nefastustenebris · 5 years
just curious, anyone here would roleplay on discord? i do kuroshitsuji, noragami, persona, ace attorney, boku no hero academia?  no minors, ofc!
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nefastustenebris · 5 years
new rule: if your character is a sassy little rebellious spitfire who likes to talk shit, you better be prepared for your character to get hit. 2018 is the year that muns with these kinds of snarky characters accept that there should be consequences to smarting off at the mouth to another character who could easily ruin their fucking day.
if you’re writing a character of high status, immense power, incredible skill, or just someone that you generally would not want to antagonize for shits and giggles, it is not fun feeling as though you have been written into a corner by someone who wants to show off how sassy and badass their character is when you know that your character could DEMOLISH them :T
like, damn, maybe plot together first, or — if you’re flying by the seat of your pants here — let the other person know it’s ok if they fuck up ur muse for being a disrespectful little shit. life is more fun when u get to write fight scenes anyway tbh.
anyway pls respect other muns w/ characters who could fuck your shit up b/c it’s really not fun for them when every other character comes at them with their fists up (verbal or otherwise), yet so few people are willing to let their characters face the consequences of their actions.
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nefastustenebris · 5 years
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re-made this blog completely out of spite. this is a roleplay blog for 𝓇𝒶𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓁 𝓅𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓉𝑜𝓂𝒽𝒾𝓋𝑒 from KUROSHITSUJI. multiverse. this blog is still UNDER CONSTRUCTION and in need a bit of more work. but, want to try her out anyway.  ♡ / 𝒓𝒆𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝.   (っ˘ω˘ς )
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nefastustenebris · 5 years
Any Matt engarde rp blogs out there 👀 👀 👀
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nefastustenebris · 5 years
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An Independent Miles Edgeworth penned by Tori
Multi-Ship / Multi-Verse / Non-Selective
SFW / 18+ Mun / Crossover + OC Friendly
Head Canon Based
Please read the Rules and Muse Pages!
“Even the Darkest Night Turns to Dawn Eventually”
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nefastustenebris · 5 years
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Have you got colour in your cheeks?
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nefastustenebris · 5 years
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   Hello to all of you! I am Mojito and I want to show you all my ultimate favorite character    and his name is VINCENT PHANTOMHIVE! I have been in this fandom for 6 years now    and Vincent has been my most developed muse so far, if you are interested in knowing                    about him them click the ♡ or ↺ this post to get to know him! 
                            Here are my rules and about pages for him!
         To all personal blogs out there, please don’t reblog or like this post.
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nefastustenebris · 5 years
there’s nothing scarier than a wealthy man
“Did your party invitation  had mandatory attendance written on it?”
Irene Diaz blinked at the question. Aside from the short Chinese woman and herself, this was the other woman invited to the party. Irene Diaz could not place her at all; she had beautiful, ink-coloured hair that draped gracefully on her shoulders and elegantly covered the right side of her face. There was a small wave pattern to her hair, though Irene can see that was artificial. She had large, incredibly un-expressive black eyes and a dusting of freckles on her face.
No, Irene did not know this woman at all. But, she looked to be of high society - with her night-coloured dress and large black trench coat and high heels. She was a bit on the muscular side — definately was an athlete of some sort. Though she could take better care of her hands — she could see bruising and cuts around her knuckles and fingers.  
She gave her a gentle, welcoming smile — one that she dubbed her ‘camera smile’ “I’m afraid I don’t recall attendance being mandatory no, did yours have that written?”
The womans’ visible eye darted quickly to the left, and then back at Irene. “Oh... no, I was .. curious about your invitation. It’s quite strange time to hold a party - beginning of March...” The woman had a smoky voice; definitely tantalizing. Maybe she was an actress as well? 
“Quite right, the weather is awful today..” She saw the elderly butler tend to the other guests, and occasionally his eye would calmly examine the dark-clothed madam. In fact, Irene could notice the household staring at her - as if she was being imprisoned or something. She just assumed that they knew each other previously - perhaps she was a close friend of the Earl, but judging by her body language, she was visibly uncomfortable and didn’t seem... to quite fit in. As if she was a puzzle piece jammed into the incorrect slot.
