neha407 · 7 years
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Day #NoClue Gym is always more fun when you have your mate with you!! Better to be fools at gym together 😋 We even have the same kinda shoes!! Haha ☺️
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neha407 · 7 years
Went for a BodyJam class today... and it's so so fun!! Dancing always is ❤️
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neha407 · 7 years
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Decided today would be a rest day - so no gym. Instead my sister and I went down to City Hot Pot at One Raffles Place for a veggie hotpot lunch. And it's sooo yummy ☺️ And it also happens to be my sister's birthday today - so happy birthday Nosey! ❤️❤️
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neha407 · 7 years
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Day #4. Me today. In an Aerial Yoga class. All I can say is hanging there upside down... I could see stars after a bit. And not knowing which way is up and where my feet are.. well I had no choice but to let go and breathe in that inversion. That is until I called the instructor to help me come up 😂 An exhilarating experience - would I do it again? Hell yeah!!
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neha407 · 7 years
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Day #3 and I killed it in a Zumba class! I absolutely love how you can make a total ass of yourself in this class and still have such a blast!! And being mostly women in the class - the estrogen rush is amazing!! I really had to talk myself into going for the class today since my entire body is hurting from yesterday's "attack". 🙄 But I'm so glad I came coz now I'm feeling like I can take on the world (again!!) ☺️ Gonna go hit some books now - have an exam later!
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neha407 · 7 years
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Day #2 at the gym Went for a body attack class today and honestly felt like I was being attacked about mid way through the class... but I stuck it out and I'm feeling like I can take on the world now!! ☺️ Class was fun - nonstop moving for 60 minutes and feeling like your heart is going to pop outta your mouth. Nice feeling yes 😋😋
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neha407 · 7 years
Fitness attempt - Day #1 at new gym Cardio sculpt class - done and dusted 😎☑️ So this is probably millionth time I'm trying to give weight loss a serious go. This time I'm gonna try to stay focused!! Go strong!! Giving it my all! Ps - the pure fitness gym is something else! Loving the vibes here! ❤️
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neha407 · 13 years
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Cats in my apartment building.. Lol
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neha407 · 13 years
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Singapore. Sometimes you catch me off guard... In a good way. Only sometimes
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neha407 · 13 years
One word, love - curiosity. You long for freedom. You long to do what you want to do because you want it. To act on selfish impulse. You want to see what it's like. One day you won't be able to resist. - Jack Sparrow
Pirates of the Caribbean
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neha407 · 13 years
Somewhat tumbled in here. What's tumblr used for?? Anybody?
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