neildestachetyson · 2 years
Man greeted by Otter Pup in the water 
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neildestachetyson · 2 years
I’ve gonna on just a couple dates with this guy but they have been the best two dates I’ve ever been on and he’s so nice and comfortable to be around it just feels so way and he’s SO handsome I can’t even believe it. He gives me compliments and asked to make out with me and I really liked it :)
We’re both going on trips in the next week so we won’t see eachother for two weeks and he kind of seemed worried I wouldn’t want to see him again after like I might lose interest for lack of contact. He called me in the evening and asked to hang out before he left which I’m not sure meant come hang out or come hang out and maybe we have sex. He was quite forward with the making out thing and it got quite handsy which I certainly didn’t mind but it makes me slightly worried he’s just horny and wants to have sex with me and then not be interested in me anymore. It’s happened before and so many similar things have happened before where someone says they like me or they want to see me again but really they don’t actually. I’m just trying to protect myself I guess but I hope every one is the one so bad and this time it actually feels good and genuine and reciprocated but I still can’t shake the tinge pain and sadness I get when I wonder if he’s lying or not. And I can’t help but wonder… I don’t want to have to but I can’t help it. It should go away after some time with him but I don’t even know if I will get to that point?
I’m guessing the next time I see him he may want to have sex but I don’t know if I’ll be able to be that vulnerable yet. I just don’t want to be hurt. I just don’t want to feel that pain again. And I don’t know if I even want to be honest with him about that because I don’t want him to just say okay and wait for the next time and get what he wants and leave me behind. I guess that’s part of it, I’ll just have to trust him but I’m so scared of that. I’m so scared of trusting someone again only to be rejected and feel embarrassed and lonely and ugly. Im scared of the horrible pain that comes with rejection I can’t see coming.
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neildestachetyson · 2 years
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neildestachetyson · 2 years
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neildestachetyson · 2 years
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Frieza / Freeza at Trader Joe’s
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neildestachetyson · 2 years
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Bogpeople and very polite frogs 🐸
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neildestachetyson · 2 years
Once wrote halfway through a sci-fi short story where there was a human petting zoo. Alien creatures of all carbon-based species could go to a special park to be petted by humans. Due to having not only extremely dexterous hands, but also some ability to instinctively pick up on non-human body language, and genuinely enjoying both teaching each other things they have learned about how to do a task and the simple act of petting, humans are just really, really fucking good at this sort of thing.
The story was just of one nonhuman creature having a friend introduce them to a petting zoo for the first time, and being impressed by the service. They agree that it is pleasant and very relaxing, but is it ethical to keep humans this way? There is so many of them for such a small area, and there doesn't seem to be shelters or appropriate nesting materials anywhere.
The friend is like oh no, they're not in captivity. These are wild humans and they're free to come and go however they please. They simply enjoy this activity as much as we do, and come here as a form of recreation as well. The one currently at your prothorax is my cousin's dentist.
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neildestachetyson · 2 years
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neildestachetyson · 2 years
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neildestachetyson · 2 years
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again but it is absolutely an example of civilizational inadequacy that only deaf people know ASL
“oh we shouldn’t teach children this language, it will only come in handy if they [checks notes] ever have to talk in a situation where it’s noisy or they need to be quiet”
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neildestachetyson · 2 years
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neildestachetyson · 2 years
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neildestachetyson · 2 years
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neildestachetyson · 2 years
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neildestachetyson · 2 years
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neildestachetyson · 2 years
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@fairycosmos / Comic by @shhhitsfine / Comic by @incendavery
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neildestachetyson · 2 years
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