needygamergal · 2 months
Animal crossing New lifestyle (fan idea)
New Horizons was good but I do have some small problems with it. Being able to choose our villagers and make them leave or stay by our will is very good…but it gets so painfully hard to choose just ten! Also when you have multiple tastes and want all kinds of themes it is hard to cram it all in one island. So what if we can have multiple towns we can decorate with different villages in each of them! We can organise the villagers into whatever town and if we want them to move out completely or move into another town of our own making! We can have separate towns that may have a modern look or a town with an old rustic look or even a spooky looking ghost town! We can make ten favourite squirrels of ours live in one town and call it Squirrels street! Another issue I had was of course the lack of unusual furniture, it’s hard to make a haunted house in new horizons… if we could have all of the old new leaf stuff AND new horizon stuff together in one game that would be just perfect!
This is a fan idea but I am hoping that maybe…just maybe if it gets enough attention then some or perhaps even all of these ideas will make it into the next game!
We have a train much like in new leaf, we can also change the exterior of the train and change its color if we would like too. We use it to either travel to other player’s towns or to other towns of our own making. These towns will be smaller than the large island but still pretty spacious. I think being able to make up to 10 is a good number. 10 villages, 10 towns. Meaning you can choose up to 100! You can also name each town, street or lane and you can change the name too if you want too. You can terraform each area as well! You can also choose a biome for each, forest, meadow, beach, city or mountain. You can delete some and start a new slot fresh too is desired.
I LOVE having the facilities in new horizons but I will say happy home designer did do it better as it had more to choose from. In each town you can choose whatever ones you want and place them where ever you want!
Choose from a list of making the following, a cafe, a restaurant, a grocery store, a clothing store, a toy store, or just a random store with anything you want, a library, a school, at theatre, a hospital, an arcade, a hotel, a crafting studio, a dance club and a gym! In each type it has its own dialogue for the characters. You can choose how many rooms each facility has, that way in the school you can have a locker room AND a principal’s office. You can choose what kind of feel it has so the villager’s may make comments on it sometimes. Does it feel normal, silly, cozy, cute, dirty or spooky! These will NOT change the look but what some villagers may say.
Example, spooky hospital you will have characters saying “Is it cold in here or is it just me…?” Or “I think I saw a ghost!” A dirty school you will have dialogue like “I found gum under my desk! That is so gross!” Or if it’s a lazy personality - “I found some free gum under my desk! This school is great.”
The Main Street is where all the default stores are, much like in new leaf there will be an area where you get your stuff that is separate from town. Tom Nook’s will be there, Kick’s shoe and bag shop, able sisters, the museum, the florist, happy home designers and perhaps some more NEW things! At Tom Nook’s you can help him expand it so it is bigger! There will be new items like new ingredients to buy for cooking, like chocolate, eggs, milk and basically a lot of the other things we couldn’t get from vegetables. A new store that would be wonderful would be a music store where you can buy some KK albums and some instruments and cassette players! It can be run by either KK himself or maybe a huge fan of his. In Leif’s florist you can now buy vases, pots and wrapping paper to make your own bouquets! You can either give these bouquets to friends or use them to decorate your home or perhaps even just hold them. Harvey’s Photo Booth will also be in the Main Street! In his Photo Booth it all functions the same as in New Horizons but with saved slots! You can use an app on your nook phone to save backdrops in the Photo Booth so you can simply bring all the decor back out if you want to reuse an old setting you had before. You can have about 300 for each room! You can also buy more pictures and frames from Harvey. Able sister’s will be about the same. Brewster will be there too of course! You can get some ingredients, already prepared meals and desserts, new recipes for cooking and of course some nice drinks! You can invite villagers there to join you as well.
How about jobs? You can not only work as a happy home designer again but you can work at Brewsters as well! You can get paid lots of bells! You can also work at able sisters, Leif’s florist and even at Tom Nook’s! Each one has a little story and as you work you unlock more things available at their store! You can also help expand the store’s size! With happy home designer your job is to make vacation homes again but you can also decorate your own villager’s homes however you like again.