Her manner of speech held hints of nobility, but they were over-shadowed by her use of colloquialism, not to mention her dress was not very appropriate, she also had.. those muscles. Not quite the slender frame that placated men.
But then again, maybe she was one of those eccentric noblewomen.
“I’m sorry  - who are you again?” Irene coaxed her out of a fantasy it seems, the woman’s’ visible eye blinked once or twice at her before she gave her a grin that was a bit crooked.
“Nobody.” She quickly excused herself away from Irene, that stayed dumbfounded by the buffet table.
The woman found herself a nice seat by the window, she didn’t attempt to eat or drink anything from the party, so she sat empty-handed and considered her options. She did not wake up at home. She woke up here. She remembered stretching her arm to grope her night-stand and only caught darkness and air. That was the first instinct she had that something wasn’t right - her cats could have pushed her night-stand due to their behaviour - but they would not have pushed it so far that she could not reach it. When she woke up, she was in a room and judging by the architecture and size of this establishment, it was likely a guest bedroom. The balcony in the room showed a well-tended courtyard and all she could see in the horizon was a sea of converging trees, thick foliage and a darkness that threatened to come close.  She was likely hours away from London, and due to the rapid storm - phones might not be working properly.
 Then there was the dress. The dress she was wearing was in her closet at her residence; this was not a carbon copy, this was her dress. She began to feel nauseous at the thought of someone rifling through her belongings. She looked across at the elderly butler. He came into the room and explained that her invitation specified that her attendance was mandatory — and he made it very explicit that if she were to attempt leaving or disrupts the party in any way — she would face dire consequences.  “After all, you could catch your death out there — and the last thing my Master wants is someone dying at his party.”  Those were his exact words. She made the effort to leave... “You could leave, or attempt, but  may I interject that there’s no need to leave — the mansion is warm, the party has started, why don’t you just enjoy yourself?” Someone could look for her...
“And when they find you, they will see you are safe and sound and enjoying the Earl Phantomhive’s party which you were invited to and accepted said invite.”
She could cause a scene.
“Then my Master will be quite upset and consequences shall be dealt.”
“Do you want a drink, Lady Mallory?” His sotto voice knocked her out of her headspace. Mallory looked up at him and lifted up her hand, rejecting the drink. “Are you not going to drink or eat anything?”
“All you said was I had to show my attendance, you didn’t say I had to drink, eat, or make small-talk.”
“Yes, but won’t you be uncomfortable? The party is quite long.”
“I like being uncomfortable. Besides, you guys already shown your hand, I suppose I might as well keep vigilant.” “Do you think we’ll poison you with Sherry?” The old man chuckled; he had a smile that could make any well-lit fire irrelevant. He also held some mischief behind those steel-grey eyes.
She gave him a crooked smile, “Would be a perfect crime. Can I ask you something?” The man nodded. “Who the hell are these people?” She whispered. “Look, this house it’s...” she stopped to take an eyeful of the place “amazing, he’s clearly a man of high social standing but... these people,” she cocked her head signifying the guests, “let’s just say that I doubt he would piss on them if they were on fire.” She watched the way the old mans’ face contorted in disgust. “You got Woodley - judging by the rocks on his hand he’s in the diamond industry? He looks like a loud, boisterous man that shows his wealth through his jewellery which is disgusting. Either way, nobles liked to pretend to be humble as if their massive houses are not a dead give-away. Then you have Irene Diaz, opera singer, and her.. weird boyfriend Grimsby, a theatre producer. Both of these people are wealthy, but not that wealthy which is.. quite curious as to why the Earl would invite them unless he was hoping to get a deal on entertainment for the evening. Then there’s Mr. Phelps who is so boring and submissive he might as well be part of the wall.” She sighed. “He’s inconspicuous, forgetful, not someone I would invite to a party, not even if I ran out of guests.” She whispered to Tanaka, but gave Phelps a smile and waved. “Then there’s Siemans, German, bit of a lush - he’s been downing alcohol and his cheeks are getting red which means he’s close to being intoxicated and my money is that he is going grope the timid actress.” She told Tanaka.
 “Miss. Mallory - what is your point?” 
