super good though!!! Total natural
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needmoresleepers · 3 years
Liberty was not the type of person to do things by halves. She was a terms and conditions reading, feedback form filling young woman, and there were few areas of her life where she failed to provide that kind of dedication. Favours for friends were no different. She powered through Toby’s fanfiction the night before in bed, dreamed about space shortly after, and woke up still thinking about it. In a noble gesture of friendship she had even sacrificed a study period in favour of hashing out her thoughts.
Lunch finally arrived, and Liberty was spending it on one of the most important tasks known to man: colour coding. She was still on the look out for Toby, and when she spotted him she raised a hand, waving him over. “Hey! So–” Liberty pushed her lunch tray aside, patting the spot beside her. “It’s a little sloppy, sorry, but worry not - there is a system, and I can walk you through it.”
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{ @needmoresleepers​ }
Toby walked into the caf in the same fashion that he walked into most rooms- with a half-open backpack slung haphazardly over his shoulder, loose papers threatening to come out, two textbooks loaded in one arm, and the opposite arm busy rifling through his pockets for something. Today it was his lunch money, but a period before, it had been a stick of gum that he owed someone.
All missions of lunch money were heartily discarded, however, the second that he saw Liberty waving for him. He was simultaneously in a rush for feedback, as well as a rush for some quality Liberty-time. He scrambled to the seat, abandoning his backpack to the side as he looked over at the color-coded sheet.
“You call this sloppy?” he asked, looking down at the sheet, then back up at Liberty. Toby, king of writing in between lines in smaller text when he had run out of paper space, couldn’t imagine Liberty producing anything truly messy. It was genuinely admirable. Looking over at Liberty, he let out a soft little laugh. “I think I’ll be able to translate. As long as you guide me through it, of course.”
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needmoresleepers · 3 years
Lola pursed her lips. She didn’t like arguing– no, disagreeing with Frankie over petty little things, like her brother’s dating history, but a certain itch beneath Lola’s skin kept her pushing. “I don’t think a statue of anything is relevant here. Like– feelings don’t play by rules, you know? Especially not Esme’s.” Throwing in a little zinger would soften the blow, she thought - if they were both anti-Esme, then it was just a discussion. A little back and forth between friends, with nothing more behind it. “I’m not saying she should get to be mean, it’s more like… you can’t really tell a person when they’re meant to stop caring about something.”
As soon as she said it, Lola regretted it. And yet, at the same time, she didn’t - because that was her whole point. Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t switch her emotions off whenever it was most convenient for Frankie. Especially when she didn’t even know for sure that they were warranted. “At least your toothbrush is safe this time, right?” she tried, although it came out a little flat. Bitter. “Guess it just goes to show that people aren’t smart when they’re hurt.”
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“A statute,” Frankie corrected, before realizing with a start just how rude and snippy she sounded as she did. Oh, god- she was ruining this, wasn’t she? She had to run protection. She had to run logic. “Feelings don’t play by rules, yeah... neither Esme’s, nor mine. I mean... I feel hurt, and that’s not going to change because Esme is also feeling that. And I think she should really factor in that I also can’t control my feelings. I mean, if I could walk around and choose what bothers me or what I like, I would be, like... way smarter, and also probably have a less embarrassing Youtube subscription list, because, like...” she realized that this was the perfect time to change topics. “I was all in on David Dobrik for, like, way too long. And I wish I could pick better guys- and Youtubers, but, like... I can’t. So...” she had officially lost the plot, so she petered off with an awkward smile.
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needmoresleepers · 3 years
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needmoresleepers · 3 years
Tyler huffed, playfully rolling his eyes as he bit into his salad. “So would you want to be over there listening to Uncle Larry talk about how the election was stolen for the next two hours? I swear,” he said, glancing over at the man, who was currently throwing his arms in the air in apparent frustration at his other family members who didn’t share his opinions. “The guy is the least likable one in this family. Why do we invite him to things again, Jen?”
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“Because he...” Jenna squinted, scouring her mind for a redeeming quality of her dearest uncle. It was like searching the desert for water. But then, with a lighting up of her face, she found the oasis. “He always brings the cake!” she exclaimed. “So you can tune him out and focus on the cake. That’s... so why.”
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needmoresleepers · 3 years
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“It’s alright.” Not like Chiharu was truly upset about it, she couldn’t when remembering that Frankie was a victim of someone’s viscous bullying! She was getting to ready to ask her if she was alright until the other’s question put her to the punch. “Are you serious right now?” The question was followed by a laugh, Chiharu finding this situation too funny. “Frankie, please don’t tell me that you’re trying to bribe me right now– with twenty dollars too! Am I worth that little to you?” 
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Frankie was gobsmacked for a moment, her confused mouth hanging open before shutting as she tried to come up with a response. “Well... out of my allowance money for the week, I only have 150... and I really wanted to buy some new shoes,” she said, her voice soft and mortified.
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needmoresleepers · 3 years
Reggie looked over at the other, giving a little nod. It made sense, with Frankie’s dad being who he was, it honestly wasn’t all that surprising that she was made to help out at these things. She raised an eyebrow though at the words ‘less fortunate’, she maybe despised those words more than she really should. “Less fortunate huh?” she asked, sounding a little more bitter than intended. “Guess that’s me.”��
She genuinely liked Frankie, the other was fun, sweet and just nice to be around. Though in times like these it was absolutely obvious that she was privileged. “Sure we can hang!” she says, giving the other a little smile. “I’ll probably have this soup all sipped down by then so we can talk. She motioned to a table in the far corner. “I normally sit over there, just come by and see me whenever.” 
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“Oh, no-” her hands flew out, gesturing with her hurried apology. “You’re totally fortunate! In so many ways. Even if you have, like, weird taste in soup, you definitely have great taste in...” she paused, floundering. She couldn’t be weird about it, right? “...Flannels,” she finished lamely. “And people to sit with during lunch. I’ll be over ASAP,” she said, enunciating every letter.
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