We get the nook phone and it all seems the same but with more or course! In the designer app we have more slots than ever, complete with pages and pages to pick from and even a search bar! We can save hundreds perhaps even near a thousand of different designs, both special and normal. All is the same in the camera app but now you can decorate your picture using stickers! You can buy them at Nook’s or get them for helping villager’s. There are many different stickers to unlock! You can use the invite app so you can invite villagers to your place whenever you want, or you can invite them to the museum, shopping, just about anything! They will follow you everywhere until you say goodbye to them. You can also use amiibos with the invite app!
You can even invite multiple villagers to your home and host parties where you can dance with them and even hand out tasty treats you have made yourself (or purchased from Brewster). Sometimes these villagers may have conversations with each other while at your party!
You can choose to have your home anywhere you would like, in each town there is one slot for a free building you can use to decorate however you like. You can have multiple homes or you can have another slot where you can make another human villager to live there! But the train doesn’t ONLY go to your own streets and the Main Street…
There is one free meadow you can decorate and live in, you can turn it into a farm. It’s a private and remote place, villagers will not go there unless invited. You get one for each biome. Your private mountain, your private beach and your private forest. This makes it handy to gather extra materials and to farm plenty without taking up so much space in your towns.
You get lots of buildings of your own to do as you please but you have to select ONE as your real home. This is an easy thing that can be changed at any time. Although as you build each house in each area your storage gets bigger! You can have dozens of pages worth of storage, ten thousands of slots!
Much like the mystery island we have mystery places to travel too. We can now go mining in caves with randomly generated maps to get gems and ore we can use for crafting or to sell for plenty of bells! We can go to islands again where we gather unique bugs and fish as well. Or we could even travel to old deserts where we dig up droids, fossils, bells and sometimes other treasures as well! We can go to randomly generated forests to cut down trees and collect randomly generated fruits, mushrooms, flowers and more! Sometimes…seasonal things will be there regardless of what season it really is in your time zone! For example, some random forests may have cherry blossoms even if it’s winter. This is a good way to try and farm a certain bug you want or a certain fish.
We still have lots and LOTS of emotes to use whenever we please and can type and talk in the game! We can still send letters to villagers as well. We can still breed flowers as well. We have EVERYTHING good from the old games with great and amazing new things too! And of course everything from new horizons like the function of choosing our villagers.
We can now build a chicken coop to get eggs and a barn where we can milk cows. From what I noticed we have the villagers and then actual animals. So we get actual chickens and actual cows. We can also change the exterior of the barns and coops!
New villager species - BATS and LIZARDS!
Caves and mines to enter and explore!
Multiple villages on the same save slot so we don’t loose all our bells and can keep creating!
New hairstyles and all of the old hairstyles that ever existed!
Every bit of furniture that ever existed in one game and perhaps a few new ones too! I understand that they may never allow any pocket camp furniture to go into a switch game but…ALL of the others have gotta be included.
New ingredients we can buy to use for crafting and cooking! Chocolate, milk, eggs, marshmallows, caramel, herbs and more!
New things to grow and harvest, Cocoa beans, coffee beans, chilli peppers, tea leaves, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, bananas (Idk why they weren’t in NH but I miss them), Mango (same with mangos), lemons, watermelons, kiwis, avocados, grapes, cucumber, ginger, garlic, corn, peas and more!
HAVING MULTIPLE VILLAGERS IN OUR MULTIPLE TOWNS, it is so hard choosing just ten villagers and choosing to mix only about two themes on just one little island.
Fun facilities we can decorate and have multiple of! Dance clubs, giant malls with stores we can choose what to be (toy, clothes, groceries, etc). To be able to have multiple restaurants all with different themes in each town we can make!
Thousands of designer app slots!
Being able to invite a villager to follow us around and to hang out with at any time with the use of an app!
Photo Booth with saved room slots so we can reuse old set ups in future photography!
Have our villagers be able to interact with furniture like in pocket camp! Use a swing, hug a teddy bear, etc.
If this could be like our next animal crossing game I will be so happy!
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