“And then there’s me. Ethelinda Mallory from the Mallory family. I was once nobility, we ran alongside the Phantomhives but ... we lost everything and I stayed out of everyones’ way, made a new name for myself, a new identity, I live in the East End - I am technically trash from London. And yet.. here I am. At this party. The point I’m driving at is - Earl Phantomhive is rich.. almost as rich as God. And yet, he invited a bunch of societal nobodies and one bin bag,” she pointed to herself, “for a party in Early March when the social season is in April-May, and nobody can match his or each others’ wealth.” She nodded to him and cocked an eyebrow at his face, which was threatening to break into laughter. 
“My, my, you’re quite a little detective aren’t you? You’ve only been here for five minutes and you think a mystery is afoot?” “I know I’m right that this event is peculiar. Do you know why he invited me?” Ethel turned to look at Tanaka, and suddenly the drink he was carrying were starting to look appetizing. 
“I cannot even fathom why my master would do anything, and it would be quite rude of me to hazard a guess. I supposed you’ll have to ask him yourself. In fact, it’s about time he joined us. While I understand you’ve confined yourself to this space of chairs, you will show respect to him? After all — you are a guest in his house.” And with that, Tanaka disappeared into the guests and went up the stairs, before setting the dish aside and Ethelinda watched Siemans help himself.
 Ethelinda stayed farther back behind the guests as they all began to converge by the stairs. She looked up at the stairs and watched as the Earl began to make his first appearance of the evening. 
Ethelinda had not been in high society long, and those memories became faded and blurry as they melted in the recesses of her mind, but there was one thing that retained clarity all these years. 
High society did not forgive, and it did not welcome its’ wayward children home.
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nefastustenebris · 5 years
What’s up, like or reblog this if you want to interact with a very annoying but talented musician. His name is Cheslock and goes to Weston college to become a famous musician, he is very rude and will call you names if you like to study. He is headcanon based and will follow the manga material for now.
Protected by: Mojito. 🍹
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nefastustenebris · 5 years
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hi, can you please like/reblog if you don’t mind interacting with multimuse blogs?  thanks!!
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nefastustenebris · 5 years
i’m baaack
job hunting has kept me busy and sucked up my creativity. I’ve been roleplaying for close to 10-15 years and I am looking for any partners on this medium! I used to rp on tumblr a while back but stopped and now I wanna be active again!
so if ur an active kuroshitsuji or ace attorney blog pls like/reblog this so I can follow you / possibly interact with you!
if we used to rp and lost contact, feel free to dm again! I lost track of some replies :(
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nefastustenebris · 5 years
Reblog if you RP using Discord
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nefastustenebris · 6 years
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refurbished independent Ace Attorney multi-muse roleplay blog
semi-selective  · written by bekah  
like or reblog if you would like to interact <3
————- characters · rules
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nefastustenebris · 6 years
I’m going to be actually like revamping this blog and make it look professional
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nefastustenebris · 6 years
like as much as i love icons and a good psd, sometimes its just tasking to do. and not everyone has great resources. so if you’re okay with having threads with no icons, please reblog this so that people know you’re okay with it. i feel like roleplayers today are too focused on the aesthetics and won’t follow people who use base icons or even none at all. it’s not about icons, but about the writing !!
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nefastustenebris · 6 years
reblog if you are an ace attorney roleplay blog
i am making a roleplay directory for blogs in this fandom, just so that we can find each other easier! there will be a link on my blog soon!
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nefastustenebris · 6 years
odd question munday meme
☆ ━ If you could live in the world of your muse(s) would you?  ▲ ━ How many muses do you have on tumblr in total? ✦ ━ Are there any muse(s) you miss roleplaying?    ❀ ━ If you could be re-incarnated into any animal in a next life, which would you choose and why?   ♬ ━ What are your top 3 favorite songs? ✖ ━ What’s something you’re very curious about?   ◕ ━ What’s something you consider is a special talent you can do? ( it can be big or small ) ☁ ━ What is your opinion on cereal? ❣ ━ If you could marry one fictional character, which one and why?  ☮ ━ What do you do to try and get the muse to roleplay a character?  ☂ ━ What’s your favorite kind of weather and why?   ☑ ━ What’s something not a lot of people know about you?
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